Suggestion for using profile with user inputs - meteor

Using Meteor, I like to get suggestion to use profiles with input variables defined in it.
When using it, I wanted to prompt all the input variables in the profile.
Finally I wanted to replace input variables with the customer inputs and generate a config file.
Same profile:
Section A:
City Name {{CityName}}
Name {{Name}}
Section B:
Device Ip {{deviceIP}}
Device Name {{deviceName}}
With User inputs, I wanted to generate the config file:
Section A:
City Name Dallas
Name Chris
Section B:
Device Ip
Device Name DAL_1


How to send email alert to groups based on condition success using Kibana Rules

I have created a rule using Kibana rules, by following the below steps:
Created a new rule by selecting "Rule" under the "Security" section
Then selected the rule type as "Event Correlation", wherein I added the index pattern and wrote the EQL (which included the where condition to include the events)
Added the required fields in the Action section, and then saved the rule.
I am getting the email alerts based on the condition written, but the alerts are such that:
Suppose a single mail contains the below content -
ClientName: ABC
HostName: ABC
ClientName: ABC
HostName: ABC
ClientName: DEF
HostName: DEF
But I want to group the mail so that each mail should have data related to only 1 clientName. As in this case email should have contained data of only those clients whose name is ABC
Whereas the data of clientName DEF, should be sent in a different mail.
Is there a way to achieve this type of grouping based on the clientName? This similar situation can be done using watcher as given in this answer, but can anyone please let me know what the ideal way to do that in my case ?

Setting the table name in telegraf mqtt_consumer plugin

I am using telegraf to write mqtt messages to questdb. Currently, all my mqtt messages are written into the table "mqtt_consumer" by default. How can I change the name, where the mqtt_consumer is writing the data into the db?
destinationdb = "mqtt_data"
That doesn't work. I cant find an option for that. It could be that the table name needs to be set in the output plugin but I can't find any option for that. This is my output plugin:
adress = "tcp://localhost:9000"
I believe questdb uses the metric name to determine what table it writes to. The metric name is determined by the input name in most cases.
You can rename a metric via:
measurement = "mqtt_consumer"
dest = "mqtt_data"
I forgot about the name_override option. You can use that to change the name of the measurement directly. See it listed in the configuration options docs. You could set this for every mqtt_consumer input plugin to get distinct measurement names.

How to get data from the local graph?

I've got the component which displays the hierarchical data. It's a recursive data structure - a hierarchical classifier. Each category in the classifier consists of child categories and so on.
Here's the playground for it:
Relay playground
I've got a component showing this classifier in a third party html form. It is used to pick a category.
At some point in time a user will pick a category from this recursive classifier and I will have to get the full path of data that led to the current level. I mean if a user picks a category at the level 3 of the hierarchy, I must give back these data:
[root cat id, root cat name],
[level 1 cat id, level 1 cat name],
[level 2 cat id, level 2 cat name]
So when I catch the event of picking inside the component at the level 2 how can I get the full path from the root category from Relay store (from local graph)?
This has a React solution rather than a Relay one: how to access the path to a given node in the tree? I would synthesize a path, and pass it into your component.
const path = [
// The elements of the passed-in path.
// A new path element using the details from this level.
[this.props.catId, this.props.catName],
<MyNode path={path} onClick={() => alert(path)} />
Click here for a working example.

Save selected regions on jvectormap

I am using jVectorMap. this is exact concept used in my program. please check link first.
this is my test map link (cant upload here)
I want to save/hold on name of the region. it is basically ticket system where i am selecting seats(multiple select is allowed). I want to process this with php and mysql(selected seats and pricing). so i want a way to know what i have selected so that can be read by php and i can process it.

Google Analytics Language Codes

Need help with Google Analytics filters via Custom Reports -- Display LANGUAGE and VISITS where the LANGUAGE values are grouped as EN for each English, etc via 'FlatTable'
My report returns (see first 3 lines):
en-us | 55,842
en | 3,932
en_us | 248
I would like to see:
1. en | 60,022
2. ...
3. ...
I'd recommend creating a Custom Dimension to store an extracted part from the Language Setting dimension via an Advanced Filter.
That way you will extend your data instead of replacing parts of it.
Create a Dimension LanguageCode with scope User or Session in the property's settings (Admin > Property > Custom Definitions > Custom Dimensions)
Create an advanced filter Extract Language Code in the view's filter settings (Admin > View > Filter) like so:
Field A: Language Settings ([a-z]{1,3}).*
Output in: Language (the Custom Dimension) $A1
Be aware that filters get applied during processing, which happens once a day. That means you'll be able to see the result the next day.
Then you'll be able to view reports or build a custom report that uses that new Language Code dimension.
If I'm understanding you correctly, go to Custom Reports and set one up like this:
Then, go and to the newly created report and apply a secondary dimension of Language. If you want to 'group' them by language, do a sort by Language.
I add Language to the dimension drilldown so if you were interested in seeing the possible language selection for a particular country you could do that by clicking on the country.
In Google Analytics Admin create an additional view to the property. Then create two custom filters:
Name (e.g. Language lowercase): Lowercase -> Filter Field: Language
Name (e.g. Language generalisation): Search and Replace ->
Filter Field: Language Settings : Search string: ([a-z]{1,3})[-_]?.* Replace string: \1
That is it. Now all languages in the view will be up to 3 character long and aggregated.
Actually the regex can be more strong, but this one is more wide and covers even some wrong language settings.
