How to use multiple namespaces in DoctrineCacheBundle cacheDriver? - symfony

I know I can setup multiple namespaces for DoctrineCacheBundle in config.yml file. But Can I use one driver but with multiple namespaces?
The case is that in my app I want to cache all queries for all of my entities. The problem is with flushing cache while making create/update actions. I want to flush only part of my cached queries. My app is used by multiple clients. So when a client updates sth in his data for instance in Article entity, I want to clear cache only for this client only for Article. I could add proper IDs for each query and remove them manually but the queries are dynamically used. In my API mobile app send version number for which DB should return data so I don't know what kind of IDs will be used in the end.

Unfortunately I don't think what you want to do can be solved with some configuration magic. What you want it some sort of indexed cache, and for that you have to find a more powerful tool.
You can take a look at doctrines second level cache. Don't know how good it is now (tried it once when it was in beta and did not make the cut for me).
Or you can build your own cache manager. If you do i recommend using redis. The data structures will help you keep you indexes (Can be simulated with memcached, but it requires more work). What I meen by indexes.
You will have a key like client_1_articles where 1 is the client id. In that key you will store all the ids of the articles of client 1. For every article id you will have a key like article_x where x is the id the of article. In this example client_1_articles is a rudimentary index that will help you, if you want at some point, to invalidated all the caches of articles coming from client 1.
The abstract implementation for the above example will end up being a graph like structure over your cache, with possibly
-composed indexes 'client_1:category_1' => {article_1, article_2}
-multiple indexes for one item eg: 'category_1'=>{article_1, article_2, article_3}, 'client_1' => {article_1, article_3}
Hope this help you in some way. At least that was my solution for a similar problem.
Good luck with your project,
Alexandru Cosoi


DocumentDb and how to create folder?

New to documentdb and I am trying to determine the best way to store documents. We are uploading documents every 15 minutes and I need to keep them as easily separated by upload as possible. At first glance, I thought I could have a database and a collection for each upload. Then, I discovered you can only have 3 collections per database. This leaves me with either adding a naming convention or trying to use folders and paths. According to the same source (, we are limited to 100 paths per collection. This leaves folders. I have been looking, but I haven't found anything concrete on creating folders within a collection. The object API doesn't have an obvious add/create method.
Is this possible? If so, are we limited to how many (assuming I stay within the allowed collection/database size)?
You could define a sequential naming convention and create a range index on the collection indexing policy. In this way, if you need to retrieve a range of documents, you can do it in this way, which will leverage the indexing capabilities of docdb efficiently.
As a recommendation, you can examine the charge response header on the requests you fire off during your tests. This allows you to gauge how efficient your setup is (how stringent it is against the Db, which will translate into your cost structure for the service)
Sorry about the comment. What we ended up doing was just dumping everything into one collection. The azure documentdb query language (i.e. sql like) seems robust enough to handle detailed queries. Though I am not sure what the efficiency will be like once we have a ton of documents in there.

How Meteor Framework partition data?

From what I know it seems that Meteor Framework stores part of data on the client. It's clear how to do it for personal todo list - because it's small and you can just copy everything.
But how it works in case of let's say Q&A site similar to this? The collection of questions are huge, you can't possibly copy it to the client. And you need to have filtering by tags and sorting by date and popularity.
How Meteor Framework handles such case? How it partition data? Does it make sense to use Meteor for such use case?
Have a look at the meteor docs, in particular the publish and subscribe section. Here's a short example:
Imagine your database contains one million posts. But your client only needs something like:
the top 10 posts by popularity
the posts your friends made in the last hour
the posts for the group you are in
In other words, some subset of the larger collection. In order to get to that subset, the client starts a subscription. For example: Meteor.subscribe('popularPosts'). Then on the server, there will be a corresponding publish function like: Meteor.publish('popularPosts', function(){...}.
As the client moves around the app (changes routes), different subscriptions may be started and stopped.
The subset of documents are sent to the client and cached in memory in a mongodb-like store called minimongo. The client can then retrieve the documents as needed in order to render the page.

cache data until changed

I have a legacy website that needs a little optimization because of poor performance. It is an shopping website with linq to sql as data layer and MVP pattern as UI pattern.
The most costly entities in the db are product and category tables that have a one to many relationship. These two entities might not change regularly unless a user of admin group decides to add a product or category… etc. i was wondering how resource costly would it be to create and fetch everything from these two entities for each request! so if i could have had a way to keep my data alive…
first I thought well let’s use AJAX for data retrievals so I will create only those entities that I need to query or bind to, but wait, how can I do that without creating a new DataContext instance?!!
At the other side, using cache for whole DataContext is considered a bad decision because of memory cost. So what would be the best option here? How can I improve things?
1) doing what #HatSoft suggested.
Cons: those approaches will not help your code, only the database. beside this, there might be memory issues since we're putting data in memory instead of rendered html, however this might be the best option regarding de-coupling.
2) using output caching we have this code in an http handler with *.aspx wildcard:
string pagePath = Context.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
object cacheKey = application[pagePath];
if(cacheKey == null)
return; //application restarted/first run so cache the stuff
Cons: now we should link the pagePath to each database entity that the page uses, but if i do so then i'm coupling things instead of de-coupling them. this approach also will run into a little hard coding.
3) another solution would be output caching in post-cache mode instead of control cache mode. using Subsituation element and setting the OutPutCache Duration to 86400 so the page will be re-created every 24 hours.
Cons: hard coding user controls to produce the html output for Subsituation element dynamically.
so what do you suggest?
I would suggest you look in to SqlDependency class please read this article
Also I would suggest you look in to loading data in the cache at application startup if it suits your application. Please see a good example here
With Linq2SQL you can use LinqToCache which offers a SqlDependency powered cache for your LINQ queries. It transforms the IQueryable<Products> into IEnumerable<Products> and enumerates form memmory after first access (first iteration of the underlying IQueryable). Based on SqlDependency data change notifications it invalidates the list and subsequent access will query again from DB, and cache the result.
My recommendation would be to cache the Products list and Categories in memory, since they change seldom and I expect them to be of a fairly constrained size.

What's the best way to cache complicated search queries in a .NET webapp?

I have a website that allows users to query for specific recipes using various search criteria. For example, you can say "Show me all recipes that I can make in under 30 minutes that will use chicken, garlic and pasta but not olive oil."
This query is sent to the web server over JSON, and deserialized into a SearchQuery object (which has various properties, arrays, etc).
The actual database query itself is fairly expensive, and there's a lot of default search templates that would be used quite frequently. For this reason, I'd like to start caching common queries. I've done a little investigation into various caching technologies and read plenty of other SO posts on the subject, but I'm still looking for advice on which way to go. Right now, I'm considering the following options:
Built in System.Web.Caching: This would provide a lot of control over how many items are in the cache, when they expire, and their priority. However, cached objects are keyed by a string, rather than a hashable object. Not only would I need to be able to convert a SearchQuery object into a string, but the hash would have to be perfect and not produce any collisions.
Develop my own InMemory cache: What I'd really like is a Dictionary<SearchQuery, Results> object that persists in memory across all sessions. Since search results can start to get fairly large, I'd want to be able to cap how many queries would be cached and provide a way for older queries to expire. Something like a FIFO queue would work well here. I'm worried about things like thread safety, and am wondering if writing my own cache is worth the effort here.
I've also looked into some other third party cache providers such as NCache and Velocity. These are both distributed cache providers and are probably completely overkill for what I need at the moment. Plus, it seems every cache system I've seen still requires objects to be keyed by a string. Ideally, I want something that holds a cache in process, allows me to key by an object's hash value, and allows me to control expiration times and priorities.
I'd appreciate any advice or references to free and preferably open source solutions that could help me out here. Thanks!
Based on what you are saying, I recommend you use System.Web.Caching and build that into your DataAccess layer shielding it from the rest of you system. When called you can make your real time query or pull from a cached object based on your business/application needs. I do this today, but with Memcached.
An in-memory cache should be pretty easy to implement. I can't think of any reason why you should have particular concerns about validating the uniqueness of a SearchQuery object versus any other - that is, while the key must be a string, you can just store the original object along with the results in the cache, and validate equality directly after you've got a hit on the hash. I would use System.Web.Caching for the benefits you've noted (expiration, etc.). If there happened to be a collision, then the 2nd one would just not get cached. But this would be extremely rare.
Also, the amount of memory needed to store search results should be trivial. You don't need to keep the data of every single field, of every single row, in complete detail. You just need to keep a fast way to access each result, e.g. an int primary key.
Finally, if there are possibly thousands of results for a search that could be cached, you don't even need to keep an ID for each one - just keep the first 100 or something (as well as the total number of hits). I suspect if you analyzed how people use search results, it's a rare person that goes beyond a few pages. If someone did, then you can just run the query again.
So basically you're just storing a primary key for the first X records of each common search, and then if you get a hit on your cache, all you have to do is run a very inexpensive lookup of a handful of indexed keys.
Give a quick look to the Enterprise library Caching Application Block. Assuming you want a web application wide cache, this might be the solution your looking for.
I'm assuming that generating a database query from a SearchQuery object is not expensive, and you want to cache the result (i.e. rowset) obtained from executing the query.
You could generate the query text from your SearchQuery object and use that text as the key for a lookup using System.Web.Caching.
From a quick reading the documentation for the Cache class it appears that the keys have to be unique - which they would be if you used they query text - not the hash of the key.
If you are concerned about long cache keys then check the following links:
Cache key length in
Maximum length of cache keys in HttpRuntime.Cache object?
It seems that the Cache class stores the cached items in an internal dictionary, which uses the key's hash. Keys (query text) with the same hash would end-up in the same bucket in the dictionary, where its just a quick linear search to find the required one when do a cache lookup. So I think you'd be okay with long key strings.
The caching is pretty well thought out, and I don't think this is a case where you need something else.

Bulk Collection Manipulation through a REST (RESTful) API

I'd like some advice on designing a REST API which will allow clients to add/remove large numbers of objects to a collection efficiently.
Via the API, clients need to be able to add items to the collection and remove items from it, as well as manipulating existing items. In many cases the client will want to make bulk updates to the collection, e.g. adding 1000 items and deleting 500 different items. It feels like the client should be able to do this in a single transaction with the server, rather than requiring 1000 separate POST requests and 500 DELETEs.
Does anyone have any info on the best practices or conventions for achieving this?
My current thinking is that one should be able to PUT an object representing the change to the collection URI, but this seems at odds with the HTTP 1.1 RFC, which seems to suggest that the data sent in a PUT request should be interpreted independently from the data already present at the URI. This implies that the client would have to send a complete description of the new state of the collection in one go, which may well be very much larger than the change, or even be more than the client would know when they make the request.
Obviously, I'd be happy to deviate from the RFC if necessary but would prefer to do this in a conventional way if such a convention exists.
You might want to think of the change task as a resource in itself. So you're really PUT-ing a single object, which is a Bulk Data Update object. Maybe it's got a name, owner, and big blob of CSV, XML, etc. that needs to be parsed and executed. In the case of CSV you might want to also identify what type of objects are represented in the CSV data.
List jobs, add a job, view the status of a job, update a job (probably in order to start/stop it), delete a job (stopping it if it's running) etc. Those operations map easily onto a REST API design.
Once you have this in place, you can easily add different data types that your bulk data updater can handle, maybe even mixed together in the same task. There's no need to have this same API duplicated all over your app for each type of thing you want to import, in other words.
This also lends itself very easily to a background-task implementation. In that case you probably want to add fields to the individual task objects that allow the API client to specify how they want to be notified (a URL they want you to GET when it's done, or send them an e-mail, etc.).
Yes, PUT creates/overwrites, but does not partially update.
If you need partial update semantics, use PATCH. See
You should use AtomPub. It is specifically designed for managing collections via HTTP. There might even be an implementation for your language of choice.
For the POSTs, at least, it seems like you should be able to POST to a list URL and have the body of the request contain a list of new resources instead of a single new resource.
As far as I understand it, REST means REpresentational State Transfer, so you should transfer the state from client to server.
If that means too much data going back and forth, perhaps you need to change your representation. A collectionChange structure would work, with a series of deletions (by id) and additions (with embedded full xml Representations), POSTed to a handling interface URL. The interface implementation can choose its own method for deletions and additions server-side.
The purest version would probably be to define the items by URL, and the collection contain a series of URLs. The new collection can be PUT after changes by the client, followed by a series of PUTs of the items being added, and perhaps a series of deletions if you want to actually remove the items from the server rather than just remove them from that list.
You could introduce meta-representation of existing collection elements that don't need their entire state transfered, so in some abstract code your update could look like this:
{existing elements 1-100}
{new element foo with values "bar", "baz"}
{existing element 105}
{new element foobar with values "bar", "foo"}
{existing elements 110-200}
Adding (and modifying) elements is done by defining their values, deleting elements is done by not mentioning it the new collection and reordering elements is done by specifying the new order (if order is stored at all).
This way you can easily represent the entire new collection without having to re-transmit the entire content. Using a If-Unmodified-Since header makes sure that your idea of the content indeed matches the servers idea (so that you don't accidentally remove elements that you simply didn't know about when the request was submitted).
Best way is :
Pass Only Id Array of Deletable Objects from Front End Application To Web API
2. Then You have Two Options:
2.1 Web API Way : Find All Collections/Entities using Id arrays and Delete in API , but you need to take care of Dependant entities like Foreign Key Relational Table Data too
2.2. Database Way : Pass Ids to your database side, find all records in Foreign Key Tables and Primary Key Tables and Delete in same order i.e. F-Key Table records then P-Key Table records
