Salt Stack Installation without yum/internet - salt-stack

I would like to know if it is possible to install saltstack, for configuration management without internet. The servers doesnt have internet connectivity and i want to install salt master and ~80 servers with minions to manage them.
Anybody gone through the process of installing salt, without internet connectivity. I am unable to find a single RPM which will solve this installation issue.

Download salt-master and salt-minion rpm for your os version from below link
rpm -ivh salt-minion*.rpm
rpm -ivh salt-master*.rpm

You can mirror their RPM repo onto a box that is in a DMZ. Your machines behind your DMZ would then reference your mirror and be able to have all the packages required and use Yum to install. This does require you have at least a server with internet you can mirror it with. Another way is if absolutely no internet is available, mirror the repo and then copy the mirror to a flash drive and take it into your closed network and copy it to a server within.


How can I install NebulaGraph on Windows?

I want to install the Nebula Graph database on Windows, but I didn't find any references. I tried install on my own, but failed in the end.
I viewed NebulaGraph-related docs, but I didn't find what I want to.
How can I install NebulaGraph on Windows?
The situation for Windows is similar to macOS as explained here.
We could either leverage hypervisors(WSL2, VirtualBox, VMware player, etc)/or WSL1 to spawn a Linux machine to deploy it in the VM or go with Docker Desktop + Nebula-Docker-Compose.

Install net-snmp on RHEL without yum (or any other package managing software)

Currently I'm working on installing the net-snmp package on bunch of RHEL servers (versions vary from 5.x ~ 6.x).
To be specific, I need net-snmp.x86_64 and net-snmp-utils.x86_64 to create /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file.
In normal cases, I'd just use yum to simply install them but the servers I'm working on has a firewall blocking all connections except the ones specified in the firewall.
I'm also not allowed to configure the firewall to enable yum to download the packages online due to security reasons (not sure why, though).
So I downloaded the net-snmp-5.8.tar.gz file to my PC and SCP'd it to the servers and tried to manually install it there.
But since I'm no expert on this, I just couldn't get them installed with the information online.
The files seem to be running but it doesn't create the snmpd.conf file that I need, or any other SNMP configs.
Is there a guide to installing these packages properly using the tar.gz file? Or is there something wrong here?
Thanks in advance :)
Have you run the snmpconf script? If I remember correctly it should have been installed along with net-snmp and it will generate an snmpd.conf file that is at least a good starting point if not the final one you'll want.

how to install sbt without internet connection

I am trying to install sbt on our RedHat Linux server (RHEL6.8). The server doesn't have internet connection.
I downloaded from github but I don't see installation instruction. In file, it points to which tells me to use yum command. But that would require Internet connection.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
sbt 0.13.15 supports offline installation with a preloaded local repo:
sbt 0.13.15 adds two new repositories called “local-preloaded-ivy”
and “local-preloaded” that point to ~/.sbt/preloaded/.
The purpose for the repositories is to preload them with
sbt artifacts during the initial installation, instead of resolving
from the remote repository on the first run.
This enables installation of sbt without network connection.
To enable resolving of your own dependencies, it should be sufficient to add them to the preloaded directory.
You need to download the RPM from bintray. See the instructions here:
Depending on what dependencies are unfulfilled, you may need to download additional RPM files that sbt depends on.

Install Extensible Service Proxy on GCE/RHEL7

Quickstart for Endpoints on Compute Engine says
you need to run the Extensible Service Proxy before sending requests
to the API
But it also says
This quickstart works only on Debian. Make sure you create a VM that
runs Debian.
I have an existing GCE VM instance running Red Hat EL 7 that I'm adding this Endpoint to. Where are instructions for installing and running Extensible Service Proxy on it?
FWIW I examined the contents of the Debian package. It appears to be just nginx with custom configs and some extra scripts. If there's no RPM or other way of installing ESP on RHEL7, can I just manually install the contents extracted from the .deb package?
Yes, it should work (not tested). nginx in the .deb package is a statically compiled binary with a custom module that runs fine standalone. Please make sure to place the remaining files (config templates, root CA certificates, start-up script) in the same directories as in the .deb package.
The instructions for installing the ESP are implied in the instructions for installing the Cloud SDK on Red Hat and CentOS, since the endpoints-runtime RPM is available from the same repo as is the SDK.
$ sudo tee -a /etc/yum.repos.d/google-cloud-sdk.repo << EOM
name=Google Cloud SDK
$ sudo yum install google-cloud-sdk
Note that the ESP installs as nginx, with supporting scripts and config files, that will replace any existing nginx and any files with the same name, which will overwrite any existing nginx functionality (like proxy, cache etc). It might be best to archive any host-specific nginx configs first, then install ESP, then merge old configs into the new ones installed by yum.

amazon ec2 micro RHEL: how to install nginx or others?

I chose micro free RHEL6.4 instance with EC2/Amazon, when I login, I found there no gcc, which I can yum install it. and there no nginx to yum install ?
I must install gcc and develop tools and download nginx source code to install ? oh ,the free is only 30Gb one month?
Check the installation page inside nginx website
