I have multiple txt files, each referring to a different month of the year (for many years). So, how I could analyze these files (text mining) each of these separately from a unique corpus (or something similar), by taking track of the month-year reference, thank you.
Here is an example I programmed for Game of Thrones subtitles. The subtitles are in the form 60 text files, one file for one episode in the form of S01E01 were we wanted to keep the episode information.
The following code will read the files into a list, and will turn it into a dataframe with episode information and text. You will have to adapt it to your own problem.
####### Read data ######
filenames <- list.files("Set7/Game of Thrones Subtitles", pattern="*", full.names=TRUE)
filenames_short <- list.files("Set7/Game of Thrones Subtitles", pattern="*", full.names=FALSE)
ldf <- alply(.data=filenames,.margins=1,.fun=scan,what = "character", quiet = T, quote = "")
names(ldf) <- filenames_short
# Loop over all filenames
# Turns list into two columns of a dataframe, episode and word
# create empty dataframe
df_got_subs <- as.data.frame(NULL)
for (i in 1:60) {
# extract listname
# vector with list name
listenname <- filenames_short[i]
vec_listenname <- rep.int(listenname,length(ldf[[i]]))
# Doublecheck
cat("listenname: ",listenname,"\n")
# turn list element into vector
vec_subs <- as.vector(ldf[[i]])
# create dataframe from vectors
df_subs <- cbind.data.frame(vec_listenname,vec_subs,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# attach to the "big" dataframe
df_got_subs <- rbind.data.frame(df_got_subs,df_subs)
# test datastructure
# change column names
colnames(df_got_subs) <- c("episode","subs")
The whole text mining we did with the tidytext package from Julia Silge. I didn't post the code because she gives much better examples in this post:
I hope this helps with your problem.
Below is the code to create some test data:
df <- data.frame(page_id = c(3,3,3,3,3), element_id = c(19, 22, 26, 31, 31),
text = c("The Protected Percentage of your property value thats has been chosen is 0%",
"The Arrangement Fee payable at complettion: £50.00",
"Interest rate is fixed for the life of the period is: 5.40%",
"The Benchmark rate that will be used to calculate any early repayment 2.08%",
"The property value used in this scenario is 275,000.00"))
I have many pdf files from which I want to extract the same information using regular expressions. I have managed to extract all the information I require from 1 pdf file so far. Below is the code for it - with comments:
# read in the PDF file
Off_let_data <- read_pdf("50045400_K021_2017-V001_300547.pdf")
# read all pdf file from a folder
files <- list.files(pattern = "pdf$")[1]
# extract the account number from the first pdf file
acc_num <- str_extract(files, "^\\d+")
# The RegEx's used to extract the relevant information
protec_per_reg <- "Protected\\sP\\w+\\sof"
Arr_Fee_reg <- "^The\\sArrangement\\sF\\w+"
Fix_inter_reg <- "Fixed\\sI\\w+\\sR\\w+"
Bench_rate_reg <- "Benchmark\\sR\\w+\\sthat"
# create a df that only includes the rows which match the above RegEx
Off_let <- Off_let_data %>% filter(page_id == 3, str_detect(Off_let_data$text, protec_per_reg)|
str_detect(Off_let_data$text, Arr_Fee_reg) | str_detect(Off_let_data$text, Fix_inter_reg) |
str_detect(Off_let_data$text, Bench_rate_reg))
# Now only extract the numbers from the above DF
off_let_num <- str_extract(Off_let$text, "\\d+\\.?\\d+")
# The first element is always a NA value - based on the structure of these PDF files
# replace the first element of this character vector with the below
off_let_num[is.na(off_let_num)] <- str_extract(Off_let$text, "\\d+%")[[1]]
The off_let_num variable is a vector with has 4 elements that are required from the pdf file.
NOW I would like to apply all these steps to a folder that includes many pdf file. So, far I have managed to read all the PDF file into separate data frames - the code for which is below:
# read all pdf files into a list
file_list <- list.files(pattern = '*.pdf')
# Read in all the pdf files into seperate data frames
for (file_name in off_let) {
assign(paste0("off","_",sub(".pdf","",file_name)), read_pdf(file_name))
I now have a many data frames in my working directory. I would like to apply the same process I applied to one pdf file in the start, to all these data frames beginning with 'off'.
I guess the way to go would be to convert the initial process into a function and then call this function to be applied to all the data frames beginning with 'off'. The results should be appended to a data frame which should include all the elements (4) extracted from these pdf files.
I'm not sure how to achieve this. Please help!
Apologies if this may seem simple, but I can't find a workable answer anywhere on the site.
My data is in the form of a csv with the filename being a name and number. Not quite as simple as having file with a generic word and increasing number...
I've achieved exactly what i want to do with just one file, but the issue is there are a couple of hundred to do, so changing the name each time is quite tedious.
Posting my original single-batch code here in the hopes someone may be able to ease the growing tension of failed searches.
# set workspace
setwd(".../Desktop/R Workspace")
# bring in original file, skipping first four rows
Person_7<- read.csv("PersonRound7.csv", header=TRUE, skip=4)
# cut matrix down to 4 columns
Person7<- Person_7[,c(1,2,9,17)]
# give columns names
colnames(Person7) <- c("Time","Spare", "Distance","InPeriod")
# find the empty rows, create new subset. Take 3 rows away for empty lines.
nullrow <- (which(Person7$Spare == "Velocity"))-3
Person7 <- Person7[(1:nullrow), ]
#keep 3 needed columns from matrix
Person7<- Person7[,c(1,3,4)]
colnames(Person7) <- c("Time","Distance","InPeriod")
#convert distance and time columns to factors
Person7$Distance <- as.numeric(as.character(Person7$Distance))
Person7$Time <- as.numeric(as.character(Person7$Time))
#Create the differences column for distance
Person7$Diff <- c(0, diff(Person7$Distance))
...whole heap of other stuff...
#export Minutes to an external file
write.csv(Person7_maxs, ".../Desktop/GPS Minutes/Person7.csv")
So the three part issue is as follows:
I can create a list or vector to read through the file names, but not a dataframe for each, each time (if that's even a good way to do it).
The variable names throughout the code will need to change instead of just being "Person1" "Person2", they'll be more like "Johnny1" "Lou23".
Need to export each resulting dataframe to it's own csv file with the original name.
Taking any and all suggestions on board - s.t.ruggling with this one.
Consider using one list of the ~200 dataframes. No need for separate named objects flooding global environment (though list2env still shown below). Hence, use lapply() to iterate through all csv files of working directory, then simply name each element of list to basename of file:
setwd(".../Desktop/R Workspace")
files <- list.files(path=getwd(), pattern=".csv")
dfList <- lapply(files, function(f) {
df <- read.csv(f, header=TRUE, skip=4)
df <- setNames(df[c(1,2,9,17)], c("Time","Spare","Distance","InPeriod"))
# ...same code referencing temp variable, df
write.csv(df_max, paste0(".../Desktop/GPS Minutes/", f))
dfList <- setNames(dfList, gsub(".csv", "", files))
str(dfList$PersonRound7) # PRINT STRUCTURE
View(dfList$PersonRound7) # VIEW DATA FRAME
dfList$PersonRound7$Time # OUTPUT ONE COLUMN
list2env(dfList, envir = .GlobalEnv)
I'm fairly new in working with R but trying to get this done. I have dozens of ENVI spectral datasets stored in a directory. Each dataset is seperated into two files. They all have the same name convention, i.e.:
The task is to read the dataset, add two columns (ID and date from filename), and store the results in a *.csv-file. I got this to work for a single file (hardcoded).
### filename without extension
name <- "011a_20100509_350-2500nm"
### split filename in area-id and date
flaeche<-substr(name, 0, 4)
date <- as.Date((substr(name,6,13)),"%Y%m%d")
### get values from ENVI-file in a matrix
spectrum <- read.ENVI(paste(name,".esl", sep = ""), headerfile=paste(name,".hdr", sep=""))
### add columns
spectrum <- cbind(Flaeche=flaeche,Datum=as.character(date),spectrum)
### CSV-Dataset with all values
write.csv(spectrum, file = name,".csv", sep=",")
I want to combine all available files into one *.csv file. I know that I've to use list.files but have no idea, how to implement the read.ENVI function and add the resulting matrices ongoing to CSV.
files <- list.files() # change or leave totally empty if setwd() put you in the right spot
all_names <- sub("^([^.]*).*", "\\1", files) # strip off extensions
name <- unique(all_names) # get rid of duplicates from .esl and .hdr
# wrap your existing code in a function
mungeENVI <- function(name) {
# split filename in area-id and date
flaeche<-substr(name, 0, 4)
date <- as.Date((substr(name,6,13)),"%Y%m%d")
# get values from ENVI-file in a matrix
spectrum <- read.ENVI(paste(name,".esl", sep = ""), headerfile=paste(name,".hdr", sep=""))
# add columns
spectrum <- cbind(Flaeche=flaeche,Datum=as.character(date),spectrum)
# use lapply to 'loop' over each name
list_of_ENVIs <- lapply(name, mungeENVI) # returns a list
# use do.call(rbind, x) to turn it into a big data.frame
final_df <- do.call(rbind, list_of_ENVIs)
# now write output
write.csv(final_df, "all_results.csv")
you can find a sample dataset here: Sample dataset
I work with a lot of lab data where I can rely on the output files being in a reliable format (same column order, column name, header format, etc). So this is assuming that the .ENVI files you have are similar to that. If your files are not like that, I'm happy to help with that too, I'd just need to see a dummy file or two.
Anyways here's the idea:
setwd("~/Binfo/TST/Stack/") # adjust as needed
files <- list.files("data/", full.name = T) # adjust as needed
all_names <- gsub("\\.\\D{3}", "", files) # strip off extensions
names1 <- unique(all_names) # get rid of duplicates
# wrap your existing code in a function
mungeENVI <- function(name) {
# split filename in area-id and date
f <- gsub(".*\\/(\\d{3}\\D)_.*", "\\1", name)
d <- gsub(".*_(\\d+)_.*", "\\1", name) %>% ymd()
# get values from ENVI-file in a matrix
spectrum <- read.ENVI(paste(name,".esl", sep = ""), headerfile=paste(name,".hdr", sep=""))
# add columns
spectrum <- cbind(Flaeche=f,Datum= as.character(d),spectrum)
# use lapply to 'loop' over each name
list_of_ENVIs <- lapply(names1, mungeENVI) # returns a list
# use do.call(rbind, x) to turn it into a big data.frame
final_df <- do.call(rbind, list_of_ENVIs)
# now write output
write.csv(final_df, "data/all_results.csv")
Let me know if you have any problems and we an go from there. Cheers.
I edited my answer a bit, I think the problem you were hitting is in list.files() it should have had the argument full.name = T. I also adjusted you parsing method to be a little more defensive and use grep capture expressions. I tested the code with your two example files (4 really) but I can build out a large matrix (66743 elements). Also I used lubridate, I think it's a better way to work with dates and times.
I have this code that works for me (it's from Jockers' Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature). However, what I need to be able to do is to automate this: I need to perform the "ProcessingSection" for up to thirty individual text files. How can I do this? Can I have a table or data frame that contains thirty occurrences of "text.v" for each scan("*.txt")?
Any help is much appreciated!
# Chapter 5 Start up code
text.v <- scan("pupil-14.txt", what="character", sep="\n")
text.lower.v <- tolower(text.v)
mars.words.l <- strsplit(text.lower.v, "\\W")
mars.word.v <- unlist(mars.words.l)
#remove blanks
not.blanks.v <- which(mars.word.v!="")
#create a new vector to store the individual words
mars.word.v <- mars.word.v[not.blanks.v]
It's hard to help as your example is not reproducible.
Admitting you're happy with the result of mars.word.v,
you can turn this portion of code into a function that will accept a single argument,
the result of scan.
processing_section <- function(x){
unlist(strsplit(tolower(x), "\\W"))
Then, if all .txt files are in the current working directory, you should be able to list them,
and apply this function with:
lf <- list.files(pattern=".txt")
lapply(lf, function(path) processing_section(scan(path, what="character", sep="\n")))
Is this what you want?
I am having a bit of trouble with some work with text files and the associated metadata for the files. I can read in the files, pre-process them, and then convert them to a readable format for the lda package I am using (using this guide by Sievert). Example below:
#Reading the files
corpus <- file.path("Folder/Fiction/texts")
corpus <- list.files(corpus)
corpus <- lapply(corpus, readLines)
***pre-processing functions removed for space***
corp.list <- strsplit(corpus, "[[:space:]]+")
# compute the table of terms:
corpterm.table <- table(unlist(corp.list))
corpterm.table <- sort(corpterm.table, decreasing = TRUE)
***removing stopwords, again removed for space***
# now put the corpus into the format required by the lda package:
getCorp.terms <- function(x) {
index <- match(x, vocabCorp)
index <- index[!is.na(index)]
rbind(as.integer(index - 1), as.integer(rep(1, length(index))))
corpus <- lapply(corp.list, getCorp.terms)
At this point, the corpus variable is a list of document tokens with a separate vector per document, but has been detached from its file path, and the name of the file. Herein is where my problem begins: I have a csv with the metadata for the texts (their file names, titles, authors, years, genres, etc.) which I would like to have associated with each vector of tokens, in order to easily model my information over time, by gender, etc.
I am unsure of how to do this, but am guessing it would need to be done as the files are being read, and not merged after I have manipulated the document texts. I would imagine it would be something that would look like:
corpus.f <- file.path (stuff)
corpus <- list.files(corpus)
corpus <- lapply(corpus, ReadLines)
corpus.df <- as.data.frame(c(corpus.f,corpus))
corpus.info <- read.csv(stuff.csv)
And from there using the merge or match function in combination to associate each document (or vector of document tokens) with its correct row of metadata.
Try changing to this:
pth <- file.path("Folder/Fiction/texts")
fi <- list.files(pth)
corpus <- lapply(fi, readLines)
corp.list <- strsplit(corpus, "[[:space:]]+")
setNames(object = corp.list, nm = fi) -> corp.list