How can I format a time variable to include colons? (JDE Event Rules) - jde

I'm trying to create an ER that adds colons to my time variable in JDE (OMW). I've tried using the substring function to make 3 substrings and then add a colon inbetween each substring, but that doesn't seem to be working for some reason.
Here is what I tried to do as a test to see if the substring would work.
substr([PC Time - Last Updated (F0911) (UPMT)],0,2 )
This should cut my time from an 8 digit number to a 2 digit number, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. Any ideas? Currently this line of code is in the DO section of my event rules.

You can achieve what you want using the substr function. But you will have to give the function your time. From your code, i can see you used a "PC" variable.
substr([PC Time - Last Updated (F0911) (UPMT)],0,2 )
Which relate to the previous value inside the business view. Maybe you wanted to use a "BC" one? Because the first record will always be null for a "PC" variable Inside a DO SECTION event rule. Just make sure you are sending a value to the substr function.


When does pressing the Enter (Return) key matter when creating a regex matching expression?

I want to search for multiple codes appearing in a cell. There are so many codes that I'd like to write parts of the code in succeeding lines. For example, let's say I am looking for "^a11","^b12", "^c67$" or "^d13[[:blank:]]". I am using:
This seems to work. Now, I tried:
That also seemed to work. However when I tried:
It did not count the last one.
Note that my code is wrapped into a function. So the above is an argument that I feed the function. I'm thinking that's the problem, but I still don't know why one truncation works while the other does not.
I realized the answer today. The problem is that since I am feeding the regex argument, it will count the next line in the succeeding code.
Thus, the code below was only "working" because ^c67$ is empty.
And the code below was not working because ^d13 is not empty but also this setup looks for (next line)^d13[[:blank:]] instead of just ^d13[[:blank:]]
So an inelegant fix is:
This inserts a burner code that is empty which is affected by the line break.

I need help figuring out why my regex does not match with what I am looking for

I am working on a R script aiming to check if a data.frame is correctly made and contains the right information at the right place.
I need to make sure a row contains the right information, so I want to use a regular expression to compare with each case of said row.
I thought maybe it did not work because I compared the regex to the value by calling the value directly from the table, but it did not work.
I used to make sure my regular expression was correct, and it matched when the test string was put between quotes.
Then I added as.character() to the value, but it came out FALSE.
To sum up, the regex works on, but never did on my R script
test = c("b40", "b40")
".[ab][0-8]{2}." == test[1]
I expect the output to be TRUE, but it is always FALSE
The == is for fixed full string match and not used for substring match. For that, we can use grep
grepl("^[ab][0-8]{2}", test[1])
#[1] TRUE
Here, we match either 'a' or 'b' at the start (^) of the string followed by two digits ranging from 0 to 8 (if it should be at the end - use $)

Is it possible to have a set of option for a regex substring in R?

I have a dataframe that contains some cells with error messages as string. The strings come in the following forms:
ERROR-100_Data not found for ID "xxx"
ERROR-100_Data not found for id "xxx"
ERROR-101_Data not found for SUBID "yyy"
Data not found for ID "xxx"
Data not found for id "xxx"
I need to extract the number of the error (if it has one) and the GENERAL description, avoiding the specificity of the ID or SUBID. I have a function where I use the following regex expression:
sub(".*?ERROR-(.*?)for ID.*","\\1",df[,col1],sep="-")
This works only for the first case. Is there a way to obtain the following results using only one expression?
100_Data not found
100_Data not found
101_Data not found
Data not found
Data not found
We can use:
tsxt <- 'ERROR-100_Data not found for ID "xxx"'
gsub("\\sfor.*|ERROR-","",tsxt, perl=TRUE)
[1] "101_Data not found"
Or as suggested by #Jan anchor ERROR to make it more general:
gsub("\\sfor.*|^ERROR-","",tsxt, perl=TRUE)
You could use
which needs to be replaced by an empty string, see a demo on
Use this regex:
This makes sure that ERROR- part is optional, then captures everything before for ...ID is encountered (case-insensitively). The only capturing group contains the desired text, which can then be used directly without needing any substitution.
The first and the third groups in this regex are non-capture groups, i.e., they'll match their content but not capture it for further usage, thus leaving us with only one capture group (the middle one). This is done since the OP isn't interested in the data they refer to. Making them as capture groups would have meant three results, and the post-processing would have involved hard-coding the usage of second group only (the middle one), without ever having to deal with the other two.

Vim search for a pattern and if it repeats 2nd time delete to end of line

I'm trying to search for a pattern and if it repeats 2nd time, delete to end of line..., please help.
For that using I'm using :%s/my_character.*//g, but this will work for the 1st occurrence of the character in a line, but I need it from 2nd occurrence in the line...
Not sure if I understand it well (you should give a plain example, it always makes it clearer)
I would do it like this:
This will search for:
As few character as possible before my_character
As few character as possible before the second my_character
Any character
And replace it with characters captured from 1 to 3 in the steps above.
werklj z sdkl Azlksd er.
search and replace:
werklj z sdkl A

Two PASTE functions in a character vector

attach.files = c(paste("/users/joesmith/nosection_", currentDate,".csv",sep=""),
paste("/users/joesmith/withsection_", currentDate,".csv",sep=""))
Basically, if I did it like
c("nosection_051418.csv", "withsection_051418.csv")
And I did that manually it would work fine but since I'm automating this to run every day I can't do that.
I'm trying to attach files in an automated email but when I structure it like this, it doesn't work. How can I recreate this so that the character vector accepts it?
I thought your example implied the need for "parallel" inputs to the path stem, the first portion of the file name, and the date portions of those full paths. Consider this illustration of using a 2 item vector and a one item vector (produced by Sys.Date, replacing your "currentdate") to populate the %s positions in that sprintf string (suggested by #Gregor):
sprintf("/users/joesmith/%s_%s.csv", c("nosection", "withsection"), Sys.Date() )
[1] "/users/joesmith/nosection_2018-05-14.csv" "/users/joesmith/withsection_2018-05-14.csv"
