GnuRadio tcp_sink data values are garbled - tcp

I'm developing a web front end for a GNU Radio application developed by a colleague.
I have a TCP client connecting to the output of two TCP Sink blocks, and the data encoding is not as I expect it to be.
One TCP Sink is sending complex data and the other is sending float data.
I'm decoding the data at the client by reading each 4-byte chunk as a float32 value. The server and the client are both little-endian systems, but I also tried byte swapping (with the GNU Radio Endian Swap block and also manually at the client), and the data is still not right. Actually it's much worse then, confirming there is no byte order mismatch.
When I execute the flow graph in GNU Radio Companion with appropriate GUI elements, the plots look correct. The data values are shown as expected to between 0 and 10.
However the values decoded at the client are generally around 0.00xxxxx, and the plot looks like noise rather than showing a simple tone as is seen in GNU Radio. If I manually scale the data by multiplying by 1000 it still looks like noise.
I'll describe the pre-D path in GNU Radio since it's shorter, but I see the same problem on the post-D path, where a WBFM Receive and a Rational Resampler are added, followed by a Throttle block and then a TCP Sink block sending float data.
File Source (Output Type: complex, vector length: 1) =>
Throttle (vector length: 1) =>
Low Pass Filter (FIR Type: Complex->Complex (Decimating)) =>
Throttle (vector length: 1) =>
TCP Sink (input type: complex, vector length: 1).
This seems to be the correct way to specify the stream parameters (and indeed Companion shows errors if I make changes which mismatch the stream items), but I can find no way to decode the data correctly on the other end of the stream.

"the historic RFC 1700 (also known as Internet standard STD 2) has defined the network order for protocols in the Internet protocol suite to be big-endian , hence the use of the term 'network byte order' for big-endian byte order."
having mentioned the network order for protocols being big-endian, this actually says nothing about the byte order of network payload itself.
also note: Sun Microsystems made big-endian native byte order computers (upon which much Internet protocol development was done).
i am surprised the previous answer has gone this long without a lesson on network byte order versus native byte order.
GNURadio appears to assume native byte order from a UDP Source block.
Examining the datatype color codes in Help->Types of GNURadio Companion, the orange colored 'float' connections are float32.
To verify a computer's native byte order, in Python, do:
from sys import byteorder
the result will be 'little' or 'big'

It might be possible that no matter what type floats you are sending, when bytes get on network they get ordered in little endian. I had similar problem with udp connection, and I solved it by parsing floats as little endian on client side.


How is encoded data sent over a network?

I'm a bit confused how people represent binary data, and how it is sent over networks. I will explain through Wikipedia's example. Shown here <- -> So I have my binary data encoded as base 64, and I am sending the text TWFU. So I am sending T then W then F and finally U. But to send T, a char. I will need one byte to send it, like I've always been told. One character sent over a network is one byte.
Because now I've come to think that if I encode 24 bytes, I will be sending over 4 characters, but to send over 4 characters I need the same amount of bytes as characters??
So when sending over the network "Man" (unencoded) (Requiring 3 bytes normally) vs "TWFu" (encoded) (requiring 4 bytes normally) in the example from above, are the same sequence of bits sent over the network the same. Because the last time I've used a socket to send over data, they just ask for a string input, never a text + encoding input.
Synopsis: "How" is an agreement. "Raw" is common.
Data is sent in whichever way the sender and receiver agree. There are many protocols that are standard agreements. Protocols operate at many levels. A very common pair that covers two levels is TCP/IP. Many higher-level protocols are layered on top of them. (A higher-level protocol may or may not depend on specific underlying protocols.) HTTP and SMTP are very common higher-level protocols, often with SSL sandwiched in between.
Sometimes the layers or the software that implements them is called a stack. There is also the reference (or conceptual) OSI Model. The key point about it is that it provides a language to talk about different layers. The layers it defines may or may not map to any specific stack.
Your question is too vague to answer directly. With HTTP, "raw" binary data is transferred all the time. The HTTP headers can give the length of the body in octets and the body follows the header. As part of the agreement between the sender and receiver, the header might give meta-data about the binary data using MIME headers. For example: Your gravatar
is sent with headers including:
That's enough for the receiver to know that the sender claims that it is a PNG graphic of 871 bytes. The receiver will read the header and then read 871 bytes for the body and then assume that what follows is another HTTP header.
Some protocols use synchronizations methods other than bodies with pre-declared sizes. They might be entirely text-based and use a syntax that allows only certain characters. They can be extended by a nesting agreement to use something like Base64 to represent binary data as text.
Some layers might provide data compression of sufficient density that expansion by higher layers, such as Base64, is not a great concern. See HTTP Compression, for example.
If you want to see HTTP in action, hit F12 and go the Network tab. If you want to see other protocols active on your computer try WireShark, Microsoft Message Analyzer, Fiddler or similar.
Base64 is a method for encoding arbitrary 8-bit data in a purely 7-bit channel. As much as the internet is based on the principle of 8-bit bytes, for text mode it's presumed to be 7-bit ASCII unless otherwise specified.
If you're sending that data Base64 encoded then you'll literally send TWFU. Many text-based protocols use Base64 out of convenience: It's an established standard and it's efficient enough for most applications.
The foundation of the internet, IP, is a protocol based on 8-bit bytes. When sending binary data you can make full use of all 8 bits, but if you're working with a text-mode protocol, of which there are many, you're generally stuck using 7-bit ASCII unless the protocol has a way of specifying which character set or encoding you're using.
If you have the option to switch to a "binary" transfer then you can side-step the need for Base64. If you're working with a 7-bit ASCII protocol then you're probably going to need Base64.
Note this isn't the only method for encoding arbitrary binary characters. There's also quoted printable as used in email, and URI encoding for URLs. These are more efficient in cases where escaping is exceptional, but far less efficient if it's required for each character.
If you know you're dealing with 7-bit text only there's no need for base-64 encoding.
However, if you'd need to send
over a purely 7-bit text channel you couldn't send it as literal with the line breaks. Instead, you'd send encoded in base64
which has encoded line breaks but doesn't use incompatible characters. Of course, the receiver needs to know that you're sending encoded text - either implied by the protocol or explicitly marked in some way.

Sending raw bytes over network. Bad?

This post to the question "What is base 64 encoding used for?" says:
When you have some binary data that you want to ship across a network, you generally don't do it by just streaming the bits and bytes over the wire in a raw format. Why? because some media are made for streaming text. You never know -- some protocols may interpret your binary data as control characters (like a modem), or your binary data could be screwed up because the underlying protocol might think that you've entered a special character combination (like how FTP translates line endings).
I've used sockets in Java a hundert times to send binary data over networks. And as far as I know it very common to send binary data over networks especially if you have big data. I don't see why some devices could interpret binary data wrong, since it contains TCP header etc.
SOAP MTOM also sends binary data over networks.
Am I misunderstanding something? I'm irritated, because this post has many upvotes and is accepted.
The answer you link to isn't incorrect, it just fails to explicitly mention some examples. The answer is in the quote as well:
because some media are made for streaming text
Sockets deal in bytes, they don't care what they transport. It is the higher-level protocols, or the message formats they transport, that do.
It's when this binary data is wrapped in envelopes of such protocols or formats that they can wreak havoc. A less than (<) character in image bytes is perfectly valid, but when used in an XML message, it will break the XML. Other characters, like control characters, can have an influence on how further data is to be interpreted by a protocol handler.
So base64 is used to wrap binary data in a safe-for-transport way where that would otherwise not be safe.

Endianess of network data transmissions over TCP/IP

Here is a question I've been trying to solve since quite some time ago. This does not attain a particular languaje, although it's not really beneficial for some that have a VM that specifies endianess. I know, like the 99.9999% of people that use sockets to send data using TCP/IP, that the protocol specifies a endianess for the transmission elements, like destination address, port and such. The thing I don't know is if it requires the payload to be in a specific format to prevent incompatibilities.
For example, let's say I develop a protocol that is not a presentation layer, and that I, due to the inmense dominance that little endian devices have nowadays, decide to make it little endian (for example the positions of the players and such are transmitted in little endian order). For example a network module for a game engine, where latencies matter and byte conversion would cost a noticeable amount of time. Of course the address, port and all of that data that is protocol related would be specified in big endian as is mandatory, I'm talking about the payload, and only that.
Would that protocol work out of the box (translating the contents as necessary, of course, once the the transmission is received) on a big endian machine? Or would the checksums of the IP protocol or something of the kind get computed wrong since the data is in a different order, and the programmer does not have control of them if raw_sockets aren't used?
Since the whole explanation can be misleading, feel free to ask for clarifications.
Thank you very much.
The thing I don't know is if it requires the payload to be in a specific format to prevent incompatibilities.
It doesn't, and it doesn't have a way of telling. To TCP it's just a byte-stream. It is up to the application protocol to decide endian-ness, and it is up to the implementors at each end to implement it correctly. There is a convention to use big-endian, but there's no compulsion.
Application-layer protocols dictate their own endianness. However, by convention, multi-byte integer values should be sent in network-byte order (big endian) for consistency across platforms, such as by using platform-provided hton...() (host-to-network) and ntoh...() (network-to-host) function implementations in your code. On little-endian systems, they will do the necessary byte swapping. On big endian systems, they are no-ops. The functions provide an abtraction layer so code does not have to worry about that.

Is there a good way to frame a protocol so data corruption can be detected in every case?

Background: I've spent a while working with a variety of device interfaces and have seen a lot of protocols, many serial and UDP in which data integrity is handled at the application protocol level. I've been seeking to improve my receive routine handling of protocols in general, and considering the "ideal" design of a protocol.
My question is: is there any protocol framing scheme out there that can definitively identify corrupt data in all cases? For example, consider the standard framing scheme of many protocols:
Field: Length in bytes
<SOH>: 1
<other framing information>: arbitrary, but fixed for a given protocol
<length>: 1 or 2
<data payload etc.>: based on length field (above)
<checksum/CRC>: 1 or 2
<ETX>: 1
For the vast majority of cases, this works fine. When you receive some data, you search for the SOH (or whatever your start byte sequence is), move forward a fixed number of bytes to your length field, and then move that number of bytes (plus or minus some fixed offset) to the end of the packet to your CRC, and if that checks out you know you have a valid packet. If you don't have enough bytes in your input buffer to find an SOH or to have a CRC based on the length field, then you wait until you receive enough to check the CRC. Disregarding CRC collisions (not much we can do about that), this guarantees that your packet is well formed and uncorrupted.
However, if the length field itself is corrupt and has a high value (which I'm running into), then you can't check the (corrupt) packet's CRC until you fill up your input buffer with enough bytes to meet the corrupt length field's requirement.
So is there a deterministic way to get around this, either in the receive handler or in the protocol design itself? I can set a maximum packet length or a timeout to flush my receive buffer in the receive handler, which should solve the problem on a practical level, but I'm still wondering if there's a "pure" theoretical solution that works for the general case and doesn't require setting implementation-specific maximum lengths or timeouts.
The reason why all protocols I know of, including those handling "streaming" data, chop up the datastream in smaller transmission units each with their own checks on board is exactly to avoid the problems you describe. Probably the fundamental flaw in your protocol design is that the blocks are too big.
The accepted answer of this SO question contains a good explanation and a link to a very interesting (but rather heavy on math) paper about this subject.
So in short, you should stick to smaller transmission units not only because of practical programming related arguments but also because of the message length's role in determining the security offered by your crc.
One way would be to encode the length parameter so that it would be easily detected to be corrupted, and save you from reading in the large buffer to check the CRC.
For example, the XModem protocol embeds an 8 bit packet number followed by it's one's complement.
It could mean doubling your length block size, but it's an option.

64/66b encoding

There are a few things I don't understand about 64/66bit encoding, and failed to find the answers to on the web. Any help/links would be greatly appreciated:
i) how is the start of a frame recognised? I don't think it can be by the initial 10/01 bits called the preamble on wikipedia because you cannot tell them apart (if an idle link is 0, then 0000 10 and 000 01 0 look rather similar). I expect the end of a frame is indicated by a control word, with the rest of the bits perhaps used for the CRC?
ii) how do the scramblers synchronise, and how do they avoid scrambling the same packet the same way? Or to put this another way, why is not possible for a malicious user to induce substantial packet loss by carefully choosing a bad message?
iii) this might have been answered in ii), but if a packet is sent to a switch, and then onto another host, is it scrambled the same way both times?
Once again, many thanks in advance
First of all the OSI model needs to be clear.
The ethernet frame is a data link layer, while the 64b/66b encoding is part of the physical layer (More precisely the PCS of the physical layer)
The physical layer doesn't know anything about the start of a frame. It sees only data. (The start of an ethernet frame are data bytes which contain the preamble.)
64b/66b encoding
Now let's assume that the link is up and running.
In this case the idle link is not full of '0'-s. (In that case the link wouldn't be self-synchronous) Idle messages (idle characters and/or synchronization blocks ie control information) are sent over the idle link. (The control information encoded with 0b10 preamble) (This is why the emitted spectrum and power dissipation don't depend on if the link is in idle state or not)
So a start of a new frame acts like following:
The link sends idle information. (with 0b10 preamble)
Upper layer (data link layer) sends the frame (in 64bit chunks of data) to physical layer.
The physical layer sends the data (with 0b01 preamble) over the link.
(Note that physical layer frequently inserts control (sync) symbols into the raw frame even during a data burst)
Before data transmission 64b/66b encoded lane must be initialized. This initialization includes the lane initialization which the block synchronization. Xilinx's Aurora's specification (P34) is an example of link initialization.
Briefly receiver tries to match the sync character in different bit-position, and when it match multiple times it reports link-up.
Note, that the 64b/66b encoding uses self-synchronous scrambler. This is why the scrambler (itself) doesn't need to know anything about where we are in the data stream. If you run a self-synchronous (de-)scrambler long enough, it produces the decoded bit stream.
Note, that 64b/66b encoding is not an encryption. This scrambling won't protect you from eavesdropping/tamper. (Encryption should placed at higher level of the OSI model)
Same packet multiple times
Because the scrambler is in different state/seed when you sending the same packet second time, the two encoded packet will differ. (Theoretically we can creates packets, which sets back the shift register of the scramble, but we need to consider the control symbols, so practically this is impossible.)
