I have a bunch of buttons within an HBox and would like all of them to have hgrow set to always. Currently, I am setting the max width of these buttons to infinity via CSS, and adding hgrow to each button in fxml via HBox.hgrow="ALWAYS"
Is there a way to handle the hgrow in css? If not, is there another way to achieve the same effect via css?
As you can see here, there is no way of controlling the hgrow of a HBox via css.
Background: I need Command Link-like controls. Normally, I would use Qt's builtin QCommandLinkButton, but in this case I need to also support Right-to-Left layouts. Regrettably, QCommandLinkButton doesn't seem to respect Qt::RightToLeft when set explicitly via setLayoutDirection. There also doesn't seem to be a way to override the layout direction via style sheets.
I tried to work around this issue by using QPushButton: I instantiated QPushButton and replaced its contents with a custom layout containing two labels stacked vertically. This did not work because QPushButton refused to expand horizontally.
Failing to make QPushButton instances work, I decided to try sub-classing it. No matter what I tried (overriding sizeHint, setting vertical sizePolicy to expanding, resizeing explicitly, etc) the button refuses to grow more than 30 pixels high.
If I change QPushButton to QWidget, the new widget grows normally.
The question: How can I force a QPushButton to grow vertically and fit its inner widgets? If this is not possible, what are my options for a button-like widget that is both visually and behaviorally consistent with QPushButton and other "native" controls?
I managed to get the button to grow normally by setting the maximum height to 16777214 (instead of the default 16777215), and then setting the content margins of the button to 10.
Perplexingly, the default maximum height of a QPushButton should be plenty, but for some reason it refuses to grow past 30 pixels unless the maximum height is explicitly set to something else.
Place the button inside a layout and set its vertical size policy to Maximum.
I created a FXML file using JavaFX Scene Builder 1.1. An AnchorPane is created by default. Why can't I modify the resizable attribute?
Do you want to disable window resizing? If so, you can do that in your application program:
Why you can't edit bounds
Checkout the javadoc on layoutBounds and boundsInLocal. You will notice that both are ReadOnlyObjectProperties, which is why you can't directly modify them in SceneBuilder.
How to resize a node in SceneBuilder
You can indirectly effect the bounds properties and directly set the resizable properties of the node by altering the min, pref and max height and width.
You can also set the pref size by selecting the pane to be resized and dragging the resizing anchors the surround the selected pane.
Further Information
You might want to read the Oracle tutorial on Tips for Sizing Nodes and Amy Fowler's presentation on JavaFX layout.
You can change resizeble using code
I am in need of a strange solution. I have one requirement in which I am displaying two components in a VBox. But on click of the main container I need to maximize that and need to display the components in horizontal. I was just wondering whether I can change the VBox to HBox and viceversa dynamically using actionscript or some other way.
Thanks in Advance,
Cheers, PK
Use a mx:Box and set the direction property dynamically.
<mx:Box id="box" direction="vertical"/>
box.direction = BoxDirection.HORIZONTAL;
I am trying to get a left hand like panel bar in my application, one much like the OneNote left hand(notebook) panel.
I have been trying to use a VBox with Buttons and setting the rotation on the buttons to 90. The buttons seem to disappear when I do this.
An example of what I am trying to achieve is here: http://www.rid00z.net/panelBarExample.png
What is the best way to achieve Vertically stacked buttons like this?
try putting all the buttons inside an Hbox and then setting the rotation of the Hbox to 90.
Oh and also make sure you rotate around using a point at the center.
I would create a custom component to do it. I would make each "button" a canvas and display text in it vertically (embedding the font you want to use to do that) - the canvas would have a click event - I would use canvas over a standard Button because it allows more flexibility. In this new component you would have functions to add or delete buttons. I can clarify if it would help.
In Flex, I'm using an HBox to hold thumbnails. When more thumbnails are added than can be shown, the HBox becomes scrollable.
When I add more than, say, 80 images, when I scroll back to the first image, the images begin "tearing", until I hover my mouse over them.
This is how it looks when few images are added:
When many images are added:
Should I be using something other than an HBox to accomplish this?
HBox doesn't use virtual renders so I'd actually recommend a List based control like HorizontalList. You may also want to use Ely Greenfield's SuperImage to avoid flicker when scrolling.
Use a TileList.
It can use ItemRenderers which uses fewer resources.