what does the mean of base-b exactly? [closed] - math

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i know how to convert from base b to decimal but Im not understand what is base-b exactly. I know we multiply the base to the numbers if we gonna convert to bas 10 then multiply with then is base-b(base 5)?

In order to follow this, we should understand the difference between a number and its representation. Let's start with the (natural) numbers. There are two special numbers: zero and one. Zero is the neutral element of addition (i.e. you can add zero to anything without changing it) and one is the neutral element of multiplication. Every other number can be induced by these two numbers. Start with zero. Then, subsequently add one.
A common representation for numbers is the decimal system. However, this is purely arbitrary and any other system could be used as well. There is nothing intrinsic in the number twelve that would require us to write it as 12. The nice thing is that all arithmetic rules are defined on the numbers themselves, not on their representations. Five plus six will always be eleven. No matter how you represent them. You may have already noticed that I use number words when I talk about the numbers and any other representation if I talk about the representation.
Ok, so we have our numbers. Now we need a way to represent them. Imagine we have three symbols a, b, and c. We could just assign the first three numbers to them
a (zero)
b (one)
c (two)
But then we are out of symbols. As you know, the positional numeral systems solve this by introducing another position. Then, just continue as before. Assign the next few numbers in order
ba (three)
bb (four)
bc (five)
ca (six)
cb (seven)
cc (eight)
You might want to continue with a third position:
baa (nine)
bab (ten)
bac (eleven)
The base of this system is three (or ba) because we have three symbols. We can observe that the digits in the second position stand for an addition of a multiple of three (b. stands for three + ., c. stands for two times three + . ...) Expressed in base ba, this is: b. = b * ba + ., c. = c * ba + .. This continues to all positions and you can generalize that a number formed of digits dn ... d1 d0 can be expressed by the well-known formula:
n = Sum(i) di * base^i
The intuition behind this formula is that there will be base numbers with one digit, base^2 numbers with two digits and so on. And the di * base^i term skips the first few of them (as many such that the first digit matches, then the second and so on).
We can check this at the example of bac which should be eleven:
n = b * ba^c + a * ba^a + c * ba^a
= one * three^two + zero * three^one + two * three^zero
= nine + zero + two
= eleven
= bac
Remember that the arithmetic rules apply to the numbers and not to the representations? So since we know the definition of our number (second line in the above formula), we can use any other number representation. For example, the decimal one:
n = one * three^two + zero * three^one + two * three^zero
= 1 * 3^2 + 0*3^1 + 2*3^0
= 9 + 0 + 2
= 11 (decimal)
But we could also use another base, e.g. base-8:
n = one * three^two + zero * three^one + two * three^zero
= 1 * 3^2 + 0*3^1 + 2*3^0
= 11 + 0 + 2
= 13 (octal)
So basically, these systems arise naturally by assigning digit sequences systematically to subsequent numbers. The conversion is so simple because the positional equation applies to the numbers, not to the representations.
I hope this answer was not too abstract and helped you.


How to generate random arithmetic expressions for game

i would like to know if you can help me with this problem for my game. I'm currently using lots of switch, if-else, etc on my code and i'm not liking it at all.
I would like to generate 2 random arithmethic expressions that have one of the forms like the ones bellow:
1) number
e.g.: 19
2) number operation number
e.g.: 22 * 4
3) (number operation number) operation number
e.g.: (10 * 4) / 5
4) ((number operation number) operation number) operation number
e.g.: ((25 * 2) / 10) - 2
After i have the 2 arithmetic expresions, the game consist in matching them and determine which is larger.
I would like to know how can i randomly choose the numbers and operations for each arithmetic expression in order to have an integer result (not float) and also that both expression have results that are as close as possible. The individual numbers shouldn't be higher than 30.
I mean, i wouldn't like a result to be 1000 and the other 14 because they would be probably too easy to spot which side is larger, so they should be like:
expresion 1: ((25 + 15) / 10) * 4 (which is 16)
expression 2: (( 7 * 2) + 10) / 8 (which is 3)
The results (16 and 3) are integers and close enough to each other.
the posible operations are +, -, * and /
It would be possible to match between two epxressions with different forms, like
(( 7 * 2) + 10) / 8
(18 / 3) * 2
I really appreciate all the help that you can give me.
Thanks in advance!!
Best regards.
I think a reasonable way to approach this is to start with a value for the total and recursively construct a random expression tree to reach that total. You can choose how many operators you want in each equation and ensure that all values are integers. Plus, you can choose how close you want the values of two equations, even making them equal if you wish. I'll use your expression 1 above as an example.
((25 + 15) / 10) * 4 = 16
We start with the total 16 and make that the root of our tree:
To expand a node (leaf), we select an operator and set that as the value of the node, and create two children containing the operands. In this case, we choose multiplication as our operator.
Multiplication is the only operator that will really give us trouble in trying to keep all of the operands integers. We can satisfy this constraint by constructing a table of divisors of integers in our range [1..30] (or maybe a bit more, as we'll see below). In this case our table would have told us that the divisors of 16 are {2,4,8}. (If the list of divisors for our current value is empty, we can choose a different operator, or a different leaf altogether.)
We choose a random divisor, say 4 and set that as the right child of our node. The left child is obviously value/right, also an integer.
/ \
4 4
Now we need to select another leaf to expand. We can randomly choose a leaf, randomly walk the tree until we reach a leaf, randomly walk up and right from our current child node (left) until we reach a leaf, or whatever.
In this case our selection algorithm chooses to expand the left child and the division operator. In the case of division, we generate a random number for the right child (in this case 10), and set left to value*right. (Order is important here! Not so for multiplication.)
/ \
÷ 4
/ \
40 10
This demonstrates why I said that the divisor table might need to go beyond our stated range as some of the intermediate values may be a bit larger than 30. You can tweak your code to avoid this, or make sure that large values are further expanded before reaching the final equation.
In the example we do this by selecting the leftmost child to expand with the addition operator. In this case, we can simply select a random integer in the range [1..value-1] for the right child and value-right for the left.
/ \
÷ 4
/ \
+ 10
/ \
25 15
You can repeat for as many operations as you want. To reconstruct the final equation, you simply need to perform an in-order traversal of the tree. To parenthesize as in your examples, you would place parentheses around the entire equation when leaving any interior (operator) node during the traversal, except for the root.

How do computers evaluate huge numbers?

If I enter a value, for example
1234567 ^ 98787878
into Wolfram Alpha it can provide me with a number of details. This includes decimal approximation, total length, last digits etc. How do you evaluate such large numbers? As I understand it a programming language would have to have a special data type in order to store the number, let alone add it to something else. While I can see how one might approach the addition of two very large numbers, I can't see how huge numbers are evaluated.
10^2 could be calculated through repeated addition. However a number such as the example above would require a gigantic loop. Could someone explain how such large numbers are evaluated? Also, how could someone create a custom large datatype to support large numbers in C# for example?
Well it's quite easy and you can have done it yourself
Number of digits can be obtained via logarithm:
since `A^B = 10 ^ (B * log(A, 10))`
we can compute (A = 1234567; B = 98787878) in our case that
`B * log(A, 10) = 98787878 * log(1234567, 10) = 601767807.4709646...`
integer part + 1 (601767807 + 1 = 601767808) is the number of digits
First, say, five, digits can be gotten via logarithm as well;
now we should analyze fractional part of the
B * log(A, 10) = 98787878 * log(1234567, 10) = 601767807.4709646...
f = 0.4709646...
first digits are 10^f (decimal point removed) = 29577...
Last, say, five, digits can be obtained as a corresponding remainder:
last five digits = A^B rem 10^5
A rem 10^5 = 1234567 rem 10^5 = 34567
A^B rem 10^5 = ((A rem 10^5)^B) rem 10^5 = (34567^98787878) rem 10^5 = 45009
last five digits are 45009
You may find BigInteger.ModPow (C#) very useful here
1234567^98787878 = 29577...45009 (601767808 digits)
There are usually libraries providing a bignum datatype for arbitrarily large integers (eg. mapping digits k*n...(k+1)*n-1, k=0..<some m depending on n and number magnitude> to a machine word of size n redefining arithmetic operations). for c#, you might be interested in BigInteger.
exponentiation can be recursively broken down:
pow(a,2*b) = pow(a,b) * pow(a,b);
pow(a,2*b+1) = pow(a,b) * pow(a,b) * a;
there also are number-theoretic results that have engenedered special algorithms to determine properties of large numbers without actually computing them (to be precise: their full decimal expansion).
To compute how many digits there are, one uses the following expression:
decimal_digits(n) = 1 + floor(log_10(n))
This gives:
decimal_digits(1234567^98787878) = 1 + floor(log_10(1234567^98787878))
= 1 + floor(98787878 * log_10(1234567))
= 1 + floor(98787878 * 6.0915146640862625)
= 1 + floor(601767807.4709647)
= 601767808
The trailing k digits are computed by doing exponentiation mod 10^k, which keeps the intermediate results from ever getting too large.
The approximation will be computed using a (software) floating-point implementation that effectively evaluates a^(98787878 log_a(1234567)) to some fixed precision for some number a that makes the arithmetic work out nicely (typically 2 or e or 10). This also avoids the need to actually work with millions of digits at any point.
There are many libraries for this and the capability is built-in in the case of python. You seem primarily concerned with the size of such numbers and the time it may take to do computations like the exponent in your example. So I'll explain a bit.
You might use an array to hold all the digits of large numbers. A more efficient way would be to use an array of 32 bit unsigned integers and store "32 bit chunks" of the large number. You can think of these chunks as individual digits in a number system with 2^32 distinct digits or characters. I used an array of bytes to do this on an 8-bit Atari800 back in the day.
Doing math
You can obviously add two such numbers by looping over all the digits and adding elements of one array to the other and keeping track of carries. Once you know how to add, you can write code to do "manual" multiplication by multiplying digits and putting the results in the right place and a lot of addition - but software will do all this fairly quickly. There are faster multiplication algorithms than the one you would use manually on paper as well. Paper multiplication is O(n^2) where other methods are O(n*log(n)). As for the exponent, you can of course multiply by the same number millions of times but each of those multiplications would be using the previously mentioned function for doing multiplication. There are faster ways to do exponentiation that require far fewer multiplies. For example you can compute x^16 by computing (((x^2)^2)^2)^2 which involves only 4 actual (large integer) multiplications.
In practice
It's fun and educational to try writing these functions yourself, but in practice you will want to use an existing library that has been optimized and verified.
I think a part of the answer is in the question itself :) To store these expressions, you can store the base (or mantissa), and exponent separately, like scientific notation goes. Extending to that, you cannot possibly evaluate the expression completely and store such large numbers, although, you can theoretically predict certain properties of the consequent expression. I will take you through each of the properties you talked about:
Decimal approximation: Can be calculated by evaluating simple log values.
Total number of digits for expression a^b, can be calculated by the formula
Digits = floor function (1 + Log10(a^b)), where floor function is the closest integer smaller than the number. For e.g. the number of digits in 10^5 is 6.
Last digits: These can be calculated by the virtue of the fact that the expression of linearly increasing exponents form a arithmetic progression. For e.g. at the units place; 7, 9, 3, 1 is repeated for exponents of 7^x. So, you can calculate that if x%4 is 0, the last digit is 1.
Can someone create a custom datatype for large numbers, I can't say, but I am sure, the number won't be evaluated and stored.

Why we need to add 1 while doing 2's complement

The 2's complement of a number which is represented by N bits is 2^N-number.
For example: if number is 7 (0111) and i'm representing it using 4 bits then, 2's complement of it would be (2^N-number) i.e. (2^4 -7)=9(1001)
7==> 0111
1's compliment of 7==> 1000
+ 1
1001 =====> (9)
While calculating 2's complement of a number, we do following steps:
1. do one's complement of the number
2. Add one to the result of step 1.
I understand that we need to do one's complement of the number because we are doing a negation operation. But why do we add the 1?
This might be a silly question but I'm having a hard time understanding the logic. To explain with above example (for number 7), we do one's complement and get -7 and then add +1, so -7+1=-6, but still we are getting the correct answer i.e. +9
Your error is in "we do one's compliment and get -7". To see why this is wrong, take the one's complement of 7 and add 7 to it. If it's -7, you should get zero because -7 + 7 = 0. You won't.
The one's complement of 7 was 1000. Add 7 to that, and you get 1111. Definitely not zero. You need to add one more to it to get zero!
The negative of a number is the number you need to add to it to get zero.
If you add 1 to ...11111, you get zero. Thus -1 is represented as all 1 bits.
If you add a number, say x, to its 1's complement ~x, you get all 1 bits.
~x + x = -1
Add 1 to both sides:
~x + x + 1 = 0
Subtract x from both sides:
~x + 1 = -x
The +1 is added so that the carry over in the technique is taken care of.
Take the 7 and -7 example.
If you represent 7 as 00000111
In order to find -7:
Invert all bits and add one
11111000 -> 11111001
Now you can add following standard math rules:
+ 11111001
For the computer this operation is relatively easy, as it involves basically comparing bit by bit and carrying one.
If instead you represented -7 as 10000111, this won't make sense:
+ 10000111
10001110 (-14)
To add them, you will involve more complex rules like analyzing the first bit, and transforming the values.
A more detailed explanation can be found here.
Short answer: If you don't add 1 then you have two different representations of the number 0.
Longer answer: In one's complement
the values from 0000 to 0111 represent the numbers from 0 to 7
the values from 1111 to 1000 represent the numbers from 0 to -7
since their inverses are 0000 and 0111.
There is the problem, now you have 2 different ways of writing the same number, both 0000 and 1111 represent 0.
If you add 1 to these inverses they become 0001 and 1000 and represent the numbers from -1 to -8 therefore you avoid duplicates.
I'm going to directly answer what the title is asking (sorry the details aren't as general to everyone as understanding where flipping bits + adding one comes from).
First let motivate two's complement by recalling the fact that we can carry out standard (elementary school) arithmetic with them (i.e. adding the digits and doing the carrying over etc). Easy of computation is what motivates this representation (I assume it means we only 1 piece of hardware to do addition rather than 2 if we implemented subtraction differently than addition, and we do and subtract differently in elementary school addition btw).
Now recall the meaning of each of the digit's in two's complements and some binary numbers in this form as an example (slides borrowed from MIT's 6.004 course):
Now notice that arithmetic works as normal here and the sign is included inside the binary number in two's complement itself. In particular notice that:
1111....1111 + 0000....1 = 000....000
-1 + 1 = 0
Using this fact let's try to derive what the two complement representation for -A should be. So the problem to solve is:
Q: Given the two's complement representation for A what is the two's complement's representation for -A?
To do this let's do some algebra using values we know:
A + (-A) = 0 = 1 + (-1) = 11...1 + 00000...1 = 000...0
now let's make -A the subject expressed in terms of numbers expressed in two's complement:
-A = 1 + (-1 - A) = 000.....1 + (111....1 - A)
where A is in two's complements. So what we need to compute is the subtraction of -1 and A in two's complement format. For that we notice how numbers are represented as a linear combination of it's bases (i.e. 2^i):
1*-2^N-1 + 1 * 2^N-1 + ... 1 = -1
a_N * -2^N-1 + a_N-1 * 2^N-1 + ... + a_0 = A
--------------------------------------------- (subtract them)
a_N-1 * -2^N-1 + a_N-1 -1 * 2^N-1 + ... + a_0 -1 = A
which essentially means we subtract each digit for it's corresponding value. This ends up simply flipping bits which results in the following:
-A = 1 + (-1 - A) = 1 + ~ A
where ~ is bit flip. This is why you need to bit flip and add 1.
I think a comment that was helpful to me is that complement is similar to inverse but instead of giving 0 it gives 2^N (by definition) e.g. with 3 bits for the number A we want A+~A=2^N so 010 + 110 = 1000 = 8 which is 2^3. At least that clarifies what the word "complement" is suppose to mean here as it't not just the inverting of the meaning of 0 and 1.
If you've forgotten what two's complement is perhaps this will be helpful: What is “2's Complement”?
Cornell's answer that I hope to read at some point: https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~tomf/notes/cps104/twoscomp.html#whyworks

how do I generate 2 random prime numbers that when multiplied, yield a number with X bits? (X given as argument))

I lack the math skills to make this function.
basically, i want to return 2 random prime numbers that when multiplied, yield a number of bits X given as argument.
for example:
if I say my X is 3 then a possible solution would be:
p = 2 and q = 3 becouse 2 * 3 = 6 (110 has 3 bits).
A problem with this statement is that it starts by asking for two "random" prime numbers. Without any explicit statement of the distribution of the required random primes, we are already stuck. (This is the beginning of a classic paradox, where we are asked to generate a "random" integer.)
But suppose that we change the statement to finding any two arbitrary primes, that yield the desired product with a given number of bits x. The answer is trivial.
The set of numbers that have exactly x bits in their binary representation is the half open set of integers [2^(x-1),2^x-1].
Choose an arbitrary prime number that is less than or equal to (2^x-1)/2. Call it p1.
Next, choose a second prime number that lies in the interval (2^(x-1)/p1,(2^x-1)/p1). Call it p2.
It must be true that p1*p2 will be in the desired interval.
For example, given x = 10, so the product must lie in the interval [512,1023], the set of integers with exactly 10 bits. (Note, there are apparently 147 such numbers in that interval, with exactly two prime factors.)
Step 1:
Choose p1 as any prime no larger than 1023/2 = 511.5. I'll pick p1 = 137. Then the second prime factor must be a prime that lies in the interval
[512 1023]/137
ans =
3.7372 7.4672
thus either 5 or 7.
dec2bin(137*[5 7])
ans =
If you know the number of bits, you can generate a number 2^(x-2) < x < 2^(x-1). Then take the square root and find the closest primes on either side of it. Multiplying them together will, in most cases, get you a number in the correct range. If it's too high, you can take the two primes directly on the lower side of it.
x = bits
primelist[] = makeprimelist()
rand = randnum between 2^(x-2) and 2^(x-1)
n = findposition(primelist, rand)
result = primelist[n]*primelist[n+1]
while result > 2^(x-1)
Note that numbers generated this way will allways have '1' as the highest significant bit, so would be possible to generate a number of x-1 bits and just tack the 1 onto the end.

How many possible URLs can you make with the following characters?

I want to make a short URL service for 2 million assets but I want to use the shortest number of possible characters.
What is the math equation that I would need to use to figure it out? I know it has something to do with factorials, right?
It's not a factorial problem, but an exponential one.
If x is the number of possible characters, you need to solve the following equation for y:
x^y = 2000000
If you want to use all numbers and case-sensitive alpha [0-9A-Za-z], you have 62 possible values. This means you need to solve:
62^y = 2000000
y*log(62) = log(2000000)
y = log(2000000) / log(62)
y = 3.5154313828...
Of course, you can't have 3.5 characters in your URL, so you would need 4. If you want to change the character set you are using for your URL's, simply resolve the problem above using the number of values in your set.
Note Solving this equation assumes fixed-length URL's. For variable-length URL's, see Rob's answer.
#jheddings is close, and got the right answer, but the math was not quite correct. Don't forget you are not limited to all the permutations of characters of a specific length. You can also leverage URLs of length 1 through y characters. Therefore we want the closed value of this sum:
x + x^2 + x^3 + ... + x^y = 2000000
Fortunately, there is a closed form for that sum:
x + x^2 + x^3 + ... + x^y = x*(x^y - 1)/(x-1) = 2000000
x is the number of possible characters in our range. For simplicity sake, let's assume it only includes lowercase, uppercase, and numbers (26+26+10 = 62.)
Then we get the following equation:
2000000 = (62^(y+1) - 62)/(62-1)
2000000 = (62^(y+1) - 62)/(61)
2000000 * 61 = 62^(y+1) - 62
122000000 = 62^(y+1) - 62
122000000 + 62 = 62^(y+1)
122000062 = 62^(y+1)
log(122000062) = (y+1)
log(122000062) / log(62) = y+1
4.511492 = y+1
3.511492 = y
And, as you said, 3.5 characters is impossible so 4 are required. Admittedly the difference doesn't matter in this case. However, in certain scenarios (especially when dealing with base 2) it is very important.
Number of possible short URLs = (Number of possible different characters in ID) raised to the power of (Length of ID in url)
For instance, if you're only using lowercase characters (of which there are 26) and your URLs look like http://domain.com/XXXXX (for your unique id's of 5 characters), then you can make 26^5 = 11,881,376 short urls.
If you were using upper and lower case letters, you'd have 52, so 52^5 = 380,204,032 possible short URLs, et cetera.
You need to answer a number of questions, like what kinds of characters you want to allow in your set.
All letters and all digits? base 36 (5 characters can fit 2mil+)
Distinguish between upper and lowercase? That gets you to base 62 (4 characters)
Remove easily-mistaken characters and numbers (e.g. i/l 0/o)? roughly base 32 (also 5 characters)
You can often solve this kind of problem without any math wizardry.
26+26+10 = 62 characters
Try 1. 62 = 62
Try 2. 62*62 = 3,844
Try 3. 62*62*62 = 238,328
Try 4. 62*62*62*62 = 14,776,336
So 4 is your answer :)
According to the HTTP/URI Spec you can additionally use the following "unreserved characters": ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
That adds an additional 4 characters to your radix and thus
Math.log(2000000) / Math.log(66) = 3.4629721616408813
Although this still means you will end up with a 4 character URL path at maximum.
