Phaser tint property turning black on some Sprites - path-finding

I'm trying to create a A* pathfinder and I'm testing it with a simple grid on Phaser but for some cells (third row & column) tint instead of setting "green" color for frontier cells they turn black :\
I reduced it as much as I could but I can't find why it's happening. In line 80 I added a comment showing the line that turns the cell black.
Generated pattern is really weird and it's always the same...

Found the issue, it was not on tilt operation but on line 69 where neighbour.parent was assigned to the current cell.
Turns out Sprite.parent is a phaser readonly property. Replacing parent with any other property makes it work.


Qt3D transparency in offscreen renderer

I'm using Qt3D with a combination of this offscreen renderer and modified the framegraph to include a background image, like here.
Unfortunately, adding transparency to the objects drawn over the background image using QPhongAlphaMaterial only works unsatisfactorily.
This is th result:
What you can't see here is that the whole circle part is actually transparent, i.e. the renderer wrote the transparency value of the object for the whole pixel instead of adding it transparently on top of the background.
This is what the rendered object looks like wihtout transparency:
And this is the background:
The framegraph has two branches: one for the backgroun image, which is processed first, and one for the objects. I added a QRenderStateSet for the objects that contains a QBlendEquation with the blend function set to add and a QBlendEquationArguments with source RGB and alpha set to 1, and destination RGB and alpha set to 1 minus source alpha.
Any ideas how to fix this problem?
(For anyone wondering, I took the images from the T-Less dataset and wrote a program to create ground-truth data for 6D pose estimation)
Similarly to this question, the format of the texture that is being rendered to needs to be set to RGB8_UNorm and not RGBA8_UNorm, i.e. without the alpha channel.

How to make grids covered by figures?

I am new to RRDtool. I generated a graph with grid(--grid-dash 1:0), a LINE(LINE1:rt#4e9a06) and I also have the area between the line and the x-axis coloured (AREA:rt#4e9a06 ). I notice the grid still shows up in the colored-area. I am wondering if there is any way to cover the grid with the colored-area.
Also, I am also wondering if there is any good-looking rrdtool samples/examples available online? Thanks.
I have no way of testing this currently, but here's what the documentation says (emphasis mine) :
[-c|--color COLORTAG#rrggbb[aa]]
Override the default colors for the standard elements of the graph.
The COLORTAG is one of BACK background, CANVAS for the background of
the actual graph, SHADEA for the left and top border, SHADEB for the
right and bottom border, GRID, MGRID for the major grid, FONT for the
color of the font, AXIS for the axis of the graph, FRAME for the line
around the color spots, and finally ARROW for the arrow head pointing
up and forward. Each color is composed out of three hexadecimal
numbers specifying its rgb color component (00 is off, FF is maximum)
of red, green and blue. Optionally you may add another hexadecimal
number specifying the transparency (FF is solid). You may set this
option several times to alter multiple defaults.
What about making an almost transparent grid with arguments like these (note the extra 7F parameter which translates to 127 in decimal):
-c MGRID#<hex triplet>7F -c GRID#<hex triplet>7F
It should still be visible in the background but be invisible (or barely noticeable) once any graph covers it.
Note that this answer from the developer of RRDTool says that the grid is always painted after the graph, so in the end you'll always have it in the foreground, your only solution is to either totally disable it or tinker with color/transparency parameters to make it invisible when covered by the graphed data.

Flex Change image color dynamically?

I have a image declared like the following:
[Embed( source="assets/banana.png" )]
public var iconBANANA : Class;
It is involving into itemRenderer, but I wish to change the color of the image when some event occurs (like clicking above or something).
The rest of the objects used the image shall remain unchanged, only the object on which the event has occurred shall change the color of the image.
But the biggest question is :
How to change the image color mainly - like there is a Blue area on image - to turn it on Green, or Yellow ?
I believe what you're looking for are Filters. What you're explaning (changing one color to another) is not exactly trivial and going into some fairly complex image manipulation but you can get some results using the ColorMatrixFilter.
You're looking for beginBitmapFill.

Finding color on flex page

I want to find some color on flex page exists or not?
For example
if(red color exists on page){"red exixts");
}else{"red does not exists");
so before writing this if else block,i need to find the red color(any where on flex page)
Note:- My page do not hav any images.with images i m getting the color.My page has a canvas and hboxes and diff texts with diff colors.
Done with bitmap,bitmap data.....NO LUCK :( Please help me wit this
Draw your page (application?) into bitmap. Then analyze each pixel (may take time). What red do you need? If you accept not only pure red (0xFF0000), define minimum level for red channel and maximum for other channels. As soon as "red" pixel is found, quit checking.
I would suggest that you start iterating over all the children objects of the application, get the colour property, using getStyle("propertyname"), and you will find the colour of all possible objects.This is much better than rendering the whole app, into a bitmap and then testing for each pixel.

FileModeWinding and DrawPath cause odd spikes to appear

I'm using gdiplus to "stroke" a textout. In certain circumstances, we see a "spike" appearing on the top or bottom of the graphic, and I'm not really sure why. We can minimize this by adjusting stroke width and font size, but thats not a good solution. I'm hoping someone can explain the problem to me.
And the code sample generating this 4, its outline, and the spike (unintentional)
GraphicsPath path(FillModeWinding);
path.AddString(text,wcslen(text),&fontFamily,StateInfo.TheFont.TheWeight,(REAL)minSize,PointF((REAL)ptStart.x, (REAL)ptStart.y),&sf);
// Draw the outline first
if (StateInfo.StrokeWidth > 0) {
Gdiplus::Color strokecolor(GetRValue(StateInfo.StrokeColor), GetGValue(StateInfo.StrokeColor), GetBValue(StateInfo.StrokeColor));
Pen pen(strokecolor,(REAL)StateInfo.StrokeWidth);
graphics.DrawPath(&pen, &path);
// Draw the text by filling the path
graphics.FillPath(&solidBrush, &path);
Use Pen::SetLineJoin on the Pen you're using to draw the outline, and use something other than LineJoinMiter.
I agree that the fill mode isn't the issue, I think it is just the pen width used for drawing the outline. For characters that have enclosed spaces with pointy corners (like 4 and 'A'), as the pen width used for drawing the outline gets bigger, the size of the inner shape (the little triangle in the case of the four) gets bigger too.
Eventually the inner shape will get too big to be contained by the outer shape, and will start to poke through, resulting in the artifact you see.
Here is an illustration of a fixed font size (the Impact font again) as the outline width gets bigger. There is no fill here, just a call to graphics.DrawPath():
The fill operation doesn't care about the outline width, and uses the original shape of the letter.
This partially masks the problem by covering up some of the messy outline. Here is with the fill turned on:
Something similar will happen with the character 'A':
EDIT: calling SetLineJoin, as indicated in the other answer, is the way to stop this from happening.
