How to perform pandas drop_duplicates based on index column - datetime

I am banging my head against the wall when trying to perform a drop duplicate for time series, base on the value of a datetime index.
My function is the following:
def csv_import_merge_T(f):
dfsT = [pd.read_csv(fp, index_col=[0], parse_dates=[0], dayfirst=True, names=['datetime','temp','rh'], header=0) for fp in files]
dfT = pd.concat(dfsT)
#print dfT.head(); print dfT.index; print dfT.dtypes
dfT.drop_duplicates(subset=index, inplace=True)
return dfT
which is called by:
inputcsvT = ['./input_csv/A08_KI_T*.csv']
for csvnameT in inputcsvT:
files = glob.glob(csvnameT)
print ('___'); print (files)
t = csv_import_merge_T(files)
print csvT
I receive the error
NameError: global name 'index' is not defined
what is wrong?
The issue appear to arise when csv input files (which are to be concatenated) are overlapped.
inputcsvT = ['./input_csv/A08_KI_T*.csv'] gets files
28/05/2015 17:00,22.973,24.021
08/10/2015 13:30,24.368,45.974
08/10/2015 14:00,24.779,41.526
10/02/2016 17:00,22.326,41.83
and it runs correctly, whereas:
inputcsvT = ['./input_csv/A08_LR_T*.csv'] gathers
28/05/2015 17:00,22.493,25.62
08/10/2015 13:30,24.296,44.596
28/05/2015 17:00,22.493,25.62
10/02/2016 17:15,21.991,38.45
which leads to an error.

IIUC you can call reset_index and then drop_duplicates and then set_index again:
In [304]:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randn(5,3), index=list('aabcd'))
0 1 2
a 0.918546 -0.621496 -0.210479
a -1.154838 -2.282168 -0.060182
b 2.512519 -0.771701 -0.328421
c -0.583990 -0.460282 1.294791
d -1.018002 0.826218 0.110252
In [308]:
0 1 2
a 0.918546 -0.621496 -0.210479
b 2.512519 -0.771701 -0.328421
c -0.583990 -0.460282 1.294791
d -1.018002 0.826218 0.110252
Actually there is a simpler method is to call duplicated on the index and invert it:
In [309]:
0 1 2
a 0.918546 -0.621496 -0.210479
b 2.512519 -0.771701 -0.328421
c -0.583990 -0.460282 1.294791
d -1.018002 0.826218 0.110252


How to correct the output generated through str_detect/str_contains in R

I just have a column "methods_discussed" in CSV (link is
multi<- read.csv("multiple_responses.csv", header = T)
This file having values name of family planning methods in the column name like:
emergency female_sterilization male_sterilization iud NaN injectables male_condoms -77 male_condoms female_sterilization male_sterilization injectables iud male_condoms
I have created a vector of all but not -77 and NAN of 8 family planning methods as:
method_names = c('female_condoms', 'emergency', 'male_condoms', 'pill', 'injectables', 'iud', 'male_sterilization', 'female_sterilization')
I want to create new indicator variable based on the names of vector (method_names) in the existing data frame multi2, for this I used (I)
for (abc in method_names) {
multi2[abc]<- as.integer(str_detect(multi2$methods_discussed, fixed(abc)))
for (abc in method_names) {
multi2[abc]<- as.integer(str_contains(abc,multi2$methods_discussed))
(III) I also tried
for (abc in method_names) {
multi2[abc]<- as.integer(stri_detect_fixed(multi2$methods_discussed, abc))
but the output is not matching as expected. Probably male_sterilization is a substring of female_sterilization and it shows 1(TRUE) for male_sterilization for female_sterlization also. It is shown below in the Actual output at row 2. It must show 0 (FALSE) as female_sterilization is in the method_discussed column at row 2. I also don't want to generate any thing like 0/1 (False/True) (should be blank) corresponding to -77 and blank in method_discussed (All are highlighted in Expected output.
Actual Output
Expected Output
No error in code but only in the output.
You can add word boundaries to fix that issue.
multi<- read.csv("multiple_responses.csv", header = T)
method_names = c('female_condoms', 'emergency', 'male_condoms', 'pill', 'injectables', 'iud', 'male_sterilization', 'female_sterilization')
for (abc in method_names) {
multi[abc]<- as.integer(grepl(paste0('\\b', abc, '\\b'), multi$methods_discussed))
multi[multi$methods_discussed %in% c('', -77), method_names] <- ''

Syntax error when using count in loop

I am trying to run a loop where I count the total in each file under the variable _merge, and then count certain outcomes of _merge, such as _merge=1 and so on. I then want to calculate percentages by dividing each instance of _merge by the total under _merge.
Below is my code:
/*define local list*/
local ward_names B C D E FN FS GS HE
/*loop for each dbase*/
foreach file of local ward_names {
use "../../../cleaning/sra/output/`file'_ward_CTS_Merged.dta", clear
count if _merge
local ward_count=r(N)
count if _merge==1
local count_master=r(N)
count if _merge==2
local count_using=r(N)
count if _merge==3
local count_match=r(N)
set obs 1
g ward_count='ward_count'
g count_master=`count_master'
g count_using=`count_using'
g count_match=`count_match'
g ward= "`file'"
save "../temp/`file'_collapsed_diagnostics.dta", replace
The code was running fine until I tried to add the total count for each ward file:
g ward_count='ward_count'
'ward_count' invalid name
Is this a syntax error or something more severe?
You need to use ` instead of ' when you refer to a local macro:
generate ward_count = `ward_count'
As per #NickCox's recommendation you can improve your code by using the tabulate command with its matcell() option to get the counts all at once:
tabulate _merge, matcell(A)
_merge | Freq. Percent Cum.
master only (1) | 1 16.67 16.67
matched (3) | 5 83.33 100.00
Total | 6 100.00
matrix list A
r1 1
r2 5
So you could then do the following:
generate count_master = A[1,1]
generate count_match = A[2,1]

is it possible to get a new instance for namedtuple pushed into a dictionary before values are known?

It looks like things are going wrong on line 9 for me. Here I wish to push a new copy of the TagsTable into a dictionary. I'm aware that once a namedtuple field is recorded, it can not be changed. However, results baffle me as it looks like the values do change - when this code exits all entries of mp3_tags[ any of the three dictionary keys ].date are set to the last date of "1999_03_21"
So, two questions:
Is there a way to get a new TagsTable pushed into the dictionary ?
Why doesnt the code fail and not allow the second (and even third) date to be written to the field (since it seems to be references to the same namedtuple) ? I thought you could not write a second value ?
from collections import namedtuple
2 TagsTable = namedtuple('TagsTable',['title','date','subtitle','artist','summary','length','duration','pub_date'])
3 mp3files = ['42-001.mp3','42-002.mp3','42-003.mp3']
4 dates = ['1999_01_07', '1999_02_14', '1999_03_21']
6 mp3_tags = {}
8 for mp3file in mp3files:
9 mp3_tags[mp3file] = TagsTable
11 for mp3file,date_string in zip(mp3files,dates):
12 mp3_tags[mp3file].date = date_string
14 for mp3file in mp3files:
15 print( mp3_tags[mp3file].date )
looks like this is the fix I was looking for:
from collections import namedtuple
mp3files = ['42-001.mp3','42-002.mp3','42-003.mp3']
dates = ['1999_01_07', '1999_02_14', '1999_03_21']
mp3_tags = {}
for mp3file in mp3files:
mp3_tags[mp3file] = namedtuple('TagsTable',['title','date','subtitle','artist','summary','length','duration','pub_date'])
for mp3file,date_string in zip(mp3files,dates):
mp3_tags[mp3file].date = date_string
for mp3file in mp3files:
print( mp3_tags[mp3file].date )

Removing duplicate records from .Xdf file

I would like to remove the duplicate records from my large .xdf file trans.xdf.
Here is the file details:
File name: /poc/revor/data/trans.xdf
Number of observations: 1000000000
Number of variables: 5
Number of blocks: 40
Compression type: zlib
Variable information:
Var 1: CARD_ID, Type: character
Var 2: SE_NO, Type: character
Var 3: r12m_cv, Type: numeric, Low/High: (-2348.7600, 40587.3900)
Var 4: r12m_roc, Type: numeric, Low/High: (0.0000, 231.0000)
Var 5: PROD_GRP_CD, Type: character
Also below is the sample data of the file:
CARD_ID SE_NO r12m_cv r12m_roc PROD_GRP_CD
900000999000000000 1045815024 110 1 1
900000999000000000 1052487253 247.52 2 1
900000999000000000 9999999999 38.72 1 1
900000999000000000 1090389768 1679.96 16 1
900000999000000000 1091226035 0 1 1
900000999000000000 1091241208 538.68 4 1
900000999000000000 9999999999 83 1 1
900000999000000000 1091468041 148.4 3 1
900000999000000000 1092640358 3.13 1 1
900000999000000000 1093468692 546.29 1 1
I have tried using rxDataStep function to use its transform parameter to call to unique() function over the .xdf file. Below is the code for the same:
uniq_dat <- function( dataList )
datalist <- unique(datalist)
rxDataStepXdf(inFile = "/poc/revor/data/trans.xdf",outFile = "/poc/revor/data/trans.xdf",transformFunc = uniq_dat,overwrite = TRUE)
But was getting below error:
Error in unique(datalist) : object 'datalist' not found
Error in transformation function: Error in unique(datalist) : object 'datalist' not found
Error in rxCall("RxDataStep", params) :
So anybody could point out the mistake that I am doing here or if there is a better way to remove the duplicate records from the .Xdf file. I am avoiding loading the data into inmemory dataframe as the data is pretty huge.
I am running the above code in Revolution R Environment over HDFS.
If the same can be obtained by any other approach then the example for the same would be appreciated.
Thanks for the help in advance :)
you can remove the duplicate values providing removeDupKeys=TRUE parameter for rxSort() function. For example for your case:
XdfFilePath <- file.path("<your file's fully qualified path>/trans.xdf")
rxSort(inData = XdfFilePath,sortByVars=c("CARD_ID","SE_NO","r12m_cv","r12m_roc","PROD_GRP_CD"), removeDupKeys=TRUE)
if you want to remove duplicate records based on a specific key column, for example, based on SE_NO column
set the key value as sortByVars="SE_NO"

IndexError: list index out of range, scores.append( (fields[0], fields[1]))

I'm trying to read a file and put contents in a list. I have done this mnay times before and it has worked but this time it throws back the error "list index out of range".
the code is:
with open("File.txt") as f:
scores = []
for line in f:
fields = line.split()
scores.append( (fields[0], fields[1]))
The text file is in the format;
Alpha:[0, 1]
Bravo:[0, 0]
Charlie:[60, 8, 901]
I cant see why it is giving me this problem. Is it because I have more than one value for each item? Or is it the fact that I have a colon in my text file?
How can I get around this problem?
If I understand you well this code will print you desired result:
import re
with open("File.txt") as f:
# Let's make dictionary for scores {name:scores}.
scores = {}
# Define regular expressin to parse team name and team scores from line.
patternScore = '\[([^\]]+)\]'
patternName = '(.*):'
for line in f:
# Find value for team name and its scores.
fields =, line).groups()[0].split(', ')
name =, line).groups()[0]
# Update dictionary with new value.
scores[name] = fields
# Print output first goes first element of keyValue in dict then goes keyName
for key in scores:
print (scores[key][0] + ':' + key)
You will recieve following output:
