Drupal 7 views to display nodes with same taxonomy term - drupal

I have an organization page with a taxonomy field. I'd like to create a view of news pages tagged with the same taxonomy term used in this field. I've read and watched several tutorials on relationships and context filters but none of them have helped me create this view. How can this be done?
I'm using Drupal 7.5

The trick is to use default value of contextual filter:


Drupal 7 - Display articles using taxonomy in URL?

I'm having a hard time with this Drupal 7 question.
I have a view which lists articles. Each article has a category, which is a entity referenced taxonomy term. When I visit a URL, my taxonomy should match something in the URL. For example, if I go to news/localnews, there's a taxonomy option whose value is news/localnews.
What I'd like to do is display only articles which contain the same taxonomy term as in the URL. I have no idea how to do this and I've been working on this problem for about 5 months. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
All I really want to do is add a block (or several, on most pages) which just displays a list of articles which match the taxonomy in the URL.
Can this be done? If so, how?
In your views, on the Advanced tab, add new Contextual filter
Choose Content: Has taxonomy term ID (with depth)
Set Depth to 1 and select Provide default value with Type : Taxonomy Term ID from URL

Drupal 7 taxonomy term views

I created two vocabularies taxonomy: products and gallery. Created two different views of these terms. Includes standard representation "Taxonomy term" and now on the product page of the node are displayed in a gallery - no! What could it be?
I found that using the Taxonomy Views Integrator module (https://www.drupal.org/project/tvi) provided me with great flexibility and control. Basically it allows selective overriding of taxonomy terms and/or vocabulary with the view of your choice.
Here's a link on how to implement it.
Hope it helps.

Drupal - relate taxonomy terms with users

I am using Drupal 7 and I try to add tags to my site's users. I see that I could relate any content node with taxonomy terms, but I cannot find a way to relate users with taxonomy terms.
I thought that maybe I could build a custom content type and relate this with the specific taxonomy. But even then, I cannot add a field to the custom content type referencing a user.
I cannot believe that drupal is missing such a feature. What am I missing? Any ideas?
I was right. Drupal includes such functionality. Following the "admin-->Configuration-->Account Settings-->Manage fields" path, drupal allows to add fields to user accounts. There, I can relate my user accounts with taxonomy terms or other content types.
I hope this answer will be useful to others.

Drupal 7 list users with taxonomy term using Views and Pathauto

I am attempting to create a taxonomy term page to display users tagged with a vocabulary "expertise" and not having much luck.
I'm using pathauto to alias the taxonomy term pages with the following pattern: [term:vocabulary]/[term:name].
I then have a Views page for Users with the path set to /expertise/% and a contextual filter on "User: Expertise" (my taxonomy term field). The filter takes the default value of "Taxonomy term ID from URL" and validates as a taxonomy term from the "Expertise" vocabulary.
However, if I then go to (for example) /expertise/php I appear to be getting the standard Drupal taxonomy page rather than the View page setup and see no user results.
Any ideas how I can fix this? I have several taxonomies in use for both nodes and users so need to be able to distinguish between the vocabularies using the aliasing described above.
That's what a contextual filter does... it takes over every page.
I'm confused as to why you aliased the term pages at all... it seems like you don't want to dispaly them, so why not just forget about the alias and set the view page to the url you want it to be at?

How to customize drupal search to show only taxonomy view pages?

I'm stuck and need your help!
I have a Drupal 6 website and activated the view for taxonomy term pages.
On my website a taxonomy page is composed of several different content types.
All the different content pieces are tight together by the shared taxonomy term and displayed by the taxonomy view.
When searching for keywords, I just want the taxonomy pages to show up. All other content types should not be displayed. How do I do that?
Thx 123kit
There are different ways to do search in Drupal. The simple ones, for sites without lots of content is just use the built in search with Drupal, or build a view with exposed filters.
If you do the latter you are able to decide what is searchable, so you can make a search page for taxonomy terms only, one for articles etc. I'm not sure what exactly you want to be searchable, but if it's not too complex. it should be doable by setting up a view and using exposed filters.
