Systrace - error truncating /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_ftrace_filter: No such device (19) unable to start - ddms

I am currently working on a project which aims to find out what the system is doing behind a series of user interaction on the android UI. For example, if user click send button in Facebook Messenger, the measured response time for such action is 1.2 seconds. My goal is to figure out what the 1.2 seconds consist of. My friend suggested that I should take a look into 'Systrace'.
However, when I tried systrace on my HTC one M8, I have encountered some problems:
First, error opening /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/options/overwrite - no such file or directory. I solved this problem by building up the support of the kernel following and mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug. Then I could find the tracing directory. Besides, I set ro.debuggable=1 in file default.prop within Ramdisk and burn the boot.img into my phone.
Now I encounter another problem: when I run - python --time=10 -o mynewtrace.html sched gfx view wm, the following error(19) pop up: error truncating /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_ftrace_filter: No such device (19). I don't know if the way my building up kernel support for systrace is incorrect or anything is missing.
Could anyone helps me out with this problem, please?

I think I have worked out the solution. My environment is Ubuntu 16.04 + HTC one M8. I will write the steps as followed:
open terminal and enter: $adb shell
(1) $su (2) $mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug. Now you should be able to see many directories under /sys/kernel/debug/. (You may cd into /sys/kernel/debug to confirm this)
New a new terminal and enter: dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot of=/sdcard/boot.img to generate the boot.img kernel image from your device.
Use AndroidImageKitchen to unpack the boot.img and find the default.prop within Ramdisk folder. Then change ro.debuggable=0 to ro.debuggable=1. Repack the boot.img and flash boot it to your device.
Once the device boot, under terminal, enter: adb root and message like: restarting adbd as root may pop up. Disconnect the USB and connect again.
cd to the systrace folder, e.g. ~/androidSDK/platform-tools/systrace and use:
python --time=10 -o mynewtrace.html sched gfx view wm
Now you may able to generate your own systrace files.


Udev-Rule with "PROGRAM" statement is nor executed anymore after update to ubuntu 22.04.1

I'm running a udev rule on my 3D printing server to automatically create easily identifyable symlinks to some attached microcontroller boards, which worked perfectly fine on ubuntu 20.04.
The rule triggers on the usb vendor and product ids and runs a python script via the PROGRAM directive. The script connects to the Microcontroller boards and reads it's init sequence to get the board's 'name'. It then outputs a string like "aaaaaaa b cccccc" and only the first block (containing the name) is used in the udev rule.
However, it seems like the whole PROGRAM directive is not executed at all anymore, since I updated my system to ubuntu 22.04.1.
My udev rule currently looks like this (While debugging. Regularly it just contained lines 1 and 3. I added #2 for testing purposes because the hook in line 1 works and that script is executed):
KERNELS=="ttyUSB*", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="0403", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="6001", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}!="AI046A0Q", ACTION=="add|remove", RUN="/bin/su me -c \"/opt/me/ -d %k -a %E{ACTION}\""
KERNELS=="ttyUSB*", ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="0403", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="6001", ENV{ID_SERIAL_SHORT}!="AI046A0Q", ACTION=="add|remove", PROGRAM="/opt/me/ -s %s{serial} /dev/%k", SYMLINK+="%c{1}", OWNER="me", GOTO="script_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}!="AI046A0Q", PROGRAM="/opt/me/ -s %s{serial} /dev/%k", SYMLINK+="%c{1}", OWNER="me", GOTO="script_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}=="A9QXPRV7", SYMLINK+="tty_MainSwitch", GROUP="dialout", OWNER="me", GOTO="script_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}=="A9QOIMJ6", SYMLINK+="tty_Cooler", GROUP="dialout", OWNER="me", GOTO="script_end"
SUBSYSTEM=="tty", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{serial}=="A9PTMHGV", SYMLINK+="tty_CurrentTransformer", GROUP="dialout", OWNER="me", GOTO="script_end"
The python scripts write to some logfiles which clearly indicate that only lines 1 and 4, 5 or 6 are executed.
Is there anything in line 3 that isn't supported anymore in the latest udev version? As I said, line 3 worked perfectly before I updated the system.
The last 3 lines are my current workaround. They work fine but that's not what I want to achive with this whole naming system at all.
The python script in lines 2 & 3 runs perfectly fine, either if called as standard user or as root. It would also deliver valid output if the '-s ' input data is not matching the uc board, is missing or is random garbage.
Does anyone have an idea why the script omits any line with a PROGRAM statement?
Ok, I was able to solve the issue.
I set udev's log level to debug too see what's actually happening when the device is handled. The script actually IS invoked but immediately failed during importing needed modules: The pyserial module could not be found.
The module is installed though, but obviously in a way it could not be imported.
However, I checked the python script again and changed the first line from #!/usr/bin/env python3 to #!/usr/bin/python3 and now it works again.
So my problem actually wasn't related to udev at all, it was just my python script.

How to extract the maps via AC Dashboard?

I ran into the problem that everything went well with the compilation and the database. But when I start the worldserver, I get an error
Loading world information...
> RealmID: 1
> Version DB world: ACDB 335.6-dev
Will clear `logs` table of entries older than 1209600 seconds every 10 minutes.
Using DataDir /azerothcore-wotlk/data/
WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:true, getHeight:true, indoorCheck:true PetLOS:true
Map file '/azerothcore-wotlk/data/maps/': does not exist!
exit code: 1
worldserver terminated, restarting...
worldserver Terminated after 1 seconds, termination count: : 6
worldserver Restarter exited. Infinite crash loop prevented. Please check your system
What could be the problem? I rechecked the permissions to the directory including the owner and everything is fine. Tried different paths DataDir, now it set to **DataDir = "/home/azcore/azerothcore-wotlk/data". I get an error, how to fix that?
First of all, if you only need to get latest maps compatible with AzerothCore you can download them from here.
Otherwise, change in your file CTOOLS_BUILD='all', afterwards, run again the build using
./ compiler build
This will generate the binaries to extract the data inside azerothcore-wotlk/env/dist/bin/.
Having the binaries you can follow the guide here to extract them manually, you only need to move the binaries into the WoW directory and run the binaries in the right order.

fwrite(): write of XX bytes failed with errno=5 Input/output error

I had 2 similar questions before, however after more debugging I came to the conclusion the problem was (probably) not within my own code.
In my code I am trying to unzip a gzipped file, for this I wrote a small method;
namespace App\Helpers;
class Gzip
public static function unzip($filePath)
$outFilePath = str_replace('.gz', '', $filePath);
// Open our files (in binary mode)
$file = gzopen($filePath, 'rb');
$outFile = fopen($outFilePath, 'wb');
// Keep repeating until the end of the input file
while (!gzeof($file)) {
// Read buffer-size bytes
// Both fwrite and gzread and binary-safe
fwrite($outFile, gzread($file, 4096));
// Files are done, close files
This should result in the unzipped file;
This is where it gets tricky, sometimes it will unzip the file and sometimes it will throw this exception; (keep in mind that this has nothing to do with the StreamHandler itself, this is a pure input/output error problem)
I can refresh the page as many times as I want but nothing will change, if I would try the gunzip command on the command line it will fail with sort off the same error;
Which file I am unzipping does not matter, it randomly happens to a random file.
Now it also won't matter if I run the gunzip command multiple times, but like I said these exceptions / errors happen randomly so they also randomly "fix" them self.
The application is written in Laravel 8.0, PHP7.4 running on a Homestead environment (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS) my base laptop runs on Windows 10.
To me it's super weird that this exception / error happens randomly and also randomly out of nowhere "fixes" itself, so my question is: how does this happen, why does this happen and ultimately how can I fix it.
errno=5 Input/output error is a failure to read/write the Linux file system.
A real server, you need to check the disk with fsck, etc...
Homestead running on Windows, I think we should look for the windows 10 homestead errno -5 issue.
winnfsd -
If your Vagrant on Windows is using VirtualBox, HyperV can course this.
Try to disable HyperV for VirtualBox on the powershell, and reboot Windows
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor
The problem relied in me using Homestead (a Vagrant box) with NFS turned on, Vagrant + NFS + Windows = problems. There are many possible solutions to the problem, most exceptions regarding a errno5 come down to NFS + Vagrant.
The solution for me was to stop using NFS, for now this will be the accepted answer as this fixes my problem. However if someone manages to find a actual solution to this error I will accept that.
I solved it and I keep using NFS.
This situation happens to me usually when I'm dropping a database schema or creating a new one and fill it with a lot of data on my virtual box. I'm talking about volumes like around 50 Megabytes. I guess this is enough for virtual box to start re-scaling the virtual hard disc and it makes Ubuntu crazy and Kernel panicking.
So the solution is to reboot vagrant as many times as it takes for it to fix the issue.
That is what usually work for me:
make vagrant halt - it would go with errors
then vagrant up - it probably would not work
them vagrant halt - it probably would go with errors again
then vagrant up --provision - it would take time and probably also give errors
then vagrant halt - it should work this time
then vagrant up --provision - because "why not provisioning it again" and it is usually enough.
In 9 out of 10 cases it is enough. When it is not enough then I just create a new homestead.

add torrent to transmission from cron

I'm trying to add torrents to transmission from python. The code is shown below...
def download_movie(magnet_link):
os.system('transmission-gtk ' + magnet_link)
As you can see I've tried 3 different options to add these torrents but none work.. I've also added XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/run/user/1000" in the crontab file. The log in /var/mail is running the script but it shows: (transmission-gtk:14091): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:. I've also run the command xhost + as said in but still the gtk-warning comes up. Anyone have any ideas? What I want eventually is that I run this script on a pi so if anyone has any alternatives, I'm all ears.. Thanks.
It's because you are trying to use GUI app where console one would be appropriate.
See man transmission-remote for details:
transmission-remote is a remote control utility for transmission(1) and transmission-daemon(1).

xinit Clutter application not working

I've built a simple test app with clutter: A stage with two ClutterText actors to display two words. It works OK when I run it from within gnome but running it from the tty (not gnome-terminal or xterm) with xinit my_app_binary I get an error:
failed to create drawable
Unable to initialize Clutter: Unable to select the newly created GLX context
Window manager error: Unable to initialize Clutter
If I run xinit gnome-terminal from the same tty everything works, gnome-terminal shows up in a black screen. That's the same I want to do with my app.
Is there anything I can do to overcome this error?
All the above are tested in Linux Mint 12. After normal boot I switch to a tty (ALT-F1) and stop lightdm (sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop).
EDIT: running as root everything works, so the question is: how to run it as a regular user?
Be sure to set the DISPLAY-var - add it in front of your command
DISPLAY=:0.0 /path/to/myapp
Sometimes this is an access-rights problem - the app should be started with the user who started the X-server
su user-started-x -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 /path/to/myapp'
