What is splay, in the context of networking or automated updates? - networking

Artur Bergman complained in his Velocity NYC 2013 talk about getting loads of requests at the same time every single hour, with the comment "God I wish people would splay".
I tried searching for it, but due to the largest Swedish Youtube network being called Splay, the term is now completely ungooglable for me.
What does splay mean, in the context of automated updates, cron jobs or networking?

"Splay" is a term for a very simple concept: deliberate introduction of small random delays in the request timing of a large group of network clients (a so-called thundering herd). This is also sometimes called "jitter", but that term is overloaded in networking to also refer to accidental variation in the timing of received packets due to network congestion, improper queueing, configuration errors, etc.
These delays smooth the distribution of requests in a way that allows the server to handle them over a larger period of time and avoid network congestion.
A related concept is exponential backoff, though in this case it involves clients waiting a random (and exponentially increasing) amount of time after congestion before a retry.


Load Testing Thousands of SLOW Connections

I would like to test an upload service with hundreds, if not thousands,
of slow HTTPS connections simultaneously.
I would like to have lots of, say, 3G-quality connections,
each throttled with low bandwidth and high latency,
each sending a few megabytes of data up to the server,
resulting in lots of concurrent, long-lived requests being handled by the server.
There are many load generation tools that can generate thousands of simultaneous requests.
(I'm currently using Locust, mostly so that I can take
advantage of my existing client library written in Python.)
Such tools typically run each concurrent request as fast as possible
over the shared network link.
There are various ways to adjust the apparent bandwidth and latency of TCP connections,
such as Linux's TC
and handy wrappers like Comcast.
As far as I can tell, TC and the like control the shared link
but they cannot throttle the individual requests.
If you want to throttle a single request, TC works well.
In theory, with many clients sharing the same throttled network link,
each request could be run serially,
subject to the constrained bandwidth,
rather than having lots of requests executing concurrently,
a few packets at a time.
The former would result in much fewer active requests executing
concurrently on the server.
I suspect that the tool I want has to actively manage each individual client's sending
and receiving to throttle them fairly.
Is there such a tool?
You can take a look at Apache JMeter, it can "throttle" connections to the throughput configurable via the following properties:
The properties can be defined either in user.properties file or passed to JMeter via -J command-line argument
cps stands for character per second so you can "slow down" JMeter threads (virtual users) to the given throughput rate, the formula for cps calculation is:
cps = (target bandwidth in kbps * 1024) / 8
Check out How to Simulate Different Network Speeds in Your JMeter Load Test for more information.
Yes, these are network simulators. A very primitive one is in the form of WanEM. It is not going to cover your testing needs. You will need something akin to Shunra Storm, a hardware device which can manage individual connections and impairment with models derived from Ookla (think speedtest.com) related to 3,4,5g connections from the wild. Well, perhaps I should say, "could manage," as this product has been absent since the HP acquisition of Shunra.
There are some other market competitors on the network front from companies such as Ixia, Agilent, PacketStorm, Spirent and the like. None of them are inexpensive, but I see your need. Slow, and particularly dirty connections likes cell phones, have a disproportionate impact on the stack and can result in the server running out of resources with fewer mobile connections than desktop ones.
On a side note, be sure you are including a representative model for think time in your test code. If you collapse the client-server model with no or extremely limited think time & impair the network only bad things can happen. This will play particular havoc with both predictability and repeatability on your tests. You may also wind up chasing dozens of engineering ghosts related to load in your code that will not occur in production because of the natural delays and the release of resources which should occur during those windows of activity between client requests.

Lossy network versus Congested network

Suppose, there is a network which gives a lot of Timeout errors when packets are transmitted over it. Now, timeouts can happen either because the network itself is inherently lossy (say, poor hardware) or it might be that the network is highly congested, due to which network devices are losing packets in between, leading to Timeouts. Now, what additional statistics about the traffic being transmitted (like Missing Packets errors etc.) are required that might help us to find out whether timeouts are happening due to poor hardware, or too much network load.
Please note that we have access only to one node in the network (from which we are transmitting packets) and as such, we cannot get to know the load being put by other nodes on the network. Similarly, we don't really have any information about the hardware being used in the network. Statistics is all that we have.
A network node only has hardware information about its local collision domain, which on a standard network will be the cable that links the host to the switch.
All the TCP stack will know about lost packets is that it is not receiving acknowledgements so it needs to resend, there is no mechanism for devices (E.g. switches & routers) between a source and destination to tell the source that there is a problem.
Without access to any other nodes the only way to ascertain if your problem is load based would be to run a test that sends consistent traffic over the network for a long period, if the packet retry count per second/minute/hour remains the same then it would suggest that there is a hardware issue, if the losses only occur during peak traffic periods then the issue could be load related. Of course there could be a situation where misconfigured hardware issues will only be apparent during high traffic periods, this takes things back to the main problem which is that you need access to network stats from beyond your single node.
In practice, nearly all loss on terrestrial network paths is due to either congestion or firewalls. Loss due to bit-errors is extremely rare. Even on wireless networks, forward error correction handles most bit/media/transmission errors. Congestion can be caused by a lot of different factors: any given network path will involve dozens of devices and if any one of them becomes overloaded for even a moment, packets will be dropped.
The only way to tell the difference between congestion induced packet loss and media errors is that media errors will occur independent of load. In other words, the loss rate will be the same whether you are sending a lot of data or only a little data.
To test that, you will need some control, or at least knowledge, of the load on the path. Since you don't have control and the only knowledge you have is from source-node observation, the best you can do is to take test samples (using ping is the easiest) around the clock and throughout the week, recording loss rates and latencies. These should give you an idea of when the path is relatively idle. If loss rates remain significant even when the path is (probably) idle, then there might be a media-loss issue. But again, that is extremely rare.
For background, I have written a few articles on the subject:
Loss, Latency, and Speed, discussing what statistics you can observe about a path and what they mean.
Common Network Performance Problems, discussing the most common components in a network path and how they affect performance (congestion).

Does more NICs on a server mean potential for more sustained concurrent I/O?

If you're trying to build an application that needs to have the highest possible sustained network bandwidth, for multiple and repetitive file transfers (not for streaming media), will having 2 or more NICs be beneficial?
I think your answer will depend on your server and network architecture, and unfortunately may change as they change.
What you are essentially doing is trying to remove the 'current' bottleneck in your overall application or design which you have presumably identified as your current NIC (if you haven't actually confirmed this then I would stop and check this in case something else restricts throughput before you reach your NIC limit).
Some general points on this type of performance optimization:
It is worth checking if you have the option to upgrade the current NIC to a higher bandwidth interface - this may be a simpler solution for you if it avoids having to add load balancing hardware/software/configuration to your application.
As pointed out above you need to make sure all the other elements in your network can handle this increased traffic - i.e. that you are not simply going to have congestion in your internet connection or in one of your routers
Similarly, it is worth checking what the next bottle neck will be once you have made this change, if the traffic continues to increase. If adding a new NIC only gives you 5% more throughput before you need a new server anyway, then it may be cheaper to look for a new server right away with better IO from new.
the profile of your traffic and how it is predicted to evolve may influence your decision. If you have a regular daily peak which only exceeds your load slightly then a simple fix may serve you for a long time. If you have steadily growing traffic then a more fundamental look at your system architecture will probably be necessary.
In line with the last point above, it may be worth looking at the various Cloud offerings to see if any meet your requirements at a reasonable cost, possibly even as temporary resource every day just to get you through your peak traffic times.
And finally you should be aware that as soon as you settle on a solution and get it up and running someone else in your organization will change or upgrade the application to introduce a new and unexpected bottle-neck...
It can be beneficial, but it won't necessarily be that way "out of the box".
You need to make sure that both NICs actually get used - by separating your clients on different network segments, by using round robin DNS, by using channel bonding, by using a load balancer, etc. And on top of that you need to make sure your network infrastructure actually has sufficient bandwidth to allow more throughput.
But the general principle is sound - you have less network bandwidth available on your server than disk I/O, so the more network bandwidth you add the better, up until it reaches or exceeds your disk I/O, then it doesn't help you anymore.
Potentially yes. In practice, it also depends on the network fabric, and whether or not network I/O is a bottleneck for your application(s).

Determine asymmetric latencies in a network

Imagine you have many clustered servers, across many hosts, in a heterogeneous network environment, such that the connections between servers may have wildly varying latencies and bandwidth. You want to build a map of the connections between servers by transferring data between them.
Of course, this map may become stale over time as the network topology changes - but lets ignore those complexities for now and assume the network is relatively static.
Given the latencies between nodes in this host graph, calculating the bandwidth is a relative simply timing exercise. I'm having more difficulty with the latencies - however. To get round-trip time, it is a simple matter of timing a return-trip ping from the local host to a remote host - both timing events (start, stop) occur on the local host.
What if I want one-way times under the assumption that the latency is not equal in both directions? Assuming that the clocks on the various hosts are not precisely synchronized (at least that their error is of the the same magnitude as the latencies involved) - how can I calculate the one-way latency?
In a related question - is this asymmetric latency (where a link is quicker in direction than the other) common in practice? For what reasons/hardware configurations? Certainly I'm aware of asymmetric bandwidth scenarios, especially on last-mile consumer links such as DSL and Cable, but I'm not so sure about latency.
Added: After considering the comment below, the second portion of the question is probably better off on serverfault.
To the best of my knowledge, asymmetric latencies -- especially "last mile" asymmetries -- cannot be automatically determined, because any network time synchronization protocol is equally affected by the same asymmetry, so you don't have a point of reference from which to evaluate the asymmetry.
If each endpoint had, for example, its own GPS clock, then you'd have a reference point to work from.
In Fast Measurement of LogP Parameters
for Message Passing Platforms, the authors note that latency measurement requires clock synchronization external to the system being measured. (Boldface emphasis mine, italics in original text.)
Asymmetric latency can only be measured by sending a message with a timestamp ts, and letting the receiver derive the latency from tr - ts, where tr is the receive time. This requires clock synchronization between sender and receiver. Without external clock synchronization (like using GPS receivers or specialized software like the network time protocol, NTP), clocks can only be synchronized up to a granularity of the roundtrip time between two hosts [10], which is useless for measuring network latency.
No network-based algorithm (such as NTP) will eliminate last-mile link issues, though, since every input to the algorithm will itself be uniformly subject to the performance characteristics of the last-mile link and is therefore not "external" in the sense given above. (I'm confident it's possible to construct a proof, but I don't have time to construct one right now.)
There is a project called One-Way Ping (OWAMP) specifically to solve this issue. Activity can be seen in the LKML for adding high resolution timestamps to incoming packets (SO_TIMESTAMP, SO_TIMESTAMPNS, etc) to assist in the calculation of this statistic.
There's even a Java version:
Note that packet timestamping really needs hardware support and many present generation NICs only offer millisecond resolution which may be out-of-sync with the host clock. There are MSDN articles in the DDK about synchronizing host & NIC clocks demonstrating potential problems. Timestamps in nanoseconds from the TSC is problematic due to core differences and may require Nehalem architecture to properly work at required resolutions.
You can measure asymmetric latency on link by sending different sized packets to a port that returns a fixed size packet, like send some udp packets to a port that replies with an icmp error message. The icmp error message is always the same size, but you can adjust the size of the udp packet you're sending.
see http://www.cs.columbia.edu/techreports/cucs-009-99.pdf
In absence of a synchronized clock, the asymmetry cannot be measured as proven in the 2011 paper "Fundamental limits on synchronizing clocks over networks".
The sping tool is a new development in this space, which uses clock synchronization against nearby NTP servers, or an even more accurate source in the form of a GNSS box, to estimate asymmetric latencies.
The approach is covered in more detail in this blog post.

design considerations for a WCF service to be accessed 500k times/day

I've been tasked with creating a WCF service that will query a db and return a collection of composite types. Not a complex task in itself, but the service is going to be accessed by several web sites which in total average maybe 500,000 views a day.
Are there any special considerations I need to take into account when designing this?
No special problems for the development side.
Well designed WCF services can serve 1000's of requests per second. Here's a benchmark for WCF showing 22,000 requests per second, using a blade system with 4x HP ProLiant BL460c Blades, each with a single, quad-core Xeon E5450 cpu. I haven't looked at the complexity or size of the messages being sent, but it sure seems that on a mainstream server from HP, you're going to be able to get 1000 messages per second or more. And with good design, scale-out will just work. At that peak rate, 500k per day is not particularly stressful for the commnunications layer built on WCF.
At the message volume you are working with, you do have to consider operational aspects.
Most system ops people who oversee WCF systems (and other .NET systems) that I have spoken use an approach where, in the morning, they want to look at basic vital signs of the system:
moving averages of request volume: 1min, 1hr, 1day.
comparison of those quantities with historical averages
error/exception rate: 1min, 1hr, 1day
comparison of those quantities
If your exceptions are low enough in volume (in most cases they should be), you may wish to log every one of them into a special application event log, or some other audit log. This requires some thought - planning for storage of the audits and so on. The reason it's tricky is that in some cases, highly exceptional conditions can lead to very high volume logging, which exacerbates the exceptional conditions - a snowball effect. Definitely want some throttling on the exception logging to avoid this. a "pop off valve" if you know what I mean.
Data store
And of course you need to insure that the data source, whatever it is, can support the volume of queries you are throwing at it. Just as a matter of good citizenship - you may want to implement caching on the service to relieve load from the data store.
With the benchmark I cited, the network was a pretty wide open gigabit ethernet. In your environment, the network may be shared, and you'll have to check that the additional load is reasonable.
