rmr2 mapreduce always generate NULL for $key and $val - r

I installed rmr2 in R with Cloudera Quickstart 5.7.0 as per Jeremy and Chandra. I tried a simple mapreduce program as per [Chandra]:
small.ints <- to.dfs(1:1000)
out <- mapreduce(input = small.ints, map = function(k, v) keyval(v, v^2))
df <- as.data.frame(from.dfs(out))
and the output of df is:
data frame with 0 columns and 0 rows
and from.dfs(out) shows:
Other examples from [Jeremy] and [Chandra] are also producing the same output although mapreduce shows _SUCCESS in the generated /tmp directory. Any suggestions?
to.dfs and from.dfs seem to be working fine. I tried:
small.ints <- to.dfs(1:1000)
out <- from.dfs(small.ints)
and this produces the numbers from 1 to 1000.

I figured this out now. I installed rmr2 from within RStudio and somehow the library was not available to the script even though the mapreduce function seems to run successfully. I was surprised that in one of the logs, I read that rmr2 was not found, but the script still gave me a _SUCCESS!
I eventually installed rmr2 fresh in R (using sudo R), with the required packages, reshape2 and caTools, and everything seems to work fine now.


RStudio session aborts when I run gRbase::stepwise function (undirected graphs)

I'm doing an R project on RStudio (RStudio 2021.09.1+372 "Ghost Orchid" Release for Windows), (R version 4.1.2).
I'm working on Windows 10 x64.
I want to create an Undirected Graph from a dataset:
BodyFat <- BodyFat[-c(31,42,48,76,86,96,159,169,175,182,206),]
BodyFat$Age <- sqrt(BodyFat$Age)
BodyFat$Weight <- sqrt(BodyFat$Weight)
names(BodyFat)[names(BodyFat) == 'BodyFat'] <- 'BodyFatPerc'
gRbodyfat <- BodyFat[,2:15]
graph.MyGraph <- cmod(~.^., data = gRbodyfat)
AIC.MyGraph <- gRbase::stepwise(graph.MyGraph)
I'm still exploring RStudio and graphical models, so I run these lines from the console, one by one.
When I run the last line of code, R session aborts and I get the following pop-up message:
I've also tried the following lines of code (I changed the last line):
BodyFat <- BodyFat[-c(31,42,48,76,86,96,159,169,175,182,206),]
BodyFat$Age <- sqrt(BodyFat$Age)
BodyFat$Weight <- sqrt(BodyFat$Weight)
names(BodyFat)[names(BodyFat) == 'BodyFat'] <- 'BodyFatPerc'
gRbodyfat <- BodyFat[,2:15]
graph.MyGraph <- cmod(~.^., data = gRbodyfat)
AIC.MyGraph <- stepwise(graph.MyGraph)
but I get the same problem. I tried three or four times running those lines of code, R aborted everytime.
My gRbase, gRim, gRain, Rgraphviz and RBGL libraries are in the home folder:
Any advice?
I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling R, Rtools, RStudio, reinstalling libraries, updating them, I've tried launching RStudio as Administrator, I've tried changing computer.
The last thing I tried is this:
uninstalling R, Rtools and RStudio
deleting .RData and .Renviron files in the Documents folder
deleting all libraries
downloading R (latest version) from CRAN webpage and installing it as Administrator
downloading Rtools (latest version from webpage) and installing it as Administrator
creating the .Renviron file as described here
downloading RStudio (latest version from webpage) and installing it as Administrator
installing BiocManager as described here (when asked to update Matrix library I said NO, I thought it could be the problem)
installing gRbase, gRim, gRain libraries as described here (when asked to update fansi library I said NO because it said "There are binary versions available but the source versions are later", I thought it could be the problem)
Tried again the lines of code
Still got the problem, R session aborted again.
A friend of mine doing a similar project used gRbase::stepwise function, so I inserted his code in the console and the function worked. So I think the problem might be the object of the function, graph.MyGraph. The cmod function works fine, so maybe there's a problem with gRbodyfat, which is used to build graph.MyGraph.
If I run these lines (I tried changing the dataset, I used BodyFat instead of gRbodyfat):
graph.MyGraph <- cmod(~.^., data = BodyFat)
AIC.MyGraph <- gRbase::stepwise(graph.MyGraph)
I get the following error:
Error in dim(res) <- c(NSEL, NSET) :
dims [product 210] do not match the length of object [14]
Don't know what to do.
I've tried debugging gRbase::stepwise function and I get this:
The problem appears to be the iModel function.
I've discovered that if I use graph.MyGraph <- cmod(~.^1, data = gRbodyfat) the gRbase::stepwise function works fine.

Writing a partitioned parquet file with SparkR

I've got two scripts, one in R and a short second one in pyspark that uses the output. I'm trying to copy that functionality into the first script for simplicity.
The second script is very simple -- read a bunch of csv files and emit them as partitioned parquet:
spark.read.csv(path_to_csv, header = True) \
.repartition(partition_column).write \
.partitionBy(partition_column).mode('overwrite') \
This should be equally simple in R but I can't figure out how to match the partitionBy functionality in SparkR. I've got this so far:
library(SparkR); library(magrittr)
read.df(path_to_csv, 'csv', header = TRUE) %>%
repartition(col = .$partition_column) %>%
write.df(path_to_parquet, 'parquet', mode = 'overwrite')
This successfully writes one parquet file for each value of partition_column. The issue is the emitted files have the wrong directory structure; whereas Python produces something like
R produces only
Am I missing something? the partitionBy function in SparkR appears only to refer to the context of window functions and I don't see anything else in the manual that could be related. Perhaps there's a way to pass something in ... but I don't see any examples in the documentation or from a search online.
Partitioning of the output is not supported in Spark <= 2.x.
However, it will be supported in SparR >= 3.0.0 (SPARK-21291 - R partitionBy API), with the following syntax:
df, path_to_csv, "parquet", mode = "overwrite",
partitionBy = "partition_column"
Since corresponding PR modifies only R files, you should be able to patch any SparkR 2.x distribution, if upgrading to development version is not an option:
git clone https://github.com/apache/spark.git
git checkout v2.4.3 # Or whatever branch you use
# https://github.com/apache/spark/commit/cb77a6689137916e64bc5692b0c942e86ca1a0ea
git cherry-pick cb77a6689137916e64bc5692b0c942e86ca1a0ea
R -e "devtools::install('R/pkg')"
In the client mode this should be required only on the driver node.
but these are not fatal, and shouldn't cause any serious issues.

running all examples in r package

I am developing a package in Rstudio. Many of my examples need updating so I am going through each one. The only way to check the examples is by running devtools::check() but of course this runs all the checks and it takes a while.
Is there a way of just running the examples so I don't have to wait?
Try the following code to run all examples
You can also do this without devtools, admittedly it's a bit more circuitous.
package = "rgl"
# this gives a key-value mapping of the various `\alias{}`es
# in each Rd file to that file's canonical name
aliases <- readRDS(system.file("help", "aliases.rds", package=package))
# or sapply(unique(aliases), example, package=package, character.only=TRUE),
# but I think the for loop is superior in this case.
for (topic in unique(aliases)) example(topic, package=package, character.only = TRUE)

TreeTagger in R

I have downloaded TreeTaggerv3.2 for Windows and have configured it per the install.txt. I am trying to use it in R with koRpus package. I have set the kRp.env as -
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="C:\\TreeTagger\\bin\\tag-english.bat", lang="en",
preset="en", treetagger="manual", format="file",
TT.tknz=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8" )
.My data to be tagged is in a file and trying to use it as treetag("myfile.txt") but it is throwing the error-
Error in matrix(unlist(strsplit(tagged.text, "\t")), ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE, :
'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'
In addition: Warning message:
running command 'C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c C:\TreeTagger\bin\tag-english.bat
C:\Users\vivsingh\Desktop\NLP\tree_tag_ex.txt' had status 255
The standalone TreeTagger is working on by windows.Any idea on how it works?
I had the exact same error and warning while trying lemmatization on R word vector following Bernhard Learns blog using windows 7 and R 3.4.1 (x64). The issue was also appearing using textstem package but TreeTagger was running properly in cmd window.
I mixed several answers I found on this post and here is my steps and code running properly:
get into R win_library (~\Documents\R\win-library\3.4\rJava\jri\x64\jri.dll) and copy jri.dll (thanks kravi!) to replace it the parent folder.
close and restart R
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="C:\\TreeTagger\\bin\\tag-english.bat", lang="en", preset="en", treetagger="manual", format="file", TT.tknz=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8")
lemma_tagged <- treetag(lemma_unique$word_clean, treetagger="manual", format="obj", TT.tknz=FALSE , lang="en", TT.options=list(path="c:/TreeTagger", preset="en"))
lemma_tagged_tbl <- tbl_df(lemma_tagged#TT.res)
Hope it helps.
I am posting this answer to keep a record. I also faced the same issue due to incorrect specification of the location of jri.dll on 64-Bit processor and windows 8.1. If we call
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="manual", lang="en", TT.options=list(path="/path/to/tree-tagger-windows-x.x/TreeTagger", preset="en")) and we follow either of following two steps, we can resolve this error:
While installing R, if we install only 64 Bit version of R, and
specify the proper path for these variables
LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /path/to/rJava/jri
JAVA_HOME = /path/to/jdk1.x.x
java.library.path = /path/to/rJava/jri/jri.dll
CLASSPATH = /path/to/rJava/jri
If we already installed both versions viz. 32 bit and 64 bit of R on your computer then just copy jri.dll from /path/to/rJava/jri/x64/jri.dll and replace at path/to/rJava/jri/jri.dll. Further, we need to set the path of above mentioned four variables.
I've got this issue (very similar I guess) and posted query to GitHub.
The current working solution for me for this case was easier than I could expect, just downgrading the koRpus package. This can change with time but this version should remain appropriate.
install_github("unDocUMeantIt/koRpus", ref="0.06-5")
This package is not Java related they said.
You can face the same error while setting up the korpus environment and getting the result from treetagger. For example, when you use:
tagged.text <- treetag(
treetagger = "manual",
lang = "en",
TT.options = list(
path = "c:/Treetagger",
preset = "en"
doc_id = "sample"
You would receive a similar error
Error: Awww, this should not happen: TreeTagger didn't return any useful data.
This can happen if the local TreeTagger setup is incomplete or different from what presets expected.
You should re-run your command with the option 'debug=TRUE'. That will print all relevant configuration.
Look for a line starting with 'sys.tt.call:' and try to execute the full command following it in a command line terminal. Do not close this R session in the meantime, as 'debug=TRUE' will keep temporary files that might be needed.
If running the command after 'sys.tt.call:' does fail, you'll need to fix the TreeTagger setup.
If it does not fail but produce a table with proper results, please contact the author!
Here you need to change the value of treetagger, from
treetagger = "manual"
treetagger = "kRp.env"
However, before that remember to set the kRp.env as #Xochitl C. suggested in their answer
set.kRp.env(TT.cmd="C:\\TreeTagger\\bin\\tag-english.bat", lang="en", preset="en", treetagger="manual", format="file", TT.tknz=TRUE, encoding="UTF-8")
Once you do this, you'll get the desired result.

How to read data from Cassandra with R?

I am using R 2.14.1 and Cassandra 1.2.11, I have a separate program which has written data to a single Cassandra table. I am failing to read them from R.
The Cassandra schema is defined like this:
create table chosen_samples (id bigint , temperature double, primary key(id))
I have first tried the RCassandra package (http://www.rforge.net/RCassandra/)
> # install.packages("RCassandra")
> library(RCassandra)
> rc <- RC.connect(host ="", port = 9160L)
> RC.use(rc, "poc1_samples")
> cs <- RC.read.table(rc, c.family="chosen_samples")
The connection seems to succeed but the parsing of the table into data frame fails:
> cs
Error in data.frame(..dfd. = c("#\"ffffff", "#(<cc><cc><cc><cc><cc><cd>", :
duplicate row.names:
I have also tried using JDBC connector, as described here: http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/big-analytics-with-r-cassandra-and-hive
> # install.packages("RJDBC")
> library(RJDBC)
> cassdrv <- JDBC("org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CassandraDriver", "/Users/svend/dev/libs/cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar", "`")
But this one fails like this:
Error in .jfindClass(as.character(driverClass)[1]) : class not found
Even though the location to the java driver is correct
$ ls /Users/svend/dev/libs/cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar
You have to download apache-cassandra-2.0.10-bin.tar.gz and cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar and cassandra-all-1.1.0.jar.
There is no need to install Cassandra on your local machine; just put the cassandra-jdbc-1.2.5.jar and the cassandra-all-1.1.0.jar files in the lib directory of unziped apache-cassandra-2.0.10-bin.tar.gz. Then you can use
drv <- JDBC("org.apache.cassandra.cql.jdbc.CassandraDriver",
That is working on my unix but not on my windows machine.
Hope that helps.
This question is old now, but since it's the one of the top hits for R and Cassandra I thought I'd leave a simple solution here, as I found frustratingly little up-to-date support for what I thought would be a fairly common task.
Sparklyr makes this pretty easy to do from scratch now, as it exposes a java context so the Spark-Cassandra-Connector can be used directly. I've wrapped up the bindings in this simple package, crassy, but it's not necessary to use.
I mostly made it to demystify the config around how to make sparklyr load the connector, and as the syntax for selecting a subset of columns is a little unwieldy (assuming no Scala knowledge).
Column selection and partition filtering are supported. These were the only features I thought were necessary for general Cassandra use cases, given CQL can't be submitted directly to the cluster.
I've not found a solution to submitting more general CQL queries which doesn't involve writing custom scala, however there's an example of how this can work here.
Right, I found an (admittedly ugly) way, simply by calling python from R, parsing the NA manually and re-assigning the data-frames names in R, like this
# install.packages("rPython")
# (don't forget to "pip install cql")
python.exec("import sys")
# adding libraries from virtualenv
python.exec("import cql")
python.exec("connection=cql.connect('', cql_version='3.0.0')")
python.exec("cursor = connection.cursor()")
python.exec("cursor.execute('use poc1_samples')")
python.exec("cursor.execute('select * from chosen_samples' )")
# coding python None into NA (rPython seem to just return nothing )
python.exec("rep = lambda x : '__NA__' if x is None else x")
python.exec( "def getData(): return [rep(num) for line in cursor for num in line ]" )
data <- python.call("getData")
df <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(data), ncol=15, byrow=T))
names(df) <- c("temperature", "maxTemp", "minTemp",
"dewpoint", "elevation", "gust", "latitude", "longitude",
"maxwindspeed", "precipitation", "seelevelpressure", "visibility", "windspeed")
# and decoding NA's
parsena <- function (x) if (x=="__NA__") NA else x
df <- as.data.frame(lapply(df, parsena))
Anybody has a better idea?
I had the same error message when executing Rscript with RJDBC connection via batch file (R 3.2.4, Teradata driver).
Also, when run in RStudio it worked fine in the second run but not first.
What helped was explicitly call:
It not enough to just download the driver, you have to also download the dependencies and put them into your JAVA ClassPath (MacOS: /Library/Java/Extensions) as stated on the project main page.
Include the Cassandra JDBC dependencies in your classpath : download dependencies
As of the RCassandra package, right now it's still too primitive compared to RJDBC.
