Where can I find the exploded war file in Weblogic 12c? - jar

I saw an upload folder inside the AdminServer - but it seems that it doesn't recognize or re-deploy the new sets of JARs files even after recycling.

The upload folder is where weblogic stores uploaded files (with an ant deploy task or uploaded with the console). But it also references them in the domain/config/config.xml file. That's why it does not automatically deploy them (weblogic does not scan this folder).
What you want to use is the domain/autodeploy folder (which is only scanned by weblogic in development mode).


Accessing text file contained in .NET Core single file executable

I created a .NET Core 3.1 console application that contains a default appsettings.json configuration file in the same directory as the executable. When the application starts up, it will look for the configuration in the users' AppData/Local/<appname> folder, and if the application cannot find the configuration file there, it will copy the default configuration file to the local AppData folder.
This works fine, but I would like to distribute the application as a single executable file (using dotnet publish /p:PublishSingleFile=true ...). The problem is I cannot access the default configuration file anymore. When I open the single published file in a hex editor, I can see the content of the default configuration in there, so I know the default configuration file is somehow included in the published single file.
Is it at all possible to access included files while publishing the application as a single file?
When the self-contained executable starts, the first thing it does is to extract its content to a temporary directory. This is documented here.
As for getting the path of the temporary folder itself, where all your files will be extracted, just use Path.GetDirectoryName(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName) as referenced here.

Deploying ASP.NET application to more than one live server using BAT file

Currently I'm deploying an ASP.NET application to 4 live servers that are load balanced manually by zipping and dropping the files to the servers. I would like to know how can I write a BAT file and run from a command prompt to install the application to all the 4 servers. Any help or reference would be appreciated.
Here are the steps if only files must to be updated (no the database)
Create a bat file and do that steps, after you have copy the updated files on some directory.
Make a file called app_offline.htm on your root of your web site, and the site will go offline.
Overwrite the new files over the site.
Rename or delete the app_offline.html file
Here is the command to make the copy copy all files and folders from one drive to another drive using DOS (command prompt)

Publish (Deploying) my website

I am publish my website application . I am storing all my data in XML files in App_Data folder and in some other folder too.
The steps i follow are
1) Publish using visual studio 2010 asp.net c#.
2) Then copy my all file from "\Debug\PackageTemp" and paste in "C:\inetpub\wwwroot"
The files in wwwroot are being used my inetmgr and my system now acts as a server.
Am i doing it right ?
One More Question .
If i publish and follow the steps as mentioned above ,then for second time all my data (in XML file)get reseted.
So i wrote a batch file which will keep all my data files in backup and after deploy my website i vl copy my backup files in respectively folder ..but i dont know when to call my batch file .Is there anyway to call these batch file while i am doing my deployment ..
there is any feature provided by microsoft visual studio to keep backup and automatically copy these files or not to modify some files
Once you Publish your solution, try selecting the Publish Method as "File System". Then point the target location to any folder on your system/network and click on the Publish button in the dialog.
Just copy all those files and directories that are created in that location, to either your FTP folder in case of a Web Deployment or to a local/network folder and configure a website from IIS.

Host the published site in nopcommerce

I am working in ecommerce website using NopCommerce2.2. I hosted the website by copying the complete source code in the wwwroot of the dotnet panel. It was working fine. But the size was huge. It was around 700MB. So I published the Nop.Web and its Administration. The site was working fine in the localhost(i.e local server) using IIS7. But when I copied the contents directly to the wwwroot in the global server,it was redirecting to the error page errorpage.htm?aspxerrorpath=/ instead of the site. Can anyone suggest a solution?
Copy your website (all folders and content) from your development computer to an application folder on your remote hosting computer (server).
Make sure the bin folder, on your remote hosting computer, contains the same dll files as on your development computer.
Copy Your Data
If your application contains data or a database. For instance an SQL Server Compact database (a .sdf file in App_Data folder), consider the following:
Do you want to publish your test data to the remote server?
Most likely not.
If you have test data on your development computer, it may overwrite production data on your remote hosting computer.
If you have to copy an SQL database (.sdf file), perhaps you should delete everything in the database, and then copy the empty .sdf file from your development computer to the server.
You need to follow the following steps as I mentioned
For Publishing the NopCommerce Application website below is the step:
Step : 1 - Publish the Nop.Web project.
Step : 2 - Publish the Nop.Admin project.
Go to the publish folder where your publish created
Step : 3 - Cut all dll from the Administration and Paste all dll to bin folder which in main bin folder for whole project.
Step : 4 - Copy two things from your source project and in App_Data folder Settings.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt which is not published in your publish file so paste this two files in your publish folder in App_Data. (You need to change the connection string in Setting.txt as per your database host).
Step : 5 - Now you need to copy whole plugins folder from your source folder (but remember this plugins folder you need to copy from the Presentation folder not from the main source where the solution file are there.).
Step : 6 - Now your publish have been ready.(now you can deploy on hosting server)

VS2010 Publish website not copying some files

My web application has two build configurations, Dev and Prod. There is a custom build step that will copy some extra config files to the bin folder, and the files are different depending on the build configuration.
This all works well when I do a build, but when I Publish to a FileSystem, these files are not copied over from my bin folder to the publish destination path. Any ideas how to get around this?
Are you setting the "Copy Local" property to true?
When you publish to the local file system, this will copy the files locally.
