R Draw multiple functions with different parameters in one plot - r

This is a follow up post to Draw min, max function in R
I would like to draw multiple functions with different parameters in one plot. But the group argument of ggplot does not seem to work.
# data preparation/ load
feTargetPv <- structure(list(ModelYear = 2012:2016,
ComplianceCategory = c("pv","pv", "pv", "pv", "pv"),
fetargetfix = c(30.7, 31.4, 32.1, 33.3, 34.7),
a = c("35.95", "36.8", "37.75", "39.24", "41.09"),
b = c("27.95", "28.46", "29.03", "29.9", "30.96"),
c = c("0.0005308", "0.0005308", "0.0005308", "0.0005308", "0.0005308"),
d = c("0.006057", "0.00541", "0.004725", "0.003719", "0.002573")),
.Names = c("ModelYear", "ComplianceCategory", "fetargetfix", "a", "b", "c", "d"),
row.names = c(47L, 49L, 51L, 53L, 55L), class = "data.frame")
my <- c(2012,2013, 2014)
eqs = function(x,my){
1/(pmin(pmax(as.numeric(feTargetPv[which(feTargetPv$ModelYear == my),"c"]) * x +
as.numeric(feTargetPv[which(feTargetPv$ModelYear == my),"d"]),
1/as.numeric(feTargetPv[which(feTargetPv$ModelYear == my),"a"])),
1/as.numeric(feTargetPv[which(feTargetPv$ModelYear == my),"b"])))
ggplot(data.frame(x=seq(from = 30, to = 75, by = 1)), aes(x), group = my, col = my) +
stat_function(fun=eqs, args=my) + xlab("x") + ylab("y")
Error message
Warning message:
Computation failed in `stat_function()`:
unused arguments (2013, 2014)
How do I have to provide the my parameters to the stat_function()?

Rather than using stat_function, you could calculate the values per year via your function outside of ggplot and then use geom_line.
You could start by making a dataset of your x values for each year, using your my as your ModelYear variable.
dat = expand.grid(x=seq(from = 30, to = 75, by = 1), ModelYear = my)
Then merge your x values with the dataset that contains the function parameter values. By default this keeps only info for the first dataset, dat.
dat2 = merge(dat, feTargetPv, by = "ModelYear")
Now your function can take either the vectors of x, a, b, c, d or the dataset and the x variable.
eqs = function(data, x){
1/(pmin(pmax(as.numeric(data[,"c"]) * x +
Add the values from the function as a column to the dataset. I call this new variable y.
dat2$y = eqs(dat2, dat2$x)
Now the plotting is straightforward, using y values to map the y position along with geom_line.
ggplot(dat2, aes(x, y, color = factor(ModelYear))) +


More than one expression parsed error ggplot2

I have the following data frame:
df.test <- data.frame(
id = c("EIF3H", "USP9X", "USP44", "USP51", "USP15",
"USP48", "USP47", "USP43", "USPL1", "UCHL5", "USP50", "USP7",
"UCHL1", "USP11", "USP26", "PAN2", "VCPIP1", "USP46", "USP29",
"USP22", "USP49", "ZRANB1", "OTUD4", "OTUD7B", "USP54", "PSMD14",
"USP20", "USP6", "OTUD3", "USP39", "UCHL3", "USP19", "USP21",
"USP30", "TNFAIP3", "USP17L2", "USP32", "JOSD2", "PSMD7", "ATXN3L",
"SENP2", "STAMBPL1", "USP37", "USP35", "USP3", "ALG13", "USP45",
"Control", "USP9Y", "ATXN3", "OTUD6A", "USP42", "USP12", "MPND",
"USP40", "OTUD1", "USP31", "USP8", "USP13", "USP53", "USP34",
"USP17L5", "MYSM1", "USP36", "OTUD7A", "USP10", "USP2", "USP18",
"OTUB1", "EIF3F", "USP1", "USP14", "COPS5", "USP24", "USP4",
"CYLD", "COPS6", "STAMBP", "USP5", "OTUD6B", "BAP1", "USP25",
"YOD1", "USP28", "USP38", "USP41", "JOSD1", "UCK2", "USP16",
"USP27X", "BRCC3", "USP33", "OTUD5", "OTUB2"),
log.score = c(4.22265293851218, 3.03983376346562,
2.4139305569695, 2.32586482009754, 2.30391458369018, 2.19017103893211,
2.10803347738743, 2.10011933499842, 1.82596928196197, 1.79890343496053,
1.78330640083025, 1.58384231036782, 1.4480988629484, 1.4331502122056,
1.41965675282741, 1.37552194849409, 1.37548070593268, 1.3126672736385,
1.27123241483349, 1.25213781606166, 1.1643918571801, 1.14738583497561,
1.0423927129399, 1.03157776352028, 1.0279685056071, 0.953426802337995,
0.94104282122269, 0.929925173732472, 0.886424283199432, 0.886123467368948,
0.815961921373111, 0.811437095842094, 0.767054687254773,
0.754314635766764, 0.750654863646671, 0.728646377897516,
0.707899061519581, 0.703532261199885, 0.692546751828376,
0.684554481775416, 0.652104306506768, 0.642046105413661,
0.630116510664521, 0.62908000782908, 0.619354680809075, 0.614876544107784,
0.61293067306798, 0.606898831140113, 0.603504247802433, 0.578642901486857,
0.576246380387172, 0.549612309171809, 0.53101794103743, 0.513442014568548,
0.506304999011214, 0.492144128304169, 0.462596515841992,
0.454185884038717, 0.450163300207299, 0.434529992991809,
0.429725658566606, 0.42864060724616, 0.419896514762075, 0.409715596281838,
0.365946146577929, 0.363963683646553, 0.357614629472314,
0.352851847129221, 0.343470593766502, 0.313051079788499,
0.304614649499993, 0.291604597354374, 0.287030586811975,
0.272263598289704, 0.27175988000523, 0.265200170411153, 0.264528852761016,
0.244704590019742, 0.179680291853473, 0.154102353851514,
0.147800680553723, 0.127575655021633, 0.126051956011554,
0.1207205737776, 0.118712371231544, 0.11046860245595, 0.0939775902962627,
0.0673791277640148, 0.066320409857141, 0.0582650179118847,
0.0548860857591892, 0.0374554663486737, 0.0147532091971383,
neg.rank = 1:94)
From this data frame I made this plot:
x <- "neg.rank"
p <- ggplot(df.test, aes_string(x = x, y = df.test$log.score)) +
I want to add labels to the top10 ids and I tried the following:
p + geom_label_repel(data = df.test[df.test[[x]] %in% 1:10, ], aes_string(x = x, y = df$log.score, label = df.test$id))
But this gives me a More than one expression parsed error:
More than one expression parsed
1. ├─ggrepel::geom_label_repel(...)
2. │ └─ggplot2::layer(...)
3. └─ggplot2::aes_string(x = x, y = df$log.score, label = df.test$id)
4. └─base::lapply(...)
5. └─ggplot2:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
6. └─rlang::parse_expr(x)
I have no clue what is wrong with the code.
It is not working as you are inserting the vectors directly into your aes_string.
If you want yours to be working you need to be strict with your aes_string and really should only use strings:
p +
data = df.test[df.test[[x]] %in% 1:10, ],
aes_string(x = x, y = "log.score", label = "id"),
I also added a "cleaner" solution. I changed your subsetting logic to use dplyr, as you are already loading the package anyway and changed all your aes_string() to aes().
ggplot(df.test, aes(x = neg.rank, y = log.score)) +
geom_point() +
data = df.test %>% slice_min(neg.rank, n = 10),
aes(label = id),
max.overlaps = 10,
xlim = c(10, NA),
ylim = c(3, NA),
direction = "x"

Comparing "Unlimited" value to numerical values in ggplot

I am trying to make a visual comparison between an input vector and my database.However, the input vector or the database may contain the "UL" character, which means, an infinite number. Think of it as your unlimited voice plan, with which you can make an unlimited number of calls.
Here is the code I have used to try to make a visual comparison between "UL" and other numerical values.
# d is the database data.frame, with which we want to compare the input vector
d = structure(list(Type = c("H1", "H2", "H3"),
P1 = c(2000L, 1500L, 1000L),
P2 = c(60L, 40L, 20L),
P3 = c("UL", 3000L, 2000L)),
class = "data.frame",
row.names = c(NA, -3L))
# d2 is the input vector
d2 = structure(list(Type = "New_offre", P1 = 1200L, P2 = "UL", P3 = 2000),
class = "data.frame",
row.names = c(NA, -1L))
#Check if there are some unlimited values in both d and d2
y1 <-rbind(d,d2)
y <- y1
if("UL" %in% y$P3){
max_P3_scale <- max(as.numeric(y[y$P3!="UL","P3"]))
y[y$P3=="UL","P3"]= 2*max_P3_scale
if("UL" %in% y$P2){
max_P2_scale <- max(as.numeric(y[y$P2!="UL","P2"]))
y[y$P2=="UL","P2"]= 2*max_P2_scale
y <- transform(y,P1=as.numeric(P1),
d <- y[1:nrow(d),]
d2<- y[nrow(d)+1,]
d %>% gather(var1, current, -Type) %>%
mutate(new = as.numeric(d2[cbind(rep(1, max(row_number())),
match(var1, names(d2)))]),
slope = factor(sign(current - new), -1:1)) %>%
gather(var2, val, -Type, -var1, -slope) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = factor(var2,levels = c("new","current")), y = val, group = 1)) +
geom_point(aes(fill = var2), shape = 2,size=4) +
geom_line(aes(colour = slope)) +
scale_colour_manual(values = c("green","green", "red")) +
facet_wrap(Type ~ var1,scales = "free")
My first attempt was to find if there is "UL" values in P2 and P3. If yes, I try to find the maximum numeric value other than "UL". Then, I replace all "UL" occurrences by this maximum value* 2, so the graphical representations will always show that "UL" is maximum.
The issue with this is that I am not able to differentiate between actual values and "UL" ones.
Here is how my plot looks like using this solution

plot(var()) displays two different plots, how do I merge them into one? Also having two y axis

> dput(head(inputData))
structure(list(Date = c("2018:07:00", "2018:06:00", "2018:05:00",
"2018:04:00", "2018:03:00", "2018:02:00"), IIP = c(125.8, 127.5,
129.7, 122.6, 140.3, 127.4), CPI = c(139.8, 138.5, 137.8, 137.1,
136.5, 136.4), `Term Spread` = c(1.580025, 1.89438, 2.020112,
1.899074, 1.470544, 1.776862), RealMoney = c(142713.9916, 140728.6495,
140032.2762, 139845.5215, 139816.4682, 139625.865), NSE50 = c(10991.15682,
10742.97381, 10664.44773, 10472.93333, 10232.61842, 10533.10526
), CallMoneyRate = c(6.161175, 6.10112, 5.912088, 5.902226, 5.949956,
5.925538), STCreditSpread = c(-0.4977, -0.3619, 0.4923, 0.1592,
0.3819, -0.1363)), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"))
I want to make my autoregressive plot like this plot:
#------> importing all libraries
#--------->reading data
inputData <- read_csv("C:/Users/sanat/Downloads/exercise_1.csv")
#--------->calculating the lag=1 for NSE50
diff_NSE50<-(diff(inputData$NSE50, lag = 1, differences = 1)/lag(inputData$NSE50))
diff_RealM2<-(diff(inputData$RealMoney, lag = 1, differences = 1)/lag(inputData$RealMoney))
lm_fit = dynlm(IIP ~ CallMoneyRate + STCreditSpread + diff_NSE50 + diff_RealM2, data = inputData)
inputData_ts = ts(inputData, frequency = 12, start = 2012)
#--------->area of my doubt is here
VAR_data <- window(ts.union(ts(inputData$IIP), ts(inputData$CallMoneyRate)))
VAR_est <- VAR(y = VAR_data, p = 12)
I want to my plots to get plotted together in same plot. How do I serparate the var() plots to two separate ones.
Current plot:
My dataset :
Okay, so this still needs some work, but it should set the right framework for you. I would look more into working with the ggplot2 for future.
Few extra packages needed, namely library(vars) and library(dynlm).
Starting from,
VAR_est <- VAR(y = VAR_data, p = 12)
Now we extract the values we want from the VAR_est object.
y <- as.numeric(VAR_est$y[,1])
z <- as.numeric(VAR_est$y[,2])
x <- 1:length(y)
## second data set on a very different scale
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.3) # Leave space for z axis
plot(x, y, type = "l") # first plot
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x, z, type = "l", axes = FALSE, bty = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
axis(side=4, at = pretty(range(z)))
mtext("z", side=4, line=3)
I will leave you to add the dotted lines on etc...
Hint: Decompose the VAR_est object, for example, VAR_est$datamat, then see which bit of data corresponds to the part of the plot you want.
Used some of this

Plotting function gives data must be of vector type, was 'NULL'

So I use the following functions for plotting most of the data I have to plot. I created it thanks to different chunks of code that I have found online. So far I have never encountered any issue with it.
Here is the plotting function first.
#' Plot a given mean with error bars
#' #param resultTable The table with all the result to plot
#' #param techniques The name of the techniques in the form of a list/vector
#' #param nbTechs The number of given techniques
#' #param ymin The minimum value for y
#' #param ymax The maximum value for y
#' #param xAxisLabel The label for the x (vertical) axis
#' #param yAxisLable The label for the y (horizontal) axis
#' #return
barChartTime <- function(resultTable, techniques, nbTechs = -1, ymin, ymax, xAxisLabel = "I am the X axis", yAxisLabel = "I am the Y Label"){
#tr <- t(resultTable)
if(nbTechs <= 0){
stop('Please give a positive number of Techniques, nbTechs');
tr <- as.data.frame(resultTable)
nbTechs <- nbTechs - 1 ; # seq will generate nb+1
#now need to calculate one number for the width of the interval
tr$CI2 <- tr$upperBound_CI - tr$mean_time
tr$CI1 <- tr$mean_time - tr$lowerBound_CI
#add a technique column
tr$technique <- factor(seq.int(0, nbTechs, 1));
breaks <- c(as.character(tr$technique));
g <- ggplot(tr, aes(x=technique, y=mean_time)) +
geom_bar(stat="identity",fill = I("#CCCCCC")) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=mean_time-CI1, ymax=mean_time+CI2),
width=0, # Width of the error bars
size = 1.1
) +
#labs(title="Overall time per technique") +
labs(x = xAxisLabel, y = yAxisLabel) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(ymin,ymax)) +
coord_flip() +
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = 'white', colour = 'white'),axis.title=element_text(size = rel(1.2), colour = "black"),axis.text=element_text(size = rel(1.2), colour = "black"),panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "#DDDDDD"),panel.grid.major.y = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank())+
geom_point(size=4, colour="black") # dots
Now, here is (a simplified version of the data) data that I am using (and that reproduces the error):
And here is the code that I am using:
data = read.table("*Path_to_file*.csv", header=T, sep=",")
data$EucliPLog = (data$EucliP) #Before here I used to use a log transform that I tried to remove for some testing
data$EucliRLog = (data$EucliR) #Same thing
data$EucliSpLog = (data$EucliSp) #Same thing
data$EucliSlLog = (data$EucliSl) #Same thing
a1 = t.test(data$EucliPLog)$conf.int[1]
a2 = t.test(data$EucliPLog)$conf.int[2]
b1 = t.test(data$EucliRLog)$conf.int[1]
b2 = t.test(data$EucliRLog)$conf.int[2]
c1 = t.test(data$EucliSpLog)$conf.int[1]
c2 = t.test(data$EucliSpLog)$conf.int[2]
d1 = t.test(data$EucliSlLog)$conf.int[1]
d2 = t.test(data$EucliSlLog)$conf.int[2]
analysisData = c()
analysisData$ratio = c("Sl","Sp","R","P")
analysisData$pointEstimate = c(exp(mean(data$EucliSlLog)),exp(mean(data$EucliSpLog)),exp(mean(data$EucliRLog)),exp(mean(data$EucliPLog)))
analysisData$ci.max = c(exp(d2), exp(c2),exp(b2), exp(a2))
analysisData$ci.min = c(exp(d1), exp(c1),exp(b1), exp(a1))
datatoprint <- data.frame(factor(analysisData$ratio),analysisData$pointEstimate, analysisData$ci.max, analysisData$ci.min)
colnames(datatoprint) <- c("technique", "mean_time", "lowerBound_CI", "upperBound_CI ")
barChartTime(datatoprint,analysisData$ratio ,nbTechs = 4, ymin = 0, ymax = 90, "", "Title")
So If I do use the log() that I mention in the comments of the last piece of code, everything works fine and I get my plots displayed. However, I tried removing the log and I get the famous
Error in matrix(value, n, p) :
'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'
I have tried looking for null values in my data but there are none and I do not know where to look at next. Would love to get some help with that.
Thanks in advance
Edit: Here is the result of dput on datatoprint:
structure(list(technique = structure(c(3L, 4L, 2L, 1L), .Label = c("P",
"R", "Sl", "Sp"), class = "factor"), mean_time = c(1.04016257618464e+32,
1.64430609815788e+36, 7.5457775364611e+20, 3.85267453902928e+21
), lowerBound_CI = c(6.64977706609883e+50, 5.00358136618364e+57,
2.03872433045407e+30, 4.93863589006376e+35), `upperBound_CI ` = c(16270292584857.9,
540361462434140, 279286207454.44, 30055062.6409769)), .Names = c("technique",
"mean_time", "lowerBound_CI", "upperBound_CI "), row.names = c(NA,
-4L), class = "data.frame")
And the dput on analysisData:
structure(list(ratio = c("Sl", "Sp", "R", "P"), pointEstimate = c(1.04016257618464e+32,
1.64430609815788e+36, 7.5457775364611e+20, 3.85267453902928e+21
), ci.max = c(6.64977706609883e+50, 5.00358136618364e+57, 2.03872433045407e+30,
4.93863589006376e+35), ci.min = c(16270292584857.9, 540361462434140,
279286207454.44, 30055062.6409769)), .Names = c("ratio", "pointEstimate",
"ci.max", "ci.min"))
Without the log I don't have anything on display because the value are above 10^40++ whereas with the log it's below the upper limit (90).
I don' get the error you get though.

data of class numeric error when plotting vertical and horizontal lines in ggplot

iarray <- iv$iarray
varray <- iv$varray
n<-gsub("^\\{+(.+)\\}+$", '\\1', iarray)
n1 <- strsplit(n,",")
n1 <- unlist(n1)
n1 <- as.numeric(n1)
df <- as.data.frame(n1)
n<-gsub("^\\{+(.+)\\}+$", '\\1', varray)
n2 <- strsplit(n,",")
n2 <- unlist(n2)
n2 <- as.numeric(n2)
df <- cbind(df,n2)
vmpp <-iv$vmpp
impp <- iv$impp
output$ivcurve <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data3(), aes(x=n2, y= n1)) + geom_line(colour='blue')+ geom_vline(xintercept = vmpp)+ geom_hline(yintercept = impp) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1, 11))
Basically I'm trying to draw an IV curve from the above code.
As seen in the photo I need a horizontal and a vertical line.
But after I added the geom_vline function it gives me the Error : ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class numeric
iv is a dataframe and iarray and varray basically looks like this.
iarray = "{9.467182035,9.252423958,9.179368178,9.142931845}"
varray = "{-1.025945126,-0.791203874,-0.506481774,-0.255416444}"
And vmpp and impp are basically numbers as 8.5 and 20
P.s :
structure(list(id = 3L, seris_id = "SERTPTR0003", module_id = 2L,
isc = 9.1043, voc = 37.61426, impp = 8.524, vmpp = 30.0118,
pmpp = 255.8095, unique_halm_id = 4414L, iarray = "{9.471385758,9.251831868,9.174032904,9.135095327,9.109244512,9.087563112,9.081257993,9.079282455,9.078209387,9.077396672,9.076717653,9.076285598,9.075914058,9.075549594,9.075098675,9.074659768,9.074080201,9.073659578,9.073411255,9.073349331,9.073215686,9.073189667,9.073011759,9.072868405,9.072659064,9.072636165,9.072659725,9.072729724,9.072779321,9.072915415,9.072951718,9.072855259,9.072758863,9.072562734,9.072286497,9.072036161,9.071858009,9.07165223,9.071458902,9.071172024,9.070818323,9.070364851,9.069865071,9.069392026,9.069058847,9.068673155,9.068486996,9.0684006,9.068241175,9.067848351,9.067533806,9.066886103,9.066177782,9.0655086,9.065025577,9.064457111,9.064154995,9.063866251,9.063564149,9.063221961,9.06295813,9.062580288,9.062182005,9.06179715,9.061378517,9.060847632,9.06033015,9.059686156,9.058814993,9.057817299,9.056732355,9.055534236,9.054389596,9.05351149,9.052819766,9.052254696,9.051816304,9.051431465,9.051000987,9.050664797,9.050589584,9.050615635,9.050795719,9.051096084,9.05121704,9.050958132,9.050478383,9.049724325,9.048695951,9.047619756,9.046715916,9.04602525,9.045615278,9.045512729,9.045617691,9.045803509,9.045989974,9.046083526,9.045997615,9.045871618,9.045772357,9.045599926,9.045340971,9.045082036,9.04473025,9.044178732,9.043440888,9.042642632,9.04185002,9.041056695,9.040316091,9.039781509,9.039426971,9.039199774,9.039026035,9.038805897,9.038478843,9.037978051,9.037190302,9.036262611,9.035408047,9.034687132,9.03411323,9.033759457,9.033445779,9.033105372,9.032611665,9.031991392,9.031298017,9.030631384,9.029991493,9.02931152,9.028518372,9.027678053,9.026644378,9.025384369,9.023971135,9.022443918,9.020510444,9.018469233,9.015987042,9.013123551,9.009951782,9.006524239,9.002508657,8.99806541,8.993200713,8.987509287,8.980851319,8.97337198,8.964883202,8.955065215,8.944015742,8.931773812,8.91796823,8.902911552,8.886450605,8.868452754,8.848678419,8.827119435,8.80336248,8.777313996,8.748941051,8.718309497,8.685225063,8.649388501,8.610785476,8.569040812,8.52363426,8.474699468,8.422382481,8.366516735,8.307103187,8.244481209,8.178090447,8.10779633,8.033345875,7.954744415,7.871665908,7.784296593,7.692116999,7.595199333,7.493377787,7.386704971,7.275055109,7.158981607,7.038484468,6.913650942,6.784728642,6.651977027,6.515069048,6.374111623,6.228897233,6.079031999,5.924669253,5.766323899,5.604063459,5.43841477,5.26939121,5.096619936,4.919752772,4.738936722,4.554312451,4.366039658,4.174017769,3.978461295,3.779470133,3.576724216,3.370764477,3.162238756,2.951119622,2.737359938,2.521133452,2.302407806,2.08132299,1.858467726,1.632539296,1.397202225,1.149523324,0.890812319,0.62251893,0.349040094,0.084409259,-0.164612445,-0.4001423,-0.625408177,-0.844927296,-1.067373925,-1.297998987,-1.536777099,-1.782558235,-2.033692207,-2.28906274,-2.54694712,-2.806836154,-3.068463186,-3.331653821,-3.596227332,-3.862303417,-4.129421924,-4.397321356,-4.666082505,-4.935632162,-5.206170796,-5.478105728,-5.751638617,-6.027203502,-6.304753878,-6.584235675,-6.865027697,-7.146774939,-7.428922534,-7.711971427,-7.995982555,-8.281623641,-8.569128828,-8.85847189,-9.14887768,-9.440152159,-9.731968139,-10.02382391,-10.315645796,-10.608918155,-10.906228043,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}",
varray = "{-1.055634971,-0.820094649,-0.530478984,-0.277519378,-0.049665975,0.168173928,0.369832037,0.557189853,0.73806136,0.918444007,1.100988955,1.285835111,1.471379381,1.656087228,1.83947039,2.021804885,2.204138782,2.387586314,2.572217234,2.757544476,2.943083961,3.127927125,3.311936258,3.49497066,3.677517995,3.860273388,4.043516446,4.227247167,4.411953813,4.597148124,4.781785019,4.965795342,5.149247651,5.331933288,5.514618924,5.698279889,5.882706331,6.067759345,6.253369179,6.43883951,6.623542572,6.807967224,6.991834459,7.175283184,7.359219574,7.543715171,7.727930567,7.91102934,8.092315166,8.270881273,8.44728269,8.622987785,8.800575578,8.981370755,9.16634984,9.355446065,9.546982405,9.738937256,9.930334092,10.119987137,10.30698723,10.492242934,10.676242509,10.859335313,11.042009008,11.224684494,11.40735998,11.589966311,11.77250289,11.955040067,12.138134659,12.321927365,12.506347836,12.691464628,12.877626501,13.06357852,13.248553416,13.432761044,13.616063692,13.798391012,13.981067688,14.165071441,14.350401073,14.536497974,14.722526917,14.907441627,15.090542195,15.272247132,15.453463208,15.634886746,15.817842429,16.00302897,16.188982779,16.375285347,16.561309505,16.745870074,16.92840904,17.110739948,17.293002899,17.47610287,17.660388619,17.84523298,18.029659429,18.213737119,18.397257992,18.580849811,18.765279846,18.950546303,19.136368979,19.322329963,19.507382979,19.691527431,19.874834264,20.057444179,20.239565832,20.422106592,20.605414621,20.789699174,20.974891096,21.161129891,21.347647095,21.533745789,21.718937711,21.903640773,22.087576567,22.271163603,22.454611733,22.638548722,22.822346805,23.006144888,23.189873219,23.373392294,23.556911967,23.740989056,23.925624756,24.110540657,24.296084919,24.481558832,24.666267268,24.850416495,25.034286715,25.217528572,25.400211222,25.582891485,25.765153238,25.947554494,26.130303912,26.31319522,26.495810505,26.678077627,26.859158373,27.03919344,27.2183891,27.396813913,27.574889968,27.752475972,27.92950277,28.106320312,28.283627309,28.460794206,28.638101203,28.814990286,28.99097379,29.16472524,29.336732302,29.506996765,29.675866194,29.843757906,30.011789121,30.179820337,30.347501601,30.514694006,30.680631478,30.844614709,31.006505389,31.166790586,31.32526224,31.482546323,31.638644628,31.793695462,31.947491958,32.10059034,32.252713392,32.40427843,32.555147743,32.705110284,32.853817294,33.001129867,33.14656034,33.29010692,33.431979459,33.572526716,33.711957348,33.85055096,33.988306953,34.125295678,34.260890565,34.395089819,34.528311952,34.660559355,34.792040088,34.923102908,35.053748414,35.1835569,35.312946278,35.441359731,35.568936163,35.695816274,35.821859963,35.946717873,36.071016573,36.194685715,36.317446291,36.439648854,36.561153301,36.681402816,36.801235017,36.924136292,37.050595501,37.180333637,37.313071096,37.446575824,37.573873847,37.693009727,37.80489203,37.910636184,38.012195237,38.11396235,38.218102215,38.324333435,38.432308447,38.541817399,38.652023867,38.762158191,38.872501769,38.982844151,39.092768022,39.202552988,39.31199099,39.420452469,39.528287977,39.635566071,39.742146647,39.848308713,39.954401627,40.060004483,40.165396887,40.270857247,40.376317008,40.481775571,40.587234732,40.692485836,40.797320225,40.901805855,41.005874173,41.109873339,41.21366265,41.317242107,41.420542558,41.523772657,41.626762446,41.729471102,41.832232456,41.937530675,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}"), .Names = c("id",
"seris_id", "module_id", "isc", "voc", "impp", "vmpp", "pmpp",
"unique_halm_id", "iarray", "varray"), row.names = 1L, class = "data.frame")
Solved it. since the ggplot requires data frames. I just added two more columns to the data frame and added them there.
vmpp <- iv$vmpp
df <- cbind(df,vmpp)
impp <- iv$impp
df <- cbind(df,impp)
output$ivcurve <- renderPlot({
ggplot(data3(), aes(x=n2, y= n1)) + geom_line(colour='blue')+ scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1, 11))+ geom_vline(aes(xintercept = vmpp))+ geom_hline(aes(yintercept = impp))
