Inline CSS in Joomla - css

I am optimizing my site and I am following GTmetrix's suggestion to inline a small amount of css. Only I can't find where it is calling for this. I can see it when I view the source but when I check my different index.php files I can't seem to find where to make that edit. Any thoughts? Thanks. My site is and the css in question is:
Like I said, I can see where it calls for the file when viewing the source but my site is built in Joomla which is php.

I've had really good results with JCH Optimize. It's a moderately complex extension so plan on spending time reading the docs and testing the options.
It will combine multiple CSS and JS files and you have some options to inline the CSS.
If you can get most of the extension options working you'll be impressed with your grading improvements. For me, the big gains were from combining the multiple CSS and JS files.
Good luck!

The css file you are referring to is called from within other ccs files in the same folder located at /yourjoomlarootfolder/media/com_acymailing/css using:
#import url("module_default.css");
which seems to be called from mod_acymailing.php located at /yourjoomlarootfolder/modules/mod_acymailing depending on the acymailing skin/theme you are using
or at least that's what i found in a fast search i did on one of my sites using acymailing.


Is it good if I split my CSS file into multiple files for each page?

I'm Building a website, and It has a lot of pages approximately like 30 pages, and I linked these pages with one CSS file (the main css files) not to mention the other files such as bootstrap.min.css and other plugins that requires their own css files.
My point is that in all of these I'm using like the same css files, but in some pages I don't need all of the properties and styles in main.css file, so I'm thinking that I split that css file into multiple files, and create file called (global.css) and type in the properties that I'll need in all pages, and make another css file for each individual page.
My question is:-
Is it going to be helpful for the website speed if I split that main css into multiple css files and include only the necessary things for each page?
Ideally you want to abstracts your CSS files into many different SCSS files and then compiles them into one minified master file. One file for the header styling, one for links, one for typography. I was afraid of SCSS but now love it... Nothing changes in production, you are still running off CSS bit in development you are just making your life that little bit more organised.
you better dont want to do that if your code is small like less that 50kb or even 100kb
also if you provide seperate css for each page browser has to download each css file when user visit that page that will cost you one additional request for every single page this will slow down your page and affect your performace
instead I would suggest when your code goes live compress your code or minified it so youll get the more smaller version of your code
I also suggest to leverage browser caching (using .htaccess if you are using linux server)
above are the things which comes under front end performance improvement

Optimize CSS Delivery External Link

I want to optimize my page speed. I have checked with this link. I have solved js problems. But I didn't find any solution for external css like THIS which I added from others source.
How can I resolve this css problems? Please help me.
You need to use this css after download in your local and also with related fonts like
to optimize your page speed more, minify your styles and put them into one file using build tools like grunt and gulp, but if you are not comfortable working with them just copy and paste or use some online tools like shrinker, it will do both operations for you. Also, consider moving down your style (if it links to a large file) and script tags to the bottom of the html file.

Using a lot of style sheets. Needing opinions on how to move forward efficiently

I'm new to web development and am developing a website using bootstrap. I've got quite a few .css files that involve bootstrap, an open source bootstrap theme, some style sheets for the plugins I'm using and etc. Thing is, I feel like I'm doing the same thing over and over again, putting a lot of overhead on things.
For example, this is how the styles on the web page I'm developing currently operate:
Bootstrap default theme is loaded
Bootstrap custom theme is loaded, overrides the majority of the default bootstrap css configurations
My own custom css file is loaded, overrides the majority of the custom theme css configurations
I guess it's worth mentioning that my custom css file only overrides colours and borders.
I'm thinking if the theme is open source, should I just edit the theme itself? Or should I still be editing everything within my own custom css file?
Again, I'm very new to web development so apologies if this is quite a silly question. Optimisation is key for me, though. After the development stage I will combine the CSS files using bundles provided by the Microsoft.NET optimization package.
Never modify a library directly (css, js, php etc.). What if a new version come out, fixing some bugs. You can not download it, because it will override all your fabulous work.
You get the right process right now. Import your libraries, then override them with you own file and lines of codes.
In your case, it does not matter at all the number of files you are importing, because you will combine and minify them.
If you really care about performances, I suggest you to look at the "CDN" systeme, for Bootstrap or jQuery it could be interesting and provide some good benefits.
Look at this question and the answers, they will give you some good hints : Single huge .css file vs. multiple smaller specific .css files?

Does CSS file sorting matter and if, why?

I have a website which uses 1 css file, it is called body.css and it consists of 841 lines. Should it be sorted in different files (header.css, footer.css page1.css, etc...), is it better in just 1 file or does it not matter?
The only thing I know for sure is sorting it in more files is a lot more readable.
Also if someone answers this I'd be most grateful for a little explanation.
My opinion would be one of two things.
1) If you know that your CSS will NEVER change once you've built it, I'd build multiple CSS files in the development stage (for readability), and then manually combine them before going live (to reduce http requests)
2) If you know that you're going to change your CSS once in a while, and need to keep it readable, I would build separate files and use code (providing you're using some sort of programming language) to combine them at runtime build time (runtime minification/combination is a resource pig).
With either option I would highly recommend caching on the client side in order to further reduce http requests.
So, there are good reasons in both cases...
A solution that would allow you to get the best of both ideas would be :
To develop using several small CSS files
i.e. easier to develop
To have a build process for your application, that "combines" those files into one
That build process could also minify that big file, btw
It obviously means that your application must have some
configuration stuff that allows it to swith from "multi-files mode" to "mono-file mode".
And to use, in production, only the big file i.e. Single CSS
Result : faster loading pages
maybe this will help you..
For optimal performance it is better to have only one css file.
But for readability it would be better to have different files for different parts.
Take a look at tools like SASS, which help do that without sacrifice performance. Additionally it has features to make your files even more readable by introducing variables, function and much more.
Using more files means more requests. It will take more time to load and make unnecessary requests to the server. I'd stay with one file.
The only good reason to have other css files would be if you have third-party components, to keep them separated and be able to update them easily.
The order matters: Rules loaded later will override rules with the same name loaded before (this is valid even for rules in the same file).
What do you mean that your website uses one CSS file? Normally you'd write your style definitions in multiple files, and they are concatenated (or not) into one file. My point is, what you are working on in your development environment should stay modular, readable, it shouldn't be influenced by what you have in production.
As for the order of the CSS files, yes, it matters, as you can overwrite your previous definitions.
For optimal caching I'd recommend you to build all the vendor CSS in one file, and your CSS in another file, versioned, so that if you change something in your code, only that file has to be updated by the browser.
But these things depend on the infrastructure. As the browsers are able now to send multiple requests simultaneously, having multiple files can lead to faster page load than only one. But I'm not sure about this.
you might want to take a look at gulp to automatically optimize, and minify your CSS code.
All css in one file is OK.
But it's free : you can make as many css file as you want.
However usually this is how it is:
1 global css file for the entire page. You put the common css in here that is useful for every page on your site. You can call it app.css or style.css or mywebsite.css or any name you want.
1 specific css file for a specific page when you want to specially separate this css from the global css file. Because it will contains css only useful for a few pages. For example you have a special component made by your own or a special functionnality. Example : you have made a spcial javascript code working with some html for uploading some file and you want to have your code js/css separate.
Usually, you can also have one css page for each page, but always one global css file for the entire site.
Note : Same question is also valid for javascript
Note 2 : You can also think about using a framework to minify your javascript and css into one single css / js file at the end. At work our technical boss use wro4j which works for java but it should exists many more other frameworks as you can search on google.

How should I organize my ASP.Net themes and common CSS files

I am currently working on a project where a programmer who fancied themselves a graphic designer attempted their hand at ASP.Net themes. The CSS is pretty bad, but that is another question altogether.
What I really need help with is the best way to organize ASP.Net Themes and the CSS that lies within them. Imagine that there is a directory structure that looks something like this:
Theme A
Theme B
Theme C
Each theme has a common stylesheet in it. Unfortunately the author of those style sheets managed to change only a few things here and there in each copy of Common.css. Eventually I will evaluate whether or not those changes are even necessary, but some major cleanup needs to happen first. For now just assume that the changes, ever so small, are necessary for things to look right with each theme.
I would like to know what the best practices are for using themes while also needing some common styles across your application. I want to minimize the number of AppTurns in the page load, but I really want to consolidate common styles into one place in a way that maintains the ease of themes.
You should just include the standard/common css in the website and include it in the head of the masterpage instead of placing it in themes.
I have written a small article about that:
I'll complete it with more information later
Yes, just reference the common CSS file directly instead of putting it in the theme folders.
But what if you have a webpage in a sub folder that uses the masterpage? Won't the page to the css file be wrong then?
