For example I have a primary team called "Cable Management" and i want to create secondary teams IC1 and IC2 that are children of Cable Management, and then to those IC1 and IC2 secondary teams, add some users.
How can i achieve this kind of behavior?
If you need to do this using teams, then you can add a new field to the Team entity. Team is listed under Administration > Customisation > Secondary Entities > Team.
Add a field of type "Team Select" and give it a Column Name, Caption, etc. We would advise something like "Parent Team" (chan_parentchannelid).
Next, edit the team screens to include your new field. The screens you probably want to edit are:
- Team Search Box (ChannelSearchBox)
- Team Admin Box (ChannelAdminBoxLong)
Once you have added the field to those screens, you can start to specify parent teams in the system. This will record a link from one team to another. You can then use this link in the database to select parent details.
t.chan_channelid AS teamid
, t.chan_description AS teamdescription
, p.chan_channelid AS parentid
, p.chan_description AS parentdescription
FROM channel AS t
LEFT OUTER JOIN channel AS p on p.chan_deleted IS NULL
AND p.chan_channelid = t.chan_parentchannelid
WHERE t.chan_deleted IS NULL
Please note: The above SQL is untested :)
You can essentially create as many child Teams as you want using this method, each with their own child Teams.
You may also want to add the new Parent field to the Team list (ChannelAdminGrid).
We hope that helps!
Six Ticks Support
I have a InvoiceAccount field in table. And another field in this table is PackingSlipAXType. If PackingSlipAXType is Sales, InvoiceAccount field value is customer account. If type is PurchReturn, InvoiceAccount field value is vendor account.
When value is customer account, when right click and go to main table i want to go Customer
When value is vendor account, when right click and go to main table i want to go vendor.
How can i do this in same field?
There are two primary ways. One is code and the other is using native MorphX and Conditional Table Relations. Code gives you more flexibility, but conditional table relations are simpler and "just work".
Conditional Table Relations
Using conditional table relations. I created a new table and AccountNum would represent a customer or vendor account, and the base enum SalesPurch is used to indicate if it is a Customer Account (Sales) or a Vendor Account (Purch). Similar to your setup.
See conditional table relations -
See here for more info too.
Custom JumpRef & Lookup
You will likely want both a jumpRef and a lookup to both go to the correct main table and lookup the correct values.. This is code, but you have all the flexibility in the world...but may not need it.
Jumpref -
Lookup -
Jumpref example at \Data Dictionary\Tables\TmpCostAllocationBase_RU\Methods\jumpRefAgreement
Lookup example at \Data Dictionary\Tables\TmpCostAllocationBase_RU\Methods\lookupAgreement
I am using drupal 6. please give me idea about how should i create view with below requirements,
There will be list of awards (gold , silver etc)
There will be list of companies who won one of the above award (comp1->gold, comp2->gold, comp3->silver etc)
I need to display list of awards first and when user clicks on any award he will be redirected to page having list of companies who won that award.
I created two content types for Awards and Companies and award_id is used as node reference in Company content type. Please guide further.I am using drupal 6. Thanks.
Fist task (just a simple list of awards is easy - just create a view that displays nodes in "awards" type, order as you want, limit as you want...
Get also node id filed, if it's not available at start, since you gonna need it.
For the second task - create a new view, that will list companies and under arguments add that award id. Then, you should pass award id to page as extra parameter:
Where 3 is award id.
Sorry, Drupal 6 is pretty old and I didn't use it lately, but that's the basic idea.
Say for example I am printing name tags for thousands of content nodes in one content type called “Attendee.” Each of these nodes specifies a single "Attendee" for an event, (and their respective name tag). Say these attendees also needed name tags printed out for their “friends” who are attending with them. That is no problem—these “friends” obviously need their own node with the same fields to get their own name tag, so I distinguish that they are a “Friend of an Attendee” with a simple checkbox.
Now here’s the sorting order / grouping problem: When rendering the view, I need these “friends of attendees” to appear “right after” the attendee they are going with. Is there a way for me to maybe create a new autocomplete text field to link these together and then have them output next to each other?
p.s. I am technically using the Views PDF module, but it has the basic Views functions, so if it's possible with Views, it will probably be possible with this module.
In order to group these together, you have to have some way of linking friends to the attendees. You can do this by adding an entity reference field to the content type. See
here are the steps:
from admin/structure/types select "manage fields" on your content type
on the "manage fields" tab, click in "Add new field", and type in a label name. say "friend of"
for "type", select "Entity Reference", and for now, choose "Autocomplete" for your widget
click save
in the field edit tab:
select Target Type: Node
under Entity Selection, set Mode: Simple
set Target bundles: ( your attendees type )
click save
go to admin/config/development/performance and clear all caches
You should now see an autocomplete field when you edit an attendee that you can use to set the friend relationship
Things normally get a bit complicated now, as you have to tell views about the relationship between attendees and their friends. If you want to keep this dead easy, you can set the primary attendees as their own "friend" ( who they are going with ) so that you can group them together easily with their companions, without having to worry about contexts, relationships, or any other fancy stuff.
Im using Drupal Organic group module and I want to create a group and need to assign users (filter by perticular role) to that group. I have done that part easily but the problem is that, I need to add aditional note on per each group user relation.
Lets say there is a group called "School Prefects" and need to add users to that group whos role is student. In here I need to put a small description for each relation.
Please help me to figure this out.
Thanks in advance.
I will probably deal with the same problem soon.
I think a possible workaround is to use the relation module and
the rules module. You could set up a rule to create a relation
each time a user is assigned to a group, or something like that.
Relations made by the relation module are fieldable. But it would be
maybe better to add a field to the og user-group relation directly.
Update: now that I tackled the issue, I have a different solution. We don't need to add new relations, the og_membership shipped standard with og is all that we need. This is how I did it.
I created a new membership type from admin/config/group/group-membership. It's a fildable entity so I added the required fields: in your case it will be "description".
Then I changed the used membership type per user, I did it in admin/config/people/accounts/fields/og_user_node (I needed to change the field "group membership" in user account).
So, now when you (or a group administrator) go to "manage group page" (clicking the group tab in group node), where you can add new people or manage members, either way you can edit your custom field "description" on each membership users-group.
Besides, you can clone the "og members" view adding the field "description", so in people panel in the group homepage we see name + description.
I my use-case I had to see (per group member): name, role, start date, end date. E.g. John Doe, president, from 1997 to 2003.
i'm using Drupal 6
I have this table relation and I've translated into CCK complete with it's relation.
Basically when I view a Period node, I have tabs to display ALL Faculty nodes combined with Presence Number.
here's the table diagram:
Translated into CCK like these:
CCK Faculty (name),
CCK Period (desc,from,to) and
CCK Presence(node-reference-faculty, node-reference-period, presence_number)
Here's my simple manual SQL query that achieve this result:
SELECT, presence.presence_number FROM Faculty AS faculty
LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM Presence WHERE Period_id=1) AS presence ON
The value of 1 for Period_id will be given by the Period Node ID from the url argument.
Now the hardest part, is simulating simple SQL query above into Views. How can I make such query into Views in Drupal-6 or Drupal-7 ?
thanks for any helps.
The main issue, which I think you've noticed, is that if you treat Faculty as the base for your join, then there is no way to join on the Presence nodes. Oppositely, if you treat Presence as the base, then you will not see faculties that have no presence number.
There is no easy way, using your currently defined structure, to do these joins in views.
I would say your easiest option is to remove the 'node-reference-faculty' field from the presence node and add a node-reference-presence field to the faculty. Since CCK fields can have multiple values, you can still have your one-to-many relationship properly.
The one downside of this is that then you need to manage the presence-faculty relationship from the faculty nodes instead of the presence nodes. If that's a show stopper, which it could be depending on your workflow, you could have BOTH node-reference fields, and use a module like to keep them in sync.
Once you have your reference from faculty -> presence, you will need to add a relationship in Views. Just like adding a field or a filter, open the list of relationships and find the one for your node-reference field.
Next, you will need to add an argument for period id and set it up to use a node id from the url. The key thing is that when you add the argument, it will ask which relationship to use in its options. You will want to tell it to use your newly added presence relationship.
You don't really need to do a subquery in your SQL like that. This should be the same thing and won't make mysql try to create a temporary table. I mention it because you can't really do subqueries in Views unless you are writing a very custom Views handler, but in this case you don't really need the subquery anyway.
SELECT, p.presence_number
FROM Faculty AS f
LEFT JOIN Presence AS p ON
WHERE p.Period_id=1;
I wrote an article about how to achieve a similar outcome here.
Basically how to alter a Views query to left join on a sub-query.