Accessing environmental variables on rundeck node - unix

This is a two-part question. I am running a script using rundeck that depends on access to environmental variables system-wide on the node I'm executing the script on that I have set in /etc/environment.
First, how do I get rundeck to ingest the system environment? I can't find any option in rundeck to do this.
Second, why doesn't this happen by default? I'm under the impression that rundeck works through ssh; shouldn't the system environment be loaded every time it logs in to the node?

First, how do I get rundeck to ingest the system environment? I can't
find any option in rundeck to do this.
I succeeded to perform this by adding the following lines to:
set -a
. /etc/environment
. /etc/profile
1) put those lines into the file: /etc/rundeck/profile
2) put those lines into a script step
Remark: I'm using only script steps in my rundeck and I'm always put this lines in the first line of the script step:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
Second, why doesn't this happen by default? I'm under the impression
that rundeck works through ssh; shouldn't the system environment be
loaded every time it logs in to the node?
I think that you need to cinfigre something in the ssh_config file.
check this link: Rundeck not setting up environment variable for remote execution with different ssh port


unix script for initial setup using ssh, newgrp, cleartool setview: how to avoid subshell?

I have following requirements for a project initial setup
need to login to remote server using ssh <servername>
need to change default group using newgrp <grpname>
need to set the clearcase view using cleartool setview <viewname>
change dir to clearcase vobs using cd /vobs/proj/dita
I am trying to write a script which I source when I open a new terminal which does all the above and give me the terminal with required setup.
Now the problem is, 3 out of 4 above commands create a new shell.
Can you help me to achieve this?
Do no use cleartool setview (which does spawn a subshell, as I mentioned before, and as you found out)
Use, as described here, the full path of the view you want to access in your ssh session:
That way, you are sure to remain in the same shell.

Udev does not have permissions to write to the file system

I have been fighting with udev all afternoon. Basically I have created a rule that detects when a mass storage device is plugged into the system. This rule works and I can get it to execute a script without any issues, here it is for review purposes:
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="sd?*", SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/"
The problem I am running into is that the script is executed as some sort of strange user that has read-only permissions to the entire system. The script I am executing is quite simple:
cd /usr/local/bin
touch .drivedetect
echo "1" > .drivedetect
Basically I would like udev to run this script and simply output a 1 to a file named .drivedetect within the /usr/local/bin folder. But as I mentioned before it sees the rule and executes the rule when I plug in a drive however when it tries to run the script it comes back with file system is read-only script quit with error code 1.
I am currently running this on a raspberry pi zero and the latest Debian image. udev is still being run from init.d from what I can tell because there is no systemd service for it registered. Any help would be great and if you need any more information just ask.
Things I've tried:
Various combinations of RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/path/to/script'" and /bin/bash
And last but not least I tried running the script under the main username as well
su pi drivedetect
I had same issue, when I just used
udevadm control --reload-rules
after editing a udev rule. But, if I do:
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
The script can edit a file.
It's not enough to reboot. I have to do the restart after booting. It then works as expected until the next reboot.
This is on an rpi with stretch-lite.

sudoers - Google Compute Engine - no access to root

I have a Google Compute Engine VM instance with a Asterisk Server running on it. I get this message when I try to run sudo:
sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 21
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin
Is there a password for root so I can try to change it there? Any suggestions on this?
It looks like you have manually edited the /etc/sudoers file so while you would normally have sudo access, due to the parse error, you won't be able to do this directly.
Here's how to fix this situation.
1. Save the current boot disk
go to to the instance view in Developers Console
find your VM instance and click on its name; you should now be looking at a URL such as[PROJECT]/compute/instancesDetail/zones/[ZONE]/instances/[VM-NAME]
stop the instance
detach the boot disk from the instance
2. Fix the /etc/sudoers on the boot disk
create a new VM instance with its own boot disk; you should have sudo access here
attach the disk saved above as a separate persistent disk
mount the disk you just attached
fix the /etc/sudoers file on the disk
unmount the second disk
detach the second disk from the VM
delete the new VM instance (let it delete its boot disk, you won't need it)
3. Restore the original VM instance
re-attach the boot disk to the original VM
restart the original VM with its original boot disk, with fixed config
How to avoid this in the future
Always use the command visudo rather just any text editor directly to edit the /etc/sudoers file which will validate the contents of the file prior to saving it.
I ran into this issue as well and had the same issue Nakilon was reporting when trying the gcloud workaround.
What we ended up doing was configure a startup script that removed the broken sudoers file.
So in your metadata put something like:
rm "/etc/sudoers.d/broken-config-file"
echo "ok" > /tmp/ok.log
As you probably figured out this requires the /etc/sudoers file to be fixed. As nobody has root access to the instance, you will not be able to do this from inside the instance.
The best way to solve this is to edit the disk from another instance. The basic steps to do this are:
Take a snapshot of your disk as a backup (!)
Shutdown your instance, taking care not to delete the boot disk.
Start a new "debugger" instance from one of the stock GCE images.
Attach the old boot disk to the new instance.
In the debugger instance, mount the disk.
In the debugger instance, fix the sudoers file on the mounted disk.
In the debugger instance, unmount the disk
Shutdown the debugger instance.
Create a new instance with the same specs as your original instance using the fixed disk as the boot disk.
The new disk will then have the fixed sudoers file.
Since i bumped into this issue too, if you have another instance or any place where you can run with gcloud privileges, you can run:
gcloud compute --project "<project id>" ssh --zone "europe-west1-b" "<servername>"
I ran this on a server which had gcloud as root, so you login to the other box as root too! Then fix your issue. (if you don't have a box, just spin a micro up with the correct gcloud privileges) saves the hassle of disk stuff etc.
As mentioned in above comments, I am getting the same error like below in gcp VM.
sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 21
sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting
sudo: unable to initialize policy plugin
To solve this
I have ssh to another vm and become root then I ran gcloud ssh command to our main vm (where you are getting the sudo error.)
gcloud compute --project "<project id>" ssh --zone "europe-west1-b "<servername>"
And BOOM!, now are login as root in the VM.
Now you can access/change the /etc/sudoers file accordingly.
I found this hack better than recreating vm/disks.
Hope this helps to someone!
It is possible to connect to a VM as root from your developers console Google Cloud Shell. Make sure the VM is running, start the shell and use this command:
gcloud compute ssh root#<instance-name> --zone <zone> [--project <project-id>]
where instance-name is found in the Compute Engine VM Instances screen. project-id is optional but required if you are connecting to an instance in a different project from the project where you started the shell.
You can then fix this and other issues that may prevent you from using sudo.
I got a Permission denied error when trying to ssh to the problem instance via gcloud. Using a startup script as mentioned above by #Jorick works. Instructions for it are here. You will have to stop and restart the VM instance for the startup script to get executed. I modified the script slightly:
rm -f /etc/sudoers.d/google_sudoers >& /tmp/startup.log
After the restart, launch an SSH session from the cloud console and check that you are able to view the file contents (with sudo more /etc/sudoers.d/google_sudoers for example). If that works your problem has been solved.

When using mpirun with R script, should I copy manually file/script on clusters?

I'm trying to understand how openmpi/mpirun handle script file associated with an external program, here a R process ( doMPI/Rmpi )
I can't imagine that I have to copy my script on each host before running something like :
mpirun --prefix /home/randy/openmpi -H clust1,clust2 -n 32 R --slave -f file.R
But, apparently it doesn't work until I copy the script 'file.R' on clusters, and then run mpirun. Then, when I do this, the results are written on cluster, but I expected that they would be returned to working directory of localhost.
Is there another way to send R job from localhost to multiple hosts, including the script to be evaluated ?
Thanks !
I don't think it's surprising that mpirun doesn't know details of how scripts are specified to commands such as "R", but the Open MPI version of mpirun does include the --preload-files option to help in such situations:
--preload-files <files>
Preload the comma separated list of files to the current working
directory of the remote machines where processes will be
launched prior to starting those processes.
Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work, which may be because I misunderstood something, but I suspect it isn't well tested because very few use that option since it is quite painful to do parallel computing without a distributed file system.
If --preload-files doesn't work for you either, I suggest that you write a little script that calls scp repeatedly to copy the script to the cluster nodes. There are some utilities that do that, but none seem to be very common or popular, which I again think is because most people prefer to use a distributed file system. Another option is to setup an sshfs file system.

Automounting riofs in ubuntu

I have several buckets mounted using the awesome riofs and they work great, however I'm at a loss trying to get them to mount after a reboot. I have tried entering in the following to my /etc/fstab with no luck:
riofs#bucket-name /mnt/bucket-name fuse _netdev,allow_other,nonempty,config=/path/to/riofs.conf.xml 0 0
I have also tried adding a startup script to run the riofs commands to my rc.local file but that too fails to mount them.
Any idea's or recommendations?
Currently RioFS does not support fstab. In order to mount remote bucket at the startup time, consider adding corresponding command line to your startup script (rc.local, as you mentioned).
If for some reason it fails to start RioFS from startup script, please feel free to contact developers and/or fill issue report.
If you enter your access key and secret access key in the riofs config xml file, then you should be able to mount this via fstab or an init.d or rc.local script ..
See this thread
I tested this myself and this is what I find. Even with the AWS access details specified in the config file, there is no auto-matic mounting at boot. But to access the system, all one needs to do is to issue mount /mount/point/in-fstab .. and the fstab directive would work and persist like a standard fstab mounted filesystem.
So, it seems the riofs system is not ready at that stage of the boot process when filesystems are mounted. That's the only logical reason I can find so far. This can be solved with an rc.local or init.d script that just issues a mount command (at the worst)
But riofs does work well, even as the documentation seems sparse. It is certainly more reliable and less buggy than s3fs ..
Thanks all,
I was able to get them auto-mounting from rc.local with the syntax similar to:
sudo riofs --uid=33 --gid=33 --fmode=0777 --dmode=0777 -o "allow_other" -c ~/.config/riofs/riofs.conf.xml Bucket-Name /mnt/mountpoint
Thanks again!
