Custom Control parameters binding order - data-binding

pardon the cross-posting in the xamarin forum, but no one answers me there.
Some time ago I was looking for a Repeater-like control in XF, and I finally get this, very simple indeed. I then started the usual "why don't add this, why don't add that" and so I added other properties and templates. Now, the control works very well for now, but I have a problem (apart from this, I don't think that is the best way to handle this scenario, if you have advice please share your thoughts).
All the logic is in the ItemsChanged event, that fires when ItemSource property is bound. Now, if I don't write the property for last, when event fires the other are yet to be evaluated. For example, this
<local:RepeaterView ShowSeparator="false" ItemsSource="{Binding itemsource}">
is not the same of
<local:RepeaterView ItemsSource="{Binding itemsource}" ShowSeparator="false">
Only in the first case property ShowSeparator has the expected value, because ItemsChanged fires before parameter initialization. Now, caring about parameters' order is not acceptable, then how can I handle this in a more decently manner?
public class RepeaterView : StackLayout
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ItemTemplate), typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RepeaterView), default(DataTemplate));
public static readonly BindableProperty HeaderTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(HeaderTemplate), typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RepeaterView), default(DataTemplate));
public static readonly BindableProperty EmptyTextTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(EmptyTextTemplate), typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(RepeaterView), default(DataTemplate));
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ItemsSource), typeof(ICollection), typeof(RepeaterView), new List<object>(), BindingMode.OneWay, null, propertyChanged: (bindable, oldValue, newValue) => { ItemsChanged(bindable, (ICollection)oldValue, (ICollection)newValue); });
public static readonly BindableProperty EmptyTextProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(EmptyText), typeof(string), typeof(RepeaterView), string.Empty);
public static readonly BindableProperty SelectedItemCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(SelectedItemCommand), typeof(ICommand), typeof(RepeaterView), default(ICommand));
public ICollection ItemsSource
get { return (ICollection)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
public DataTemplate ItemTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(ItemTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemTemplateProperty, value); }
public DataTemplate HeaderTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(HeaderTemplateProperty, value); }
public DataTemplate EmptyTextTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(EmptyTextTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(EmptyTextTemplateProperty, value); }
public string EmptyText
get { return (string)GetValue(EmptyTextProperty); }
set { SetValue(EmptyTextProperty, value); }
public ICommand SelectedItemCommand
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(SelectedItemCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedItemCommandProperty, value); }
public bool ShowSeparator { get; set; } = true;
private static void ItemsChanged(BindableObject bindable, ICollection oldValue, ICollection newValue)
var repeater = (RepeaterView)bindable;
var headerTemplate = repeater.HeaderTemplate;
if (headerTemplate != null)
var content = headerTemplate.CreateContent();
if (!(content is View) && !(content is ViewCell))
//throws exception
var view = (content is View) ? content as View : ((ViewCell)content).View;
repeater.Children.Add(new Divider());
if (newValue.Count == 0 && (repeater.EmptyTextTemplate != null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(repeater.EmptyText)))
if (repeater.EmptyTextTemplate == null)
repeater.Children.Add(new Label { Text = repeater.EmptyText });
var content = repeater.EmptyTextTemplate.CreateContent();
if (!(content is View) && !(content is ViewCell))
//throws exception
var view = (content is View) ? content as View : ((ViewCell)content).View;
var dataTemplate = repeater.ItemTemplate;
foreach (object item in newValue)
var content = dataTemplate.CreateContent();
if (!(content is View) && !(content is ViewCell))
//throws exception
var view = (content is View) ? content as View : ((ViewCell)content).View;
if (repeater.SelectedItemCommand != null)
var tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer();
tapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (sender, e) => { repeater.SelectedItemCommand?.Execute(item); };
view.BindingContext = item;
if (repeater.ShowSeparator)
repeater.Children.Add(new Divider { Margin = new Thickness(5, 0) });

The best strategy here would be to make sure that the items are only calculated first, once they are really requested (like in LayoutChildren).
So in OnItemSourceChanged, you only set the ItemSource, but don't do anything further unless inizialization was already done.
Should look somewhat like this (pseude-code):
private static void ItemsChanged(...)
var repeater = (Repeaterview)bindable;
repeater.ItemsSource = value;
if(repeater.IsInitialized) UpdateItems();
private override void LayoutChildren()
IsInitialized = true;
This is the basic strategy. I'll update to the correct methods/overrides once I find the time to do so. Feel free to update this answer, if you happen to find out before me.


Change children pages data according to Tabbed page toolbar picker value change in Xamarin Forms

I have a Tabbed page in my Xamarin Forms app. There I have two children content pages. There are two pickers and a button in the toolbar of the Tabbed page. What I want is to populate data from the server according to the values, which is changing in the pickers. I am using the MVVM design pattern. How can I pass picker values to the children pages? I tried to use the MessagingCenter, It works sometimes but not all the time.
public partial class LifekpiRankingTabbedRM : ZeroTabbarHeight
public LifekpiRankingTabbedRM(string uRegion)
BindingContext = new LifekpiRankingRmTabbedViewModel(uRegion);
Children.Add(new LifeKpiRankingViewRM(uRegion));
Children.Add(new LifeKpiRankingViewRMsBM(uRegion));
Tabbedpage VM
public class LifekpiRankingRmTabbedViewModel : BaseViewModelHelper
public MonthData2 SelectedMonth
get => _selectedMonth;
_selectedMonth = value;
GenerateData(_selectedMonth.mIndex, SelectedKpi).Await(CompletedTask, ErrorHandle);
public string SelectedKpi
get => _selectedKpi;
_selectedKpi = value;
GenerateData(SelectedMonth.mIndex, _selectedKpi).Await(CompletedTask, ErrorHandle);
public LifekpiRankingRmTabbedViewModel(string uRegion)
this.uRegion = uRegion;
SelectedMonth = GetCurrentMonth();
SelectedKpi = KpiList.First();
reportType = "Monthly";
ReportTypeTapCommand = new Command(ChangeTypeCommand);
private async Task GenerateData(int selectedMonth, string selectedKpi)
if (runCount > 2)
var resRmData = await _apiServices.GetLifeRegionalKpiWiseRanking(selectedMonth, selectedKpi, isCumulative);
var resBmForRmData = await _apiServices.GetLifeBranchKpiWiseRankingForRM(selectedMonth, selectedKpi, uRegion, isCumulative);
if (resRmData != null)
MessagingCenter.Send<App, string>(App.Current as App, "KPI_REGINAL_RANKING", resRmData);
if (resBmForRmData != null)
MessagingCenter.Send<App, string>(App.Current as App, "KPI_BM_RANKING_FOR_RM", resBmForRmData);
private MonthData2 GetCurrentMonth()
var months = Enumerable.Range(1, 12).Select(i => new { I = i, M = DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo.GetMonthName(i) });
foreach (var ss in months)
MonthList.Add(new MonthData2() { mIndex = ss.I, mName = ss.M });
return MonthList.Find(r => r.mIndex == dt.Month);
private void ChangeTypeCommand()
if (isCumulative)
reportType = "Monthly";
isCumulative = false;
reportType = "Cumulative";
isCumulative = true;
GenerateData(SelectedMonth.mIndex, SelectedKpi).Await(CompletedTask, ErrorHandle);
private void CompletedTask()
private void ErrorHandle(Exception ex)
Tab 1
public partial class LifeKpiRankingViewRM : ContentPage
private LifeKpiRankingViewModelRM vm;
public LifeKpiRankingViewRM(string uRegion)
BindingContext = new LifeKpiRankingViewModelRM(uRegion);
vm = BindingContext as LifeKpiRankingViewModelRM;
protected override void OnAppearing()
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<App, string>(App.Current, "KPI_REGINAL_RANKING", (snd, arg) =>
protected override void OnDisappearing()
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<App, string>(App.Current, "KPI_REGINAL_RANKING");
Tab 2
public partial class LifeKpiRankingViewRMsBM : ContentPage
private LifeKpiRankingViewModelBMForRM vm;
public LifeKpiRankingViewRMsBM(string uRegion)
BindingContext = new LifeKpiRankingViewModelBMForRM(uRegion);
vm = BindingContext as LifeKpiRankingViewModelBMForRM;
protected override void OnAppearing()
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<App, string>(App.Current, "KPI_BM_RANKING_FOR_RM", (snd, arg) =>
protected override void OnDisappearing()
MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe<App, string>(App.Current, "KPI_BM_RANKING_FOR_RM");
At first, you can try to get the child page's instance and then set its value.
If you set the tabbedpage in the app.cs with MainPage = new LifekpiRankingTabbedRM():
var tabbedpage = App.Current.MainPage as LifekpiRankingTabbedRM;
var childpage1 = tabbedpage.Children[0];
var vm1 = childpage1.BindingContext as LifeKpiRankingViewModelRM;
Generally speaking, when you have the instance of the TabbedPage, you can get its child page and update the child page's value.
In addition, you can show more details about the MessageCenter not work and we can help you go on using the MessageCenter.

Set background colour of HVScrollView item on click

I have implemented the HVScrollView custom renderer in Xamarin.Forms as below and am trying to set the background colour of the item selected on tapped/clicked but can't figure out how to do that.
I can't figure out whether I need to add something to the custom renderer to make it show the selected item or whether it should be set in my markup.
Please help
public class HVScrollGridView : Grid
private ICommand _innerSelectedCommand;
private readonly ScrollView _scrollView;
private readonly StackLayout _itemsStackLayout;
public event EventHandler SelectedItemChanged;
public StackOrientation ListOrientation { get; set; }
public double Spacing { get; set; }
public static readonly BindableProperty SelectedCommandProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("SelectedCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(HVScrollGridView), null);
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(HVScrollGridView), default(IEnumerable<object>), BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: ItemsSourceChanged);
public static readonly BindableProperty SelectedItemProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("SelectedItem", typeof(object), typeof(HVScrollGridView), null, BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanged: OnSelectedItemChanged);
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("ItemTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(HVScrollGridView), default(DataTemplate));
public ICommand SelectedCommand
get { return (ICommand)GetValue(SelectedCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedCommandProperty, value); }
public IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return (IEnumerable)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
public object SelectedItem
get { return (object)GetValue(SelectedItemProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value); }
public DataTemplate ItemTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(ItemTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemTemplateProperty, value); }
private static void ItemsSourceChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var itemsLayout = (HVScrollGridView)bindable;
public HVScrollGridView()
_scrollView = new ScrollView();
_itemsStackLayout = new StackLayout
BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor,
Padding = Padding,
Spacing = Spacing,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
_scrollView.BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor;
_scrollView.Content = _itemsStackLayout;
protected virtual void SetItems()
_itemsStackLayout.Spacing = Spacing;
_innerSelectedCommand = new Command<View>(view =>
SelectedItem = view.BindingContext;
SelectedItem = null; // Allowing item second time selection
_itemsStackLayout.Orientation = ListOrientation;
_scrollView.Orientation = ListOrientation == StackOrientation.Horizontal
? ScrollOrientation.Horizontal
: ScrollOrientation.Vertical;
if (ItemsSource == null)
foreach (var item in ItemsSource)
_itemsStackLayout.BackgroundColor = BackgroundColor;
SelectedItem = null;
protected virtual View GetItemView(object item)
var content = ItemTemplate.CreateContent();
var view = content as View;
if (view == null)
return null;
view.BindingContext = item;
var gesture = new TapGestureRecognizer
Command = _innerSelectedCommand,
CommandParameter = view
AddGesture(view, gesture);
return view;
private void AddGesture(View view, TapGestureRecognizer gesture)
var layout = view as Layout<View>;
if (layout == null)
foreach (var child in layout.Children)
AddGesture(child, gesture);
private static void OnSelectedItemChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var itemsView = (HVScrollGridView)bindable;
if (newValue == oldValue && newValue != null)
itemsView.SelectedItemChanged?.Invoke(itemsView, EventArgs.Empty);
if (itemsView.SelectedCommand?.CanExecute(newValue) ?? false)
public static explicit operator ListView(HVScrollGridView v)
throw new NotImplementedException();

How to add swiping dots to Tabbed/Carousel page?

I'm wondering how to add dots indicating to swipe screens in either TabbedPage or CarouselPage like in the below image?
I tried adding images for that but they don't look natural so is there a real way for doing that?
My above workaround explanation in an example with 3 page:
I create 3 images each image has 3 dots one of them is highlighted:
First image highlighted dot is the first one.
Second image highlighted dot is the second one.
and etc.
you can use Xamarin.Forms.CarouselView and write a user control for page indicators. Follow the steps below,
Using Package Console, Install-Package Xamarin.Forms.CarouselView -Version 2.3.0-pre2 (Xamarin.Forms.CarouselView) package from NuGet in all 3 projects (PCL, iOS and Android).
add reference to Carousel view in the page directives,
and the Xaml code as below,
<StackLayout Padding="0,0,0,5" BackgroundColor="#d8d8d8" >
<cv:CarouselView x:Name="cview" ItemsSource="{Binding DataSource}" Position="{Binding Position, Mode=TwoWay}">
<Image Aspect="AspectFill" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" Source="{Binding PickedImage}" />
<cutomControl:CarouselIndicators IndicatorHeight="16" IndicatorWidth="16" UnselectedIndicator="unselected_circle.png" SelectedIndicator="selected_circle.png" Position="{Binding Position}" ItemsSource="{Binding DataSource}" />
notice, Position and your viewmodel should have,
private int _position;
public int Position
get { return _position; }
_position = value;
notice, customControl below CarouselView.. Yes, you need to write a custom control for it. Just use the below custom control code and add reference in the page directive,
so your page directive will be as below,
and the custom control code is,
public class CarouselIndicators : Grid
private ImageSource UnselectedImageSource = null;
private ImageSource SelectedImageSource = null;
private readonly StackLayout _indicators = new StackLayout() { Orientation = StackOrientation.Horizontal, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand };
public CarouselIndicators()
this.HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand;
this.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = GridLength.Auto });
public static readonly BindableProperty PositionProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Position), typeof(int), typeof(CarouselIndicators), 0, BindingMode.TwoWay, propertyChanging: PositionChanging);
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ItemsSource), typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(CarouselIndicators), Enumerable.Empty<object>(), BindingMode.OneWay, propertyChanged: ItemsChanged);
public static readonly BindableProperty SelectedIndicatorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(SelectedIndicator), typeof(string), typeof(CarouselIndicators), "", BindingMode.OneWay);
public static readonly BindableProperty UnselectedIndicatorProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(UnselectedIndicator), typeof(string), typeof(CarouselIndicators), "", BindingMode.OneWay);
public static readonly BindableProperty IndicatorWidthProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IndicatorWidth), typeof(double), typeof(CarouselIndicators), 0.0, BindingMode.OneWay);
public static readonly BindableProperty IndicatorHeightProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IndicatorHeight), typeof(double), typeof(CarouselIndicators), 0.0, BindingMode.OneWay);
public string SelectedIndicator
get { return (string)this.GetValue(SelectedIndicatorProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(SelectedIndicatorProperty, value); }
public string UnselectedIndicator
get { return (string)this.GetValue(UnselectedIndicatorProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(UnselectedIndicatorProperty, value); }
public double IndicatorWidth
get { return (double)this.GetValue(IndicatorWidthProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(IndicatorWidthProperty, value); }
public double IndicatorHeight
get { return (double)this.GetValue(IndicatorHeightProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(IndicatorHeightProperty, value); }
public int Position
get { return (int)this.GetValue(PositionProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(PositionProperty, value); }
public IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return (IEnumerable)this.GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { this.SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, (object)value); }
private void Clear()
private void Init(int position)
if (UnselectedImageSource == null)
UnselectedImageSource = ImageSource.FromFile(UnselectedIndicator);
if (SelectedImageSource == null)
SelectedImageSource = ImageSource.FromFile(SelectedIndicator);
if (_indicators.Children.Count > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < _indicators.Children.Count; i++)
if (((Image)_indicators.Children[i]).ClassId == nameof(State.Selected) && i != position)
_indicators.Children[i] = BuildImage(State.Unselected, i);
else if (((Image)_indicators.Children[i]).ClassId == nameof(State.Unselected) && i == position)
_indicators.Children[i] = BuildImage(State.Selected, i);
var enumerator = ItemsSource.GetEnumerator();
int count = 0;
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
Image image = null;
if (position == count)
image = BuildImage(State.Selected, count);
image = BuildImage(State.Unselected, count);
private Image BuildImage(State state, int position)
var image = new Image()
WidthRequest = IndicatorWidth,
HeightRequest = IndicatorHeight,
ClassId = state.ToString()
switch (state)
case State.Selected:
image.Source = SelectedImageSource;
case State.Unselected:
image.Source = UnselectedImageSource;
throw new Exception("Invalid state selected");
image.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer() { Command = new Command(() => { Position = position; }) });
return image;
private static void PositionChanging(object bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var carouselIndicators = bindable as CarouselIndicators;
private static void ItemsChanged(object bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var carouselIndicators = bindable as CarouselIndicators;
public enum State

Xamarin Forms - picker selectedItem not firing

The following example works fine (
When i try to implement it in my code, the object referenced for selectedItem is not being set. The picker is loading and selecting data fine, just not updating the object.
Here is some of the code i'm using:
<Picker x:Name="testpicker" Title="Select a Service" ItemsSource="{Binding Services}, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemDisplayBinding="{Binding ServiceDescription}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedServiceName, Mode=TwoWay}" />
I have the object in the view model, but this is never called when the picker items are selected.:
string selectedServiceName;
public string SelectedServiceName
get { return selectedServiceName; }
if (selectedServiceName != value)
selectedServiceName = value;
The binding is done from the controller when the view loads by the way....
protected async override void OnAppearing()
await viewModel.LoadPreferenceData();
await viewModel.LoadServiceData();
testpicker.SelectedIndex = 5;
I've also updated the base class to reflect the tutorial, i've changed the names.
Can you see anything obvious why this is not working? I'm happy to supply more code if needed.
The error was due to binding the picker to a custom type for the source.
ItemsSource="{Binding Services}
Instead of using a string for the binding object, i changed the type from:
public String SelectedServiceName
To this:
public Service SelectedServiceName
Create custom picker and implement in your code its working for me try below code :
public class CustomPicker : Picker
public CustomPicker()
SelectedIndexChanged += OnSelectedIndexChanged;
public static readonly BindableProperty SelectedItemProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("SelectedItem", typeof(object), typeof(CustomPicker), null, BindingMode.TwoWay, null, OnSelectedItemChanged);
public object SelectedItem
get { return GetValue(SelectedItemProperty); }
SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value);
if (value != null && ItemsSource!=null && ItemsSource.Contains(value))
SelectedIndex = ItemsSource.IndexOf(value);
SelectedIndex = -1;
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("ItemsSource", typeof(IEnumerable), typeof(CustomPicker), null, BindingMode.TwoWay, null, OnItemsSourceChanged);
public IList ItemsSource
get { return (IList)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty DisplayPropertyProperty =
BindableProperty.Create("DisplayProperty", typeof(string), typeof(CustomPicker), null, BindingMode.TwoWay, null, OnDisplayPropertyChanged);
public string DisplayProperty
get { return (string)GetValue(DisplayPropertyProperty); }
set { SetValue(DisplayPropertyProperty, value); }
private static void OnSelectedItemChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var picker = (CustomPicker)bindable;
picker.SelectedItem = newValue;
if (picker.ItemsSource != null && picker.SelectedItem != null)
var count = 0;
foreach (var obj in picker.ItemsSource)
if (obj == picker.SelectedItem)
picker.SelectedIndex = count;
private static void OnDisplayPropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var picker = (CustomPicker)bindable;
picker.DisplayProperty = (string)newValue;
private static void OnItemsSourceChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var picker = (CustomPicker)bindable;
picker.ItemsSource = (IList)newValue;
var oc = newValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (oc != null)
oc.CollectionChanged += (a, b) =>
private static void LoadItemsAndSetSelected(BindableObject bindable)
var picker = (CustomPicker)bindable;
if (picker.ItemsSource == null)
var count = 0;
foreach (var obj in picker.ItemsSource)
var value = string.Empty;
if (picker.DisplayProperty != null)
var prop = obj.GetType().GetRuntimeProperties().FirstOrDefault(p => string.Equals(p.Name, picker.DisplayProperty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (prop != null)
value = prop.GetValue(obj).ToString();
value = obj.ToString();
if (!picker.Items.Contains(value))
if (picker.SelectedItem != null && picker.SelectedItem == obj)
picker.SelectedIndex = count;
if (picker.ItemsSource.Count == picker.Items.Count - 1)
private void OnSelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (SelectedIndex > -1)
SelectedItem = ItemsSource[SelectedIndex];
Xaml Code
<userControls:CustomPicker BackgroundColor="Transparent" x:Name="testpicker" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" ItemsSource="{Binding Services}" SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedServiceName}" DisplayProperty="{Binding ServiceDescription}" />
Don't forgot put in Xaml header

xamarin design time binding cannot resolve property in data context

i'm currently in the process of modifying an ItemsView according to my needs. I noticed on flaw in my implementation however:
Unlike ListView i don't get intellisense according to my current iteration element. Does anyone know how to make that happen?
Here's my control implementation:
public class ItemsView : Grid
protected ScrollView ScrollView;
protected readonly StackLayout ItemsStackLayout;
public ItemsView()
ScrollView = new ScrollView();
ScrollView.SetBinding(ScrollOrientationProperty, new Binding(nameof(ScrollOrientation), mode: BindingMode.OneWay, source: this));
ItemsStackLayout = new StackLayout
Padding = new Thickness(0),
Spacing = 0,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
ItemsStackLayout.SetBinding(StackOrientationProperty, new Binding(nameof(ItemsStackLayout), mode: BindingMode.OneWay, source: this));
ScrollView.Content = ItemsStackLayout;
SelectedCommand = new Command<object>(item =>
var selectable = item as ISelectable;
if (selectable == null)
SelectedItem = selectable.IsSelected ? selectable : null;
protected virtual void SetSelected(ISelectable selectable)
selectable.IsSelected = true;
public bool ScrollToStartOnSelected { get; set; }
#region SelectedCommand
public static BindableProperty SelectedCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create<ItemsView, ICommand>(d => d.SelectedCommand, default(ICommand));
public ICommand SelectedCommand
get { return (ICommand) GetValue(SelectedCommandProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedCommandProperty, value); }
#endregion SelectedCommand
#region ScrollOrientation
public static BindableProperty ScrollOrientationProperty = BindableProperty.Create<ItemsView, ScrollOrientation>(d => d.ScrollOrientation, ScrollOrientation.Vertical);
public ScrollOrientation ScrollOrientation
get { return (ScrollOrientation) GetValue(ScrollOrientationProperty); }
set { SetValue(ScrollOrientationProperty, value); }
#endregion ScrollOrientation
#region StackOrientation
public static BindableProperty StackOrientationProperty = BindableProperty.Create<ItemsView, StackOrientation>(d => d.StackOrientation, StackOrientation.Vertical);
public StackOrientation StackOrientation
get { return (StackOrientation) GetValue(StackOrientationProperty); }
set { SetValue(StackOrientationProperty, value); }
#endregion StackOrientation
public event EventHandler SelectedItemChanged;
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<ItemsView, IEnumerable>(p => p.ItemsSource, default(IEnumerable<object>), BindingMode.OneWay, null, ItemsSourceChanged);
public IEnumerable ItemsSource
get { return (IEnumerable)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty SelectedItemProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<ItemsView, object>(p => p.SelectedItem, default(object), BindingMode.TwoWay, null, OnSelectedItemChanged);
public object SelectedItem
get { return (object)GetValue(SelectedItemProperty); }
set { SetValue(SelectedItemProperty, value); }
public static readonly BindableProperty ItemTemplateProperty =
BindableProperty.Create<ItemsView, DataTemplate>(p => p.ItemTemplate, default(DataTemplate));
public DataTemplate ItemTemplate
get { return (DataTemplate)GetValue(ItemTemplateProperty); }
set { SetValue(ItemTemplateProperty, value); }
private static void ItemsSourceChanged(BindableObject bindable, IEnumerable oldValue, IEnumerable newValue)
var itemsLayout = (ItemsView)bindable;
var newObservableCasted = newValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
var oldObservableCasted = oldValue as INotifyCollectionChanged;
if (newObservableCasted != null)
newObservableCasted.CollectionChanged += itemsLayout.ItemsSourceCollectionChanged;
if (oldObservableCasted != null)
oldObservableCasted.CollectionChanged -= itemsLayout.ItemsSourceCollectionChanged;
private void ItemsSourceCollectionChanged(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs args)
protected virtual void SetItems()
if (ItemsSource == null)
foreach (var item in ItemsSource)
var itemView = GetItemView(item);
if (itemView == null)
ItemsStackLayout.Children.Add(new Label()
Text = "ItemTemplate missing."
SelectedItem = ItemsSource.OfType<ISelectable>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.IsSelected);
protected virtual View GetItemView(object item)
if (ItemTemplate == null)
return null;
ItemTemplate.SetValue(BindingContextProperty, item);
var content = ItemTemplate.CreateContent();
var view = content as View;
if (view == null)
return null;
var gesture = new TapGestureRecognizer
CommandParameter = item
gesture.SetBinding(TapGestureRecognizer.CommandProperty, (ItemsView v) => v.SelectedCommand, BindingMode.OneWay);
AddGesture(view, gesture);
return view;
protected void AddGesture(View view, TapGestureRecognizer gesture)
var layout = view as Layout<View>;
if (layout == null)
foreach (var child in layout.Children)
AddGesture(child, gesture);
private static void OnSelectedItemChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var itemsView = (ItemsView)bindable;
if (newValue == oldValue)
var selectable = newValue as ISelectable;
itemsView.SetSelectedItem(selectable ?? oldValue as ISelectable);
protected virtual void SetSelectedItem(ISelectable selectedItem)
var items = ItemsSource;
foreach (var item in items.OfType<ISelectable>())
item.IsSelected = selectedItem != null && item == selectedItem && selectedItem.IsSelected;
var handler = SelectedItemChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);
my viewmodels:
public class InfoFieldsViewModel : HeaderedViewModel
public override Task NavigatedToAsync(object state)
var casted = state as SiteSelectionEntry;
if (casted != null)
HeaderText = $" < {casted.Name}";
Groups.IsEventNotificationEnabled = false;
var group = new InfoFieldGroupViewModel("Gruppe 1");
group.Items.Add(new InfoFieldDetailViewModel("Label1"));
group.Items.Add(new InfoFieldDetailViewModel("Label2"));
group.Items.Add(new InfoFieldDetailViewModel("Label3"));
group = new InfoFieldGroupViewModel("Gruppe 2");
group.Items.Add(new InfoFieldDetailViewModel("Label4"));
group.Items.Add(new InfoFieldDetailViewModel("Label5"));
group.Items.Add(new InfoFieldDetailViewModel("Label6"));
Groups.IsEventNotificationEnabled = true;
return Done;
private ExtendedObservableCollection<InfoFieldGroupViewModel> _groups = new ExtendedObservableCollection<InfoFieldGroupViewModel>();
public ExtendedObservableCollection<InfoFieldGroupViewModel> Groups
get { return GetValue(ref _groups); }
set { SetValue(ref _groups, value); }
public class EditableViewModel : ViewModelBase
private bool _isInEditMode = new bool();
public bool IsInEditMode
get { return GetValue(ref _isInEditMode); }
set { SetValue(ref _isInEditMode, value); }
public class InfoFieldGroupViewModel : ViewModelBase
public InfoFieldGroupViewModel()
IsExpanded = true;
public InfoFieldGroupViewModel(string groupName)
_groupName = groupName;
private bool _isExpanded = new bool();
public bool IsExpanded
get { return GetValue(ref _isExpanded); }
set { SetValue(ref _isExpanded, value); }
private string _groupName;
public string GroupName
get { return _groupName; }
set { SetValue(ref _groupName, value); }
private ExtendedObservableCollection<InfoFieldDetailViewModel> _items = new ExtendedObservableCollection<InfoFieldDetailViewModel>();
public ExtendedObservableCollection<InfoFieldDetailViewModel> Items
get { return GetValue(ref _items); }
set { SetValue(ref _items, value); }
public class InfoFieldDetailViewModel : EditableViewModel
public InfoFieldDetailViewModel()
public InfoFieldDetailViewModel(string label)
_label = label;
private string _label;
public string Label
get { return _label; }
set { SetValue(ref _label, value); }
The view which uses the controls:
<Grid BackgroundColor="{x:Static resources:Colors.DefaultBackground}">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
HeaderText="{Binding HeaderText}"
HeaderTapCommand="{Binding NavigatorBackCommand}"
HomeButtonCommand="{Binding NavigatorBackCommand}"/>
<Grid Row="1" custom:GridExtensions.IsBusy="{Binding IsBusy}">
<custom:ItemsView ItemsSource="{Binding Groups}">
<Label MinimumHeightRequest="30" Text="{Binding GroupName}"></Label>
Screenshot of designtime error:
Oddly enough an ordinary xamarin.forms listview seems to have no trouble getting the design time correct here and mapping the child datacontext within the item template.
Is there some attribute i'm missing out on to make it work? Or am i doing something wrong in my implementation which makes this fail? The template itself renders just fine. So it's just the design time getting it wrong here.
Any ideas welcome. So far none of my binding context redirects worked successfully.
For me, it was a design-time DataType specification added on page level:
<ContentPage xmlns=""
x:DataType="viewModels:WelcomeViewModel" <!-- HERE-->
Title="{Binding Title}">
<ContentPage.Content >
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}">
<Label Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0" Text="{Binding Name}"/> <!-- this binding was looking for property 'Name' on root level, which is 'WelcomeViewModel' -->
So, I've just removed x:DataType="viewModels:WelcomeViewModel" and it started working.
