#helper method equivalent in aspx - asp.net

Is it possible to create reusable code blocks in an HTML page? I have a table that I want to replicate multiple times in my aspx page and I don't want to duplicate the code.
I've used #helper in Razor before but I don't know of an equivalent tag in aspx.

WebForms and MVC works in very different manners.. In WebForms you create a WebControl, not HtmlHelpers
Here is a tutorial about how to develop a server control in Asp.Net:


What is the difference between a static and a dynamic control in ASP.NET using webforms

I am having a hard time finding a good answer for this question, but what is the difference between a static and a dynamic control in an ASP.NET webforms application.
Does having a dropdown list declared in html, but databound in code behind deem it a dynamic or static control?
Web Form has only 3 kind of controls - Server Control, User Control and Custom Server Control.
You can use all three types of controls in following two scenarios -
Static - You add a control inside ASPX at compile time.
Dynamic - You render a control from code behind at run time. It is not easy especially if you are new to Web Form.
Does having a dropdown list declared in html, but databound in code
behind deem it a dynamic or static control?
It is a static way of using a control, since you declare the control inside ASPX at compile time.

HTML from MVC partial page on ASPX (web form)

I have a big ASP.Net forms application. I am trying to start adding MVC for new stuff.
But still there are summary pages (in ASPX) where multiple user controls are displayed.
SO I need to embed HTML output of mvc partial page (added as area in existing asp.net web forms app) to ASPX page where other forms user controls are displayed
One way is to get HTML in code behind by initiating http request and place it in literal control.
Other approach i thought was to use JavaScript, but that may not work with convert to PDF etc scenarios.
Please suggest if there is a better way..
Rahul Jain

Is there a way to get to the HTML controls on an ASP.NET page?

I am wondering if ASP.NET stores a reference to the HTML controls on an ASP.NET page. Does it store something like a server-side Document Object Model (DOM) for the HTML controls?
I believe qualifying my question with ASP.NET Web Forms or ASP.NET MVC would be irrelevant. However, still, if you were to ask, I am more interested in knowing about Web Forms. Does ASP.NET Web Forms store an object model for the HTML controls on the page?
If you add "runat="server" to most normal html controls, you can reference them in code-behind.
These are in the System.Web.UI.HtmlControls library.
Example: an HtmlAnchor for the <a> tag can be found in MSDN here with a code sample at the end.

Using ASP.NET controls in WebMatrix cshtml pages

I am building a site with WebMatrix using the razor syntax in .cshtml files. However I'm stumped as to how I can use the normal set of asp.net controls that are found in the toolbox in Visual Studio - eg: calendar, panel, radio button list etc... Is it possible to use these or can you only use Helpers with razor?
You cannot use ASP.NET controls with razor / .cshtml.
ASP.NET controls work with the ASP.NET WebForms view engine. Razor is a fundamentally different view engine than web forms.
If you really want to use the 'old' controls, switch to .aspx pages. If that's not an option, look into a UI library like jQuery UI. That should give you a similar set of controls.
Note that in razor a lot of controls like radio button list are obsolete. It takes just a few lines of markup to create the same behavior, without the databinding hassle though.
As an alternative tool, you can use Telerik Tabstrip and pass your .csHtml file as a partial view to it.
Some thing Like this:
#{ Html.Telerik().TabStrip()
.Items(tabstrip =>
.Text("My First tab")
.Action("Index", "ControllerName")
#Html.Partial("csHtmlName_1", (List<TypeOfYourData>)ViewData["NameOfrelatedView"]).ToString()
.Text("My Second Tab")
.Action("secondAction", "ControllerName")
.Content(#Html.Partial("csHtmlName_2", (List<TypeOfYourDate>)ViewData["NameOfrelatedView"]).ToString()
Please note that you need to install MVC Telerik first.(It's free :) and OpenSource)
You can't use Server Controls in ASP.NET Web Pages. It has been designed as an alternative to Web Forms.
You can use plain HTML or you can use the range of HTML helpers which work in a similar way to the ones in MVC (without the ModelBinding).

how to use NVelocity from asp.net webforms?

I want to use "NVelocity" from plain ASPX pages without using any MVC framework. I don't want to use "NVelocity View Engine" thru' asp.net MVC framework. The only example that I got for "NVelocity" is for merging and writing onto console window (http://www.castleproject.org/others/nvelocity/usingit.html)
I am looking out for example on to integrating "NVelocity" into aspx web forms. Any pointers would be really helpful.
I found a way. The idea is the override Page.Render() method in an aspx page. Write the code in Render() method to transform the HTML template (I mean, *.html file or *.aspx file) using NVelocity. Pass HTMLTextWriter object while merging the template and context "template.Merge(context, writer);"
This will render the transformed HTML to web browser.
