Federated Services - asp.net

I have a .NET web application, authentication is typically done through windows authentication. Normally it's placed on a local lan and is a member of a domain so users authenticate directly to AD. However I was told that I had to figure out to authenticate to the domain when the web server is on a perimeter network. I was told that adfs is the way to go. However I'm unsure of how to implement this. I read about the web application proxys but those would have the application on the lan. A relying trust sounds like what I want but it's not clear on technet how this works and how to integrate with anything other than a sharepoint site. I was told not to use something like a rodc because they don't want to extend the domain any further, which makes sense. Any suggestions on how to authenticate to active directory through adfs with the application being on the perimeter

There is a free and well known e-book on federated authentication from the Patterns & Practices group, Claims based identity and access control
The book covers all you need to set up federated applications, write federated clients and servers and much more. When you are done with reading, come back with more specific questions.


Change from (local) windows authentication to ADFS

At least I think I mean ADFS?!
ok so I have created and deployed a simple asp.net web app that staff use.
It uses windows authentication. The windows account is local to the server as this server is in the DMZ.
This works fine but has become more popular that I thought and is now being used across the Organisation.
Obviously I now have an issue whereby any staff that leave the organisation will still have access to this web app. Not good! Rather than have a whole new forms based account management system I though ADFS may be the answer. This is not my area of expertise so bear with me if I go up the wrong road or use nonsense jargon. Our AD is on premise but we sync this to the MS cloud so we can use NT accounts for 365 apps and SSO for a 3rd party web based product. I would like my web app to do the same as the 3rd party web based app.
I have Googled plenty but soon get lost among the ADFS/OWIN/OAuth speak.
If I knew the exact search term to fit my scenario I could go back to my research... If someone could point me to an article that shows how to do exactly what I need without me having to do a crash course on SAML etc that would be awesome too.
Firstly, agree on on/off-boarding policy, ADFS will not fix that since ADFS authenticates against AD. Neither will Azure AD.
You can go two ways:
Install ADFS. Then you get SSO across all apps. But rather go with Azure AD.
Use Azure AD. Your users are already synched up to Azure AD for O365.
You can use OpenID Connect rather than SAML.
There are a number of samples to guide you here.
Think you want to still use windows authentication but instead of local accounts create and use domain user accounts. The DC will be able to validate accordingly. As far as staff leaving and still having access you need a policy in place which disables/deletes the user account object in the AD when they leave the company so the account no longer exists or is enabled.

Exchange Web Services, ASP.NET with Windows Auth, IIS 8.5 and Impersonation

I am being driven slowly and inexorably mad by the setup of IIS to allow access to Exchange Web Services from ASP.NET website that uses Windows Authentication. I have found literally dozens of articles on how to set this up, each of which seems to say something different, or else describes a process to me that fails when I duplicate it, presumably by there being some assumed knowledge on my part.
Application uses windows authentication to identify the user.
Application sends emails using EWS such that the email ends up in the users "sent items"
Exchange is hosted on a separate server than the web server, so I am assuming the "double-hop" I have read about issue is occurring. I am not a sysadmin, so I do not really understand this.
Is there some clear way for me to setup this up to work, and then potentially troubleshoot the problem?
Yes, from your description it certainly looks like a double-hop problem. It's non-trivial to fix, basically you need to setup delegation between the web server and the exchange server to for the web server to be able to use the kerberos ticket issued when the user logs in to the web server.
I have yet to deploy a single solution that actually does that. We have always ended up either using a service account (with appropriate access rights to exchange, mailboxes etc.) or place the web application on the exchange server. Neither option is particularly elegant, but in most cases operations teams have been unwilling to set up delegation or known how to do it properly.

How to integrate AD authentication + SSO with exsisting Forms authenticated Saas web application

We are running a Saas ASP.NET 3.5 Web application using Forms authentication on a IIS 7.5 public server with protected content for thousands of users. We also have some subapplications running ASP.NET MVC 2.
Usernames and passwords are stored in our database and every user has roles and groups attached, with privileges and access rights defined.
Now we have been asked to also facilitate for simple SSO login via Active Directory so that users do not have to enter username and passwords twice to login. These users will originate from different networks and domains.
No user "sync" should take place from our servers to LDAP serves. We are not sure that any communication with LDAP is needed since all users will be created in our system and maintained there. Forms authentication will be used for most of our users.
From here on we are unsure which is the best path to choose. For our scenario what would be the "best practice" way to proceed?
The simple answer is SAML. It is considered the "best practice" and many large SAAS providers support it.
SAML protocol defines the single sign on flow between multiple systems. It establishes trust between systems using certificates. Your application accepts an assertion containing attributes (user id, name, email address, etc.) from other systems. Your app will map the user into your user store.
In .NET world there are several options. You can find a library that implements SAML (ComponentSpace has one) and hook it into ASP.NET authentication. You can create your own using Windows Identify Framework (WIF). Here's the boatload of WIF videos http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2010/06/23/ALL-WILL-BE-REVEALED-7-HOURS-RECORDINGS-FROM-THE-WIF-WORKSHOPS/. You can try IdentityServer http://thinktecture.github.io/
Depending on how secure your app must be, you can opt for a simple option of passing user id from trusted networks using a simplified method. I've seen apps that allow user id to be sent via URL parameter or form field. Of course, this is horribly insecure, and you are taking on more risk, because the trust between two networks is not cryptographically enforced. You can mitigate it somewhat by checking referrer string or IP address (if you can isolate IP range of a corporate network for example). But you are still open to spoofing because any user can impersonate others by simply replacing user id within HTTP request.
It probably doesn't answer your question fully, but hopefully points you in the right direction.
I recommend looking into ADFS 2.0 it is very powerful in terms of claims mapping and works with AD: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee335705.aspx
What you would make is a token consuming portion of your app that would receive and parse the final claims returned to your web server after the authentication loop.

when to use authentication?

when to use
windows authentication, form authentication, passport authentication, none?
I don't find on internet any relevant matter on it, although all say how to use these authentication.
But no one says which one is superior and when to use one.
Please elaborate a little on it.
Also i want to know benefit of one over another, and what is that authentication i did by now by creating table with user id and password and match the user id and password with the data table. If that can be done easily what is the need of these authentication.
It depends on the project and what you want to achieve. If you were developing an Intranet for a company obviously only to be accessed from internal computers then windows authentication would be the choice.
If you want people to register and wish to access as much information as possible then use forms authentication to get the data you require and store it alongside membership.
If you want people to come and go from your site with ease with as little steps as possible for registration, then use Passport.
Hope this helps :)
Windows authentication is generally for companies where people do something locally and server checks if the computer that is trying to do something is valid.Example: Company that accepts some requests and people working there do something with them.
Forms authentication is for whole web where you want people to access the content regardless from PC/other device? they are using.Example: Website like this.
Windows Authentication is generally used for Active Directory-enabled networks, such as Intranet sites etc. where the user's Windows credentials double as a login to the web app.
Forms Authentication allows you to use the .NET Membership/Role/Login features and control a more in-depth user database.
I've never come across a good reason to use Passport Authentication, but it's a proprietry MS single-signon style authentication method.

How to authenticate a Windows Mobile client calling web services in a Web App

I have a fairly complex business application written in ASP.NET that is deployed on a hosted server. The site uses Forms Authentication, and there are about a dozen different roles defined. Employees and customers are both users of the application.
Now I have the requirement to develop a Windows Mobile client for the application that allows a very specialized set of tasks to be performed from a device, as opposed to a browser on a laptop. The client wants to increase productivity with this measure. Only employees will use this application.
I feel that it would make sense to re-use the security infrastructure that is already in place. The client does not need offline capability.
My thought is to deploy a set of web services to a folder of the existing site that only the new role "web service" has access to, and to use Forms Authentication (from a Windows Mobile 5/.Net 3.5 client).
I did see this question and I am aware of the limitations that Forms Authentication poses. Since security is not my primary motivator (I use SSL and can restrict access by IP address), but rather using existing user accounts and roles, my decision tree is somewhat different as well.
Can I do this, is it a good idea, and are there any code examples/references that you can point me to?
I ended up with a combination of things. First, forms authentication does not really work in this scenario, because of the redirects that you get when a users is not logged in or the credentials are incorrect.
Because I want to use the user accounts from the web app, I worked around this by just calling Membership.ValidateUser prior to processing each service call on the server.
A user is prompted for an id and password when logging on to the client. I store both values encrypted in the proxy class and pass them transparently with each call using a host header, so that the application does not have to bother with this once the user is logged in, i.e. the credentials were validated once by calling the Login() service method (which only calls Membership.ValidateUser).
I use the CryptoApi on both the server and the client side.
I understand that host headers are somewhat outdated for security applications, but since I use strong encryption AND SSL, it is perfectly adequate.
