Serial monitor is printing "0" at every 100ms, signalling that the buttonState is LOW.
However when user depresses the red dome button Red Dome Button, it is suppose to signal that the buttonState is HIGH and at the serial monitor, it should be printing "1" at every 100ms until the user presses the red dome button again to signal that the buttonState is LOW and serial monitor is printing "0".
The serial monitor is outputting "0" at every 100ms initially, and when i press the red dome button, the buttonState returns a HIGH and at the serial monitor is outputting "1". However, the serial "1" doesn't hold and it reverts back to "0" immediately.
The serial "1" will only show in serial monitor when I press on the button continuously.
Correct behaviour:
initial state-> the serial monitor will output all serial 0 until user presses the button then the serial monitor will output all serial 1 until user presses the button again then the output will then change to serial 0
Current behaviour:
initial state-> the serial monitor will output all serial 0 until user presses the button then the serial monitor will output serial 1 but immediately, the serial will return to 0
Hence, how do I enable the serial state to remain at serial 1 after I press the button and the serial will show 0 only when I press the button again? I need some help in that . Thank you
const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin
// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
void setup() {
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial port to communicate
void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// check if the pushbutton is pressed.
// if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
else {
It seems that your button gets unpressed after you release it (not like a 2 states button). So you need to create your own state variable that toggles when the button is pressed.
Let's say that you want to change the state when a HIGH is detected from the button. It means that you have to detect the change from LOW to HIGH and not only if it is in HIGH mode. So to do this you need to store the last state of the button. In addition you'll need to keep an output state that toggles when a change from LOW to HIGH is detected.
In your code should be something like this:
const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin
// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
int buttonLastState = 0;
int outputState = 0;
void setup() {
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // Open serial port to communicate
void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// Check if there is a change from LOW to HIGH
if (buttonLastState == LOW && buttonState == HIGH)
outputState = !outputState; // Change outputState
buttonLastState = buttonState; //Set the button's last state
// Print the output
if (outputState)
I'm working with simple Arduino where I'm trying to turn on a LED light by using serial print and turning off the LED Light when I click the button or use the switch on the board, when the pin is in the ground.
At the moment, I can turn on the led light by serial, however when I click the button the LED light will switch off but then never switch on, and that's happening because the state is being stuck at low all the time and never switching back to high.
Here's the code:
// constants won't change. They're used here to
// set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin = 3; // the number of the LED pin
int state = 0;
// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
void setup() {
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (Serial.available())
state = Serial.parseInt();
if (state == 1)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
// check if the pushbutton is pressed.
// if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonState == LOW) {
state = 0;
// turn LED OFF:
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
// IMP : This Never runs. the state is always off therefore when i send to serial " 1" the led just blinks
else {
The state is always off therefore when I send to serial " 1" the LED just blinks
I think you are reading state from PIN using wrong function.
if (Serial.available())
state = Serial.parseInt();
Why not use ?
Are you sure this condition is evaluated to true? if (Serial.available()) ?
You are making the logic too much complicate. Just check the serial if it is available and have the desire value turn led on else check the button and if it pressed turn the led off. On other conditions DO NOTHING. That is all you need.
// set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin = 3; // the number of the LED pin
int state = 0;
// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
void setup()
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
void loop()
if (Serial.available())
state = Serial.parseInt();
if (state == 1)
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
// check if the pushbutton is pressed.
// if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
else if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH)
// turn LED OFF:
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
I'm trying to turn the LED (pin 2) ON when I push the boot button on an esp32 ! Here is my code ! Any idea why this don't work ?
// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int buttonPin = 0; // the number of the pushbutton pin
const int ledPin = 2; // the number of the LED pin
// variables will change:
int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status
void setup() {
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
// turn LED on:
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
} else {
// turn LED off:
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Your design is fatally flawed in multiple ways, primarily, while the chip is booting the i/o pins are not under your code's control, as soon as that signal is detected your program stops running. Rebooting restores their default power-up states. Plus that button input is surely serviced by an interrupt, your polling loop will never see it go high, ever.
If you want an LED that stays on while the chip is booting you'll need another component, like a JFET. Connect an i/o pin to the JFET's gate, and its source and drain pins in series with either the power or ground leg of the LED, then set that i/o pin high while your program is running, to bias the JFET, thus keeping an open circuit between source and drain. As soon as the gate goes low, the circuit closes and your LED turns on. When the bootstrap executes your program, it sets that pin high again, LED goes off. And as a bonus you won't need to waste any compute polling an i/o. Win:win!
When user presses the big dome push button, the state of Arduino should turn from '0'/LOW to '1'/HIGH at the serial monitor of the Arduino.
When I trigger on the big dome push button, the state did not trigger from LOW to HIGH, it still remained LOW.
I have connected the "Push To Make" side of the connection to digital pin 2, following the connection write-up from: BIG DOME PUSH BUTTON.
However at this point, the trigger state is not working, please assist.
const int buttonPin = 2; //the number for the pushbutton pin (DIGITALPIN)
uint8_t btnCnt = 1;
bool outputState = false;
void setup() {
//for Push button pin
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
outputState |= digitalRead(buttonPin); // if pushButton is high, set outputState (low does nothing)
// Print the output
if (outputState) {
switch (btnCnt++) {
case 100:
outputState = false;
} else {
btnCnt = 0;
The statement outputState |= digitalRead(buttonPin); is using an OR assign so once outputState is set to 1 (HIGH), it will never go back to 0 (LOW) again. This is because performing an OR with anything and a 1 will always result in 1.
If you change this line to just an assignment as follows, you should see the state change you are expecting. outputState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
User presses the red dome button (is not a 2 state button), hence it has to toggle upon the first press "0"->"1" & when pressed again "1"->"0".
Therefore, when pressed, the serial monitor will print "1"s from "0"s at every 100ms. The behaviour signals that the buttonState is toggled from LOW to HIGH
Furthermore, an LED stripe is also connected to arduino. Therefore, when the buttonstate displays a HIGH in the serial monitor, the LED state will toggle to HIGH after a delay of 10s and will remain in HIGH state for 10s before toggling to a LOW state.
Lastly, the buttonState should toggle from HIGH to LOW after a delay(25s), without user physically pressing the button.
At this point, user has to press the red dome button to toggle between LOW & HIGH state. Hence, when the button initial state is LOW, it shows "0"s in the serial monitor and when pressed, button will toggle to HIGH, shows "1"s in the serial monitor and when button is pressed again, it will toggle from HIGH to LOW, showing "0"s in the serial monitor.
Hence, I would like to ask for assistance on how to allow the buttonstate to toggle from HIGH to LOW without user pressing the button.
initial state: "0"s are shown in serial monitor and when user presses button buttonstate shows "1"s in serial monitor and after a count of 25s, the buttonstate will toggle to LOW without user pressing the button again.
const int buttonPin = 2; //the number of the pushbutton pin
const int Relay = 4; //the number of the LED relay pin
uint8_t stateLED = LOW;
uint8_t btnCnt = 1;
int buttonState = 0; //variable for reading the pushbutton status
int buttonLastState = 0;
int outputState = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// Check if there is a change from LOW to HIGH
if (buttonLastState == LOW && buttonState == HIGH)
outputState = !outputState; // Change outputState
buttonLastState = buttonState; //Set the button's last state
// Print the output
if (outputState)
switch (btnCnt++) {
case 100:
stateLED = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH); // after 10s turn on
case 200:
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW); // after 20s turn off
case 202: // small loop at the end, to do not repeat the LED cycle
if (btnCnt > 0) {
// disable all:
stateLED = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
btnCnt = 0;
I guess your code is nearly correct.
In case 200: I'd toggle outputstate as well, to return to the default state.
btncnt is a misleading name as you count your 100 ms intervals, not button presses or similar.
IMO, delay(100); is an acceptable compromise: still reacting on button presses, but without doing it properly using if (millis() - lastpressed > 20000) { ...
I currently have an arduino LCD and one SPDT switch connected to my board. The the common pin of the SPDT is grounded and the outer pins are each connected to a digital input. My program should increment and decrement the counter being printed to the LCD screen. I have one input working that increments the counter I do not know how to implement code for the input to decrement the counter. Code posted below.
Thank you
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5,4,3,2);
const byte buttonPin = 8;
int counter = 0; // set your counter to zero to begin with
byte buttonState; // the current reading from the input pin
byte lastButtonState = HIGH; // the previous reading from the input pin
unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0;
unsigned long debounceDelay = 50;
void setup()
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
lcd.begin(16, 2); // for 2x16 lcd display
void loop() {
// read the state of the switch into a local variable:
byte reading = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// check to see if you just pressed the button
// (i.e. the input went from HIGH to LOW), and you've waited
// long enough since the last press to ignore any noise:
// If the switch changed, due to noise or pressing:
if (reading != lastButtonState) {
// reset the debouncing timer
lastDebounceTime = millis();
if ((millis() - lastDebounceTime) >= debounceDelay) {
// whatever the reading is at, it's been there for longer
// than the debounce delay, so take it as the actual current state:
// if the button state has changed:
if (reading != buttonState) {
buttonState = reading;
if (buttonState == LOW) {
counter ++;
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lastButtonState = reading;
You cannot simply connect one pole of a switch to an input pin an other to the ground. This will detect LOW but when when you are suppose to detect HIGH on the pin, it will be floating. Connect a pull-up resistor to your input pins.
Or you can use pinMode(InPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
This will pull your input pin to high internally and then you can detect the swithces and implememnt the code.