File Exists and Exception Handling in U-Sql - u-sql

Two questions
How to check file exists or not before EXTRACT?
we have scenario where new inputs file is generated every day for catalog data. we need to merge new input with d-1 file. before merge we what to make sure that new input file exists at source location
does u-sql supports try...catch block?

Regarding checking if a file exists. We recently released a compile-time IF statement that indeed can check for partition existence (and other objects such as files and tables are on the roadmap).
Once that feature is released (still one or two refreshs out at the time of this answer) it may look something like (syntax subject to change):
IF FILE.EXISTS("/mydir/myfile.csv") THEN
#data = EXTRACT ... FROM "/mydir/myfile.csv" USING ...;
#jobstate = SELECT * FROM (VALUES("job completed")) AS T(status);
#jobstate = SELECT * FROM (VALUES("file not ready. Job not executed.")) AS T(status);
OUTPUT #jobstate TO "/jobs/myjobstate.csv" USING Outputters.Csv();
You will be able to provide the name as a parameter as well. Please let me know if that will work for your scenario.
An other alternative is to use the file set syntax, especially if you want to use a dynamic value to determine the process. That would simply create an empty rowset:
#data = EXTRACT ..., date DateTime
FROM "/mydir/{date:yyyy}/{date:MM}/{date:dd}/data.csv"
USING ...;
#data = SELECT * FROM #data WHERE date == DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
... // continue processing #data that is empty if yesterday's file is not yet there
Having said that, you may want to check of your job orchestration framework (such as ADF) may be a better place to check for existence before submitting the job in the first place.
As to the try catch block: U-SQL itself is a script-level optimizable, declarative language where the plan gets generated and optimized at runtime over the whole script. Thus providing a dynamic TRY-CATCH is currently not available, since it would severely impact the ability to optimize the script (e.g., you cannot move predicates or column pruning outside of a try-catch block). Also TRY/CATCH can lead to some very hard to understand and debug code, especially if it is used to mimic procedural workflows in an otherwise declarative environment.
However, you can use try/catch inside your C# functions without problems if you need to catch C# runtime errors.

FILE.EXISTS() always returns True when executed locally. However, it works when executing against Azure Data Lake.
Tried MSDN example and the following returns True, True
DECLARE #filepath_good = "/Samples/Data/SearchLog.tsv";
DECLARE #filepath_bad = "/Samples/Data/zzz.tsv";
#result =
SELECT FILE.EXISTS(#filepath_good) AS exists_good,
FILE.EXISTS(#filepath_bad) AS exists_bad
FROM (VALUES (1)) AS T(dummy);
OUTPUT #result
TO "/Output/FileExists.txt"
USING Outputters.Csv();
I have Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio version 2.2.5000.0


Is there a way to import multiple enumerands in IBM Rhapsody?

I have an enumerand of around 150 entries, which I need to get into IBM Rhapsody.
Doing this by hand is clearly lengthy and error prone. I have google extensively but found only things that tell me how to edit the generated code -- not go the other way.
The question is: How is this done? And if there is no way -- please someone post that as an answer.
I would jump into the Java API (plugin subsystem) and do it that way. If you haven't learned how to use the API, there is a bit of a learning curve. There are two ways to go about it: Implement a Java (or your favorite JVM language--I use Scala) app that realizes the Rhapsody Plugin framework and then you choose to package it up and deploy it so that it gets loaded when you load your model, or, if it is a one off job, do everything up to the point of packaging it up and then run it from within your IDE and you are done. If you are comfortable with Scala, I can post some code.
So what I did in the end was I edited the relevant .sbs file, used a small python program to generate the items I required, and then update the length of the array accordingly.
all_the_literals = ["enum_name = 0x4e", enum_name2 = 0xF2", ... ,]
for field1, waste, field1_value in map(lambda x: x.split(" "),
literal_string = f""" {{ IEnumerationLiteral
- _id = GUID {uuid.uuid4()};
- _name = \"{field1}\";
- codeUpdateCGTime = 5.16.2022::19:24:18;
- _modifiedTimeWeak = 5.16.2022::19:24:18;
- _value = \"{field1_value}\";
Note the above "code" snippet purely prints the items, which you then copy-paste into the relevant field in the sbs file. YMMV -- this was the correct format for an enum in Rhapsody (and note how I fudged the update time, but it worked successfully, so you'll need to do the same if you use this answer).
Also note it's probably better to use bauhaus9's answer, but I definitely didn't have time for it.

Error during compiling: `identifier not found` (code C3861)

I have a field in my acore_characters table named 'rank' with a tinyint which ranges from 0 to 3 inclusive, based on player's progression. I need to read that value at both login and at certain specific circumstances.
I wrote the following PreparedStatement: "SELECT rank FROM acore_characters WHERE guid = ?" and then the code which is supposed to read that value:
uint16 GetCharactersRank(uint64 guid) {
PreparedStatement* stmt = CharacterDatabase.GetPreparedStatement(mystatement);
stmt->setUInt32(0, GetGUID());
PreparedQueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query(stmt);
if (result) {
and then fetching the result and so on, but then I get a code C8361 when compiling because 'GetGUID':identifier not found in Player.cpp file...what goes wrong? The other GetGUID calls throughout the file dont give this result. I'm not very fond of c++, any help is very appreciated.
It's not recommended to directly patch the core to add customisations to it. Instead, use modules.
An example can be found here: Is it possible to turn a core patch into a module for AzerothCore?
You can have a look and copy the skeleton-module and start modifying it to create your own.
In your case, you probably want to use the OnLogin player hook.

Which tool of Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge can I use for testing ABL queries?

I've just written following erroneous ABL query:
FOR EACH T1 (WHERE T1.some-date = ' ') AND
(integer(T1.num1) >= 100) AND
(integer(T1.num1) <= 200) AND
(T1.some-other-date = 01/12/2021) AND
(T2.Name = itsme),
EACH T2 WHERE T2.num2 = T1.num2
BY T1.num1
As you can see, this is wrong because I've put the first bracket in front of "WHERE" instead of behind it. In top of that, my name "itsme", is not put between quotes, so the ABL query will never work.
I've been looking in my development environment ("Tools" menu), but I couldn't find an ABL query tester. I've also checked the directory "C:\Progressx86\OpenEdge\bin", but being a newbie I didn't find anything.
I have downloaded the "DataDigger" application, which contains a so-called "MCF Query Tester", but this only works on single table and only checks criteria, not entire ABL queries.
Does anybody know where I can find an ABL query tester, first for syntax checking (the bracket in front of the "WHERE") and (if possible) for data testing (01/12/2021, is that January 12th or December 1st?)?
Thanks in advance
Create a new OpenEdge project in Progress Developer Studio for Openedge. Create a new ABL procedure under the project with the necessary database connection. Copy the above ABL code into the procedure file and you should be able to see the errors and warnings in your procedure file.
The ABL Scratch Pad view of Progress Developer Studio allows to execute ad-hoc queries.
You don't mention which editor you're using, but in general terms, the ABL COMPILE statement performs syntax checking. There's no separate/independent executable that compiles/checks syntax. Generally you'll need to write a .P to perform the compilation.
You can use the PCTCompile Ant task if you'd like to use an Ant- or Gradle-based build system.
As to date formats, I thought that was in the doc, but no. Dates always have a MM/DD/YYYY format when hard-coded; decimals always use a . decimal separator (ie 123.45) when hard-coded.
Another way to test a query you're working on would be to use query-prepare which accepts a string.
QUERY q-test:HANDLE:QUERY-PREPARE("your query string here").
One of my colleagues showed me an incredible easy solution:
Copy the query in a separate procedure window and add the results you want to see, something like this:
FOR EACH T1 (WHERE T1.some-date = ' ') AND
(integer(T1.num1) >= 100) AND
(integer(T1.num1) <= 200) AND
(T1.some-other-date = 01/12/2021) AND
(T2.Name = itsme),
EACH T2 WHERE T2.num2 = T1.num2
BY T1.num1
/* To be added for viewing results */
DISPLAY T1.Field1 T1.Field2 T2.Field5
And launch this inside the programming environment (F2).
In case of syntax mistakes, the compiler shows the errors. In case the syntax is correct, a pop-up window is started, showing the results.

OpenJpa2.0 How to map Oracle sys.XMLTYPE column to String

I changed Change in persistence.xml
I also changed column definition (columnDefinition="XDB.XMLType") for xml fields
I checked OpenJpa( site and IBM (
My env is OpenJpa 2.0 and WAS 7
its throwing exception
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 169
Please suggest without changing OpenJpa2.0 as its part of IBM WebSphere Application Server V7.0 how can i handle sys.XMLTYPE data, i am migrating my application from db2 to Oracle in same environment.
Writing XML data can be tricky some times! Getting the correct drivers and things defined properly can have its challenges. I can not say exactly what you need to do given the lack of info on your domain model and such, but let me give some general things to look for. First, there is an XML test in the OpenJPA test framework if you want to make reference to it. It can be seen publicly here:
Or, another test using an "XMLValueHandler" (likely this is beyond the scope of what you are looking for):
Second, (stating the obvious) I assume you have a column in Oracle defined as "XMLTYPE". Also, I see you are using schema SYS. I'm sure you are aware but this is a system/admin schema......just for sanity sake you might want to first get things running using a non-system/admin schema just so we don't get hung up with any issues with your OpenJPA client not having the correct permissions.
Next, you need the following definition:
#Lob #Basic
#Column(name = "ANXMLCOLUMN", columnDefinition="XMLCOLUMN XMLType")
private String anXMLString;
The #Lob I think will be necessary if you are using data greater than 4000 chars (this was mentioned in one of the comments). To start I'd use a very small set of data (a couple characters), once that works, then experiment with > 4k.
Next, make sure to use the correct JDBC driver. The last time I experimented with an XMLType I used the Oracle JDBC driver.
Finally, you might need to use the property "openjpa.jdbc.DBDictionary" with value "oracle(supportsSetClob=true,maxEmbeddedClobSize=-1)". Again, experiment with this AND look at the OpenJPA documentation on these properties to determine if they are necessary in your scenario. I think the supportsSetClob=true will only be necessary for older version (pre-2.2.x) of OpenJPA. You might also need to use property "openjpa.jdbc.SchemaFactory" with value "native". I would suggest you first try without either or these two properties. If that doesn't help, then experiment with these two properties. I know this is vague, but I don't know what your DDL or domain model looks like so I have to keep in vague.
Heath Thomann

SQL Server Deploy Script

I use sql server 2005 for an project. I want to run a SQL file that contains all DB changes from the last release to easily bring a DB up to the latest version.
I basically just have a bunch of alter table, create table, create index, alter view, call stored proc, etc statements. But I would like to wrap it in a transaction so if any part of it fails, none of the changes will go through. Otherwise it could make for some really messy debugging where it finished.
Also, if you know of a better way to manage DB deployment let me know!
I do something similar with a Powershell script using SMO.
Pseudocode would be:
$SDB = SourceDBObject
$TDB = TargetDBObject
ForEach $table in $SDB.Tables
Add an entry to a hash table with the name
and some attributes (rowcount, columns, datasize)
# Same thing for $TDB
# Compare the two arrays, and make a list of all the ones that exist in the source but not in the target, or that are different
# Same thing for Procs and Views
# Pass this list to a SMO.Scripter as an UrnCollection object, and it will script them out in dependency order (it's an option), with drops
# Wrap the script in a transaction and execute it on target server
# Use SQLBulkCopy class to transfer data server-to-server
What version of Visual Studio do you use? In Visual Studio 2010 and from what I can remember Visual Studio 2008 - in the menu under "Data" there are two options - "Schema Compare" and "Data Compare". That should move you in the right direction.
USE AdventureWorks2008R2;
DELETE FROM AdventureWorks2008R2.HumanResources.JobCandidate
WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;
You should execute everything within a transaction
Note that some DDL statements have to be the first statement in a batch (batches are separate from transactions). (GO is the default batch separator in SSMS and SQLCMD).
