Xcode 8 simulator ios 8 image get distorted - ios-simulator

I just get this bug,some images on the iOS 8 simulator get distorted.iOS9,and iOS10 don't have this bug.
I'm not sure that this is a Xcode 8 bug,or this is my problem.

Same here, this seems to be a valid Xcode-issue. It is only happening on iOS 8 sims and only with the latest Xcode 8 Beta 6. We should file a bugreport for this.


border-image slicing differences between browsers

I'm seeing some significant differences in how browsers are repeating sliced border images. It's easily demonstrated on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/border-image-slice
MacOS 10.14.6 Safari 12.1.2
MacOS 10.14.6 Firefox 91.0.1
MacOS 10.14.6 Chrome 92.0.4515.159
So it appears that Safari on MacOS Mojave has an issue. Simple enough if that were the case. But mobile browsers on iOS are also behaving differently.
iOS 14.6 Safari
iOS 14.6 Firefox
iOS 14.6 Chrome
Does anyone have any insight into why these browsers behave differently? Does anyone have insight into how to get the un-stretched results in all browsers that MacOS Firefox and Chrome have?
Essentially, what you are seeing here is Safari behavior vs. the behavior of all other browsers, which sadly is a common frustration of many developers— Safari functioning differently and usually unexpectedly.
What you are seeing on iOS (mobile) is to be expected, because although there are different browser apps, all of them, even Chrome and Firefox are actually Safari (using the Safari browser engine, WebKit), simply reskinned with a different UI. There is only one iOS browser in actuality.
Supporting source #1: https://www.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/9lpmkh/
As we all know Apple forces all third party browsers on iOS to use WebKit, essentially making them just re skinned versions of Safari; This puts Gecko Based Firefox and other Third party Browsers at a performance disadvantage.
Supporting source #2: https://www.quora.com/Is-Chrome-for-iOS-just-Safari-re-skinned
Google wasn't just being lazy using Safari's rendering engine. Apple requires people making browsers to use the UIWebView object. [This] means “exactly the same rendering engine”.
To be clear, this is a bug in WebKit/Safari. I have opened an official bug report to resolve this: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=229803
This github link I encountered last time shows that border-image in safari is seems to be not solved.

Bootstrap background color disappears when opening in Windows 10 Edge or IE

This is a Windows 10 Edge or Internet Explorer (IE) only problem. This works fine on Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Windows 7 IE.
Why bootstrap background-color disappears only in Windows 10 IE or Edge.
Is there something I can do to stop this from happening?
Windows 10 IE 11.0.10547.0
Windows 10 Edge 21.10547.0.0
Looks like it's an ms Edge issue.
It's working fine in Edge 13 - internal version 22
Windows 10 build 10550
It Works
This is IE 11.0.10550.0 Update 11.0.22

Getting SVG to work on Android 2.*

I am creating a website and it's using SVG images due to retina support. I had to use modernizer to swap SVG for .PNG and also use alternative .PNGs for IE8.
I now have the problem the images are not showing on my Samsung Galaxy Ace with Android version 2.3.6.
How can I get the phone to support SVG images?
Thank you kind people.
The stock android browser didn't start supporting svg until Android version 3.0, see http://caniuse.com/#feat=svg.
You can find alternative free browsers that do support SVG on android 2.3, such as Opera Mobile (disclaimer: I work at Opera).
The modernizr solution should work just fine (see guide), though you will get PNGs in the stock browser on Android 2.3.

IE 10 scrollbar and form buttons look like wingding font characters

I first saw this when I tried the IE 10 beta a while back and thought that it would be resolved in the full release. Not so. I've tried uninstalling all the way back to version IE8. The wingding buttons problem only show up when I have IE 10 installed.
About Me:
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
Graphics Chipset ATI Radeon HD 3800 Series
The IE 10 scrollbar and form interfaces use the "Segoe UI" font-family which includes Symbol, Regular, Bold, SemiBold. Once installed all "text-based" anomalies in the interface buttons correct themselves including the forms, and IE10 scrollbar up/down buttons.
The font is normally part of the default fonts installed in Windows 7. For some reason the beta-IE must have corrupted the font-set. Fortunately I was able to copy the fonts from another computer running windows 7.

How long does it usually take for bug fixes in the Webkit nightly build to hit Chrome/Safari updates?

How long does it usually take for bug fixes in the Webkit nightly build to hit Chrome/Safari updates?
This is one I have been looking forward to:
Expect new webkit features to be 2 generations behind in chrome:
webkit development
chromium chrome
standard chrome
This cycle can be quite long but usually a new version of chrome gets released 1 month after the previous one. I would count at least 2 versions for a bug to be fixed, so 2 months :)
As for safari, they only update the browser twice to 3 times a year and not in a constant way. Also the updates don't necessarily include a new webkit build but often only security fixes. So you can't really rely on safari for your bug to get fixed but safari 6 coming out this summer with Mac osx lion (probably) will have a pretty new webkit engine. So wait for this summer.
