Is it possible to get a random picture from a video in JavaFx?
I know there is a snapshot() method provided by MediaView, but the thing is, I wanna get a picture of each video I loaded BEFORE it was displayed in MediaView.
I need those pictures to create previews in my library, hopefully you realize what is meant.
Thanks in advance for any idea or suggestion :)
I am stuck when I try to construct dynamic button container in Godot like shown at attached video. Is there any possible way to make it easy in Godot?
Would be appreciate for your help!
Here's my problem's description video
I would try a mix of VBoxContainers with rows of GridContainers. I've worked with GridContainers a lot recently and see no problems getting that effect done. Just add your dynamic buttons to the grid in the appropriate row.
Noticed this is a few months later so hopefully you found a solution.
Hey guys I am needing some guidance on what this kind of image feature is called. I tried googling around but cant seem to find the correct name of the image feature. Its where there a bunch of small images surround a bigger image and when a smaller image is selected or hovered over then it will be shown on the bigger image place as seen here.
I am trying to add this feature into a clients website in wordpress but dont know the correct term to look for or if a plugin exists that allows me to do this sort of thing in wordpress.
Thank you all for your time!
I am trying to code an app in Qt for capturing and then sharing the screenshots. For now my application captures the screenshot, shows a preview and saves it. I am yet to do the upload part. but before that I would like to be able to select the area of the screen of which the screenshot needs to be captured.
I tried searching and I couldn't find any helpful articles or documents in Qt. So can anyone help me?
PS: The idea is to create a similar app like lightshot and several other similar tools.
Thanks in advance
There are two methods that you can use for this: -
1) Capture an image of the screen and then display that, full screen to the user, essentially allowing the user to crop the image.
2) A more commonly used method is to create a full-screen, topmost window that has no title bar and is transparent. This allows the user to drag out an area, which you can draw an outline to represent the area the user requires.
I recommend the 2nd method and creating a transparent window is simply a matter of changing the window flags, as you can see here.
I am trying to make a nike id concept based flash application. It is almost the same as this one url:
But not the identical because what I would like to make is that not the color changes but that the image replaces itself with another image out of my project.
I already have a button but what's only left is that it have to do something like written above.
If you know how to help me, please reply.
I've been dabbling with JCrop and I can get it working so far as uploading an image, selecting a region and then saving what I've selected to a cropped version of the original image. I can also get the thumbnail preview working, so that whatever I've selected (however big or small fits into a 150px*150px region) far all good.
The only problem I'm having now is saving what is in the thumbnail preview which is 150*150 and as mentioned contains whatever I have selected...
I've had a good look around on google and can't see anything to save the thumbmail preview..
Anyone come across this before?
Ok bascially what I'm doing is saving the cropped image and then saving it again but resizing it to whatever dimensions are in the preview pane....I'm not sure it gives me the an exact replica of what's in the preview pane in terms of quality but it's not so bad I guess.