How to build a simple HTML Form that sends email on Firebase? - firebase

I'm new to Firebase. I just want to build a simple HTML form on Firebase that sends email to me as well as to the user who fills up the form upon submit button click. I do not need any user authentication or database. After that I want this HTML form to be able to embed on my Blogger website, probably using iFrame. So how can I go about doing this?
Based on my understanding, for a HTML form to send email requires server-side coding like ASP.NET and PHP, may I know which language should I use on Firebase? Does Firebase provide such SDK that I can simply write in JavaScript and create a .js file for my form handler?
I already know how to deploy HTML files to my Firebase project using Node.js and get the URL of every file that I deployed, e.g. images, css files etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

With Third Parties (by now)...
After many hours researching about this, the solution seems not to be inside Google at the moment, but using a third party: SendGrid.
Tyson Bailey created a small example and explains this methodology in this blog post.


How do I auto sign in to Laravel via an API coming from .net?

We have a portal built in and we need one of the sections to be an embedded frame containing a webapp built in Laravel, however the Laravel webapp has a login and we dont want users having to login twice. So how do I set this up? I understand I need to use this method :
The request would be coming from .net and I would parse say the JSON response, but how do I setup laravel to consume that API call? I have never done anything like this before and I dont know where to start. Can someone explain or give me a series of steps? Thank you!
if you have the user id as $id, you can use:

Manage ads inside a Single Page Application

I m developing a Single Page Application (SPA). So, I use to refresh the page's HTML's content dynamically using Ajax requests.
I'd like to register to the DoubleClick for Publishers program, but I m wondering if my SPA is able to integrate advertising due to its dynamic content loaded without refreshing the page.
I saw this link:
So I assume it's ok. But I'd like to be certain before starting using DFP. Could someone confirm please?
Then, sometimes I m using external html pages that I still load using Ajax. Should I consider writing the advertising banners JavaScript inside these external views, or directly inside the master page of my app?
Last question: How can I manage users having an adblocker software installed? Am I allowed to detect the presence of an adblocker software using JavaScript and then execute some specific code for this kind of users?
I'm working in a SPA and working with DFP successfully. Here is my feedback to your questions:
So I assume it's ok. But I'd like to be certain before starting using
DFP. Could someone confirm please?
Yes, you can refresh the banners using the method you are refering in the link you shared
Then, sometimes I m using external html pages that I still load using
Ajax. Should I consider writing the advertising banners JavaScript
inside these external views, or directly inside the master page of my
To load them externally will bring you to lower performance results. You can control everything from the main page and you will have better results.
Last question: How can I manage users having an adblocker software
installed? Am I allowed to detect the presence of an adblocker
software using JavaScript and then execute some specific code for this
kind of users?
This is something I have not started to work on it but you can detect (like is doing on it website) and there are also projects on dealing with this.

How To Create Facebook Application programmatically?

I want to create a facebook app from within my code.
When done manually, I have to go to, go to the apps section and click on "create a new app". This will create a new app and facebook will ask me to provide the basic information like
App display name
App namespace
Site url
canvas url
This will create a new app.
I want to do the same automatically. Is it possible with RestFb?
Answer to your question is, NO you can't do that by any Facebook method and the reason for the same is similar to the reason that due to which you can't create Page, Facebook user account, Group through Facebook's API and it is security which other poster has listed out.
Think about it. If you could do it by code you could atuogenerate infinite apps automatically. It will be a dangerous security hole to facebook. So, you have to do it manually.

ASP.NET MVC full offline website

I made an ASP.NET MVC application which allows user to create dynamic websites. I need to add feature which will allow to download from server off-line version of choosen website as static html files with menu, hyperlinks, images, documents etc. It should work similar to applications such as Teleport Pro, but I have to choose from Admin Panel which content should be export.
Client wants to burn static website on CD, save on pendrive.
Do you have any ideas how to begin? Please help.
I currently have implemented that in a current project...
User is able to change anything in the frontend and at the end he can publish and download the offline files... the site subscribe users and show all prizes, winners and more information about that campaign.
All was done in ASP.NET MVC3 under .NET4 and hosted in AppHarbor.
It's composed at several applications but for what you want, you develop the Backend and the Frontend, and to generate the static files, simple use the Frontend to grab the full HTML
As an example, I can show what 2 users did... did and
Sony Nordic did
plus, you can simply point custom domains to it as well like
To publish and generate all files:
one part of the editing:
So I give the users, offline access (through the .zip file), online access (through the frontend application) and the ability of using custom domains...
I think the only way this might be possible is if you go to every single page and then use your browser to "Save" the web page script and all.
However this causes several issues;
You never quite get everything and you need to massage the HTML produced, dowload all the images etc to get the page to look right
Each html file now has an associated folder with the same name and each time you do this you will get another html file with a folder. You can combine all the folders into a single one but that leads me to item 3.
You will need to edit each html file to clear up any pathing issues if you want to share a single source folder.
Data is no longer dynamic!
You need to, if you want to link all the pages to each other, edit every single html file and resolver the anchor tags.
This is too much work and I think it actually breaks the true requirement.
Don't do it! :)

Legitamate cross site communication

I am building a website, within a large intranet, that wraps and adds functionality to another site within the same intranet. I do not have access to the other site's source and they do not provide any api's for the functionality they provide. I need to, somehow, have my server-side code go to that site, fill in some forms, then press a submit button.
Is this possible? If so, how can I accomplish this?
Note: I am working in asp.NET if that matters at all.
Not the most efficient, but maybe WatiN can get you started:
Just look at the URL the form is supposed to submit to and the method it employs (POST or GET) and then send a request to that URL using the same method and put the field you want as parameters
Your server-side code is basically a web client to the other web site. You will need to write the code to send the HTML form data to the other web site and process the response. I would start with the System.Net.WebClient class. Take a look at System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues. That class/method will enable you to POST the form data to the web site via a NameValueCollection.
