Create a 3D Route with SceneKit - plot

I have a GPX file with locations and altitude data.
I would like to create a 3D model and show this model using SceneKit.
I already tried the method using a NSBezierPath, but the problem is, that I can not add the Z data and it is more like a 2D route.
Right now I am creating a SCNBox for every single trackpoint - well, it works but it's not really that pretty and it kinda seems wrong.
I also thought about creating a 3D model (obj file) programatically, but this is too hard.
So, long story short: What is the best way to create a 3D geometry object with SceneKit when I got a list of points with X/Y/Z data?
Is there a way to "connect" SCNBoxes?

Try the SCNShape class. It allows you to create a 3D shape following a bezier path while controlling the Z axis as well:
"SceneKit creates a three-dimensional geometry by extruding a Bézier path, which extends in the x- and y-axis directions of its local coordinate space, along the z-axis by a specified amount."


How to create 2D slices of 3D object model in Qt?

I'm currently rendering a 3D model (Wavefront .obj format) in my Qt program. Right now, I'm rendering the model using Scene3D in QML, and I'm able to get it to display in the viewing area. What I would like to do is have a user click on the model and generate a 2D cross section of the slice that I would like to plot on a different window. I'm quite new to 3D rendering, and a lot of Qt documentation isn't very descriptive. I've been reading Qt documentation, experimenting, and searching online with no luck. How can I create 2D slices of a 3D object Model in Qt 3D, preferably in QML? What Qt libraries or classes can I use to achieve this?
Unfortunately, the fact that models are stored as a set of surfaces makes this hard. QT probably doesn't have a built in method for this.
Consider, for example, that a model made of faces might be missing a face. What now? can you interpolate across that gap consistently from different angles? What about the fact that a cross-section probably won't contain any vertices?
But, of course, it can be solved. First, just don't allow un-closed surfaces (meshes with holes). Second, for finding the vertices of your cross-section, perform an intersection between every edge in your model and the plane you're using, and if there's an intersection, there's a point there. Third, to find the edges, look at the list of vertices, and any two that are from an edge on the same polygon in the mesh should be connected by an edge in the cross section. To find which direction the edge should go, project the normal of the polygon onto the plane your using. For filling, I don't really know what to do. I guess that's whatever you want it to be.

ILNumerics Drawing a surface having (x,y,z) coordinates

I am really new in programming with C#. I have an Array of points in the following form
//An Array containing point coordinates:
double[,] graphData=new double[100,3];
//Each element of graph data contain coordinate of a point:
I wanna draw a surface using ILNumerics. I couldn't find any example for this case. Would you please help me?
The link posted in the accepted answer points to an outdated part of the ILNumerics documentation which is obsolete now. Up from version 3, surfaces utilize a new scene graph based rendering API.
However, the linke posted by Roy Dictus may help in explaining how to turn your data into matrix shaped data, suitable for surface rendering.
Basically, surfaces create a mesh based on the matrix shaped input data. It connects the incoming points according to their location in the input matrix. So instead of a list of points you have to provide:
a single matrix of Z values, if a regular grid of heights values is to be rendered only, or
same shaped matrices for Z, X and Y values for non-regular grids and parametric surfaces.
How to plot a 3D Surface using ILNumerics:

Rendering 3D surfaces

I've got data representing 3D surfaces (i.e. earthquake fault planes) in xyz point format. I'd like to create a 3D representation of these surfaces. I've had some success using rgl and akima, however it can't really handle geometry that may fold back on itself or have multiple z values at the same x,y point. Alternatively, using geometry (the convhulln function from qhull) I can create convex hulls that show up nicely in rgl but these are closed surfaces where in reality, the objects are open (don't completely enclose the point set). Is there a way to create these surfaces and render them, preferably in rgl?
To clarify, the points are in a point cloud that defines the surface. They have varying density of coverage across the surface. However, the main issue is that the surface is one-sided, not closed, and I don't know how to generate a mesh/surface that isn't closed for more complex geometry.
As an example...
x <- faultdata[,1]
y <- faultdata[,2]
z <- faultdata[,3]
s <- interp(x,z,y,duplicate="strip")
This creates generally what I want. However, for planes that are more complex this doesn't necessarily work. e.g. where the data are:
I can't use this approach because the points are all vertically co-planar. I also can't use convhulln because of the same issue and in general I don't want a closed hull, I want a surface. I looked at alphashape3d and it looks promising, but I'm not sure how to go about using it for this problem.
How do you determine how the points are connected together as a surface? By distance? That can be one way, and the alphashape3d package might be of use. Otherwise, if you know exactly how they are to be connected, then you can visualize it directly with rgl structures.

How to construct a mesh from given edge points?

I have some points on the edge(left image), and I want to construct a mesh(right), Is there any good algorithm to achieve it? many thanks!
image can see here
To begin with, see Delauney triangulation. Look at this project:
Edited because my original had too few details on edge-flipping, and when I tried to provided those details I found the TRIANGULATE project.
If the region is flat or quasi-flat look for Ear Clipping approach ( In the case of curved surface you need point inside the region and therefore you may need Constrained Delaunay Triangulation (otherwise some edges may not be included in the triangulation).
There is delaunayn function in geometry package for R language (see doc)
It takes an array of boundary points (as in your case) to create a Delaunay mesh on it.
You could also save your geometry into some well-known format, and use one of mesh generators.

Mapping points in 2d space to a sphere

I have a bunch of points in a rectangular x/y space which I would like to project onto a sphere. As in, I am trying to write this function:
function point_on_sphere(2dx:Number, 2dy:Number) : Vector3D
return new Vector3D(3dx, 3dy, 3dz);
I have been trying to first plot the points on to a cylinder and then map those points to a sphere as directed by this wikipedia page. However, those formulas assume a constant z=0, which doesn't really do what I want.
I'm using actionscript 3 / flex, but any pseudo code or pushes in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Just to clarify: I'm not trying to apply a texture to a sphere object, but rather to place objects along an imaginary sphere.
There is no one right answer. You can choose different approaches based on how you want to place the objects along the sphere.
Is it OK for the objects to get nearer and nearer to each other as you get closer to the sphere's "poles"? Why wouldn't the normal texture-mapping projection actually work for you?
