Given a function object f, how do I find:
Function's name.
Module(s) of its method(s)?
In Julia 0.4 I was able to find name using, but no tips for module. For Julia 0.5 I wasn't able to find any of two.
Name is easy: Symbol(f) or string(f) if you want a string
Module is, as you know going to be per method (i.e per type signature).
methods(f) with return a method table that prints out all the methods and where they are, in terms of files.
You can do [meth.module for meth in methods(f)] to get there modules
So to use an example, the collect function.
julia> using DataStructures #so we have some non-Base definitions
julia> Symbol(collect)
julia> methods(collect)
# 5 methods for generic function "collect":
collect(r::Range) at range.jl:813
collect{T}(::Type{T}, itr) at array.jl:211
collect(itr::Base.Generator) at array.jl:265
collect{T}(q::DataStructures.Deque{T}) at /home/ubuntu/.julia/v0.5/DataStructures/src/deque.jl:170
collect(itr) at array.jl:236
julia> [meth.module for meth in methods(collect)]
5-element Array{Module,1}:
julia> first(methods(collect, (Deque,))).module
#oxinabox's answer is correct. To add, typeof(f) is the v0.5 replacement for That can be useful to avoid the . that occurs when just applying string to a function introduced in a non-stdlib module. There also exists Base.function_name(f) which is probably less likely to break when the Julia version changes.
To get the module that a function (type) is introduced in, rather than the modules of individual methods, there's typeof(f).name.module, or the probably-better version, Base.function_module(f). The module of the method table is probably the same; that can be obtained through typeof(f)
Note that f.env in v0.4 is a direct equivalent of typeof(f), so on v0.4 the same and f.env.module apply.
In Julia 1.x the commands are:
Since this two methods are exported, also nameof and parentmodule works.
Not exactly the answer but closely related: you can find the file name and line number of f using functionloc(f)
I know that there are a bunch of different implementations of a specific method in my code and I want to see a list of all of them. How can I see all the methods with a specific name?
A very convenient way of using methods() is to type the method name followed by a ( and then type TAB at the REPL, so for your example:
and then hit the TAB key. The list for rand( is very long though. If you continue writing your function call with arguments and hit TAB again, the list will be filtered according to all matching methods. In your case:
julia> rand(1,
rand(dims::Integer...) in Random at C:\Julia\Julia-1.4.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Random\src\Random.jl:277
rand(X) in Random at C:\Julia\Julia-1.4.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Random\src\Random.jl:258
rand(X, dims::Tuple{Vararg{Int64,N}} where N) in Random at C:\Julia\Julia-1.4.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Random\src\Random.jl:280
rand(X, d::Integer, dims::Integer...) in Random at C:\Julia\Julia-1.4.0\share\julia\stdlib\v1.4\Random\src\Random.jl:283
Internally, Julia calls
methods(rand, (typeof(1), Any))
which would be the according filtering method in a piece of code (the docs unfortunatately do not include an example yet)
In Julia Base, there is a methods function which works as follows:
julia> methods(rand) # where rand is the the function name in question
# 68 methods for generic function "rand":
[1] rand(rd::Random.RandomDevice, sp::Union{Random.SamplerType{Bool}, Random.SamplerType{Int128}, Random.SamplerType{Int16}, Random.SamplerType{Int32}, Random.SamplerType{Int64}, Random.SamplerType{Int8}, Random.SamplerType{UInt128}, Random.SamplerType{UInt16}, Random.SamplerType{UInt32}, Random.SamplerType{UInt64}, Random.SamplerType{UInt8}}) in Random at /Users/sabae/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Random/src/RNGs.jl:29
[2] rand(::Random._GLOBAL_RNG, x::Union{Random.SamplerType{Int128}, Random.SamplerType{Int64}, Random.SamplerType{UInt128}, Random.SamplerType{UInt64}}) in Random at /Users/sabae/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Random/src/RNGs.jl:337
This function allows us to see all of the functions matching the name we passed in.
It is also worth noting that the scope of this function can change depending on what packages you are using in the moment. See in the example below where I load in the POMDPs package and the number of available rand functions jumps significantly.
julia> using POMDPs
julia> methods(rand)
# 170 methods for generic function "rand":
[1] rand(rd::Random.RandomDevice, sp::Union{Random.SamplerType{Bool}, Random.SamplerType{Int128}, Random.SamplerType{Int16}, Random.SamplerType{Int32}, Random.SamplerType{Int64}, Random.SamplerType{Int8}, Random.SamplerType{UInt128}, Random.SamplerType{UInt16}, Random.SamplerType{UInt32}, Random.SamplerType{UInt64}, Random.SamplerType{UInt8}}) in Random at /Users/sabae/buildbot/worker/package_macos64/build/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.3/Random/src/RNGs.jl:29
#.. ETC.
Read more about the methods function in the Julia Docs.
I saw this example in the Julia language documentation. It uses something called Base. What is this Base?
immutable Squares
Base.start(::Squares) = 1, state) = (state*state, state+1)
Base.done(S::Squares, s) = s > S.count;
Base.eltype(::Type{Squares}) = Int # Note that this is defined for the type
Base.length(S::Squares) = S.count;
Base is a module which defines many of the functions, types and macros used in the Julia language. You can view the files for everything it contains here or call whos(Base) to print a list.
In fact, these functions and types (which include things like sum and Int) are so fundamental to the language that they are included in Julia's top-level scope by default.
This means that we can just use sum instead of Base.sum every time we want to use that particular function. Both names refer to the same thing:
Julia> sum === Base.sum
Julia> #which sum # show where the name is defined
So why, you might ask, is it necessary is write things like Base.start instead of simply start?
The point is that start is just a name. We are free to rebind names in the top-level scope to anything we like. For instance start = 0 will rebind the name 'start' to the integer 0 (so that it no longer refers to Base.start).
Concentrating now on the specific example in docs, if we simply wrote start(::Squares) = 1, then we find that we have created a new function with 1 method:
Julia> start
start (generic function with 1 method)
But Julia's iterator interface (invoked using the for loop) requires us to add the new method to Base.start! We haven't done this and so we get an error if we try to iterate:
julia> for i in Squares(7)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching start(::Squares)
By updating the Base.start function instead by writing Base.start(::Squares) = 1, the iterator interface can use the method for the Squares type and iteration will work as we expect (as long as Base.done and are also extended for this type).
I'll grant that for something so fundamental, the explanation is buried a bit far down in the documentation, but describes this:
There are three important standard modules: Main, Core, and Base.
Base is the standard library (the contents of base/). All modules
implicitly contain using Base, since this is needed in the vast
majority of cases.
This is probably a newbie question... but is it possible to show the definition of a (user defined) function? While debugging/optimizing it is convenient to quickly see how a certain function was programmed.
Thanks in advance.
You can use the #edit macro, which is supposed to take you to the definition of a method, similarly to how the #which macro which shows the file and line # where that particular method was defined, for example:
julia> #which push!(CDFBuf(),"foo")
push!{T<:CDF.CDFBuf}(buff::T, x) at /d/base/DA/DA.jl:105
julia> #which search("foobar","foo")
search(s::AbstractString, t::AbstractString) at strings/search.jl:146
Note that methods that are part of Julia will show a path relative to the julia source directory "base".
While this is not an automatic feature available with Julia in general (as pointed out by Stefan), if you add docstrings when you define your initial function, you can always use the help?> prompt to query this docstring. For example
julia> """mytestfunction(a::Int, b)""" function mytestfunction(a::Int, b)
return true
This attaches the docstring "mytestfunction(a::Int, b)" to the function mytestfunction(a::Int, b). Once this is defined, you can then use the Julia help prompt (by typing ? at the REPL), to query this documentation.
help?> mytestfunction
mytestfunction(a::Int, b)
I am new to Julia, so this might be trivial.
I have a function definition within a module that looks like (using URIParser):
function add!(graph::Graph,
Outside of the module, I call:
add!(g, URIParser.URI(""), URIParser.URI(""), URIParser.URI(""))
Which gives me this error:
ERROR: no method add!(Graph,URI,URI,URI)
in include at boot.jl:238
in include_from_node1 at loading.jl:114
at /Users/jbaran/src/RDF/src/RDF.jl:79
Weird. Because when I can see a matching signature:
julia> methods(RDF.add!)
# 4 methods for generic function "add!":
add!(graph::Graph,subject::URI,predicate::URI,object::Number) at /Users/jbaran/src/RDF/src/RDF.jl:29
add!(graph::Graph,subject::URI,predicate::URI,object::String) at /Users/jbaran/src/RDF/src/RDF.jl:36
add!(graph::Graph,subject::URI,predicate::URI,object::URI) at /Users/jbaran/src/RDF/src/RDF.jl:43
add!(graph::Graph,statement::Statement) at /Users/jbaran/src/RDF/src/RDF.jl:68
At first I thought it was my use of object::Union(...), but even when I define three functions with Number, String, and URI, I get this error.
Is there something obvious that I am missing? I am using Julia 0.2.1 x86_64-apple-darwin12.5.0, by the way.
This looks like you may be getting bit by the very slight difference between method extension and function shadowing.
Here's the short of it. When you write function add!(::Graph, ...); …; end;, Julia looks at just your local scope and sees if add! is defined. If it is, then it will extend that function with this new method signature. But if it's not already defined locally, then Julia creates a new local variable add! for that function.
As JMW's comment suggests, I bet that you have two independent add! functions. Base.add! and RDF.add!. In your RDF module, you're shadowing the definition of Base.add!. This is similar to how you can name a local variable pi = 3 without affecting the real Base.pi in other scopes. But in this case, you want to merge your methods with the Base.add! function and let multiple dispatch take care of the resolution.
There are two ways to get the method extension behavior:
Within your module RDF scope, say import Base: add!. This explicitly brings Base.add! into your local scope as add!, allowing method extension.
Explicitly define your methods as function Base.add!(graph::Graph, …). I like this form as it more explicitly documents your intentions to extend the Base function at the definition site.
This could definitely be better documented. There's a short reference to this in the Modules section, and there's currently a pull request that should be merged soon that will help.
I read in an array of strings from a file.
julia> file = open("word-pairs.txt");
julia> lines = readlines(file);
But Julia doesn't know that they're strings.
julia> typeof(lines)
Can I tell Julia this somehow?
Is it possible to insert type information onto a computed result?
It would be helpful to know the context where this is an issue, because there might be a better way to express what you need - or there could be a subtle bug somewhere.
Can I tell Julia this somehow?
No, because the readlines function explicitly creates an Any array (a = {}):
Is it possible to insert type information onto a computed result?
You can convert the array:
r = convert(Array{ASCIIString,1}, w)
Or, create your own readstrings function based on the link above, but using ASCIIString[] for the collection array instead of {}.
Isaiah is right about the limits of readlines. More generally, often you can say
n = length(A)::Int
when generic type inference fails but you can guarantee the type in your particular case.
As of 0.3.4:
julia> typeof(lines)
I just wanted to warn against:
convert(Array{ASCIIString,1}, lines)
that can fail (for non-ASCII) while I guess, in this case nothing needs to be done, this should work:
convert(Array{UTF8String,1}, lines)