CSS center an element - css

Why do 'margin left and right set to auto and max. and min. width' center an element?
max-width: 1400px;
min-width: 360px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
I do not get it.

Since auto in both right and left margins take up the "available" space equally, the element is aligned to the center.
A left or right margin with auto will take up all of the "available" space making the element look like it has been flushed right or left.
Look in this source for more information.
You can easily understand with the following demo:
max-width: 300px;
background-color: red;
margin-left: auto;
In the above snippet, you can see when you use margin-left auto the div is taking up all the available space so it pushed to right. Now, you can think by using margin-right:auto; will push the element towards the left. So, using both will force it to stay at center by taking up both available space.

It divides the sum of the empty space on the right and left sides of an element by two and uses that as margin-left and margin-right, thus centering it. Another way of thinking about it is subtracting the width of the child from the width of the parent and then dividing that by 2.
In reality, margin-left and margin-right are still set to auto, so if you try to get their values in JavaScript, you are going to get "auto", but that is the logic behind it.
The math behind it is:
marginLeft = (parentWidth - childWidth) / 2
marginRight = marginLeft

As I'm not satisfied with the exhaustiveness of the other answers, here's a more detailed explanation. In general, the w3c Recommendation elaborates on this in great detail and should be consulted for questions requiring a more precise answer.
The typical use case margin: 0 auto (top and bottom set to 0, left and right to auto) works by having the browser calculate the available space and apply it to each auto value of a property, divided equally.
In the attempt to also provide a "math behind it" example (I put this in quotes, as it's a very simplified visualisation of the actual math) is much closer to this:
availableSpace = (parentWidth - childWidth)
marginLeft, marginRight = availableSpace / amountOfAutoValues
This will work under the following conditions (simplified):
it's not absolute- or fixed-positioned
it's not floating
it's not an inline element (This is to be distinguished from "it must be a block element", which is wrong - for example, inline-block won't work)
This is, because those modes already overwrite the object's place within the document, and calculating a margin is likely not advantageous.
The only requirement is just the margin setting for it to technically apply - you only need to set a width (or max-width) smaller than the parent in order to see the effect, as in any other scenario, the available space will simply be 0.
min-width will never have any effect regarding automatic margins in this way.

You could achieve the same result if instead of max-width and min-width you used display:table along with the margin + auto value and rest of the code. If left only with margin-left it will align to the extreme right corner of the page, if left only with margin-right it will align to the extreme left, now what do you think will happen if you leave it with margin-left margin-right? I'm pretty sure you won't create a paradox. :)
-------------------------> margin-left:auto
margin-right:auto <------------------------
margin-left:auto <-------> margin-right:auto


Solution for a fixed, dynamic height element to take space

First of all, I am searching for a pure CSS solution. I can do it really easily with JavaScript, so don't bother giving me hint on how to do it in JS.
I have a web page with 3 container. 2 of them are fixed, the other one is static.
I want to give the static container a padding top and bottom equal to the fixed container.
The first fixed element have a fixed height, so that's not a problem, i give a padding equal to the height :
height : 100px;
position : fixed;
padding-top : 100px;
But the second fixed element is dynamic since we are using a CMS. Some element can be added by the client and we want the layout to adjust automatically.
You can easily see what i'm trying to do in this Fiddle, just uncomment the JS to see the desired Result.
P.S.: I support iE8 and older.
P.P.S.: I am totally aware that it may be impossible w/o JS. If so, just tell me in comment.
Since #header and #footer are fixed positioned, they are taken out of the document flow and have no relationship to #content anymore.
Therefor you have to options (imho).
1) give the footer a fixed height, so you can do the padding trick, same as with your header.
2) use Javascript, since there is no pure CSS solution (except for 1. point).

CSS - set left position of nth child

I want to set the left postition of n-th div to (n-1)*250px, for e.g:
1st child: left = 0px
2nd child: left = 250px
is it possible to do so in css? I am using Javascript to set this. Thanks.
The CSS3 calc() method comes to mind, but it doesn't support using the index (n) as an operand, so that will not work.
Recommended solution: You could potentially design your layout such that the widths of each of the elements is 250px. Give each of the elements display: inline-block or float: left and they'll line up as you intend. If the width of the content of the elements needs to be larger than 250px, ensure overflow: visible (default value) is set on the elements and allow the content to overflow. Without more information, this should achieve the effect you are intending.
However, if you need to use a more direct method of positioning, you should stick with JavaScript to set the position of these elements. Likely, you'll want to take into account screen width, element width, and more, and CSS will leave you unable to do so.
Take a look at this JSFiddle for inspiration. If you post a sketch of what you're looking to achieve, I can help you further.
You can use:
// or
to address your divs.
left: 250px;
left: 500px;
without preprocessor you need to write every rule by hand because there is no possibility for a dynamic way when setting the left property.
Another possiblity (depending on what you really want to do) would be to introduce nesting and set padding-left:250px. But that only works if you can alter your markup accordingly.
Javascript probably is the easiest way here.

Css fixed width + 100% padding. is it possible with one container?

I need to make ui controls panel, that has 100% width and gradient background. UI elements on this control panel should have width 1000px and should be centered.
For a moment i have two elements:
panel (width 100%, gradient background), global wrapper
panel-wrapper (width 1000px, transparent background), is placed inside "panel" element, contains UI elements.
It works brilliant in all browsers i need, but i really don't like to use two HTML elements, when logically it should be just one. Perhaps it is possible to have one element "panel" with fixed width (1000px) and auto-padding, that will cover all free space to the left and to the right? (i've made an image to show it if my explanation is crazy :))
It is possible?
You could potentially use the calc() function, though it isn't highly browser compliant.
Here is a quick example and more information on compatibility and usage can be found here.
*I made the example in Firefox, didn't test it elsewhere.
Just for a quick code example, the following shows one solution:
div {
width: 100px;
background-color: blue;
height: 100px;
padding-left: calc(50% - 50px);
padding-right: calc(50% - 50px);
The challenge is you can't really combine percentages and fixed widths with padding in the traditional sense, since the padding is added to the total width.
If the total width is 100%, and you want the content in the center to be 500px, you can't calculate the padding.
With CC3, though, you can use the box-sizing to change 'where' the padding is placed in the box model.
Alas, I still don't think that will give you want you want simply due to there still being an unknown variable in play (the width of the container that the 100% width object is in).
In the end, we can sometimes over think these solutions in the name of over-optimization. IN this case, an extra div seems perfectly acceptable and, likely, the proper solution.
Why padding ?
You could set left and right margins to auto and that would make the div centered..
So just set
margin:0 auto;

Div Height/Overflow issue

The problem I'm having is I have two divs at the top of my page, one contains a repeating blue background, the other contains a background image.
I have to set the height of both divs in order for them to expand vertically, the don't expand with the content. I have that form on the right hand side set to overflow. Which I believe is what's causing the problem.
I have tried not having the height css in the code, but it still won't expand vertically.
In order to get the backgrounds to even show up I have to manually set the height.
This is the page: http://www.repipespecialists.com/landing/google/repiping.html
This is the CSS code:
#top_container {
#top_header {
margin: 0 auto;
I agree with WDan in that the issue you are having is due to your use of float: left and float: right on the left_content and right_content div elements.
When you use float on an element, you are basically removing it from the normal flow of the document. By default, elements will appear on the page in whatever order you specify in the markup. Using float (or things like position: absolute) will remove the element from this "order", or "document flow", such that the floated element will be ignored when placing other elements in their default position on the page.
Since the space used by these floated elements are ignored, the top_header div does not take the floated element's size into account when determining its own size. This is why your div is not automatically expanding.
Another alternative to float is to use display: inline-block. Here are some links you can read to learn more about the differences:
I think the problem is you use float in 'left_content' and 'right_content'
Use “overflow: hidden” in the wrapper div.

variable height scrolling div, positioned relative to variable height sibling

recently i asked this question: overflow (scroll) - 100% container height about how to achieve a vertically scrolling div with variable height.
a very helpful user provided a solution using absolute positioning and height:100%, here: http://jsfiddle.net/TUwej/2/. in this fiddle, you can see the basic desired behavior - the scrolling div will fill the height of the main container as is determined by the content in the '#main' element.
i modified this somewhat and used top:0 bottom:0 instead of height:100% to accommodate an element above the scrollable area. the modified version can be seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/N6muv/3/ (i realize there is a little extra markup and class definitions that are empty, and an adjacent sibling combinator that appears redundant - these are vestiges of the actual structure)
everything is fine, except that i had to supply a fixed top coordinate for the scrolling div (note the top:120px declaration for the '.sidebar-list' selector). i'd like this to be relative to the '.sidebar-options' element above it, so that the options container above can have any number of options and the scrollable div will position itself appropriately. using fixed coordinates, if any options are added or removed, either overlap occurs or unnecessary space develops - i'd like to avoid this. the exact number of options that should appear varies between views.
i had thought to wrap the scrolling div in a relatively positioned container, but doing that creates a conflict with bottom:0 no longer indicating the height of the main '.wrapper' container (which it should do). similarly, using height:100% will use the computed height of the '.wrapper' container so the scrollable div will extend beyond the boundary of the '.wrapper'.
is there a way to keep the functionality shown in the second fiddle, but with the top of the scrollable div relative to the bottom of the options div (which will be of variable height)?
thanks in advance for any suggestions.
EDIT: S.O. asked if i wanted to start a bounty, so i did (first time) - hopefully 100 pts isn't considered too low. still looking for a no-script, pure-css solution that doesn't involve fixed coordinates or dimensions for the y-axis (width and left assignments are OK). thx
Import JQuery:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
New Demo:
Add this nice little JQuery script to your page:
var contentColHeight = $('.content').height();
var optionColHeight = $('.sidebar-options').height();
var newHeight = contentColHeight - optionColHeight;
How does this suit your needs?
I changed position:absolute; to position:relative and added a static height:190px as well as adding background:pink; (so the bg always looks right)
You can try adding and removing Options from the list above to demo this.
Full code:
.sidebar-content {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
background : pink;
I believe you should remove absolute positioning on the inner elements and try overflow:auto.
You need to define the height of the sidebar list coz you have to set this content to scroll-able and min or max height must be defined. And you could set .sidebar-list{position: relative;} See this Fiddle
Edit Your .sidebar-content should also be relatively positioned See this Fiddle whatever your 'options' content contains.
