Google Analytics Custom Reports with Funnel Conversion rate - google-analytics

How can we add funnel conversation rate in Custom reports?
I want to add funnel conversation to custom dimensions in report.


Is it possible to create purchase event for both universal analytics and for Google analytics 4

I have created 2 events with same name 'purchase' for universal analytics and for GA4 but the monetisation report is not correct in both the dashboards.
How can I create purchase event for both Universal analytics and GA4 and show the correct transactions in the report?
Also Can I create custom events like order tracking with product(item) parameter like purchase and create a custom report with all the parameters in the GA account?
Are you using a datalayer push for the ecommerce data that you want to display in your Analytics?
Or are you using dynamic values that you scrape from your website with custom javascript variables?
In any case, you have to include the correct structure in an event for the correct report to work.
I would recommend building a correctly formatted datalayer.push event that corresponds to GA4 standards.
For example:
How a purchase event should look like:
Required and optional event parameters:
Then you can use a GA4 event tag to capture ecommerce data from the datalayer, and the UA tag has a checkbox that enables it to process GA4 data found in the datalayer.
This approach means that you will only have to support one type of Analytics structure on your website while you get ecommerce reports for both platforms.

Google Analytics 4 Custom metric show nothing in custom reports

I'm a marketing specialist who's new to Google Analytics 4 and I can't acquire any data from custom metric in my custom report.
What I want to achieve
I hope the data of custom metric could show on my custom report in Google Analytics 4.
I hope the format of new custom report the same as Google Analytics (please refer the image of Google Analytics custom report below).
[enter image description here][1] [1]:

View dataLayer's data in Google Analytics by event

I do not understand how to catch data from an event in google analytics.
I watch my event
My dataLayer is like the documentation (
My question is : How can i see that (product's data and actionField) in Google Analytics ?
The "step" is visible in the Checkout Behavior report in the E-Commerce-Section of the Conversions-Menu (it's displayed as a funnel step in the visualization and you can give it a proper name in the view settings).
Checkout options can be displayed as secondary dimensions, used in segments, custom reports and via the API (they are not part of the standard reports).

Set date of transaction Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce

I want to set date of transaction Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce, but I dont know how.
I already defined my custom dimension, but in the date filter of the dashboard, Google show by upload transaction date, and not by my custom dimension.
It's possible to do that?

Products added to Cart vs Products ordered report in Google analytics

We are trying to implement Google analytics on our e-commerce site ..
In the order confirmation page we added e-commerce tracking code and its tracking all the revenue ..
We have added an event and are tracking items added to cart..
Is there a possible way where we can compare both these and make a report?
Please let me know your ideas..
Thank you in advance
You could use a custom report like this one for this purpose:
You need to customize it of course to suit your needs. It is now just a drilldown of Event Category, Action, Label with Total events, Revenue, conversion rate and transactions. I am not sure what metrics you are after, but it is a start.
