What is the procedure to upload a html file into cloud.i tried with predix mailed link.but it is given error 403 .can anybody uploaded html files into cloud used predix platform link .please do need full.
The hello world is an html file. Please try this.
You can serve up files within your microservice that you push up to the cloud. See the rest endpoint /static in the Spring Boot doc. Try out the microservice-template project for some ideas
I have my collection of Predix.io apps in different languages including static HTML, angular, java even Scala etc.
Please look at
According your question about HTML it is in the collection as well as just use
$ git clone https://github.com/SVyatkin/CF-Hello-World-examples.git
$ cd CF-Hello-World-examples/hello-html
$ cf push -m 128M -b predix_openresty_buildpack html-hello
$ curl https://html-hello.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io returns "HTML Predix.io - Hello World Example"
I wanted to help with one question, but was recieved my own.
Where is a problem?
I tried to repeat some basics from there: https://bookdown.org/yihui/blogdown/a-quick-example.html
all instructions were followed and fulfilled;
hugo was downloaded and installed;
site was launched by blogdown::serve_site().
It works! But...
Launching the server via the command:
C:/Users/User/AppData/Roaming/Hugo/0.89.4/hugo.exe server --bind -p 4321 --themesDir themes -t hugo-lithium -D -F --navigateToChanged
Serving the directory . at http://localhost:4321
Launched the hugo server in the background (process ID: 1780). To stop it, call blogdown::stop_server() or restart the R session.
... look, where is a message??? (as you can see there):
Rendering content/post/2020-12-01-r-rmarkdown/index.Rmd... Done.
Ok, I tried to add content to index.Rmd:
And, after saving, we can see this message:
Again these hellish replacement symbols and (Sys.setenv("LANGUAGE"="EN") didn't help, but this isn't a story about them).
How to fix this problem with index.Rmd in blogdown? Maybe someone faced with it?
Very grateful for the help.
And a little addition.
I deleted and recreated "my website".
This string was displayed...
Rendering content/post/2020-12-01-r-rmarkdown/index.Rmd... Done.
... but error is the same ...
This answer is for the future sufferers and thoughtless persons (as I am):
Guys, we shouldn't touch the "index.Rmd" in the main directory of our site's folder!
Am I right?
Some proposals to Yihui Xie:
Why "the main index.Rmd" can't have an other name, f.e.:
... and it will be nice, if you add to this file some info, f.e.
<!-- If you want to add some new info to your site - come to "content - post - bla-bla - index.Rmd" -->
<!-- Please don't try to edit the current file -->
site: blogdown:::blogdown_site
Or nevertheless someone can add something and save after "index.Rmd"?
Hello I want to use the automatic deploymen on bitbucket to the galaxy server with a deployment token.
For this reason I am creating a deployment token that is comitted in the repository.
To strenghten the security I would like to use Repository variables in bitbucket pipelines:
And to store the deployment token of meteor in the variables instead in file.
For the deployment we use in the command:
And my question is - Is there any way so that I use some variable(string) where the token is used like
instead to call it from a file?
Some research, after having the same problem, brought me to this article, which simply solves the problem that you can't feed meteor just the json in an env var in the following simple way:
By adding the json file content as an env var and then echoes it out into a file on deploy.
echo $METEOR_TOKEN_FILE > deploy_token.json
Thanks to this article I figured it out.
Save json settings as env variable and then in deployment procesS:
echo $DEPLOY_SESSION_FILE > deployment_token.json
METEOR_SESSION_FILE=deployment_token.json DEPLOY_HOSTNAME=galaxy.meteor.com meteor deploy --allow-superuser myApp-staging.meteorapp.com --settings config/staging/settings.json --owner username
Is there a way to delete GAVs through a REST API in Nexus 3? From various
google searches it appears that this capability existed in Nexus 2, but not in
Nexus 3 yet. Is that true?
I tried the following with my current Nexus installation, which is OSS 3.2.1-01:
I was trying to delete GAV:
groupId = org.mycompany.myproject
artifactId = myartifact
version = 1.0.0
$ curl --request DELETE --user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" --write-out '%{http_code}\n' http://my-server:8081/service/local/repositories/my-repo/content/org.mycompany.myproject/myartifact/1.0.0
This gave me a 405.
I also looked at the release notes for 3.3 through 3.5 and nothing jumped out
that REST API support was added.
I also looked into
https://help.sonatype.com/display/NXRM3/REST+and+Integration+API. I downloaded
the nexus-book-examples and downloaded several of the Javadocs (nexus-core,
nexus-repository, nexus-common, nexus-script, nexus-commands, nexus-selector)
for version 3.2.1-01 and started to look through the code. It was not clear
where to start with a simple program to delete GAVs.
Am I correct that you cannot delete GAVs through the REST API in Nexus 3? Is
there a plan to support this in a future Nexus 3 release? Is there a way to do
what I want to do by creating a Groovy script using the code referenced by the
REST+and+Integration+API link above? Is there some sample code which will help
bootstrap me to using the above code (either 3.2.1-01, or a newer version of
You might take a look at our Beta REST API in Nexus Repository 3. Upgrade to a version greater than 3.3, preferably to 3.5 (just so you are using latest and greatest) and navigate to:
Since the REST API is currently Beta we have yet to publish documentation or fanfare around it while we let people experiment with it and give us feedback.
You should see endpoints for deleting components and assets. You will likely want to use the component delete, so that it will clean up all associated assets.
Let me know your mileage!
According to the documentation, you can delete an ASSET (individual file) or a COMPONENT (a set of files, like jar+md5+sha1+pom.xml representing an artifact) only if you know the assetId or the componentId
So you should issue a separate search call passing the GAV and finding out the componentId, then use the componentId to delete in a second call.
However I see here https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/NEXUS-11266 and here
https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/NEXUS-11881 that people can delete an asset just by specifying the entire path... I have tried with
curl -u admin:admin123 -X "DELETE" -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:8081/repository/deployments/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.18/commons-compress-1.18.jar
and it gives me a HTTP 204 (no content). In my case "deployments" is a hosted repository. I have tried the same command on "central" (aproxy repo) and I get a 405.
But if I try to download the whole component (including pom, sha1 etc) with
curl -u admin:admin123 -X "DELETE" -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:8081/repository/deployments/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.18/
I get a HTTP 404.
I know, it's painful and in Nexus2 it was much easier.
I am trying to translate a .bat file to a INI file so that I can use WinRun4J to launch a small JAVA app as a service.
Working from the demo that ships with the download, the web page https://github.com/poidasmith/winrun4j and a few samples that have posted I've come up with an .ini file that reads as...
terrainserver.name=WinRun4J TerrainServer terrainserver
terrainserver.description=Pegasus Terrain Service
vm.location=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_55\jre\bin\server\jvm.dl
from the original batch file...
set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3.1_03
set PRJSRV_CLASSPATH=.\ProjServer.jar;.\ode.jar;.\classes12.zip;.\JAGR-client.jar;.\PegasusElevAdapter.jar
set PRJSRV_PARAM1=prjsrvConfig=.\prjsrv.properties
start %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe -classpath %PRJSRV_CLASSPATH% -D%PRJSRV_PARAM1% -Xms256m -Xmx1000m ru.ibs.JEPPEG3.ProjectionServer.ProjectionServerDaemon
My question is is using arg key the correct method of setting a reference to the prjsrv.properties file? Or is there a better method? JAVA isn't my strongest language so please bear with me.
From what I can see your batch will have to be translated into:
Besides that I think you need to rename these:
terrainserver.name=WinRun4J TerrainServer terrainserver
terrainserver.description=Pegasus Terrain Service
service.name=WinRun4J TerrainServer terrainserver
service.description=Pegasus Terrain Service
because WinRun4j does not support terrainserver but service.* or main.class instead.
I've got very simple .WAR containing example servlet. I'm able to deploy it in servicemix using the following command:
osgi:install file:///home/seiho/apache-servicemix-4.4.2/deploy/TestServlet.war?Bundle-SymbolicName=TestServlet&Webapp-Context=/TestServlet
And then see it in my browser. But only with full path to a file, e.g.: localhost:8080/TestServlet/index.html or localhost:8080/TestServlet/TestServlet (my servlet is TestServlet class).
I'd like to launch the index.html page automatically after entering: localhost:8080/TestServlet
how to do it?
I need a way to convert the .WAR file or servlet project (I've got the sources) so that new .WAR file can be auto-deployed by copying it to $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy directory.
I've tried editing the MANIFEST.MF file, but with no success. Probably I'm doing something wrong.
Thanks for any advice/help.
To be recognised as a wab, you need to add a context path header to your manifest:
Web-ContextPath: TestServlet
It's working now! I was doing my MANIFEST.MF according to this page: http://team.ops4j.org/wiki/display/ops4j/Pax+Web+Extender+-+War+-+OSGi-fy
The problem was that for some reason "Bundle-Version: 1.0" line was required as opposed to optional as stated on that page.
Honestly, just adding the Bundle-Version fix-it.
I knew it was something wrong with the MANIFEST.MF and after Holly Cummins' question I played with it a bit more. Thanks Holly.
I still can't do anything with the manual site launching (have to manually enter the index.html).
http://localhost:8080/TestServlet/ gives me this:
Problem accessing /TestServlet/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
http://localhost:8080/TestServlet/index.html gives me proper site.