Update Package Automatically at Start-up - r

I find it annoying that I have to click Tools -> Update Packages every time I load RStudio. I could use update.packages(c("ggplot2")) for instance to update my packages in .RProfile, but the issue is that it won't look for other packages (dependencies). For instance, I have to update "seriation" and "digest" package every time I start RStudio, and these packages are not loaded by me at start-up. Does anyone have code to automatically check and update all packages at start-up ? If so, can you please share here? I extensively googled this topic and searched through SO, and it seems that popular opinion is to use RStudio's menu. Here's the thread I am referring to: How to update R2jags in R?
One way I can think of doing this is in .RProfile:
and then calling this function: https://gist.github.com/stevenworthington/3178163
However, I am not quite sure whether this is the most optimal method.
Another linked thread is: Load package at start-up
I created the thread above.
I'd appreciate any thoughts.

i found this on internet(don't remember where) when i was struggling with the same problem, though you still need to run this program . Hope this helps .
all.packages <- installed.packages()
r.version <- paste(version[['major']], '.', version[['minor']], sep = '')
for (i in 1:nrow(all.packages))
package.name <- all.packages[i, 1]
package.version <- all.packages[i, 3]
if (package.version != r.version)
print(paste('Installing', package.name))


How do I deal with an error message while installing a package?

I am brand new to this so please forgive my inexperience...I'm trying to learn.
I'm attempting to install an R package called "Doublet Finder" using the specified code given on the Github site.
When I do this, I get this error immediately:
Error in rbind(info, getNamespaceInfo(env, "S3methods")) :
number of columns of matrices must match (see arg 2)
Being new to R, I'm not sure what this error means and when I google this something similar comes up and the individual removed and re-installed ALL of their libraries...that seems crazy. Does anyone have advice on what this could be, how to fix it, or why the package won't install?
Your problem seems to be fairly similar to this one. It might be the case that the dependencies (packages that Doublet Finder relies on) are outdated. What you can try is to follow these steps to uninstall and reinstall all packages with the hope that by updating packages there isn't a version mismatch.
This code is copied from the website above:
ip <- as.data.frame(installed.packages(lib.loc = .libPaths()[1]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
path.lib <- unique(ip$LibPath)
# create a vector with all the names of the packages you want to remove
pkgs.to.remove <- ip[,1]
sapply(pkgs.to.remove, remove.packages, lib = path.lib)
sapply(pkgs.to.remove, install.packages, lib = path.lib)

running all examples in r package

I am developing a package in Rstudio. Many of my examples need updating so I am going through each one. The only way to check the examples is by running devtools::check() but of course this runs all the checks and it takes a while.
Is there a way of just running the examples so I don't have to wait?
Try the following code to run all examples
You can also do this without devtools, admittedly it's a bit more circuitous.
package = "rgl"
# this gives a key-value mapping of the various `\alias{}`es
# in each Rd file to that file's canonical name
aliases <- readRDS(system.file("help", "aliases.rds", package=package))
# or sapply(unique(aliases), example, package=package, character.only=TRUE),
# but I think the for loop is superior in this case.
for (topic in unique(aliases)) example(topic, package=package, character.only = TRUE)

Automatically install list of packages in R if necessary

I would like to check, at the beginning of my R script, whether the required packages are installed and, if not, install them.
I would like to use something like the following:
RequiredPackages <- c("stockPortfolio","quadprog")
for (i in RequiredPackages) { #Installs packages if not yet installed
if (!require(i)) install.packages(i)
However, this gives me error messages because R tries to install a package named 'i'. If instead I use...
if (!require(i)) install.packages(get(i))
...in the relevant line, I still get error messages.
Anybody know how to solve this?
Although the problem has been solved by #Thomas's answer, I would like to point out that pacman might be a better yet simple choice:
First install pacman:
Then load packages. Pacman will check whether each package has been installed, and if not, will install it automatically.
That's it.
Relevant links:
pacman GitHub page
Introduction to pacman
I think this is close to what you want:
requiredPackages <- c("stockPortfolio","quadprog")
for (package in requiredPackages) { #Installs packages if not yet installed
if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE))
HERE is the source code and an explanation of the requireNamespace function.
Both library and require use non-standard evaluation on their first argument by default. This makes them hard to use in programming. However, they both take a character.only argument (Default is FALSE), which you can use to achieve your result:
RequiredPackages <- c("stockPortfolio","quadprog")
for (i in RequiredPackages) { #Installs packages if not yet installed
if (!require(i, character.only = TRUE)) install.packages(i)
I have by now written the following function (and put it into a package), which essentially does what #Thomas and #federico propose:
for(fP in packages){
eval(parse(text="if(!require("%_%fP%_%")) install.packages('"%_%fP%_%"')"))

Package that downloads data from the internet during installation

Is anyone aware of a package that downloads a dataset from the internet during the installation process and then prepares and saves it so that it is available when loading the package using library(packageName)? Are there any drawbacks in this approach (besides the obvious one that package installation will fail if the data source is unavailable or the data format has changed)?
EDIT: Some background. The data is three tab-separated files in a ZIP archive, owned by federal statistics and generally freely accessible. I have R code which downloads, extracts and prepares the data, in the end three data frames are created which could be saved in .RData format.
I am thinking about creating two packages: A "data" package that provides the data, and a "code" package that operates on it.
I did this mockup before, while you were posting your edit. I presume it would work, but not tested. I've commented it so you can see what you would need to change. The idea here is to check to see if an expected object is available in the current working environment. If it is not, check to see that the file that the data can be found in is in the current working directory. If that is not found, prompt the user to download the file, then proceed from there.
myFunction <- function(this, that, dataset) {
# We're giving the user a chance to specify the dataset.
# Maybe they have already downloaded it and saved it.
if (is.null(dataset)) {
# Check to see if the object is already in the workspace.
# If it is not, check to see whether the .RData file that
# contains the object is in the current working directory.
if (!exists("OBJECTNAME", where = 1)) {
if (isTRUE(list.files(
pattern = "^DATAFILE.RData$") == "DATAFILE.RData")) {
# If neither of those are successful, prompt the user
# to download the dataset.
} else {
ans = readline(
"DATAFILE.RData dataset not found in working directory.
OBJECTNAME object not found in workspace. \n
Download and load the dataset now? (y/n) ")
if (ans != "y")
# I usually use RCurl in case the URL is https
baseURL = c("http://some/base/url/")
# Here, we actually download the data
temp = getBinaryURL(paste0(baseURL, "DATAFILE.RData"))
# Here we load the data
load(rawConnection(temp), envir=.GlobalEnv)
message("OBJECTNAME data downloaded from \n",
paste0(baseURL, "DATAFILE.RData \n"),
"and added to your workspace\n\n")
rm(temp, baseURL)
dataset <- OBJECTNAME
TEMP <- dataset
## Other fun stuff with TEMP, this, and that.
Two packages, hosted at Github
Here's another approach, building on the comments between #juba and I. The basic concept is to have, as you describe, one package for the codes and one for the data. This function would be part of the package that contains your code. It will:
Check to see if the data package is installed
Check to see if the version of the data package you have installed matches the version at Github, which we are going to assume is the most up to date version.
When it fails any of the checks, it asks the user if they want to update their installation of the package. In this case, for demonstration, I've linked to one of my packages in progress at Github. This should give you an idea of what you need to substitute to get it to work with your own package once you've hosted it there.
CheckVersionFirst <- function() {
# Check to see if installed
if (!"StataDCTutils" %in% installed.packages()[, 1]) {
Checks <- "Failed"
} else {
# Compare version numbers
temp <- getURL("https://raw.github.com/mrdwab/StataDCTutils/master/DESCRIPTION")
CurrentVersion <- gsub("^\\s|\\s$", "",
gsub(".*Version:(.*)\\nDate.*", "\\1", temp))
if (packageVersion("StataDCTutils") == CurrentVersion) {
Checks <- "Passed"
if (packageVersion("StataDCTutils") < CurrentVersion) {
Checks <- "Failed"
Passed = { message("Everything looks OK! Proceeding!") },
Failed = {
ans = readline(
"'StataDCTutils is either outdated or not installed. Update now? (y/n) ")
if (ans != "y")
install_github("StataDCTutils", "mrdwab")
# Some cool things you want to do after you are sure the data is there
Try it out with CheckVersionFirst().
Note: This would succeed only if you religiously remember to update your version number in your description file every time you push a new version of the data to Github!
So, to clarify/recap/expand, the basic idea would be to:
Periodically push the updated version of your data package to Github, being sure to change the version number of the data package in its DESCRIPTION file when you do so.
Integrate this CheckVersionFirst() function as an .onLoad event in your code package. (Obviously modify the function to match your account and package name).
Change the commented line that reads # Some cool things you want to do after you are sure the data is there to reflect the cool things you actually want to do, which would probably start with library(YOURDATAPACKAGE) to load the data....
This method may not be efficient, but a good workaround. If you are making a package that needs regularly updated data, first make a package which has that data. It does not need any functions, but I like the concept of a setter (which you might not need in this case) & getter.
Then when you make your package, have the 'data'-package as a dependency. This way, whenever someone installs your package, he/she will always have the latest data.
On your part, you'll just have to swap out the data in your 'data' package, and upload it to the repo you want.
If you don't know how to build a package, check ?packages.skeleton and R CMD CHECK, R CMD BUILD

Save package settings between sessions

Is there a definitive way to save options or information pertaining to a certain package between sessions?
For example say somebody made a game and released it as an R package. If they wanted to save high scores and not have them reset each time R started a new session what would be the best way to do this? Currently I can only think of storing a file in the users home directory but I'm not sure if I like that approach.
This may be an approach. I created a dummy package with a dummy function (any function I create is bound to be a dummy function) and a data set I called scores that I set as follows:
scores <- NA
Then I created the package with the scores data set.
Then I used the following to change the data set from within R.
loc <- paste0(find.package("new"), "/Data")
unlink(paste0(loc, "/scores.rda"), recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE)
scores <- 10
save(scores, file=paste0(loc, "/scores.rda"))
Then when I unloaded the library and re loaded agin the data set now says:
> scores
[1] 10
Could this be modified to do what you want? You'd have to have it save in between somehow but am not sure on how to do this without messing with .Last function.
It appears this option is not viable in that when you compile as a package and use lazy load it saves the data sets as:
RData.rbd, RData.rbx, not as .rda files. That means the approach I use above is kinda worthless in that we want it to automatically be recognized.
This approach works and I tried it on a package I made. You can't do lazy load of the data and you have to either explicitly use data(scores) or use data(scores) inside of the function you're calling. I also assigned scores to .scores int he global.env the first time it was created and used exists inside the function to see if it exists. If `.scores. existed I assigned that to scores within the function. Once you unload the library and laod again you never have to worry about that again.
Maybe an alternative is to save this as a function somehow that can be altered using Josh's advice here: Permanently replacing a function
I guess there is no way to store settings without saving them to disk or a database, some way or another. It can be done silently though by putting the code below in your ~/.Rprofile. However, if you have packages that save settings in other ways than using options you need to add them manually.
I know this is exactly what you said you did not want, but it might spark some debate at least.
.Last <- function(){
my.options <- options()
save(my.options, file="~/.Roptions.Rdata")
.First <- function(){
do.call(options, my.options)
}, error=function(...){})
To my suprise try(..., silent=TRUE) gives a warning on startup if ~/.Roptions.Rdata does not exist, which is why I used tryCatch instead.
The modern answer to this problem is well explained at https://blog.r-hub.io/2020/03/12/user-preferences/
I think I will be trying the hoardr package! Here is an example that worked for me :)
x <- hoardr::hoard()
x$cache_path_set("yourpackage", type = 'user_cache_dir')
save(scores,file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "scores.rdata"))
#new session
x <- hoardr::hoard()
x$cache_path_set("yourpackage", type = 'user_cache_dir')
load(file = file.path(x$cache_path_get(), "scores.rdata"))
PS - you can see a working example in the rnoaa package found on at github "opensci/rnoaa". Check their R/onload.r file! I can expand if needed.
