show event label with referral path in google analytics - google-analytics

Is it possible to somehow connect/pass event variables (label, etc.) from referring site to referred site? I own both sites. I would like to create a report that shows url where the click was made and also what kind of event the link belongs to.
Thank you for any help.

Yes you can pass referrer in event label
But in GA there exist dimensions that can show you referrers for events
Full Referrer
Referral Path


GA Page View tracking with additional information

We have a site where users login to access technical information. Before accessing the information, they also have to enter a set of filter options. Different filter options result in different information displayed on different pages but the url is the same.
For example, a user will get the following URL when accessing a specific document, regardless of what filter options set:
Depending on the filter options, different sections of the document will be visible.
Currently, no information in GA tells us what filters were used when visiting the page. We do not want to add filter parameters to the URL. At least not for the visitor, but maybe add it in the tracking somehow?
What would be the optimal/correct way to track that kind of information?
Best solution may depends how your site works etc. But how about using custom dimensions assigned to "hit" (pageview) scope? Maybe they will help in your case? Documentation: (code in documentation depends how your GA is implemented of course). Thanks to them you can send with pageviews hit additional (custom) information (e.g which filters were used).
Other way could be just sending google analytics event ( with information which filters were used before pageview hit. Then just in Google Analytics panel you can create custom segment with sequence where 2 events occurred:
Click (or use filters) - event
See specific URL - pageview
Or of course you can implement both solutions (custom dimensions for pageview and events).

Google Analytics doesn't split data view into individual domains

I have multiple domains (like,, etc.). They are unrelated to each other. Each domain has its own tracking number.
I have created a single GA account named "tws".
Under "tws->Properties and Apps", I see these different domains.
When I now click a domain in the list "Properties and Apps", the right side "Data View" shows "All Website Data".
When I click "All Website Data", it doesn't show me the data of this website.
I can tell because no matter which domain I click, the data always stays the same.
Even when I click a domain which shouldn't have any visitors, it shows me the visitors of some other domain.
Does anybody see which mistake I made?
Thank you.
Here is an excerpt of GTM:
Now that I made the suggested changes in GTM, Chrome's tag analyzer shows this:
I looked at one of your domain (seen in the previous image).
And as you can see in the images below, you're sending hit analytics to all your properties... so I suggest you to review the configuration of your GTM and send hits to the right domain.
PREFERRED: use a lookup table to send hits to correct Property based domain.
use a separate GTM for each domain.
use separate Analytics tag in the same GTM for each domain (not preferred but working).

Push Referral URL when form is submitted GTM

I would like to push the referral URL to Google Analytics once someone submits the form on my landing page. Is it possible to do this using Google Tag Manager and also pass a successful form completion?
There shouldn't be any reason to pull the referral URL within GTM. Google Analytics (GA) already does this. To view referrer information, simply add a secondary dimension! Here's a screenshot of where to find the secondary dimension option:
You can use the search box in the secondary dimension dropdown menu to find and apply the Full Referrer dimension. Below, I've provided a screenshot showing the Full Referrer column that is added:

Is there a way map/set utm parameters in gtm?

I currently have a bunch of traffic going to my website with a query string like so:
I've installed GTM on my website and also from GTM fire a Google Analytics Page View etc. What i'm wondering is through GTM, is there a way to grab the source (facebook) from the url and set utm_source=facebook when firing the pageview tag.
Or is my only option to change all the links going to my site to be: instead?
Thank you everyone for your expert advice. Really Appreciate it.
You can fetch the parameters via an url type variable, and then use the "set fields" option in your GA tag to populate the "campaignSource" and "campaignMedium" fields. If the parameters are not present the url query variables default to "undefined", and undefined fields are not sent, so you do not need to check if values are present.

Tracking an event to a referrer in Google Analytics

A site I'm working on is tracking Google Analytics events that always have a direct referral URL that is internal to our site. What would be good practice to link the event to the originating referral URL?
An example use case is:
User is on facebook -> Click through to our site -> Pageview -> Pageview -> EVENT
In this case the referral is considered direct but the traffic originated from facebook.
How do I make sure that the event's referrer is facebook in this case? So that when I look at goal conversion rates for my event, site visits that began with a referral from facebook and end in my event will count as goal conversions? And that this works for any referrer?
This can be achieved using a Custom Report.
Here is a template to get you started. Simply load this URL when you have Google Analytics open:
In a nutshell, I've defined the metric as unique events (that's what will be measured), and added Event Action as the default dimension. You can also filter by a specific Event, and add other Event data (label, category, value) as secondary dimensions.
Hope this helps!
