Is TCP/IP a mandatory for MQTT? - tcp

If so, do you know examples of what can go wrong in a non-TCP network?
Learning about MQTT I came across several mentions of the fact that MQTT relies on TCP/IP stack. For example, from
MQTT for Sensor Networks is aimed at embedded devices on non-TCP/IP
networks, whereas MQTT itself explicitly expects a TCP/IP stack.
But if you read the reference documents, you won't finding anything like that. Moreover, there's QoS field that can be used for reliable delivery and whose values other than 0 are essentially useless in TCP/IP networks. Right now I see nothing that would prevent me from establishing an MQTT connection using UNIX pipe, domain or UDP socket rather than TCP socket.

MQTT just needs a delivery that is ordered and reliable, it doesn't have to be TCP. SCTP works just fine, for example, but UDP doesn't because there is no way to guarantee your large PUBLISH packet made up of multiple UDP packets will arrive in order and complete.
With regards TCP reliability, in theory what you are saying is true, but in practice when an application calls write() and receives a successful return, it can't guarantee when the data has actually made it out of the computer to the remote host. All write() (or send()) does is copy the data to the kernel buffers, at which point you have no further control.
The only way to be sure that a message reaches the remote host at the application level is to have the remote host reply.

MQTT-SN (for sensor Network ) is the solution for the problem that MQTT was having while running over TCP/IP .
There is a concept of MQTT gateway which is brought in in for MQTT-SN which helps in bringing non-TCP / IP implementation.


TCP server client or client server

I am puzzled...
My project is a PC connected to multiple micro-controller boards in an isolated network. So far the protocol has been UDP which is easy to deal with, has no particular client/server but has its obvious shortcomings of lost messages when things get busy.
The micro-controllers have fixed IP-addresses (set by dip switches), the PC SW has a list of them, sends at present UDP messages to each of them and they reply to the address they came from (i.e. the PC) with status and/or data.
My question is now that I switch to TCP instead of UDP, should the PC be the listening server with many clients (could be anything from 1 - 50), or should the micro controllers be listening servers the PC can connect to as client? Note: controllers have fixed/known addresses - the PC does not.
An additional concern is re-connection. The micro-controllers are external and may lose connection, reset or otherwise need to connect again.
should the PC be the listening server with many clients (could be anything from 1 - 50), or should the micro controllers be listening servers the PC can connect to as client?
That is a basic design question that we cannot answer for you. Likely, it's more practical for arbitrary devices to connect to a central server but that's not a given.
controllers have fixed/known addresses - the PC does not.
That might turn the previous question around.
The micro-controllers are external and may lose connection, reset or otherwise need to connect again.
That's something you need to put into your design - have TCP connections time out and reconnect. Usually, a finite-state machine is useful here. You should also consider whether you use a one-shot connect-transmit-disconnect similar to UDP (easier to implement) or a longer TCP session with multiple data transmissions (more efficient).

What are advantages of MQTT over TCP/IP? Since MQTT is based on TCP, Why don't we use TCP/IP instead of it?

I am studding the MQTT & TCP/IP protocol.
Since i'm able to know that, MQTT is based on the TCP so as the TCP/IP
& we refer MQTT though we have the TCP/IP Protocol.
Why don't we use TCP/IP instead of MQTT?
Is there any advantages of MQTT that makes it better solution than the TCP/IP protocol?
Which is more reliable & required less no of data packet to form a communication?
(Note : TCP/IP in the sense forming a network between 2 devices using normal TCP/IP protocol as in GSM modems "connect > transfer data > disconnect")
Is there any advantages of MQTT that makes it better solution than the TCP/IP protocol?
Yes, it offers things TCP doesn't offer, namely an application layer protocol. Other examples of such protocols are FTP, HTTP, SMTP.
You're asking the wrong question. IP makes sure you can send data to another machine, TCP makes sure this data is received in-order and acknowledged, and application-level protocols make sure you can make sense of the data you receive.
Without an application level protocol, you have no meaningful communication. Where each sockets programming example begins with "WriteLine" and "ReadLine" text message exchanges, that in itself is (albeit a very rudimentary) application level protocol, namely "client and server exchange text messages ending in a newline".
So, no, you cannot use TCP/IP without an application level protocol, because as soon as you start writing a program sending and/or receiving data, you have at that moment defined an application level protocol.
With its own problems. And that's why you shouldn't invent your own protocol, but use existing ones. Pick the one that suits your needs. Do you need to publish or subscribe messages to some broker, use MQTT.
Unless you know very well what you're doing, don't invent your own.
The benefits of using MQTT over TCP/IP far outweighs the data overhead it introduces. Also, MQTT was devised to solve a specific problem of getting sensor data from a remote system which could not be connected to the consumer of the sensor data all the time.

What is the border of roles of network interfaces in MCUs?

I am an embedded software developer who has any experience with TCPIP on connected devices. Also, I am not a software protocol expert, so I am a bit confusing about TCPIP protocol stack + responsiblities of its various phy layers.
First of all, I have experiences with such protocols like UART, SPI, CAN, USB... As you know, the phy layer directly affects you while selecting the protocol you used at the software level. For example, if you use usb and you build a software protocol on it, you do not occasionally deal with some details like checking corrupted frame in your sofware protocol, because phy layer of it guarantees this operation. CAN also has some CAN Controller facilities like crc and bit stuffing so, it is really reliable. But the situation is not the same for simple peripherals like UART/USART. Let's say you are using a bluetooth module to upgrade your firmware, you need to be aware of almost everything that can occur while communicating like delays, corrupted frames, payload validating etc.
Briefly, i am trying to understand the exact role of newtork interfaces come included in MCUs, that are interfaced with RJ45 phy sockets directly. In another words, imagine that I wrote a server application on my pc. Also i configured and ran an application in my development board which has an RJ45 socket and it runs as a client. Also imagine they established a connection over TCP. So, what will be the situation at the client side, when i send a 32 bytes of data to the socket from the server side? What will I see at the lowest level of MCU that is an RxCompleteInterrupt()? Are the data I sent and some other stuffs appended to the TCP packet guaranteed to be delivered by the eth controller in the MCU and ethernet controller of my PC? OR am i responsible (or the stack i used) check all the things necessary to validate whether the frame is valid or not?
I tried to be as clear as it would be. Please if you have experience, then try to write clean comments. I am not a TCPIP expert, maybe I used some wrong terminology, please focus the main concept of the question.
Thanks folks.
If you don't have any prior experience with the TCP/IP protocol suite, I would strongly suggest you to have a look at this IBM Redbook, more specifically at chapters 2, 3 and 4.
This being said:
So, what will be the situation at the client side, when i send a 32
bytes of data to the socket from the server side? What will I see at
the lowest level of MCU that is an RxCompleteInterrupt()?
You should have received an Ethernet frame in your buffer. This Ethernet frame should contain an IP packet. This IP packet should contain a TCP packet, which payload should consist in your 32 bytes of data. But there will be several exchanges between the client and the server prior to your data to be received, because of TCP being a connection-oriented protocol, i.e. several Ethernet frames will be sent/received.
Are the data I sent and some other stuffs appended to the TCP packet
guaranteed to be delivered by the eth controller in the MCU and
ethernet controller of my PC? OR am i responsible (or the stack i
used) check all the things necessary to validate whether the frame
is valid or not?
The TCP packet will ultimately be delivered, but there there are not warranties that your Ethernet frames and IP packets will be delivered, and will arrive in the right order. This is precisely the job of TCP, as a connection-oriented protocol, than to do what is needed so that the data you are sending as a TCP payload will ultimately be delivered. Your MCU hardware should be the one responsible for validating the Ethernet frames, but the TCP/IP stack running on the MCU is responsible for validating IP and TCP packets and the proper delivery of the data being sent/received over TCP.
You can experiment with TCP on a Linux PC using netcat, and capture the exchange using Wireshark or tcpdump.
Create a 'response' file containing 32 bytes:
echo 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKL > response.txt
Start Wireshark, and filter on lo interface using filter tcp port 1234
Start a TCP server listening on TCP port 1234, which will send the content of response.txt upon receiving a connection from the client:
netcat -l 1234 < response.txt
In another console/shell, connect to the server listening on tcp/1234, and display what was received:
netcat localhost 1234
On Wireshark, you should see the following Wireshark Network Capture, and be able to expand all frames/packets of the full exchange using the IBM Redbook as a reference.
Your 32 bytes of data will be in the payload section of a TCP packet sent by the server.

NodeMCU broadcast to all clients

I want to broadcast a request to all client that are connected to my esp8266 12f access-point
I used this to create a connection per client, means if there're 3 clients it will create 3 connections.
for mac,ip in pairs(wifi.ap.getclient()) do
srv= net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)
srv:on("receive", function(client, b_response) srv:close() collectgarbage() end)
srv:on("connection", function(client, b_request) client:send(request) end)
srv:connect(80, ip)
I tried the broadcast ip srv:connect(80, "") but nothing was sent
The Problem :-
What I used that every srv will overwrite the previous srv so I can not get a response if it was delayed, even so I can name every srv with a different name like srv_1, srv_2, srv_3 but this take too much memory.
What I want
Create only one connection ?
Your code is using TCP, which is inherently a single connection, point-to-point protocol. There's no such thing as a "broadcast" TCP connection. TCP simply does not work using broadcast. That's like trying to use a car as a boat.
If you're sending a small amount of information, you might try UDP instead. The drawbacks are that UDP is unreliable - you can't be certain your message was received - and you'd need a lot more code to receive a response, if you want one, and you'd need to build a reliability mechanism (retransmit if no answer received, detect retransmissions in case the answer was dropped) if you care about that.
I'd recommend that you check out the MQTT protocol - it's designed to make it easy to communicate with multiple clients. It's lightweight and MQTT clients run well on NodeMCU and Arduino processors. There's an MQTT client built into NodeMCU's LUA implementation.
The downside is you'd need an MQTT broker that all of your NodeMCU's will connect to. The broker is usually run on a more capable processor (a Raspberry Pi is a good choice) or externally on the Internet (Adafruit offers a broker at, although there are some implementations that run on an ESP8266.

If TCP is connection oriented why do packets follow different paths?

According to my knowledge if an internet application has to be designed, we should use either a connection-oriented service or connection-less service, but not both.
Internet's connection oriented service is TCP and connection-less service is UDP, and both resides in the transport layer of Internet Protocol stack.
Internet's only network layer is IP, which is a connection-less service. So it means whatever application we design it eventually uses IP to transmit the packets.
Connection-oriented services use the same path to transmit all the packets, and connection-less does not.
Therefore my problem is
if a connection oriented application has been designed, it should transmit the packets using the same path. But IP breaks that rule by using different routes.So how do both TCP and IP work together in this sense? It totally confuses me.
You, my friend, are confusing the functionality of two different layers.
TCP is connection oriented in the sense that there's a connection establishment, between the two ends where they may negotiate different things like congestion-control mechanism among other things.
The transport layer protocols' general purpose is to provide process-to-process delivery meaning that it doesn't know anything about routes; how your packets reach the end system is beyond their scope, they're only concerned with how packets are being transmitted between the two end PROCESSES.
IP, on the other hand, the Network layer protocol for the Internet, is concerned with data-delivery between end-systems yet it's connection-less, it maintains no connection so each packet is handled independently of the other packets.
Leaving your system, each router will choose the path that it sees fit for EACH packet, and this path may change depending on availability/congestion.
How does that answer your question?
TCP will make sure packets reach the other process, it won't care HOW they got there.
IP, on the other hand, will not care if they reach the other end at all, it'll simply forward each different packet according to what it sees most fit for a particular packet.
Let's assume that IP was connection-oriented, would that mean packets would follow the same-path?
Not necessarily, it depends on what the word 'connection' at this layer means, if it means negotiating certain options related to security, for instance, you may still have all your packets being forwarded through different routes over the Internet.
Not to confuse you though, most connection-oriented services at the network-layer and below mean that the connection, when established, also establishes a virtual-path that all 'packets' must follow, for further information read about:
Virtual circuit and frame-relay networks
This link answers your question pretty well
Some people consider this (TCP) to be like a “simulation” of circuit-switching at higher network layers; this is perhaps a bit of a dubious analogy. Even though a TCP connection can be used to send data back and forth between devices, all that data is indeed still being sent as packets; there is no real circuit between the devices. This means that TCP must deal with all the potential pitfalls of packet-switched communication, such as the potential for data loss or receipt of data pieces in the incorrect order.
The TCP protocol deals with the problem of IP packets arriving out of order or being lost, to give you the feeling they arrive through a single FIFO channel. Yes, TCP is smart enough to do that, there's no need for a dedicated underlying channel.
The TCP protocal is implemented by the sending/receiving machines, once the packets leave the sending machine, the routers they travel along know nothing about TCP, they just use IP to get the packets from the source the to destination. Then, it is the destination machines job to, using TCP, make sure that all the packets arrive and that they arrive in the correct order. The internet itself doesn't know anything about TCP, it's just a layer (often software) that gives connection to a connectionless medium (the internet).
So onces a packet leaves a destination, it can go along any path (mostly) as long as it gets to the desintation, regardless of the higher level protocol (such as TCP or UDP).
I mean, it's a bit more complicated then that, but as far as I can remember that's the general Idea.
Refer my short points properly,
1) Connection oriented means ==> reserving resources(buffer,cpu,bandwidth etc.)..but "Where??".(where resources are reserved?? This where is reason of your confusion, so following is ans.).
2) Connection oriented at Transport Layer means ==> Reserving the resources at Both End processes/Ports.(Since TCP is a transport layer,then its responsibility is to reserve the resources at both end processes only,irrespective of whats happening in the intermediate path.)
3) Connection oriented at Network Layer means ==> Reserving the resources at Network Layers.(Now In the whole journey of a packet from source to destination, Network layer is found at all intermediate routers too(but not transport layer). Hence if any protocol at Network layer is connection oriented then,its responsibility is to reserve resources at all intermediate routeres too i.e. all packets will have to follow same intermediate path, But IP is connection less hence,intermediate resources will not be reserved. i.e journey of a packets may follow different paths etc.)
#CONCLUSION:==> Intermediate path is decided by Network Layer, hence if IP then paths may be different.(IP may contain TCP),But TCP is responsible for Resource reservation at both End processes ,irrespective of Intermediate path of packet.
router works on three layers only (physical , data link and Network layers) , so routers will take decision depending only on the info. of network layer (IP protocol ) hence there is no information available about its TCP or UDP at the router
