Making a minecraft mod in java. Creating and registering an instance - minecraft-forge

I'm trying to make an uranium ingot that gives players that hold it in their inventory a wither effect. I got some tips from the minecraft forums, they told me to do to make my item give me the wither effect.
Re: 1.10.2 Item has wither « Reply #2 on: Today at 02:29:58 am » QuoteThank You Create a class that extends Item and overrides
In your override, check if the entityIn argument is an instance of EntityLivingBase. If it is, cast it to EntityLivingBase and call EntityLivingBase#isPotionActive to check if it has the MobEffects.WITHER effect active. If it doesn't, create a PotionEffect and call EntityLivingBase#addPotionEffect to add it.
My Question
Create and register an instance of this class instead of Item.
The last line is what im confused on.
Here is the class i made that he told me to do. Also please inform me if i didnt do something else right in this class
package item;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.init.MobEffects;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect;
public class UraniumIngotEffect extends Item{
public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, Entity entityIn, int itemSlot, boolean isSelected) {
if(entityIn instanceof EntityLivingBase){
Object EntityLivingBase = ((EntityLivingBase) entityIn).isPotionActive(MobEffects.WITHER);
Object PotionEffect = new PotionEffect(MobEffects.WITHER);
super.onUpdate(stack, worldIn, entityIn, itemSlot, isSelected);

You need to make the item object in your mod hold the onUpdate method.
This means:
have a class that extends Item(your uranium ingot)
Register the item in the item loader
Item myurnanium = new UraniumIngot();
and of course make the proper json files so the item will render properly.
I suggest you read:


Determine runmode in Adobe CQ

How do I programmatically know which run-mode the instance is running? I created a custom tag that provides the config depending on the instance run-mode, but I can not determine the current run-mode.
I found a method that returns a list of run-mods instance:
SlingSettings settings = ...get from BundleContext...
Set<String> currentRunModes = settings.getRunModes();
But I can not get the objects SlingSettings or BundleContext. How can I get these objects or perhaps there is another way to get the current run-mode?
SlingSetttings is the right way - If it's from Java the simplest way to get it is with an SCR #Reference annotation in a class that's an SCR #Component, saves you from having to go through BundleContext.
If it's from a Sling script, you can use sling.getService(....) to get the SlingSettings.
Note that the cases where you need to read the run modes are rare, usually you'd rather setup your OSGi configurations to depend on the run modes and have the OSGi components modify their behavior based on that.
Finally I decided to use global.jsp, write run-modes in the page context and get it in my class:
pageContext.setAttribute("runModes", sling.getService(SlingSettingsService.class).getRunModes().toString());
import java.util.Set;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.FrameworkUtil;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
public class myClass {
public static Set<String> getRunModes() {
BundleContext bundleContext = FrameworkUtil.getBundle(myClass.class).getBundleContext();
ServiceReference serviceReference = bundleContext.getServiceReference(SlingSettingsService.class.getName( ));
SlingSettingsService slingSettingsService = (SlingSettingsService)bundleContext.getService(serviceReference);
return slingSettingsService.getRunModes();
RunMode runmode;
sling.getService( RunMode.class )
and call
getCurrentRunModes(); //returns String[]
If you're using Sightly and working with a class that extends WCMUsePojo
slingSettings =this.getSlingScriptHelper().getService(SlingSettingsService.class);
Set<String> runmodes = slingSettings.getRunModes();
As Bertrand Delacretaz said it is the right way to check whether instance is Author or Publish.
In jsp or java you could check like
Set<String> runModes = sling.getService(SlingSettingsService.class).getRunModes();
if (runModes.contains("author")) {
Another way is using
if (mode == WCMMode.EDIT)
But this approach will fail in case of Preview mode and wouldn't work.
You can also try this:
RunModeService runModeService = getSlingScriptHelper().getService(RunModeService.class);
author = runModeService.isActive("author");

I can't dispatch custom event from one module to another as it gives TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed:

I am trying to dispatch a custom event from one flex module to another.
The code which dispatch the event is as below
here AlgoEvent is a custom event
on the other side the module which catches and handles the event has this code:
public function sendParametersToChild(e:AlgoEvent):void
//some codes
but when the statement Application.application.Destination.child.dispatchEvent(new AlgoEvent(AlgoEvent.GETFROMPARENT_LOCAL_EVENT)); is executed the debugger give the following run time exception:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to
at mx.core::UIComponent/dispatchEvent()[C:\autobuild\3.2.0\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\]
at components::Destination/sendTimeToChild()[E:\FlexProjects\MyApp\src\components\Destination.mxml:99]
at components::Destination/updateParameters()[E:\FlexProjects\MyApp\src\components\Destination.mxml:206]
at components::Destination/__CreateBasketButton_click()[E:\FlexProjects\MyApp\src\components\Destination.mxml:558]
I am not able to identify what is going wrong here.
Please help to solve this problem
This is my Event class
public class AlgoEvent extends Event
public static const GETFROMPARENT_LOCAL_EVENT:String = "getfromparent_local";
private var eventType:String;
public function AlgoEvent(eventType:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
While debugging am getting error in this funcion of UIComponent class
override public function dispatchEvent(event:Event):Boolean
if (dispatchEventHook != null)
dispatchEventHook(event, this);
return super.dispatchEvent(event);
Excaxtly this line gives the error: dispatchEventHook(event, this);
Import the AlgoEvent class in the main application and create a reference to it.
private var dummyEvent: AlgoEvent;
Some explanations for this could be found here: Module domains
If your custom event doesn't carry any special event properties you could workaround your problem by using the standard Event class.
dispatchEvent(new Event(AlgoEvent.GETFROMPARENT_LOCAL_EVENT));
I had the same problem when dispatching, solved overriding two functions:
override public function clone():Event
return new AlgoEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
override public function toString():String
return formatToString("AlgoEvent","type"","bubbles","cancelable","eventPhase");
hope it helps out :)
Mr. splash suggested a solution which worked fro me:
Try to make the Custum Event (Algo Event in my case) class known to the main application.
I.e import it in the main application and create a variable of it..
And it works for a main reason>>when we try to communicate betwwen the modules using event dispatching what happens is :the modules are loaded at the run time but the classes like event classes are linked to the modules at the run time..
But the Event class is compiled before the modules are loaded..
application defines a Custum Event Class at compile time, and the module defines its own Custum Event Class when it is published. Then when the application is run, the Custum Event Class dispatched in the application doesn't match the one in the module
For the problem which is causing this error one can check the link:
and also
Mate framework takes care of all this.
It gives you a global event bus, for all modules in your app.
Try to override the clone() method in your customized Event,AlgoEvent.
Add the following code to your class and try:
override public function clone():Event{
return new AlgoEvent(eventType,bubbles,cancelable);
Your custom Event class should look like this:
public class AlgoEvent extends Event
public static const GETFROMPARENT_LOCAL_EVENT:String = "getfromparent_local";
public function AlgoEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
override public function clone():AlgoEvent
return new AlgoEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable);
You should use the Event's inherited type property instead of creating a new one.
Also, the UIComponent has it's own dispatchEvent method, so you don't have to create your own - only if it works differently to the inherited one.
Okay, it must be said that what you're doing, from an architectural standpoint, is wrong. Calling Application.application is bad for so many reason, especially if you're then starting to go down the display tree. The second any of the children changes, your build is now broke, and you won't know that until runtime because it's a module.
What you need is an application framework. A way to increase complexity without decreasing maintainability. There are many out there, but my personal favorite is Parsley. I've used it on many very large projects with much success. The problem you're trying to solve right now, dispatching one event where the other module listens for it, is extremely trivial (can be done in about 3 lines of code).
I recommend you look it over as well as my presentation on an introduction to parsley.

Passing along information on a FileReference Complete event

I need to pass along a string with my FileReference, or provide that string as an argument when an event fires. To be clear, it really annoys me that AS3 doesn't allow you to pass parameters on events.
Right now, I've extended the FileReference class to include an additional variable. I'm trying to get this to compile, but it won't compile; I think I don't know how to import this class correctly. If you can tell me how to import this class correctly so that I no longer get Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant at compile time that would be great.
This is the extended FileReference class:
public class SxmFR extends FileReference {
public var housenum:String = "";
public function SxmFR(str:String) {
housenum = str;
I've tried that in a .mxml and a .as in the same folder. Neither is automatically imported.
I've also tried to extend the Event class, but I couldn't figure out how to make the event dispatch, since I need to respond to the Event.COMPLETE event. If you can tell me how to make it dispatch on this, it also might work.
Please help me get this figured out, and much love and thanks to all involved. : )
If you add your event listener as a closure you have access to the variables in the current function:
function myFunction(): void {
var aParam: String = "This is a parameter";
dispatcher.addEventListener("eventName", function (e: Event): void {
// you can access aParam here
The aParam inside the function will have the same value as it had when addEventListener was called.

Duplicating custom nodes in JavaFX

As far as I understand, duplicating nodes in JavaFX should be done with the Duplicator.duplicate function.
It works fine when duplicating nodes whose types are included in JavaFX library, for example
def dup = Duplicator.duplicate(Rectangle{x:30 y:30 width:100 height:100});
dup.translateX = 10;
insert dup into content;
would insert a black rectangle to the scene.
However if I define a new class in the following way:
class MyRect extends Rectangle {}
class MyRect extends CustomNode {
override function create() {Rectangle{x:30 y:30 width:10 height:10}}
It gives me the following runtime error
Type 'javafxapplication1.NumberGrid$MyRect' not found.
Where of course javafxapplication1.NumberGrid are the package and file the MyRect class is in.
This guy at Sun's forums had the same problem, but I don't see any answer in there.
Or maybe I'm doing that the wrong way, and there's a better approach for duplicating custom nodes?
update: Trying to duplicate Group worked, but trying to duplicate Stack yields the same error.
According to the documentation, it's supposed to support all types supported in FXD including Node, but maybe it supports only some of Node's descendants?
I know its an old question, but did you try the following?
public class MyRect extends CustomNode, Cloneable {
override public function clone(): MyRect {
super.clone() as MyRect;
Which works for me via
var newRect = rect.clone();
Which is not a deep copy (but in my case I didn't need this)

Create Plugins in Flex - loading nested SWF files

I'm trying to implement a plugin system for our application, and having a devil of a time getting SWF file which was dynamically loaded itself, load additional SWF files.
It goes something like this:
Main Application Shell loads...
---------+ Application loads...
I have no problem getting app #1 to load app #2
However, try as I might, I cannot get app #2 to load and instantiate #3
I've tried various permutations using the ModuleManager, but this is the closest I get. When the onLoadComplete method get invoked, I can see that the SWF loaded, however the factory always returns NULL.
What is interesting is that when I extract this out in its own application, it works fine. This issue is triggered by the fact that I'm loading Plugin from a SWF that was loaded dynamically itself.
I believe this is due to the ApplicationDomain, but I cannot make heads or tails of it. I tried specifying currentDomain, new ApplicationDomain(Application.currentDomain) and new ApplicationDomain() without success.
Also, it is important to note that I cannot make reference a hard reference to the Foo class in either applications since by their nature, we will not know ahead of time what they will contain.
Googlin' around, this seems to be a fairly known problem, but I have not found a (clear) solution yet.
assetModule = ModuleManager.getModule("Foo.swf");
assetModule.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onLoadComplete );
assetModule.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.ERROR, onLoadError);
private var _pluginInstance:Plugin;
private function onLoadComplete( event:Event ):void
trace("module loaded");
_pluginInstance = assetModule.factory.create() as Plugin;
if( _pluginInstance )
else"unable to instantiate module");
private function onLoadError( event:Event ):void
My Plugin looks like this:
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.modules.ModuleBase;
public class Plugin extends ModuleBase
public function startup():void
import Plugin;
import mx.modules.ModuleBase;
public class Foo extends Plugin
public function Foo()
trace("foo constructor invoked");
override public function startup():void
trace("foo started");
# joshtynjala is right. I found try just using Object then calling methods on it (don't cast).
var MyPlugin : Object = getPlugin();
Generally can cast between system/flex classes no problem. Don't know if putting Plugin as a runtime library would help ?
If you really want to use a common interface between your plugin and your application, your application's Plugin class must be the same as your plugin's Plugin class. To do so, they need b to be in the same ApplicationDomain.
//In an external library
public interface Plugin {}
//In your application
_pluginInstance = assetModule.factory.create() as Plugin;
//In your plugin
public class MyPlugin implements Plugin
The problem is, when you will compile your plugin swf, you will also compile Plugin. This is not a problem, but you need to tell your application that it's the same as his :
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadComplete);
loader.load(new URLRequest("plugin.swf"), new LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain));
ApplicationDomain.currentDomain is the key here. If you refer to the docs :
Loader's own ApplicationDomain. You
use this application domain when using
ApplicationDomain.currentDomain. When
the load is complete, parent and child
can use each other's classes directly.
If the child attempts to define a
class with the same name as a class
already defined by the parent, the
parent class is used and the child
class is ignored.
