Multiplying fractional exponents [closed] - math

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm doing Tim Roughgarden's Algorithms course and he has a slide with an integer multiplication algorithm.
Whats the rule that makes 10(n/2)a * 10(n/2)c become 10(n)ac ?
What do you do when multiplying fractional exponents like that?

It's based on the First Index Law, where:
am * an = am + n
in your case, the powers add to give n/2 + n/2 = 2n/2 = n

Base is the same so you just add the power of 10 i.e., (n/2) + (n/2) = n. Then it's basic multiplication 10(n)ac= 10(n)ac.


Linear Programming - Absolute value greater than a constant [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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How would you convert the constraint |x| >= 2 so that it would work in a Linear Program (in particular, solving using Simplex).
I understand how to convert |x| <= 2 as that would become x <= 2 and -x <= 2
However the same logic does not work when you have a minimum constant.
There is just no way to shoehorn an equation like |x|>=2 into a pure (continuous) LP. You need to formulate x <= -2 OR x >= 2 which is non-convex. This will require a binary variable making the problem a MIP.
One formulation can be:
x >= 2 - delta*M
x <= -2 + (1-delta)*M
delta in {0,1}
where M is judiciously chosen large number. E.g. if -100<=x<=100 then you can choose M=102.

Function with diminishing return f(0)=1/2 and when x-->infinity f(x)-->1 [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I cannot find a function which I can use.
It has to have diminishing returns and f(0)=1/2 and when x-->infinity f(x)-->1
Do any of you have a suggestion?
Thank you in advance!
2/pi atan(x + 1)
Simple. 2/pi for being a 1 on infinity and then solving equation: 2/pi atan(x) == 1/2 to get the offset: 1.
f[x_] := 2/\[Pi] ArcTan[x + 1];
f[0] (* 1/2 *)
Limit[2/\[Pi] ArcTan[x - Tan[1/2] - 1], x -> \[Infinity]] (* 1 *)

Stability by multiplication with a matrix? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am wondering how to prove (or disprove) that
if $A$ is a matrix $n \times n$ and
$b_1....b_k$ are $k$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$
so that $Ab_1, ..., Ab_{k}$ is a set of generators in $\mathbb{R}^{n}$
then so is the family of vectors $b_{1},...,b_{k}$.
In essence, this question is asking if rank(A*B)=n implies rank(B)=n. This is a consequence of
rank(A*B) <= min( rank(A), rank(B) )
and the fact that for reasons of dimension of the spaces involved, rank(A) <= n and rank(B) <= min(k, n), so that the combined chain
n = rank(A*B) <= min( rank(A), rank(B) ) <= min(k, n)
leaves not much wiggle space.
As the question, this answer is off-topic for SO and belongs to math.SE.

Differentiation Math Limits [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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limit x-->3 2x^2 + 7x-15/x-3
What i Simplified
Step 1 : 2x^2 + 10x -3x -15 / x-3
Step 2 : 2x( x + 5)-3( x + 5)/x-3
Step 3 : (2x - 3)(x + 5)/x-3
but unable to move further.. im thinking either the question ix wrong or there ix some trick which im unable to understand
thanx in advance
as x -> 3, the numerator goes to 3 * 8 = 24 and the denominator goes to 0, so the limit goes to +infinity if you approach 3 from the right, and -infinity if you approach 3 from the left
since you didn't specify which direction, the limit does not exist.
try graphing it:

Expand 2^(k + 1) [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Anyone can explain why does expand 2^(k + 1) equal to (2^k) + 1?
That's not actually possible. 2^(k+1) is always going to be an even number. 2^k + 1 is always going to be an odd number.
I think you mean
2^(k+1) = 2^k * 2^1 = 2^k * 2.
One way of looking at it is the associative property of multiplication:
(2 X 3) X 4 = 2 X (3 X 4)
No matter how you group the numbers, the outcome will always be equal. In this case we're dealing with exponents, which is a shorthand notation for multiplying a number by itself.
It is not!!!
2^(k+1) = 2^k * 2 which is greater than 2^k + 1
Instead (k+1)^2 expands to (k^2)+2k+1 has ERRORS!
