I generated next commands in Octave:
T=datenum(2016,1,1,0,(1:100*1440)',0); % half of year minute data
and get very strange and unreal picture. But
is real curve. I don't understand - why?
GNU Octave Version: 4.0.2, Windows 8.1.
I have a problem with FreqScope in SuperCollider. The signal frequency does not correspond to the frequency axis. If I start a Sinus-Ugen with
{SinOsc.ar (1000)}.play;
I get the following picture
I use SuperCollider 3.11.2 on a Debian Linux 11.5 BullsEye OS.
Any idea, why this happens and perhaps how to solve this?
I use R in Mac through command line. When I need to draw some plot, R open plotting device called Quartz to display plot. It all works fine, but problem arise when I update a plot or draw a new plot based on changed plot. It looks like Quartz device does not automatically update the same. I need to close Quartz before I update my data and hit enter, so that new/modified plot can appear in Quartz.
I am wondering if this is default behaviour when R is run from command line in Mac? Is there any way to automatically update the plot in Quartz every time I update the data for plotting?
Any pointer will be highly appreciated.
I have a Mac (running on High Sierra 10.13.4 (17E199)) and use R (R 3.5.0 GUI 1.70) for analysing my data. As a biologist I am using greek letters such as µ really regularly. In my script I can nicely write µ and others but once I plot the graph I get exactly two dots instead of my letter. So for example µg will be written as ..g
I of course checked already my script on other computers. My windows computer does write µg on the axes- using the EXACT same script. My colleague also has a Mac and she is also able to use my script and produce nice greek letters. Can anyone help me or might have an idea on what is wrong with my Mac?
Thats how I my piece of code with µ looks like:
mtext(text=expression('content [µg egg'^-1*']'), side =2, line=5, cex=1)
mtext(text=expression('δ'^15*'N'), side =2, line=3, cex=2)
I recently upgraded to SAS 9.4 and re-ran a proc gplot code to adjust label text, and I noticed that my output GIF plot had very small font sizes compared to the original plot run on SAS 9.3.
To get the plots looking consistent, I had to increase the size of my original label text from h=1.7 (on SAS 9.3) to h=2.6 on SAS 9.4.
Does anyone know if this is a known problem with the latest SAS upgrade or why they would be that inconsistent? Is there some sort of setting or preference that can be selected?
Example below. The same proc gplot code was run on SAS 9.4 (top figure) and SAS 9.3 (bottom figure). Notice how small the labels and symbols are in the top figure as well as the width of the plot being a little wider:
First - let me say those are beautiful SAS GRAPHS! :)
The "What's New in SAS/GRAPH 9.4" documentation indicates GIF was changed to support animation.
It's possible in the update other GIF parameters were also changed.
If you can, run this GDEVICE code in both v9.3 and v9.4 to see if there are changes in the X/Y MAX and PIXELS
proc gdevice catalog=sashelp.devices nofs browse;
list gif;
Your best bet is to contact SAS Tech Support and ask them about this issue.
Martin Mincey of SAS technical support provided the following solution when I posed a very similar question after jumping from SAS 9.3 to SAS 9.4. He added the VPOS and HPOS parameters to our GOPTIONS statement:
VPOS=42 HPOS=100;
I seem to be going around in circles trying to get an answer to a problem I am having with Octave 3.8.2 on Windows 8.1: the plot function does not work. Under both gui and cli, the plot screen freezes, nothing is plotted, and Octave shuts down when I remove the plot screen. There seem to be some discussion/suggested solutions for this, but nothing works for me. Can anyone help?
this is the commen problem with the octave and windows combination .
this can be overcomed very easily by starting the plot function with small values like ' plot([1 2 3 4]) '
after this sirst operatition close the octave and then restart the octave the time will be decreased and we can use for any values,