Package function set as S3method instead of a generic function [duplicate] - r

Since roxygen2 version 4.0.0, the #S3method tag has been deprecated in favour of using #export.
The package now tries to detect if a function is an S3 method, and automatically adds the line S3method(function,class) to the NAMESPACE file if it think it is one.
The problem is that if a function is not an S3 method but its name contains a . then roxygen sometimes makes a mistake and adds the line when it shouldn't.
Is there a way to tell roxygen that a function is not an S3 method?
As requested, here's a reproducible example.
I have a package that imports R.oo, with a function named check.arg.
cat("Imports: R.oo\n", file = "test/DESCRIPTION", append = TRUE)
"#' Check an argument
#' Checks an argument.
#' #param ... Some arguments.
#' #return A value.
#' #export
check.arg <- function(...) 0",
Now the namespace contains the line S3method(check,arg).
check is an S3 generic in R.oo, so roxygen is trying to be smart and guessing that I want check.arg to be an S3 method. Unfortunately, these functions are unrelated, so I don't.
(To preempt suggestions that I just rename check.arg: this is legacy code written by others, and I've created a checkArg replacement, but I need to leave check.arg as a deprecated function for compatibility.)

As Mr Flick commented, appending the full function name to the roxygen line works correctly. If I change the line to:
#' #export check.arg
then the NAMESPACE file contains:

Use #method generic class and #export instead of #S3method. Take a look at this thread:
S3 method help (roxygen2)


Using R, how to specify that a function will NOT use default namespace (S3)? roxygen2? [duplicate]

Since roxygen2 version 4.0.0, the #S3method tag has been deprecated in favour of using #export.
The package now tries to detect if a function is an S3 method, and automatically adds the line S3method(function,class) to the NAMESPACE file if it think it is one.
The problem is that if a function is not an S3 method but its name contains a . then roxygen sometimes makes a mistake and adds the line when it shouldn't.
Is there a way to tell roxygen that a function is not an S3 method?
As requested, here's a reproducible example.
I have a package that imports R.oo, with a function named check.arg.
cat("Imports: R.oo\n", file = "test/DESCRIPTION", append = TRUE)
"#' Check an argument
#' Checks an argument.
#' #param ... Some arguments.
#' #return A value.
#' #export
check.arg <- function(...) 0",
Now the namespace contains the line S3method(check,arg).
check is an S3 generic in R.oo, so roxygen is trying to be smart and guessing that I want check.arg to be an S3 method. Unfortunately, these functions are unrelated, so I don't.
(To preempt suggestions that I just rename check.arg: this is legacy code written by others, and I've created a checkArg replacement, but I need to leave check.arg as a deprecated function for compatibility.)
As Mr Flick commented, appending the full function name to the roxygen line works correctly. If I change the line to:
#' #export check.arg
then the NAMESPACE file contains:
Use #method generic class and #export instead of #S3method. Take a look at this thread:
S3 method help (roxygen2)

Export error on overwriting primitives with S3 in R package

I'm trying to create a S3 method in my package called dimnames. This is a primitive in R, but there should be an S3 in my package with the same name.
I've got the following file dimnames.r
#' S3 overwriting primitive
#' #param x object
#' #export
dimnames = function(x) {
#' title
#' #export = function(x) {
#' title
#' #export
dimnames.list = function(x) {
lapply(x, dimnames)
#' title
#' #export
dimnames.default = function(x) {
message("in S3 method")
I then create a package from it (in R=3.3.2):
> package.skeleton("rpkg", code_files="dimnames.r")
> setwd("rpkg")
> devtools::document() # version 1.12.0
And then check the package
R CMD build rpkg
R CMD check rpkg_1.0.tar.gz
I get the following output (among other messages):
Warning: declared S3 method 'dimnames.default' not found
Warning: declared S3 method 'dimnames.list' not found
Loading the package and checking its contents, is exported while dimnames.default and dimnames.list are not. This does not make sense to me. As far as I understand, I declared the exports correctly. Also, the NAMESPACE file looks good to me:
Why does this not work, and how to fix it?
(Bonus points for: why do I need #' title in the S3 implementations when they should not be needed with roxygen=5.0.1?)
S3 methods are only exported if it is desired that the user be able to access them directly. If they are always to be invoked via the generic then there is no need to export them.
The problem with R CMD check is likely due to defining your own generic for dimnames. Normally one just defines methods and leverages off the primitive generic already in R. Remove the dimnames generic from dimnames.r.
There should be no problem in adding methods for new classes but you may have problems trying to override the functionality of dimnames for existing classes that R's dimnames handles itself.

R-oxygen documentation of S3 method produces error while check [duplicate]

I am writing a package that defines a new class, surveyor, and a print method for this, i.e. print.surveyor. My code works fine and I use roxygen for inline documentation. But R CMD check issues a warning:
Functions/methods with usage in
documentation object 'print.surveyor'
but not in code: print
I have used the following two pages, written by Hadley, as inspiration:
Namespaces and Documenting functions, both of which states that the correct syntax is #method function-name class
So my question is: What is the correct way of documenting the print method for my new class using Roxygen? And more specifically, how do I get rid of the warning?
Here is my code: (The commented documentation indicated attempts at fixing this, none of which worked.)
#' Prints surveyor object.
#' Prints surveyor object
## #' #usage print(x, ...)
## #' #aliases print print.surveyor
#' #param x surveyor object
#' #param ... ignored
#' #S3method print surveyor
print.surveyor <- function(x, ...){
And the roxygenized output, i.e. print.surveyor.Rd:
\title{Prints surveyor object.}
\usage{print(x, ...)
\description{Prints surveyor object.}
\details{Prints surveyor object
\arguments{\item{x}{surveyor object}
As of roxygen2 > 3.0.0 the package has gotten a lot smarter at figuring all this out for you. You now just need the #export tag and roxygen will work out what kind of thing you are documenting and do the appropriate thing when writing the NAMESPACE etc during conversion.
There are exceptions where you may need to help out roxygen. An example that Hadley Wickham uses in his R Packages book is There is ambiguity in that function name as to what is the class and what is the generic function (all, all.equal, or
In such cases, you can help roxygen out by explicitly informing it of the generic and class/method, e.g.
#method all.equal data.frame
The original answer below explains more about the older behaviour if you need to explicitly use #method.
The function should be documented with the #method tag:
#' #method print surveyor
On initial reading, #hadley's document was a little confusing for me as I am not familiar with roxygen, but after several readings of the section, I think I understand the reason why you need #method.
You are writing full documentation for the print method. #S3method is related to the NAMESPACE and arranges for the method to be exported. #S3method is not meant for documenting a method.
Your Rd file should have the following in the usage section:
\method{print}{surveyor}(x, ...)
if this works correctly, as that is the correct way to document S3 methods in Rd files.
As of roxygen2 > 3.0.0., you only need #export because roxygen can figure out that print.surveyor is an S3 method. This means that you now only need
#' Prints surveyor object.
#' #param x surveyor object
#' #param ... ignored
#' #export
print.surveyor <- function(x, ...){
However, in this case since the documentation isn't very useful, it'd probably better to just do:
#' #export
print.surveyor <- function(x, ...){
#export only works if the generic is loaded. If the generic is in another package you need to import the generic. With current roxygen this is solved with a block like
#' #importFrom tibble data_frame
#' #export
taken from dplyr/R/reexport-tibble.r . In this example, the data_frame method is imported from the tibble package, and tibble::data_frame is exported. Such re-exported objects are then documented in a reexports.Rd file that - needless to say - satisfies R CMD check.

How to add class-specific alias without generic alias using Roxygen2?

A simple example is that I have created an extension to show, which is a S4 base method. I don't want to cause a disambiguation fork by re-documenting show in my package, and I also want to consolidate the documentation of my extension to show in the documentation for the new class, myPkgSpClass, by adding an alias for show,myPkgSpClass-method.
#' #export
#' #aliases show,myPkgSpClass-method
#' #rdname myPkgSpClass-class
setMethod("show", "myPkgSpClass", function(object){ show(NA) })
The problem I'm having, is that this results in an serious warning during documentation-build by roxygen2, Rd files with duplicated alias 'show': because there is more than one class extension to show in this package, and roxygen2 has automatically added the generic term in the list of aliases to all the relevant *-class.Rd files:
But I think I don't want the generic alias in any of the instances, because it will force the need for disambiguation between show in my package, and the base show. This issue also applies to other S4 methods extended from other packages besides show.
If I tag all class-specific methods to the same .Rd file, then the warning goes away, but the ambiguity remains, because the show alias still gets added automatically for that doc entry. If I manually remove \alias{show} from the .Rd file, then the problem seems solved, no warnings during roxygen or R CMD check pkgname. So how do I get Roxygen2 to not-add the generic alias?
Other background:
This is a specific question building from a previous issue for exporting/documenting S4 extensions to base methods:
Is it necessary to export base method extensions in an R package? Documentation implications?
It is more specific than, and not covered by, the following questions regarding documenting S4 methods / classes using Roxygen2:
How to properly document S4 methods using roxygen2
How to properly document S4 class slots using Roxygen2?
Seems to be fixed in roxygen2_3.1.0:
#' #export
#' #aliases show,myPkgSpClass-method
#' #rdname myPkgSpClass-class
setMethod("show", "myPkgSpClass", function(object){ show(NA) })
produces the myPkgSpClass-class.Rd:
\item{object}{Any R object}
As Hadley stated, you do not need anymore to explicitly set the alias or the rd name, e.g.:
#' my title
#' #export
setMethod("show", "myPkgSpClass", function(object){ show(NA) })
will generate show-myPkgSpClass-method.Rd:
\title{my title}
\item{object}{Any R object}
my title
Note that in that case you have to set the description. It will not generate a doc page if the documentation entry is empty.

How to properly document a S3 method of a generic from a different package, using Roxygen?

I am writing a package that defines a new class, surveyor, and a print method for this, i.e. print.surveyor. My code works fine and I use roxygen for inline documentation. But R CMD check issues a warning:
Functions/methods with usage in
documentation object 'print.surveyor'
but not in code: print
I have used the following two pages, written by Hadley, as inspiration:
Namespaces and Documenting functions, both of which states that the correct syntax is #method function-name class
So my question is: What is the correct way of documenting the print method for my new class using Roxygen? And more specifically, how do I get rid of the warning?
Here is my code: (The commented documentation indicated attempts at fixing this, none of which worked.)
#' Prints surveyor object.
#' Prints surveyor object
## #' #usage print(x, ...)
## #' #aliases print print.surveyor
#' #param x surveyor object
#' #param ... ignored
#' #S3method print surveyor
print.surveyor <- function(x, ...){
And the roxygenized output, i.e. print.surveyor.Rd:
\title{Prints surveyor object.}
\usage{print(x, ...)
\description{Prints surveyor object.}
\details{Prints surveyor object
\arguments{\item{x}{surveyor object}
As of roxygen2 > 3.0.0 the package has gotten a lot smarter at figuring all this out for you. You now just need the #export tag and roxygen will work out what kind of thing you are documenting and do the appropriate thing when writing the NAMESPACE etc during conversion.
There are exceptions where you may need to help out roxygen. An example that Hadley Wickham uses in his R Packages book is There is ambiguity in that function name as to what is the class and what is the generic function (all, all.equal, or
In such cases, you can help roxygen out by explicitly informing it of the generic and class/method, e.g.
#method all.equal data.frame
The original answer below explains more about the older behaviour if you need to explicitly use #method.
The function should be documented with the #method tag:
#' #method print surveyor
On initial reading, #hadley's document was a little confusing for me as I am not familiar with roxygen, but after several readings of the section, I think I understand the reason why you need #method.
You are writing full documentation for the print method. #S3method is related to the NAMESPACE and arranges for the method to be exported. #S3method is not meant for documenting a method.
Your Rd file should have the following in the usage section:
\method{print}{surveyor}(x, ...)
if this works correctly, as that is the correct way to document S3 methods in Rd files.
As of roxygen2 > 3.0.0., you only need #export because roxygen can figure out that print.surveyor is an S3 method. This means that you now only need
#' Prints surveyor object.
#' #param x surveyor object
#' #param ... ignored
#' #export
print.surveyor <- function(x, ...){
However, in this case since the documentation isn't very useful, it'd probably better to just do:
#' #export
print.surveyor <- function(x, ...){
#export only works if the generic is loaded. If the generic is in another package you need to import the generic. With current roxygen this is solved with a block like
#' #importFrom tibble data_frame
#' #export
taken from dplyr/R/reexport-tibble.r . In this example, the data_frame method is imported from the tibble package, and tibble::data_frame is exported. Such re-exported objects are then documented in a reexports.Rd file that - needless to say - satisfies R CMD check.
