installing a previous version of Cloudera - cloudera

When I try to install a previous version of Cloudera with all packages(Cloudera Manager, CDH with all applications and so forth) through install manager binary always installs the lastest version of Cloudera (now 5.8) even if the manager installer bin was found in the Cloudera 5.4 directory in the repository. I want to install Cloudera 5.4. For that, I have found Cloudera 5.4 RPMs in the repository to install manually in RHEL but when I install them, yum finds dependency errors with the database and daemon packages perhaps because of a previous failure in the installation. Because of this I think this is not the best manner of install Cloudera 5.4. Anyone that knows how to install a previous version of Cloudera or have installed or have experience in that or can give me some advise on how to install it? Thanks!

While, I'm not clear on why you would want an older version of CM, you can adjust your cloudera-manager.repo file to point to the specific version you want. Something like this:
name = Cloudera Manager, Version 5.4.10
baseurl =
gpgkey =
gpgcheck = 1


Installing a newer version of PCL on ubuntu

I would like to upgrade my PCL to a newer version to fix a problem I have with QHull related to this issue.
I'm on ubuntu so I installed PCL with sudo apt install libpcl-dev but I can only get the version 1.10.1. How can I install a newer version ?
The problem is apparently fixed by this commit. It's in the tag 1.12.1.
I know that in theory I can use cmake and build my own PCL but from what I saw with the apt install, there is a huge amount of dependencies + I will also need this particular Qhull version that they mention in the issue and commit... I'm not sure I can make this work without the package manager. Any leads on this problem ?
Thanks !
In its simplest form, building and installing PCL goes likes this:
Clone the GitHub repo and cd inside it
Optionally checkout a git tag or stay on the master branch (default)
mkdir build && cd build
Run cmake with cmake ..
Build and install with make -j2 && sudo make install
For more information, see here:
When you previously had libpcl-dev installed, you can remove that package without (auto-)removing the dependencies, then you should have most if not all dependencies required for building from source already installed.
You didn't say which Ubuntu version you use, but judging from the version of libpcl-dev, I assume it is focal (20.04). The Qhull version installed there is fine, it already has a reentrant interface.

how to upgrade rhel version from 7.2 to 7.3

Apart from doing yum update all, is there any way to update RHEL 7.2 to RHEL 7.2. AM looking for system packages alone to be updated and leave the application level to be in their current version.
I assume by system packages you mean the ones supplied from official RHEL repos, and by application level you mean third-party software installed on top of the RHEL system. If that's the case, then disable the third-party repos for the upgrading process. I.e. something like:
yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=rhel-7-server-rpms update
Alternatively, you can exclude specific packages from the upgrade. For that, you can use the versionlock yum plugin (available from the yum-plugin-versionlock package). Use it as follows:
yum versionlock <package>-*
This locks all packages whose names start with <package>- to their current versions.
Yet another method is to use the --exclude option of yum, or--to make it permanent--specify which packages to exclude in the yum.conf file. See How do I exclude kernel or other packages from getting updated in Red Hat Enterprise Linux while updating system via yum? for instructions on how to use those options.

pip says that module has already been installed while python

Now a bit of background of my current setup:
I have Python3.3 running on Centos 6. I'm currently working on a web application using Flask that runs on Apache 2.2.15 with mode WSGI 4.5.3 and virtualenv 15.0.2.
pip --version pip 8.1.2 from /usr/local/bin/lib/python3.3/site-packages (python 3.3)
I have installed pysvn with pip and when I run pip show pysvn says
Location: /usr/local/bin/lib/python3.3/site-packages
755 permissions recursively set to /usr/local/bin/lib/python3.3/site-packages. And I passed --system-site-packages argument to virtualenv to use the global site packages.
Even when I try to import the package from python interpreter it does not work. So it is not specific to my virtualenv setup but rather a global problem.
I must mention that other packages installed with pip work perfectly fine (i.e. flask).
I've exhausted all other avenues before coming forward to you guys. Any suggestion would be highly appreciated as I ran out of ideas.
I did manage to install it in the end. I'm not completly sure yet why and how but I presume is was compatibility issue.
First of all I have uninstalled svn 1.6+ and installed version 1.8.16 instead which seems to be tested against the latest two versions.
Second, I have uninstalled the troublesome pysvn instance and installed pysvn-1.8.0 workbench "sudo /var/www/FlaskApp/FlaskApp/flask/bin/pip install pysvn-1.8.0.tar.gz". In this case I have installed it my local environment. The 1.9.0 version of pysvn did not work.
False positive, still doesn't work. I'm going to interact with svn via command line from my script.
After installing svn 1.8.16 and svn-devel along with the rest of dependencies described in the readme file I have managed to successfully install it from the source fallowing the instructions.
Thanks for your help Barry.
pysvn is not available from PyPI because PyPI has no way to allow me to upload pysvn for each supported SVN version. Let alone deal with the issues of installing on a Linux distro given the choices for pysvn dependencies.
(APR, SVN, OpenSSL etc).
Fedora packages pysvn for the Fedora release.
I'm assuming that means it is on RHEL and therefore packaged by CentOS.
(But I do not have RHEL or CentOS to check this on)
If you find that a package is not available for your CentOs is not hard
to build pysvn on a linux distro. Get the source kit and follow the readme.html should get you going.
Barry (pysvn maintainer)

How to update sqlite3 in CentOS 6.6

My CentOS 6.6 has sqlite3 3.6.20 installed, and I tried to update
yum update sqlite
but it shows 'No Package marked for update'
How can I install/update 3.7.7+ for using shared memory between instances?
Yum can only find newer versions of packages that are available in the yum repositories configured for the machine. If using the stock CentOS repository, SQLite 3.6.20 would be the latest.
You would need to either add a repository with a more recent version, find and download the new version of the software or download the source and compile/install.
From a quick Google search it does appear there are RPMs for CentOS 6 and SQLite 3.7.17.

Upgrading CDH from 4.2.1 to CDH 4.3 without using cloudera manager

I had install CDH 4.2.1 manually without using cloudera manager using the installation guide on site.
Now i want to upgrade the version from 4.2.1 to 4.3 without using cloudera manager.Can anyone guide me to do this.
First of all, Cloudera Manager makes CDH installation and upgrades so much easier. It's worth installing for that reason alone (and it's included in the free Cloudera Standard package).
As you've already done a manual install however, a manual upgrade is the only realistic option -- this doc explains how.
For upgrading CDH 4.2.1 to CDH 4.3 manually , you need to consider updating the different services running on cluster.
The parcels or packages you have downloaded while installations is of 4.2.1. In other words we can say these supports only 4.2.1 , so need to download rpm or packages of different services install it manually in your system. I have updated my system from CDH 3 to CDH 4.8.
It's running in my case . Enjoy :)
