Where to populate multiple dropdown lists - asp.net

I'm trying to determine the correct approach to populating multiple dropdown lists on a view page of an .net MVC application, which is using angularJS.
In my app, designed as a silo-SLA app. I'm using the angular ngRoute module, and the $routeProvider to describe the multiple HTML pages for a single CSHTML page.
.config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/club', { templateUrl: '/App/Club/Views/MCLView.html', controller: 'mclViewModel' });
$routeProvider.when('/club/list', { templateUrl: '/App/Club/Views/MCLView.html', controller: 'mclViewModel' });
$routeProvider.when('/club/show/:clubId', { templateUrl: '/App/Club/Views/ClubView.html', controller: 'clubViewModel' });
$routeProvider.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/club' });
My CSHTML page is basically empty except for the <div ng-view></div> tag. The routed HTML pages get loaded into the ng-view div.
<div data-ng-app="club" id="club" data-ng-controller="rootViewModel">
<h2>{{ pageHeading }}</h2>
<div ng-view></div>
Each html view page loaded into the ng-view has an associated viewmodel javascript controller.
I started out populating the first dropdown on the html page by using $http.get in the angular controller to get the list data (json) from a server call. Then do a JSON.parse on the result.data and populate the select list control that is defined in the html page.
$scope.refreshColorsDropdown = function () {
var sel = document.getElementById('colorDropdown');
var colors = JSON.parse($scope.mycolors);
angular.forEach(colors, function(color) {
var opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.innerHTML = color.name;
opt.value = color.hex;
I could continue this approach for each dropdown on my page, creating several server calls to populate all my dropdowns ... but this seems tedious and code heavy.
Would a reasonable approach be to consider building one server calls that returns multiple collections, one for each dropdown, and then I'd parse those to populate all the dropdowns?
I'd like to pre-populate the lists on the server side C# code, however my cshtml files are empty except for the ng-view div, so there's no coding going on there.
So to my question ... if my HTML views contain all the html content, and the cshtml are empty ... what strategy should I be using to populate multiple html list controls from the server side?

Using MVC, you can make a ViewModel that contains all collections needed and return this collection to your Angular Controller.
Your View Model would be something like:
public class MyViewModel
public List<ColorModel> Colors{get;set;}
public List<FabircModel> Fabrics {get;set;}
In your MVC Controller:
MyViewModel mvm = new MyViewModel();
mvm.Colors = get colors here;
mvm.Fabrics = get fabrics here;
return Json(mvm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
In your success object in Angular:
$scope.colors = data.Colors;
$scope.fabrics = data.Fabrics;
Hopefully, that helps or at least gets you started.

If you ignore the fact you are using angular the answer would be to populate a view model with what you need and razor the cshtml, because you are using angular...nothing changes....because you said SERVER-SIDE that is still the answer.
If you move this to the client an angular service that can cache the data is probably the most direct way.


asp.net mvc - ajax form (Ajax.beginform) in partial view redirects to show json response when the partial view is rendered via ajax

I have a partial view with an ajax form
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("SaveSettings", "Config", new AjaxOptions
HttpMethod = "Post",
}, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data", id = "SaveSettings" }))
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Id)
//other fields go here
<button id="btnSaveSettings" type="submit" >Save Settings</button>
This partial view and the form works in one scenario but not the other.
Let me explain both scenarios
Scenario 1:
The partial page is rendered using "Html.Partial" in an asp.net page
relevant parts of the page
ViewBag.Title = "Edit";
Layout = "~/Layout/V1.cshtml";
<!--other non-relevant markup and code here-->
In this scenario the ajax form works without any problems and the page is not redirected.
This code has been running for over 6 months and no issues whatsoever.
Scenario 2
Now, I am trying to get the same partial to work on another new page.
This is a new page - which works like a wizard.
So, in one of the steps a partial page is added (using Html.Partial). This page has a dropdown, when selected, another partial page is rendered via ajax.
One of the selection loads the above mentioned "_Settings" partial page using this code
function loadPartial(id) {
$.get('/Config/_Settings?sid=' + id, function (data) {
The partial page and form is loaded fine, but when I submit a redirect happens and the JSON returned by the ajax form is shown.
I am unable to understand why this is happening in scenario 2.
I already searched for similar issues and the answers mention that this happens when the required js files - jquery, "jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js" - are not referenced and downloaded.
Please note that in both scenarios, jquery, "jquery.validate.unobtrusive.min.js", "jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js" are referenced and downloaded in the main page - ie the page containing the partial page.
I think your issue could caused by submitting handler function for ajax form only binding at page loaded or document ready event of page which contain ajax form. Since your partial page is adding dynamic via ajax, so the dynamic added ajax form will be full submitted as a normal form.
You could try below work-around solution.
Manually adding submitting event handler function for newly added form, then inside this handler function, we do submitting via ajax instead of full submit.
function loadPartial(id) {
$.get('/Config/_Settings?sid=' + id, function (data) {
var placeholder = $('#partialSettingsPlaceHolder');
$('form', placeholder).on('submit', submitHandler);
function submitHandler(event) {
// validation code here depend on validation plugin you are using, for example:
// if (!$(this).valid()) return false;
url: this.action,
type: this.method,
data: $(this).serialize()
}).done(function (data) {
// your code in case of success
}).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus) {
// your code in case of fail
return false;
Of course, this is just a work-around solution. If you want to do it in more formal way, I suggest you to study auto generated source code for ajax form and aspx page (for example using Developer Tool of browsers).
The reason why your second scenario is not working is that you are loading and adding your form dynamically to our page after the initial page load.
if you will take a look on jquery unobtrusive ajax code you will find that section which is doing few calls like $(document).on(...). That is basically adding listeners directly to html elements like form or input right after page is ready. But because of that those click events are not being attached to elements which will be appended to page later. Unfortunarelly I cannot see in that script any possibility to reinitialise it. So maybe your only option might be to create script which can be called after adding your form and will do the same steps as the original version. That way ajax behaviour should remain the same.
Another option might be to render the form without ajax but hide it with css? That is very dependent on your page styling etc. That way event listeners will get applied and you could then only show the form instead of appending it as a fresh node

How to use views of View Component in different places in ASP.NET Core?

I use view components in my projects. Sometimes, I need to use the same view component as various styles. I researched a lot but I don't find a solution.
The code below works fine but when I do like this, I couldn't use it the way I wanted.
View component class:
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(BlogSidebarViewModel vm)
vm.BlogTags = _uow.BlogTag.GetAllByPriority(true,vm.LangId,vm.WebsiteId);
vm.BlogCategories = _uow.BlogCategory.GetAllByPriority(true,vm.LangId,vm.WebsiteId).Include(p=>p.BlogTag);
vm.RecentBlogs = _uow.Blog.GetAllByEnabledDate(true,vm.LangId,vm.WebsiteId);
//return View(vm); //For Default Blog Sidebar View Component
//return View("RedComponent", vm); //For Red Blog Sidebar View Component
//return View("GreenComponent",vm);//For Green Blog Sidebar View Component
But, when I write the following code, I get an error.
#await Component.InvokeAsync("BlogSidebar/RedComponent");
#await Component.InvokeAsync("~/Views/Shared/Components/BlogSidebar/GreenComponent.cshtml");
I want to use view components in various views. How can I do? Can I do it?
Can I use the views of view component at the same time? For example, while I use the "GreenComponent" in the "Blogs/ABC.cshtml" view, I would like to use the "RedComponent" View in the "Blogs/XYZ.cshtml" view.
Please follow the steps below to use View Components:
1.Create GreenComponent.cshtml in folder:Views/Shared/Components/BlogSidebar.
2.Create View Component named BlogSidebar:
public class BlogSidebar : ViewComponent
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(BlogSidebarViewModel vm)
vm.Id = 1;
vm.Name = "aaa";
return View("GreenComponent",vm);
#model BlogSidebarViewModel
Name: #Model.Name
#model BlogSidebarViewModel
#await Component.InvokeAsync("BlogSidebar",new BlogSidebarViewModel())

How to create a module view and stick it onto a position in asp.NET MVC 4

Sory about my question, I am brand new to MVC 4 Razor, it's different from Asp.NET Web form.
Look like joomla, and other web languague, how can i create a "module", eg: "news, ads, counter" and stick it to asp.NET page.
I have a layout.cshtml in share folder, i think it's "Master Page" (like Master Page in Asp.NET webform)
How can i create some positions in that layout ?
You can create partial views or controller/actions that return a partial.
Partial Views
First create a partial view (which is a razor view without boilerplate markup like doctype, html and body elements.
To use a partial view in Razor:
#Html.Partial("name-of-partial-view", model-for-the-partial-view)
Actions returning a partial
To have a controller create a partial for you, create an action like this:
public DemoController : Controller
[ChildActionOnly] // Optional attribute, making this action invisible to the routing system
public ActionResult Demonstration(string someparam)
// Do something with someparam to get information to display
return PartialView();
You'll need to create a partial view to be returned from this action. (As before, a partial doesn't have the boilrplate markup like doctype, html and body.)
And to call it from Razor:
#Html.Action("Demonstration", "Demo", new { someparam = "something" });
If you want this partial on every page, put it somewhere in your layout page.

Why is my validation firing on the get request before the post in MVC3?

I have a MVC3 view that enables the user to create a couple different things. Within the parent view the forms to do so are broken up via jquery ui tabs like the following:
<div id="tabs">
<li>New Thing 1</li>
<li>Different New Thing</li>
<div id="tabs-1">#Html.Action("CreateNewThing", "NewThingController")</div>
<div id="tabs-2">#Html.Action("CreateDifferentThing", "DifferentThing")</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
Within the partial view I have:
#model NewThingViewModel
#using (Html.BeginForm("CreateNewThing", "NewThingController", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "frmCreateNewThing" }))
with input fields, a submit button, etc. This seems to work well: it renders everything and posts just fine to the right controller action method.
However I'm now wiring in the validation and I've got an issue.
In the controller it is rendering the view like so:
public ActionResult CreateNewThing(NewThingViewModel model)
... initializing model fields, drop downs etc.
return PartialView("CreateNewThing", model);
I have a seperate post method like so:
public ActionResult CreateNewThing(NewThingViewModel newThingViewModel, FormCollection collection)
Sample Model:
public class NewThingViewModel
[Display(Name = "Display Name:")]
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
The trouble is, when the page first comes up the fields marked as [Required] through DataAnnotations in the model are showing up red as well as the validation summary showing them invalid when the page initially shows. I.E. it's acting like it's already been posted before the user gets to enter anything on the initial load or even put anything in the text boxes.
I know the first non-post CreateNewThing is firing because I can catch it in the debugger and I know the 2nd one does not on the initial load.
What would cause my validations to fire on the Get?
Is it due to the way Html.Action works and the fact that I'm rendering partial views onto another view?
I'm using UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled and ClientValidationEnabled = true in web.config.
I can't find anyone else that has run into this particular problem. Every other example just seems to work, then again I don't find an example where the view is broken into three partials contained within jquery ui tabs.
How do I fix this?
Do I need to manually manipulate the Model.IsValid as a workaround?
Use a different mechanism to render the partial views on the parent view instead of Html.Action?
Use some javascript/jquery to catch the validation and stop it?
Don't have method parameters on your GET controller action. You can initialize an empty model and pass it to the view but you dont need a model to be passed into the method
You're passing in an "empty" model (which I assume has default values set for your required properties), when you should be passing in null.

Rendering partial view dynamically in ASP.Net MVC3 Razor using Ajax call to Action

I'm trying to create a single page form to create a 'work item'. One of the properties is a drop down for 'work item type'.
Depending on the work item type, the user may need to provide additional information in a name-value-pair style attributes grid (property sheet).
I would like to dynamically render the property sheet as soon as a work item type is selected or changed. Once the user provides all information, he would click submit to create the 'work item'.
This is what I have so far:
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("AttributeData", new AjaxOptions() { UpdateTargetId="AttributeDataCell" }))
<div style="float:left">
<div id="AttributeDataCell" style="float:right">
#Html.Action("AttributeData", new {id = 1})
The AttributeData action in the controller simply renders the partial view:
public ActionResult AttributeData(int id = 0)
var attributes = _workItemDataService.ListWorkItemTypeAttributes(id);
return PartialView("EditWorkItemAttributesPartialView", attributes);
Now I would like to hook this up to the drop-down-list's selection event so that the partial view re-renders in the above table cell at every selection change. I would like to pass in the selected value as id.
One way is to force the form to submit itself (and thus re-render).
If that is the right approach, how do we go about it? Esp., how do we make only the property sheet to re-render?
If there is a better way to achieve the above, please indicate.
You could subscribe to the .change() event of the dropdown and trigger an AJAX request:
$(function() {
$('#Id_Of_Your_Drop_Down').change(function() {
// This event will be triggered when the dropdown list selection changes
// We start by fetching the form element. Note that if you have
// multiple forms on the page it would be better to provide it
// an unique id in the Ajax.BeginForm helper and then use id selector:
var form = $('form');
// finally we send the AJAX request:
url: form.attr('action'),
type: form.attr('method'),
data: form.serialize(),
success: function(result) {
// The AJAX request succeeded and the result variable
// will contain the partial HTML returned by the action
// we inject it into the div:
