Doctrine get all entities from collection - symfony

I don't know if what I am trying is really possible. So I thought to ask it to you guys.
What I am trying to do:
get a set of companies
get all the users associated with the given companies
In code:
$companyIds = array(1,2,3);
$companies = $this->em->getRepository('AppBundle:Company')->findById($companyIds);
dump($companies->getUsers()); // this will not work, but I like it to work
Where they are associated as follows:
class User implements AdvancedUserInterface, \Serializable
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\Company", inversedBy="users")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="company_id", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=false)
private $company;
class Company
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="AppBundle\Entity\User", mappedBy="company")
private $users;

Repository returns you an ArrayCollection of entities, not a single entity, therefore you need to access each of them separately.
This should work:
foreach($companies as $company) {
The problem with the above is that by default it will fetch (lazy load) users from database for each company in separate query (on demand when calling getUsers), which would be very inefficient on larger scale.
There are couple possible solution depending on your needs.
You could configure doctrine to always fetch users with companies, which is called eager fetch.
Having fetched users, you can merge ArrayCollections (and remove duplicates if needed), to achieve single collection containing all users.
Other way could be to fetch companies with users by creating sufficient DQL query in a custom method of you company's repository. If you need only users and don't need companies, then it could be a query that only fetches users without companies.

Try something like this in your User-Repository:
public function getAllUsersFromCompanies($ids)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('u');
$qb->leftJoin('', 'c')
->where(' IN :ids')
->setParameter('ids', $ids)
return $query->getResult();
We are joining the user table with the company table here, which gives us the company for each user. Then, we filter out every user, that has the wrong company.

You can e.g. fetch all Comapany entities with users with one query:
$companies = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->select('c, u')
->from('AppBundle:Company', 'c')
// or left join based on you needs
->innerJoin('c.users', 'u')
This will not result in queries when fetching company users.


limit columns returned in relationnal entity symfony2

Is it possible to filter an entity and display only few columns in symfony2?
I think I can do a custom query for this, but it seems a bit dirty and I am sure there is a better solution.
For example I have my variable $createdBy below, and it contains few data that shouldnt be displayed in this parent entity such as password etc...
* #var Customer
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="MyCompany\Bundle\CustomerBundle\Entity\Customer")
* #ORM\JoinColumns({
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="created_by", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=false)
* })
protected $createdBy;
So I need to display my Customer entity, but only containing fields like id and name for example.
I already have an instance of Project, the entity with my createdBy field, and I want to grab my customer data 'formatted' for this entity and not returning too much fields like password ...
It sounds like expected behavior to me. The doctrine documentation seems to imply that eager fetching is only one level deep.
According to the docs:
Whenever you query for an entity that has persistent associations and
these associations are mapped as EAGER, they will automatically be
loaded together with the entity being queried and is thus immediately
available to your application.
The entity being queried has eager on createdBy so it will be populated.
to bypass you can create a method in your entity repository as following :
// join entities and load wanted fields
public function findCustom()
return $this->getEntityManager()
'SELECT p FROM AppBundle:Product p ORDER BY ASC'
hope this helps you
try this and let me know if it works, you should fill the right repository name
'XXXXBundle:CustomerYYYY', 'c'
public function findUser($user_id){
$qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder('c')
->select(array('c', '', ''))
->from('XXXXBundle:Customer', 'c')
->where(' <> :id')
->leftJoin('c.createdBy', 'cb')
->setParameter('id', $user_id)->getQuery();
if ($qb != null)
return $qb->getOneOrNullResult();
return null;

Symfony - access object of non related tables

How can i access the object of second table when joined (non-related tables)?
I have two table which are not related and I want to get the object of the second class (from below dump output)
My repository with dump
For example:
my controller:
$ProductSet_Repo = $em->getRepository('MyTestBundle:Product\ProductSet')->FindProductSet($productid);
Normally when the tables are related I can simple do
$productSet = $ProductSet_Repo->getproductid()->getProduct(); to get the object of Product class From ProductSet Class.
See My Dump
However since the tables are not in relationship and when i dump the data i get the objects of two classes is there a way I can access the Object My\TestBundle:Products\Entity\Product\ProductSet and \My\TestBundle\Entity\Product\Product?
Note: i don't want to do establish relationship between the two tables as I am working on already existing table for which i don't want to make any changes
Also I know I can select the fields which i want to retrieve. (I dont want to do that)
You write:
i don't want to do establish relationship between the two tables as I am working on already existing table for which i don't want to make any changes.
But with doctrine you are very well able to make a association between two entities without changing the tables. As far as I can see from your query you have a product_id column in your product_set table. That is all you need to make an association between Product and ProductSet.
In your ProductSet class you can do:
namespace My\TestBundle\Entity\Product;
class ProductSet
//... other properties
* #var Product
* #ORM\Id
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="My\TestBundle\Entity\Product\Product")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="product_id", referencedColumnName="id")
protected $product;
* Set the product.
* #param Product $product
* #return ProductSet
public function setProduct(Product $product)
$this->product = $product;
return $this;
* Get the product.
* #return Product
public function getProduct()
return $this->product;
//... other setters and getters
Now you can do:
$repository = $em->getRepository('MyTestBundle:Product\ProductSet')
$productSets = $repository->findBy(array('product' => $productid));
foreach($productSets as $productSet){
$productSet->getProduct()->getId() === $productId; // true
You can still join them (despite of strange naming convention you have id of corresponding object in the other entity) using query builder or native sql, but it's a really bad way.
it was developed by previous webdeveloper and i dont want to spend more time as i work as free lancer
That's not an excuse. You should create a relation and migration for these data. Getting money for a poorly designed and developed app is not cool.
Probably additional work when working with that poor design will take your more time than doing it in a proper way.

Symfony2: How to create custom query methods on related entities

I have a User entity which has an ArrayCollection of Positions. Each Position has for sure a user_id property.
Now i want to get all positions from a user (to get all i would do $user->getPositions()) that are matching a specific query, for example have a date property that matches the current date. Therefor i want to do something like $user->getCurrentPositions() and it should return a subset of the positions related to that user.
How is that possible?
What i really wanna do is something like this in my controller:
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$users = $em->getRepository('fabianbartschWhereMyNomadsAtBundle:User')->findAll();
foreach ($users as $user) {
$positions = $user->getCurrentPositions();
foreach ($positions as $position) {
echo $position->getLatitude().'<br>';
I wanna iterate over all users and from each user i want to have the relevant positions. But that isnt possible from the repository i guess, as i get the following message: Attempted to call method "getCurrentPositions" on class ...
If you are using Doctrine you can use the built-in Criteria API which is meant for this purpose exactly.
Collections have a filtering API that allows you to slice parts of data from a collection. If the collection has not been loaded from the database yet, the filtering API can work on the SQL level to make optimized access to large collections.
Ok i found out, its for sure possible with Repositories:
* #ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="fabianbartsch\WhereMyNomadsAtBundle\Entity\UserRepository")
* #ORM\Table(name="fos_user")
class User extends BaseUser
* UserRepository
class UserRepository extends EntityRepository
public function getCurrentPositions()
$query = $this->getEntityManager()
FROM xxx:Position p
WHERE p.start <= '2014-08-17' AND p.end >= '2014-08-17'"
try {
return $query->getResult();
} catch (\Doctrine\ORM\NoResultException $e) {
return null;
In the user object only related position entries are affected by the query, so is no need to join user entity with the position entity. Pretty simple, should just try out instead posting on stackoverflow, sry guys :P

Doctrine Query Builder Where Count of ManyToMany is greater than

Im using the Doctrine Query Builder, and have a very specific requirement that came through.
I am using the ManyToMany field in my entity, related to User entity association (Array of User account entities).
* #var ArrayCollection
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="User", cascade={"persist"})
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="post_user_list")
protected $userList;
Amongst the requirements of displaying "public posts" requires that the Entity have a published boolean set to true, a published date less than the current date, and two users associated with entity.
In my query builder, I have setup this:
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select($select)->from($this->getEntityName(), 'p');
$criteria = $qb->expr()->andX();
$criteria->add($qb->expr()->eq('p.editor_published', 1))
->add($qb->expr()->lte('p.datePublished', ':now'));
and that only handles the first two requirements, now I need a criteria entry for counting the amount of user entities in userList, and the where clause specifically for greater than or equal to two users.
Not exactly sure where to proceed..
Try this. The query uses HAVING to only display entities that are associated with 2 or more users.
->from($this->getEntityName(), 'p')
->where('p.editor_published = 1')
->andWhere('p.datePublished <= :now')
->groupBy($select) //not sure what's in $select may need to change this
->having('count( > 1'); //assuming user has an id column otherwise change it
->setParameter('now',new \DateTime());

Mapping and DQL

I have 3 tables - user, area, and contacts. A contact can belong to a user or an area. A user can belong to many areas.
I want to pull all the contacts that belong to a user (as specifically defined in the DB), as well as all contacts that belong to the same area as the user.
Can I get a fresh set of eyes on my Database mapping, and the query I need to write in DQL to get what I want. Am I doing something wrong in my database mapping?
I'm definitely a SQL person, and am able to easily fetch what I want in plain SQL. In plain SQL, here's what I want to do:
select c.* from contact c LEFT JOIN user_area ua ON c.area_id=ua.area_id where (ua.user_id=XXX OR c.user_id=XXX);
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="area", inversedBy="areas")
* #ORM\JoinTable(name="user_area",
* joinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")},
* inverseJoinColumns={#ORM\JoinColumn(name="area_id", referencedColumnName="id")}
* )
private $areas;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Contact", mappedBy="user")
private $contacts;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Area")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="area_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $area;
* #ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="User", inversedBy="Contacts")
* #ORM\JoinColumn(name="user_id", referencedColumnName="id")
private $user;
* #ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="User", mappedBy="users")
private $users;
* #ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Contact", mappedBy="area")
private $contacts;
The main problem I'm running into is that DQL really wants you to query an object, and it's just plain easier in SQL to query the user/area relationship table to get what I want. I tried to write an query that pulls areas from contacts, then users from contacts, and then users from areas but I get an error message that "users" isn't a defined index in my areas object. Again, I'm a Doctrine newbie, so I'm probably doing something wrong.
Here's my attempt at a query, from the User object in Symfony:
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('MyBundle:Contact', 'c')
->leftJoin('c.area', 'ca')
->leftJoin('c.user', 'cu')
->leftJoin('ca.users', 'cau')
->add('where', 'c.user = ?1 OR = ?1')
->add('orderBy', '')
->setParameter(1, $this->getId());
Someone should have slapped me for providing that previous answer. While it got the job done, I was absolutely right, it was not optimized. Queries using that method were taking 3 seconds to go back and forth to the database (3 seconds!). Clearly, there were plenty of other things going on in my world that took away from performance as a requirement for getting this done, but things have changed. I managed to break down this query into two smaller (Doctrine generated) ones, each taking maybe 0.2 or 0.3s.
$areas = $user->getAreas();
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
->from('MyBundle:Contact', 'c')
->where($qb->expr()->in('c.area', '?1'))
->orWhere('c.user = ?2')
->setParameter(1, $areas->toArray())
->setParameter(2, $user);
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$result = $query->getResult();
return $result;
The fact that I have to call $user->getAreas() adds a database query (if Doctrine doesn't already have that information), but this code, using Query Builder expressions, works much better (0.3s vs. 3s is 10% of the original query time!).
I think the main concept I was missing back then was that the Query Builder wants to work with your objects (Entities), and the properties you've defined in your entities. Coming from a strong SQL background, and knowing the specific SQL query I wanted Doctrine to produce, I wasn't approaching the problem properly.
Hope this update to an 8-month old question helps somebody!
So it turns out you can't fetch objects of objects in DQL. I needed to fetch all "Area"s (an object of "Contact") and then fetch all of that Area's "User"s.
In DQL, you can specify multiple "from()" helper methods, and this was what I needed to get the job done.
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('MyBundle:Contact', 'c')
->from('MyBundle:User', 'u')
->leftJoin('c.area', 'ca')
->leftJoin('c.user', 'cu')
->leftJoin('u.areas', 'ua')
->add('where', 'c.user = ?1 OR ( AND = ?1')
->add('orderBy', '')
->setParameter(1, $this->getId());
The resulting SQL generated from Doctrine doesn't seem particularly optimized, but it gets the job done. If anyone has any thoughts on getting Doctrine to better optimize the following query, I'd love to hear opinions.
SELECT AS id0, AS name1, AS email2, m0_.media_area_id AS media_area_id3, m0_.user_id AS user_id4 FROM contact m0_ LEFT JOIN user u1_ ON m0_.user_id = LEFT JOIN area m2_ ON m0_.area_id =, user u3_ LEFT JOIN user_area u5_ ON = u5_.user_id LEFT JOIN area m4_ ON = u5_.area_id WHERE = ? OR ( = AND = ? );
