Export UIBezierPath on txt or plist file - plist

I am referring this repository as reference.
I am new to UIBezierPath, In this repository developer has used one text file called "test-path.txt" which draws some text on the screen when loaded.
I want to create same kind of file with different letter in english.
Any knowledge on how to create that text file with UIBezierPath for different text.


Where to put the classes.txt file and each label txt file for images for YOLOv4

As I used the YOLOv4 following the video tutorial, I could not get the chart.png which I believe should be because of the training has not even started.
Here is the link of my notebook.
I tried to find the place where I should upload the classes.txt file into google colab VM.
I believe without that file the trainer does not know what the first digit in image label txt files corresponds to.
Any help will be appreciated!

Is there a way to (de)serialize and hardcode an image in a R-markdown file?

I want to load an image into a .rmd file.
I am working on a university project where I have to hand in this .rmd file at the end. As a restriction, this file has to run out of the box, so unfortunately it is not an option to load the image from a given file path as I can't submit a folder containing the image or similar (and I don't want to upload it somewhere and access it via URL either).
I was looking for a way to serialize the image information and hard code it into the file but I couldn't find anything helpful related to that.
So in short, I want to do the following:
serialize image
hard code serialized image as variable in .rmd
deserialize hard coded variable and plot image data in .rmd
Is there a simple way to do this?
This seems to be unfeasible. I've tried:
image <- load.image(path)
serialized_image <- serialize(image, NULL)
some_file <- file("test", "wb")
write(serialized_image, "test")
and then I wanted to open test and copy the content manually with CTRL+C, CTRL+V into a variable in my .rmd but it turned out that the content is way too large for doing that (around 30 million lines of bytes..), so theoretically this would be a solution but unless you want a 30 million lines .rmd, this is not an option.

Simplest way to create Renviron.site file

In my opinion the simplest way to create .Renviron file is to use usethis::edit_r_environ().
Is there any analogous command which can create .Renviron.site file ? I couldn't find that command. Or maybe you can figure out some other simply way to create .Renviron.site file ? Only ones I found were very involved and unclear.
Thanks guys
These files are plain text files. You can create them with any text editor that can create .txt files.
So, if the file doesn't already exist:
Open a plain text editor (such as RStudio or Notepad),
create a new
file (and add the desired content),
save it, e.g., as
The locations where R is searching for these files are described in help("Startup").

how to read a text file in R, having only the file's FULL PATH name ,I have as an info

I have several text file scattered in folders, sub-folders.
I have a scenario where I get a .CSV file which has one of its column as "PATH"
containing the FULL PATH name of Text file one by one under that column for example:- PATH (column1)
like this...
now my question is there any function in R, where I don't have to set the working directory for loading that text file, as I have said the text file are all in different location and it will be hard for me to set working dirextory every-time I want to load file one by one. any help is appreciated. :)

Open RTF file and view source

I am building a web application that requires a number of dynamically generated RTF files to be generated, these files are currently .RTF files but I need to build them all within my application in RTF format, does anyone know a program or something that I can open them in and view the raw RTF code that creates the file eg.
{\rtf\ansi\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman Tms Rmn;}{\f1\fdecor
Symbol;}{\f2\fswiss Helv;}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0;
\snext0Normal;}}{\info{\author John Doe}
{\nofpages1}{\nofwords0}{\nofchars0}{\vern8351}}\widoctrl\ftnbj \sectd\linex0\endnhere \pard\plain \fs20 This is plain text.\par}
Thanks for any help.
Notepad, or any text editor will do. As you are creating the files yourself programatically, you will want to be liberal with carriage returns and line feeds to make the files more readable.
