I want to generate ticket url given only story id, by not iterating projects - pivotaltracker

When we do basic github integration, given [#ticket_id] in commit message, it adds to the ticket.
Now I am listing my commits in my own report, and I want to convert all those messages having #ticket_id to #ticket_id and hence I want to know easiest way to do that, given only story id, I want to make out link to the story.
Is there any api which will allow me to search by ticket_id/story_id, and give me its project id or the link itself.


How can i visualize a customer journey with tag manager and google data studio?

I have a website where the customer can take a quiz to find the right products. I want to track the customer's journey on the quiz, to see what they choose and where people fall off.
The quiz starts at example.com/start/ and for every step they take, the URL "expand" to e.g. example.com/start/first_step/, next step example.com/start/first_step/second_step etc.
I think I can do it with tag manager, by creating events for each step / URL. But my first issue is, that the events get to long. The other issue is, I cant figure out how to visualize the journey in either Google analytics 4 or Google data studio.
enter image description here
Does any of you have a great idea for how I can do it?
what exactly to you mean saying "the events get to long"? Do you mean the requests payload to the google analytics server?
Generally speaking, I'd recommend the following:
Create a generic event for all quiz steps
Add two parameter for the progress, one containing the steps name an one containing the index (e.g. "quiz_step_str" & "quiz_step_index")
Send the events to GA4
Visualize them using a bar chart. (https://analyticsdemystified.com/google-analytics/step-step-guide-creating-funnels-googles-data-studio/)
Additional information regarding step 2:
The parameter containing the step name can be generated using js and getting the value from the url. Just scrape the corrsponding part from it (e.g. "example.com/start/first_step/" -> "first_step").
For the parameter containing the steps' index, I recommend creating a lookup table.

What the best clockify API endpoint to get time entries of (grouped by) saved reports?

Asking here, after asking to Clockify support.
Trying to extend some of clockify capabilities to create extra reporting for our clients,
I’ve been playing with your API and specifically: the enpoint /reports/{reportsId}
• My goal:
Get all the time entries of a specific "saved report” (usually saved by our Project Managers)
• What I EXPECT from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
To get all the info and entities (users, time entries, projects, etc.) only regarding that particular reportId
• What I GET from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
Lots of info regarding the whole workspace, and I only see summaryReport
as more “specific to the saved report itself”...
• Questions:
Is this the correct behavior?
How do you filter down time entries of specific reports in URLs like https://clockify.me/bookmarks/BOOKMARK_HASH_HERE ?
Do you only call "/reports/{reportsId}” and filter down on client-side? (it seems to me that way, exploring the Network tab)
If that’s the way, what’s the point of calling the report endpoint? Only for the summaryReport object?
3- Is "/reports/{reportsId}” the best endpoint I can use to reach my goal? …or which way would you recommend me?
summaryReport.timeEntries will contain all the individual time entries from that particular report. Each entry has a user, project, client, time etc. Grouping by project is done on the client.
I'm not sure I fully understand your specific problem though. Are you suggesting the entries you get from the report endpoint do not belong to the given report?

How to expire Branch.io link within specific time? (Deep linking via branch metrics)

I am using link to generate deep linking. I am using their public API's endpoint to generate links.
Here is their endpoint: https://api.branch.io/v1/url
I append my branch key and data that I need to associate in this link. Everything is working fine but I need to expire this link within one hour.
Reading up here: https://github.com/BranchMetrics/branch-deep-linking-public-api#creating-a-deep-linking-url
I added "duration" key also, but it didnt expire the link.
It will be great if anyone could help me in figuring out how to expire branch.io link.
Alex from Branch.io here: the duration parameter is used for something different, so it's not going to be able to do what you want. We don't have a built-in feature to expire links, but you could create something close to it yourself:
Add a custom link parameter containing a timestamp for when the link was created.
Check for that timestamp when handling the link at the destination, and do something different if it is more than an hour old. I'm guessing this would be inside your app, and also on whatever fallback URL you have specified for when the app isn't installed or the user is on desktop.
Mail from branch.io support team suggested this answer as below:
If you found out about the $exp_date parameter from here then the
parameters in that list are only used for iOS Spotlight Indexing but
will be used by Branch in the future. A better solution than
utilizing $exp_date is to code logic into your client to determine
what to do with link data based on date. This way, your deep links
will always work and always carry data through, and you won't have to
worry about users clicking empty links.
This way, you would include date as an extra meta key/value pair, and
examine this date in your client when receiving link params to
determine if you want to honor the link's contents or not.

Is it possible for an Alfresco workflow to be used for "anonymous planning poker"?

We're investigating Alfresco for doing wideband delphi ("planning poker") based on submitted statements of work (collected user stories). I've been reading through the Alfresco documentation, and there are two questions that I haven't been able to get clear answers to:
Can we set it up so users can write, but not read, to a folder or node? (To support "anonymous" planning, without users knowing what the other users submitted estimates were)
Can workflow tasks be implemented to ask users to comment or submit items to a node or director with the above model, rather than just simple approve or deny?
User submits a statement of work
All users (or selected users at random, or ... ) in group get notice to review
Reviews include estimates on the overall SOW or specific phases
Reviews are anonymous/secret to all but the manager
Have you implemented something similar in Alfresco with fine grained access control? Sharing your experience would be very helpful... i'm not looking for someone to do the work for me, just to confirm it can be done.
I would use some kind of parallel workflow for this.
First the managers starts the workflow and the task type of this first node will have additional info about the user story and such, then the manager selects a people or a group to which it will send this user story.
Here comes the parallel thing into play. Because it's parallel noone sees the results of the other members of the workflow. The members fill in the requested fields (another custom task type with data like: score (estimate) and maybe explanation.
Before the workflow goes back to manager the automatic calculations are made in a non-user task/node where you calculate overall score for the story. You can include each individual user and their score in the result/report if necessary.
Now the results are sent to the manager.

Shutterfly Order API .

I found this site
but there are no examples of actually walking through the whole process. Does anyone have any good documentation on using this API to take a local photo and allow someone to order a print via shutterfly?
I went through these steps:
Sign up for an account
Sign up as a developer
Create an application (I called mine Test). Note the generated Application Id and Shared Secret
The Shutterfly API page has a list of references for various Domain-specific APIs:
Address Book
Album Data
Folder Data
Go To Shutterfly UE
Image Upload
Interactive Sign-in
Image Request
Seamless Sign-in
User Data
User Authentication
Each uses RESTful principles. The documentation looks pretty comprehensive to me, if you need some background, here's links for RESTful APIs and ROME you may find useful
There is also an API Explorer section on the same page that allows you to test the methods via a form on their site. For example this form for CRUD operations on the album data.
Based on your comment, for your requirements, you would:
Use the Album GET to list albums, then get the data for a specific album.
Use the Image Get request to retrieve the image data, so your friend can verify the image(s) they want to purchase.
Authenticate the user
Use the Pricing POST request to get the estimated pricing for the image.
User the Order POST to submit the order over https
Update: Found a page describing using a Greasemonkey script which adds Shutterfly print ordering capability to Flickr. This might provide the basis for a solution.
For Reference:
The original link above is a middle step of the Shutterfly Open API ordering procedure.
The whole process goes through a series of steps allowing you to control much more than just pushing photos into somebody's album in Shutterfly.
With this process, your application can actually carry out the entire procedure of:
specifying the images and the sizes and quantities, or other products
calculating shipping, taxes, and totals
paying, and
launching the processing
It also includes the ability to see when the packages will be delivered and arrive.
Thus if you have a solid application for mapping your images onto paper and products, you can pretty much control the entire process.
Once the order is submitted, it will appear on the user's account at Shutterfly who the order was associated with.
Kudos to Shutterfly for making such a powerful tool! It would be great if other printing facilities had similar tools.
