Drawing with EGL in Qt - qt

I'm trying to get Qt and EGL to work together. I'm working on a program that uses EGL to draw, and I have to use Qt to create a GUI overlay.
The current solution was to turn a QWidget into a native window, and pass it's window handle to EGL. This works, but it's difficult to work with. Qt isn't aware that the widget is being drawn in by something else. So when another widget is overlaid, even if it's transparent, the image drawn by EGL is erased. The only way to get them to work is if I jigsaw the buttons and other GUI elements in a way that they don't overlap the parts of the native window I want to show. However this means that I can't use layouts or QML or any of the tools that would make creating different GUIs easy.
So my question is, how can I draw with EGL into Qt in a more usable way.
I'm working with Qt 5.4.2 by the way. If absolutely necessary, I might be able to upgrade to 5.5, but newer versions won't work.
I was looking into QOpenGLContext, and ways to make it use the context created by EGL, but I can't seem to find any good examples on how to actually go about doing this.


How to use OpenGL in QT Creator

I am working on OpenGL to create a GUI .I want to create some tabs which will help me to display different things in different windows. How is this possible using OpenGL? I read in some articles that we can use QT for that. Since I have already developed some of the GUI part in OpenGL using GLUT library ,is it possible to use the same code in QT? If so brief me how to make settings for OpenGL libraries in QT creator.
In my GUI I am trying to create a Car which is following a track.
I think you might be mixing some things up: OpenGL is a API with which you can instruct drivers to draw visual primitives, like lines, boxes, 3D triangles, pictures from buffer onto a render plane.
GLUT is a library that gives you a minimal environment around that, ie. it handles creating a window etc.
Neither of them are high-level UI description tools. Qt is really most likely what you want, as it will not only give you things like tab widgets etc, but also a feature-rich framework to do things like defining what should happen when you click a button, close a window etc.
There's a lot of examples of OpenGL usage within Qt widgets. In fact, a lot of visualization frontends use Qt and OpenGL. Qt has extensive documentation on how to generate OpenGL contextes and draw inside Qt applications.

How do I design a native looking OS X application preferences with Qt?

Other than trying to manually, re-write everything to mimic the tooblar graphics and the size transition animation when moving between pages, Is there a better way to do this?
Amazingly I can't find ANY resources covering this, or even someone asking for this.
The window animations may already work as is... You may want to specify Native Windowing, so that the Mac Windowing system is aware of your Qt windows:
Native Widgets vs Alien Widgets
Introduced in Qt 4.4, alien widgets
are widgets unknown to the windowing system. They do not have a native
window handle associated with them. This feature significantly speeds
up widget painting, resizing, and removes flicker. Should you require
the old behavior with native windows, you can choose one of the
following options:
Use the QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 in your
Set the Qt::AA_NativeWindows attribute on your
application. All widgets will be native widgets.
Set the
Qt::WA_NativeWindow attribute on widgets: The widget itself and all of
its ancestors will become native (unless
Qt::WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors is set).
Call QWidget::winId to
enforce a native window (this implies 3).
Set the Qt::WA_PaintOnScreen
attribute to enforce a native window (this implies 3).
See also
QEvent, QPainter, QGridLayout, and QBoxLayout.
And this link has more information on the styling in Qt than I have ever seen before today!
Hope that helps.

Creating a home screen for my embedded board using Qt/Qt Quick

I am not an expert but I have been using Qt/QtEmbedded for sometime now, for SBC 6845. I have created a few applications and have successfully run them on my device.
Now I want all of those applications to appear on a home screen. I understand that using QML/Qt Quick this might be achieved, but I don't have any idea on how to proceed with it. I have gone through some links and tutorials but most of them show how to create buttons and all that with Qt Quick, but not much than that. I am yet to find some tutorial/docs which can point me how to proceed with all applications on my home-screen. I need some directions, any links, advice on docs/books is welcome.
[While cross-compiling the QtEmbedded 4.6.2 libraries for my SBC I encountered problems with enabling opengl support. And, I am unaware of the other methods for using QtQuick2 without opengl.
The applications (5-6 of them) are QWidgets and linking icons require to stay in the home screen. I want to keep them as simple as possible without any effects for the icons.
Plainly speaking, I am trying to create a bunch of icons displayed on the home screen linked to those applications. The applications if launched in windows style application, (or like a popup QDialog) will also serve my purpose.]
"I have gone through some links and tutorials but most of them show
how to create buttons and all that with Qt Quick, but not much than
For this part of the question, I'd advise you to download QtCreator
and start playing with the demos (using more than just some buttons:
you have demos for ListViews, GridViews, Delegates, Animations,
Particles, QtQuick Layouts (Qt5.1 only), QtQuick Controls (Qt5.1
There's also the rather complete :
I'm completely unfamiliar with all the embedded/cross-compiling
aspects of your question.
About OpenGL/QtQuick2 : http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/30483
Also note that you can embed QtQuick2 scenes into a QWidget, but not
the other way around (no QtWidget inside the scenegraph).
So maybe the easiest/fastest way to go for you would be to stick with Qt4 or Qt5 declarative/QtQuick1 module (might be deprecated/removed starting with Qt 5.2). In this setup, there is no scenegraph/mandatory need for OpenGL. And you can embed QWidgets into your qml scene (no scenegraph: it uses the QGraphicsView backend) via QGraphicsProxyWidget.
You'd then have some GridView (you also could use some Grid with a Repeater) filled with models and delegates (= a delegate acts as a template item to be filled with the model).
Your delegates would have states/maybe Loader(s) (for on-demand loading) : icon state and when clicked, some maximized state containing a loader, loading your widget through QGraphicsProxyWidget.
You already have half of this presented in this example (a grid + 2 states : small icons grid and maximized view, you only need to implement the delegate/loading/model/QGraphicsProxyWidget things):

Embedding Qt GUI into existing OpenGL program

I'm currently trying to get Qt working with my existing program.
I'm using SFML for creating my OpenGL rendering context and creating the window. The things I tried out so far however always create a separate window by Qt instead of just rendering into the existing context.
Is there any way I can force Qt to render to an already existing OpenGL context?
I've not looked into the specifics, but this has been done for openage.
I think looking at the documentation for QQuickRenderControl might be a good place to start.
Qt wants full control over the windows and the event loop, so this will not work (unless you put a lot of effort into it). Your best bet is using a QGLWidget and emulate the event management of SFML with that, so that your application effectively runs on Qt. It is very well possible to render Qt widgets into a OpenGL window (Qt has a OpenGL widget backend) but this must be still managed by Qt itself.


I have enabled qt+OpenGl+SimpleGl on one of the ARM platform and was able to run opengl example programs.
I also has a qt+Webkit, which is working with a graphic plugin.
I wanted to use simpleGl context for every thing, instead of using the normal graphic screen. So, when I try to run Qt+Webkit with simpleGl, I just get a blank screen.
Does QT support this? If so how can we make it?
Yes, this is correct. OpenGL draws directly to the framebuffer. The simplegl driver doesn't handle what is drawn using the raster paint engine of the QWS, so you may see only black.
Using simplegl for "everything" means you want everything to be drawn using OpenGL in your EGL full-screen window? This is possible under some assumptions. You have to write all your applications to be rendered using the Qt OpenGL paint engine (using the opengl graphics system is not supported under Qt/E). This is possible also for QtWebKit, I'm doing it now. Note that this does not mean that everything is rendered using hardware acceleration. You'll have to write your applications "the right way" to get all actually hardware accelerated. Consider that you'll have to handle the mouse pointer some other way in this case.
The other way is to just modify the simplegl driver to allow for the use of Qt applications using the raster paint engine. This is possible as well with some limitations. Qt can use blit to place its own windows over OpenGL. Look for the framebuffer driver inside the Qt source tree to know how to do this. You can then have common Qt applications and OpenGL Qt applications some way. I'm doing this as well. Not everything can be done anyway.
EDIT: I'm sure you already did, but in case, give this http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/qt-embeddedlinux-opengl.html much attention.
Unfortunately I don't know anything about SimpleGL, but I do know that there is a way to render a standard Qt widget in a QGLWidget. Maybe have a look at this Qt Quarterly which I think is somewhat related to your question:
