Changing bootstrap-select element width and removing borders - css

I have successfully created css files for vanilla Bootstrap, selectize, etc.
But now I am having tough times trying to modify default css for Bootstrap-select. Specifically, I am trying to
Remove the border of the element
Change the width of the element so that it fits into the column with given width
As for now, the second column for some reason overlaps the first column. This error goes away if you remove the th.zeon-fixed-narrow-column {width: 1.5em;}.
The think is that I don't want to remove it, I DO WANT the first column to be as narrow as 1.5em !
Here's my jsFiddle
table {
table-layout: fixed;
th.zeon-fixed-narrow-column {
width: 1.5em;
border:none !important;
width: 1.5em;
table {
table-layout: fixed;
th.zeon-fixed-narrow-column {
width: 1.5em;
border:none !important;
width: 1.5em;

If I understand you correctly. You want the width of the dropdown to be equal to your table header right?
To achieve this add this to your css:
on default the above bootstrap-select class has a fixed width of 220px.
You can see the result here: JSFIDDLE.
If this is not what you want please tell me, I will try to help you


why is my list item thumbs displaying like this?

hey i have set some breakpoints and ive set list item in percentage and it fits well in different breakpoints.
but my default one which i haven't set is displayed like this.
here is my sass code.
padding: 2px;
#include media($xl-desktop) { // As defined in _grid-settings.scss
#include media($mobile) { // As defined in _grid-settings.scss
Please tell me where am i doing it wrong.
Here is my Demo
Demo Link
can you try this layout?
to make images responsive you need to add width: 100% (you did the exact oppsite);
Make an image responsive - simplest way
list-style: none;
float: left;
width: 20%;
padding: 4px;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
thanks for the demo, it helps. So here is the issue, the issue is each of your image is different size, hence when you float left it brings the remaining pictures down in different screens. To fix the issue, you have two methods, using inline-block (rather than float on li) or setting a static height for different size screens. here is a small demo for setting heights – ravitadi 1 hour ago
This will prevent the floats to drop as you clear each row.
.galleryList li:nth-child(6n+6) {
clear: left;
But the images original size should be the same 500px x 750px as well. Than you would not have the gaps in the first place...

Fixed column size of FullCalendar

I am trying to make the resource day view ( of FullCalendar with fixed column size.
I have tryed this for making the columns the same width:
width:150px !important;
and this:
.fc th {
width:150px !important;
But the columns keep the size according to the size of the column content.
I have added horizontal and vertical scrollbars to the calendar could this be the problem?
I also tryed this: Fixed Column Widths in Resource FullCalendar but that didn't work for me.
I have solved the problem myself:
I had to add the table layout fixed directly to the table fc-border-separate not only table
table.fc-border-separate { table-layout: fixed; }
and then with:
table.fc-border-separate, table.fc-border-separate.fc td, .fc th {
width: 91px !important;
height: 50px !important;
the column size and height is fixed.
Adding display: block didn't change anything but thank you for answering.
try to add display: block; or display: inline-block; to those selectors.

Having trouble centering a div class

I am trying to center the footer on a website but for some reason, the way I use that normally works won't work this time. Can anyone tell me why?
Site is here
It's set up using two classes, one inside the other
First one is called mainFoot:
.mainFoot {
background-color: #184879;
width: 100%;
height: 60px; /*had to include this because it would not appear otherwise. browser read it as a 0 height container*/
display: block;
clear: both;
Second is page-footer:
#page-footer {
width: 990px;
display: block;
clear: both;
margin:0 auto;}
I was using the same structure right above it for the bottom widgets and it worked as is, but for some reason, while i was setting this one up, I had to set a height property for the outer div to appear as it wouldn't read the inner div's height and adjust.
For reference, he similar set up I mentioned that DOES work is right above the mainFoot class and is controlled by the classes b4Foot and half-widgets:
.b4Foot {
background-color: #277bc1;
width: 100%;
display: block;
clear: both;
.half-widgets {
width: 990px;
min-height: 200px;
margin: 0 auto;
color: #fff;
To center the contents of a block, you need to set the style "text-align:center". However, note that you cannot center a block-type element within another block-type element. The inner element needs to have the display style of inline or inline-block.
To fix your problem, you need to: a) remove the fixed width, and b) change page-footer to display:inline-block. Currently it is display:table because of the class clearfix - you need to remove that class fromt he div.
you need to change just this line please see below and put on your CSS and see result
background-color:#184879 !important;
footer.span12 { color:#DEDEDE; width:100%;}
#page-footer { display:block; margin:0 auto; width:990px;}
only change on .mainFoot , footer.span12 and #page-footer

Thumbnails not lined up

Im having trouble lining up the thumbnails (4 blocks). The last block broke to the second line. Is it the width of the container inside div? If I minimize the browser smaller, the blocks are lined up just fine, but no gaps between them.
Also why is the cursor centered in the textfields?
To position the cursor to the left in the textfields, you can use this:
.fname, .lname, .zipcode
text-align: left;
Yes, it is. Your thumbnails container is shorter than your thumbnail sum their lengths together with their gaps.
Try something like this:
.thumbnails {
margin-left: -15px;
.thumbnails li {
margin-left: 15px;
.thumbnail {
width: 220px;
This is the modification to your bootstrap css file. So if it does not take any effect, apply !important to enforce them.
you forgot to apply:
.thumbnails > li {
margin-left: 15px !important

2 Side by side DIVs (1line) stretching to right

I'm trying to build the liquid layout shown below in CSS.
The left column should stretch to all available space, and if it's possible, on same line.The column on right should became with the same width.
I have already achieved a result very close to what I want. Take a look at
But there are two problems. The height of both aligned DIVs should be equal. The first or second DIV should grow to be the same height as the other.
The second question is that when the width is not sufficient for 2 DIVs, I want the first (NomeEvento) div to be on top. and not the second div (DataEvento).
I am not sure I understood your question correctly. Is the following layout something similar to what you want?
Here's more CSS to try out. If you wanted a margin on that left side. I added background colors to help differentiate.
div.NomeEvento {
text-align: left;
float: left;
width: 75%;
background-color: #eee;
div.DataEvento {
text-align: left;
margin-left: 5%;
width: 20%;
background-color: #ccc;
It seems like a lot of extraneous CSS to me. But maybe the other stuff is in there for a reason. This works fine as the sum-total of your CSS though:
div.Evento {
overflow: hidden;
margin-top: 10px;
div.NomeEvento {
background: #eee;
padding-right: 20%; /* the same as the right column width */
div.DataEvento {
background: #ddd;
...BUT, if you're right-floating an element, place it first in the layout - here it's element class DataEvento:
<div class="Evento">
<div class="DataEvento">#evento.Data</div>
<div class="NomeEvento">#evento.Nome</div>
Check it:
I acomplished what I want using display table, table row and table cell in my divs.
Take a look. It's exactily what I want.
