How to replace SQLite with Berkeley DB - berkeley-db

Currently I have developed a c# project with Sqlite3. I need to replace Sqlite3 with Berkeley DB.
I need to know the followings,
Is it possible to replace? if yes, what should we follow?
Please advice.
Thank you.

There's an easy way and a hard way to replace sqlite3 with BerkeleyDB.
The easy way is to replace the sqlite3 libraries with the sqlite3 wrapper library (part of modern Berkeley DB) that uses BerkeleyDB as the data store engine under a modified sqlite3 (it's exactly a sqlite3 API).
The harder implementation would be to rewrite the SQL methods to use Berkeley DB. Since Berkeley DB is basically a NoSQL! key->value store, you will likely need to think about whether your schema is simple enough to justify the work involved.


Monotouch Sqlite-net or ADO.Net

I would like to use Sqlite database in my Monotouch app. From i see two options.
Doing research i found that Sqlite-net is easy to use, works on both ios and android but does not support foreign key concept. My need is to have relations in my db. Student table is linked to classes, professor, assignments table. Not so complicated!!!
Does Sqlite-net supports such relations? Which one is better choice Sqlite-net or ADO.Net.
ADO.Net doesn't give you out of the box support for relationships either. It only gives you raw classes like SQLCommand and SQLDataReader.
I would highly recommend sqlite-net, as it is a huge timesaver in being an ORM.
You can setup foreign keys by calling manual SQL statements in sqlite-net, which is the same you would do with ADO.Net anyway.
So with sqlite-net, there are several ways you could setup your database:
Call sqlite-net's APIs for creating tables based on your C# classes, then add things it doesn't support with manual SQL like foreign keys and indexes
Include an empty database with your app with the full schema already setup
Create the entire database with a raw SQL script
I tend to go with option #2 if I want full control of the database schema (and it's a little easier to include a database file I made in SQLite Expert). sqlite-net should work with an existing database just fine.

SQLite Guide to Monotouch Development

Hi do you know any resource wherein they have a complete guide on how to use SQLite on Monotouch (the one with ORM functions)
Have you read this?
Once you read that, you might find useful for pulling data from an sqlite db into a UITableViewController.

Flat file database vs SQLite for fulltext search PHP

I want to develop a PHP application. And I don't want to use MySQL for my application. And I will need full-text search feature for my application. I want to know that which database is best for my needs, Flat file or SQLite database for full-text search. Please suggest me some advantages and disadvantages for both databases.
If you have to ask, sqlite is better. It works and is fast.
The advantage of using a flat-file over it is that you have no dependencies on sqlite. The disadvantages of using it is that you don't have any indexes built in, so all queries will be slower. It will take a lot of effort to develop it and make sure it is bug free.

Sqlite database documentation templates / software?

I need to write documentation for several small sqlite databases. Want to describe how the data is used, including table and row descriptions and sample data.
Is it possible to use MySQL Workbench? If not are there any alternatives, or any templates I could work from?
Using MySQL Workbench is not possible since, as far as I know, it only supports exporting to SQLite. For a number of suggestions about free database managers you might want to take a look at What are good open source GUI SQLite database managers? - a number of the GUIs mentioned there support report generation.
Definitely far more feature rich, but with a significant price tag, is Navicat for SQLite, which is an excellent database manager with report generation features.

Change management tool for SQLite

I am looking for a good change management application for use with SQLite. In the past I have used SQL Data compare by Redgate, but I have been unable to find anything similar that supports SQLite.
I need to update a fairly large encrypted SQLite database (~1,000,000 rows and 74MB). If possible I would like to generate some scripts to just update the changes rather than force users to download a whole new copy of the database. The version of SQLite we are using is Thanks in advance for any recommendations :)
Have you tried SQLite Compare? It's freeware, and I have used it to compare schemas/data. I think it will also generate SQL update scripts for you too.
