Why Symfony3 so slow? - symfony

I installed Symfony3 framework-standard-edition. I'm trying to open the home page(app.php prod) and it is loaded 300-400ms.
This is my profiler information:
also I use php7.
Why it is so long?

You can try to optimize Zend OPCache.
Here are some recommended settings
Basically put, how often (in seconds) should the code cache expire and check if your code has changed. 0 means it checks your PHP code every single request (which adds lots of stat syscalls). Set it to 0 in your development environment. Production doesn't matter because of the next setting.
When this is enabled, PHP will check the file timestamp per your opcache.revalidate_freq value.
When it's disabled, opcache.revaliate_freq is ignored and PHP files are NEVER checked for updated code. So, if you modify your code, the changes won't actually run until you restart or reload PHP (you force a reload with kill -SIGUSR2).
Yes, this is a pain in the ass, but you should use it. Why? While you're updating or deploying code, new code files can get mixed with old ones— the results are unknown. It's unsafe as hell
Controls how many PHP files, at most, can be held in memory at once. It's important that your project has LESS FILES than whatever you set this at. For a codebase at ~6000 files, I use the prime number 8000 for maxacceleratedfiles.
You can run find . -type f -print | grep php | wc -l to quickly calculate the number of files in your codebase.
The default is 64MB. You can use the function opcachegetstatus() to tell how much memory opcache is consuming and if you need to increase the amount.
A pretty neat setting with like 0 documentation. PHP uses a technique called string interning to improve performance— so, for example, if you have the string "foobar" 1000 times in your code, internally PHP will store 1 immutable variable for this string and just use a pointer to it for the other 999 times you use it. Cool.
This setting takes it to the next level— instead of having a pool of these immutable string for each SINGLE php-fpm process, this setting shares it across ALL of your php-fpm processes. It saves memory and improves performance, especially in big applications.
The value is set in megabytes, so set it to "16" for 16MB. The default is low, 4MB.
Another interesting setting with no useful documentation. "Allows for faster shutdown".
Oh okay. Like that helps me. What this actually does is provide a faster mechanism for calling the destructors in your code at the end of a single request to speed up the response and recycle php workers so they're ready for the next incoming request faster.
Set it to 1 and turn it on.
I hope it will help improve your performances
You might also want to look at this answer:
Are Doctrine relations affecting application performance?

TheMrbikus, try some optimization with the following elements:
Use Bootstrap files
Reference: http://symfony.com/doc/current/performance.html

Use the OPCache PHP7
Use Apache PHP-FPM.
E-mail sending process, and may slow down during the form rendering operations. Create a blank test Controller.


Uploading larger files with User-Agent python-requests/2.2.1 results in RemoteDisconnected

Using the python library requests and uploading larger files I will get the error RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response').
However it will work if I change the default User-Agent of the library to something like "Mozilla/5.0".
Does anybody know the reason for this behaviour ?
Edit: Only happens with Property X-Explode-Archive: true
Are there any specific pattern of timeout that you could highlight in this case?
For example: It times out after 60 seconds every time (of that sort)?
I would suggest to check the logs from all the medium configured with the Artifactory instance. Like, Reverse-proxy & the embedded-tomcat too. As the issue is specific to large-sized files, correlate the timeout pattern with the timeouts configured from all the entities which would give us a hint towards this issue.

Monitoring SaltStack

Is there anything out there to monitor SaltStack installations besides halite? I have it installed but it's not really what we are looking for.
It would be nice if we could have a web gui or even a daily email that showed the status of all the minions. I'm pretty handy with scripting but I don't know what to script.
Anybody have any ideas?
In case by monitoring you mean operating salt, you can try one of the following:
SaltStack Enterprise GUI
Halite (DEPRECATED by SaltStack)
These GUI will allow you more than just knowing whether or not minions are alive. They will allow you to operate on them in the same manner you could with the salt client.
And in case by monitoring you mean just whether the salt master and salt minions are up and running, you can use a general-purpose monitoring solutions like:
In fact, these tools can monitor different services on the hosts they know about. The host can be any machine that has an ip address and the service can be any resource that can be queried via the underlying OS. Example of host can be a server, router, printer... And example of service can be memory, disk, a process, ...
Not an absolute answer, but we're developing saltpad, which is a replacement and improvement of halite. One of its feature is to display the status of all your minions. You can give it a try: Saltpad Project page on Github
You might look into consul while it isn't specifically for SaltStack, I use it to monitor that salt-master and salt-minion are running on the hosts they should be.
Another simple test would be to run something like:
salt --output=json '*' test.ping
And compare between different runs. It's not amazing monitoring, but at least shows your minions are up and communicating with your master.
Another option might be to use the salt.runners.manage functions, which comes with a status function.
In order to print the status of all known salt minions you can run this on your salt master:
salt-run manage.status
salt-run manage.status tgt="webservers" expr_form="nodegroup"
I had to write my own. To my knowledge, there is nothing out there which will do this, and halite didn't work for what I needed.
If you know Python, it's fairly easy to write an application to monitor salt. For example, my app had a thread which refreshed the list of hosts from the salt keys from time to time, and a few threads that ran various commands against that list to verify they were up. The monitor threads updated a dictionary with a timestamp and success/fail for each host after they ran. It had a hacked together HTML display color coded to reflect the status of each node. Took me a about half a day to write it.
If you don't want to use Python, you could, painfully, do something similar to this inefficient, quick, untested hack using command line tools in bash.
minion_list=$(salt-key --out=txt|grep '^minions_pre:.*'|tr ',' ' ') # You'
for minion in ${minion_list}; do
salt "${minion}" test.ping
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "${minion} is down."
It would be easy enough to modify to write file or send an alert.
halite was depreciated in favour of paid ui version, sad, but true - still saltstack does the job. I'd just guess your best monitoring will be the one you can write yourself, happily there's a salt-api project (which I believe was part of halite, not sure about this), I'd recommend you to use this one with tornado as it's better than cherry version.
So if you want nice interface you might want to work with api once you set it up... when setting up tornado make sure you're ok with authentication (i had some trouble in here), here's how you can check it:
Using Postman/Curl/whatever:
check if api is alive:
- no post data (just see if api is alive)
- get request http://masterip:8000/
login (you'll need to take token returned from here to do most operations):
- post to http://masterip:8000/login
- (x-www-form-urlencoded data in postman), raw:
im using pam so I have a user with yourUsername and yourPassword added on my master server (as a regular user, that's how pam's working)
get minions, http://masterip:8000/minions (you'll need to post token from login operation),
get all jobs, http://masterip:8000/jobs (you'll n need to post token from login operation),
So basically if you want to do anything with saltstack monitoring just play with that salt-api & get what you want, saltstack has output formatters so you could get all data even as a json (if your frontend is javascript like) - it lets you run cmd's or whatever you want and the monitoring is left to you (unless you switch from the community to pro versions) or unless you want to use mentioned saltpad (which, sorry guys, have been last updated a year ago according to repo).
btw. you might need to change that 8000 port to something else depending on version of saltstack/tornado/config.
Basically if you want to have an output where you can check the status of all the minions then you can run a command like
salt '*' test.ping
salt --output=json '*' test.ping #To get output in Json Format
salt manage.up # Returns all minions status
Or else if you want to visualize the same with a Dashboard then you can see some of the available options like Foreman, SaltPad etc.

have R halt the EC2 machine it's running on

I have a few work flows where I would like R to halt the Linux machine it's running on after completion of a script. I can think of two similar ways to do this:
run R as root and then call system("halt")
run R from a root shell script (could run the R script as any user) then have the shell script run halt after the R bit completes.
Are there other easy ways of doing this?
The use case here is for scripts running on AWS where I would like the instance to stop after script completion so that I don't get charged for machine time post job run. My instance I use for data analysis is an EBS backed instance so I don't want to terminate it, simply suspend. Issuing a halt command from inside the instance is the same effect as a stop/suspend from AWS console.
I'm impressed that works. (For anyone else surprised that an instance can stop itself, see notes 1 & 2.)
You can also try "sudo halt", as you wouldn't need to run as a root user, as long as the user account running R is capable of running sudo. This is pretty common on a lot of AMIs on EC2.
Be careful about what constitutes an assumption of R quitting - believe it or not, one can crash R. It may be better to have a separate script that watches the R pid and, once that PID is no longer active, terminates the instance. Doing this command inside of R means that if R crashes, it never reaches the call to halt. If you call it from within another script, that can be dangerous, too. If you know Linux well, what you're looking for is the PID from starting R, which you can pass to another script that checks ps, say every 1 second, and then terminates the instance once the PID is no longer running.
I think a better solution is to use the EC2 API tools (see: http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSEC2/latest/APIReference/ for documentation) to terminate OR stop instances. There's a difference between the two of these, and it matters if your instance is EBS backed or S3 backed. You needn't run as root in order to terminate the instance - the fact that you have the private key and certificate shows Amazon that you're the BOSS, way above the hoi polloi who merely have root access on your instance.
Because these credentials can be used for mischief, be careful about running API tools from a given server, you'll need your certificate and private key on the server. That's a bad idea in the event that you have a security problem. It would be better to message to a master server and have it shut down the instance. If you have messaging set up in any way between instances, this can do all the work for you.
Note 1: Eric Hammond reports that the halt will only suspend an EBS instance, so you still have storage fees. If you happen to start a lot of such instances, this can clutter things up. Your original question seems unclear about whether you mean to terminate or stop an instance. He has other good advice on this page
Note 2: A short thread on the EC2 developers forum gives advice for Linux & Windows users.
Note 3: EBS instances are billed for partial hours, even when restarted. (See this thread from the developer forum.) Having an auto-suspend close to the hour mark can be useful, assuming the R process isn't working, in case one might re-task that instance (i.e. to save on not restarting). Other useful tools to consider: setTimeLimit and setSessionTimeLimit, and various checkpointing tools (I have a Q that mentions a couple). Using an auto-kill is useful if one has potentially badly behaved code.
Note 4: I recently learned of the shutdown command in package fun. This is multi-platform. See this blog post for commentary, and code is here. Dangerous stuff, but it could be useful if you want to adapt to Windows. I haven't tried it, though.
Update 1. Three more ideas:
You could use .Last() and runLast = TRUE for q() and quit(), which could shut down the instance.
If using littler or a script that invokes the script via Rscript, the same command line functions could be used.
My favorite package of today, tcltk2 has a neat timer mechanism, called tclTaskSchedule() that can be used to schedule the execution of an expression. You could then go crazy with the execution of stuff just before a hourly interval has elapsed.
system("echo 'rootpassword' | sudo halt")
However, the downside is having your root password in plain text in the script.
AFAIK those ways you mentioned are the only ones. In any case the script will have to run as root to be able to shut down the machine (if you find a way to do it without root that's possibly an exploit). You ask for an easier way but system("halt") is just an additional line at the end of your script.
sudo is an option -- it allows you to run certain commands without prompting for any password. Just put something like this in /etc/sudoers
<username> ALL=(ALL) PASSWD: ALL, NOPASSWD: /sbin/halt
(of course replacing with the name of user running R) and system('sudo halt') should just work.

Any method for going through large log files?

// Java programmers, when I mean method, I mean a 'way to do things'...
Hello All,
I'm writing a log miner script to monitor various log files at my company, It's written in Perl though I have access to Python and if I REALLY need to, C (though my company doesn't like binary files). It needs to be able to go through the last 24 hours, take the log code and check it if we should ignore or email the appropriate people (me). The script would run as a cron job on Solaris servers. Now here is what I had in mind (this is only pseudo-ish... and badly written pesudo)
$today = Get_Current_Date();
$yesterday = Subtract_One_Day($today);
`grep $yesterday '/path/to/log' > /tmp/log` # Get logs from previous day
`awk '{print $X}' > /tmp/log_codes`; # Get Log Code
Another thought was to load the log file into memory and read it in there... that is all fine and dandy except for a two small problems.
These servers are production servers and serve a couple million customers...
The Log files average 3.3GB (which are logs for about two days)
So not only would grep take a while to go through each file, but It would use up CPU and Memory in the process which need to be used elsewhere. And loading into memory a 3.3GB file is not of the wisest ideas. (At least IMHO). Now I had a crazy idea involving assembly code and memory locations but I don't know SPARC assembly sooo flush that idea.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks for reading this far =)
Possible solutions: 1) have the system start a new log file every midnight -- this way you could mine the finite-size log file of the previous day at a reduced priority; and 2) modify the logging system so that it automatically extracts certain messages for further processing on the fly.

Optimize APC Caching

here is a link to how my APC is running : [removed]
As you can see, it fills up pretty quickly and my Cache Full Count goes over 1000 sometimes
My website uses Wordpress.
I notice that every time I make a new post or edit a post, 2 things happen.
1) APC Memory "USED" resets
2) I get a whole lot of Fragments
I've tried giving more Memory to APC (512 mb) but then it crashes sometimes, it seems 384 is best. I also have a Cron job that restarts apache, clearing all APC of fragments and used memory, every 4 hours. Again, my apache crashes if APC is running for a long period of time, I think due to the fragment buildup.
Should I use the apc.Filters and filter out some stuff that should not be cached?
I am really beginner at this sort of stuff, so if someone can explain with full instructions, Thank you very much !!!
I work as a Linux Systems Admin, the wordpress server runs 5 different WordPress installs. If you are running just one, I will comment the configurations to consider.
APC / PHP Versions, 3.1.9 / 5.3.7
Here is my complete apc.conf,
; I would try 32M per WP install, go from there
; Relative to approx cached PHP files,
; Relative to approx WP size W/ APC Object Cache Backend,
;This should be used when you are finished with PHP file changes.
;As you must clear the APC cache to recompile already cached files.
;If you are still developing, set this to 1.
apc.rfc1867_prefix =upload_
;This MUST be 0, WP can have errors otherwise!
#Chris_O, your configuration is not optimal in a few aspects.
1. apc.shm_segments=3
If you run a modern Linux Distro, your SHM should be sufficiantly large enough.
If it is too small search how to set sysctl.conf entries, You can check like this.
#Check Max Segment size
cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
Exception when running on certain BSD's, or Other Unix's, Or managed hosts you don't control. There is disadvantages to not having a contiguous segment, read details of APC for that info.
2. apc.enable_cli=1
BAD BAD BAD, this is for debug only! Every time you run php-cli, it clears the APC cache.
3. apc.max_file_size=10M
Unnecessary and ridiculous! If you had a file that big, it would eat 1/3rd of that small 32M SHM. Even though you specify 3, they don't just act like one big segment in three pieces. Regardless WP doesn't even have single PHP files even close to that size.
'hope I helped people with their apc.conf.
The APC ttl should take care of fragment build up. I usually set it at 7200. I am running it on a small VPS with WordPress and my settings are:
You will also get a lot more benefit from it by using WordPress's built in object cache and Mark Jaquith wrote a really good drop in plugin that should also help with some of your fragmentation issues when saving or editing a post.
You really should set apc.stat=0 on your production server and it will prevent APC from actually going to the IO to check if the file has been changed.
Check out documentation first: http://php.net/manual/en/apc.configuration.php
