Blackheath's "Functional reactive programming" book, 2.6.3 section clarification - functional-programming

Section speaks about a merge operation in FRP streams processing (Sodium library is used). Book shows a below diagram of streams combination, and says that when event enters FRP logic through a stream, it causes a cascade of state changes that happen in a transactional context, so all changes are atomic.
Streams of events - sDeselect, sSelect (see 2 events: "+" and "-") are originating from UI controls, since they happen within the same FRP transaction their carried events are considered simultaneous. Then book says
The merge implementation has to store the events in temporary storage
until a time when it knows it won’t receive any more input. Then it
outputs an event: if it received more than one, it uses the supplied
function to combine them; otherwise, it outputs the one event it
Question: When it is a time when "no more input will come"? How merge function knows this moment? Is it simply the time it gets a value from the 2nd incoming stream on a given diagram or i'm missing smth? Can you illustrate it with a better streams example?

The way Sodium does this is to assign rank numbers to the structure of the directed graph of FRP logic held in memory, in such a way that if B depends on A, then B's rank will be higher than A's. (Cycles are broken in the graph traversal that assigns these ranks.) These numbers are then used as the priorities in a priority queue with low rank values processed first.
During event processing, when the priority queue contains nothing lower than the rank of the merge, then it is known that there can be no more input data for the merge, and it will output a value.


Handling Race Conditions / Concurrency in Network Protocol Design

I am looking for possible techniques to gracefully handle race conditions in network protocol design. I find that in some cases, it is particularly hard to synchronize two nodes to enter a specific protocol state. Here is an example protocol with such a problem.
Let's say A and B are in an ESTABLISHED state and exchange data. All messages sent by A or B use a monotonically increasing sequence number, such that A can know the order of the messages sent by B, and A can know the order of the messages sent by B. At any time in this state, either A or B can send a ACTION_1 message to the other, in order to enter a different state where a strictly sequential exchange of message needs to happen:
send ACTION_1
recv ACTION_2
send ACTION_3
However, it is possible that both A and B send the ACTION_1 message at the same time, causing both of them to receive an ACTION_1 message, while they would expect to receive an ACTION_2 message as a result of sending ACTION_1.
Here are a few possible ways this could be handled:
1) change state after sending ACTION_1 to ACTION_1_SENT. If we receive ACTION_1 in this state, we detect the race condition, and proceed to arbitrate who gets to start the sequence. However, I have no idea how to fairly arbitrate this. Since both ends are likely going to detect the race condition at about the same time, any action that follows will be prone to other similar race conditions, such as sending ACTION_1 again.
2) Duplicate the entire sequence of messages. If we receive ACTION_1 in the ACTION_1_SENT state, we include the data of the other ACTION_1 message in the ACTION_2 message, etc. This can only work if there is no need to decide who is the "owner" of the action, since both ends will end up doing the same action to each other.
3) Use absolute time stamps, but then, accurate time synchronization is not an easy thing at all.
4) Use lamport clocks, but from what I understood these are only useful for events that are causally related. Since in this case the ACTION_1 messages are not causally related, I don't see how it could help solve the problem of figuring out which one happened first to discard the second one.
5) Use some predefined way of discarding one of the two messages on receipt by both ends. However, I cannot find a way to do this that is unflawed. A naive idea would be to include a random number on both sides, and select the message with the highest number as the "winner", discarding the one with the lowest number. However, we have a tie if both numbers are equal, and then we need another way to recover from this. A possible improvement would be to deal with arbitration once at connection time and repeat similar sequence until one of the two "wins", marking it as favourite. Every time a tie happens, the favourite wins.
Does anybody have further ideas on how to handle this?
Here is the current solution I came up with. Since I couldn't find 100% safe way to prevent ties, I decided to have my protocol elect a "favorite" during the connection sequence. Electing this favorite requires breaking possible ties, but in this case the protocol will allow for trying multiple times to elect the favorite until a consensus is reached. After the favorite is elected, all further ties are resolved by favoring the elected favorite. This isolates the problem of possible ties to a single part of the protocol.
As for fairness in the election process, I wrote something rather simple based on two values sent in each of the client/server packets. In this case, this number is a sequence number starting at a random value, but they could be anything as long as those numbers are fairly random to be fair.
When the client and server have to resolve a conflict, they both call this function with the send (their value) and the recv (the other value) values. The favorite calls this function with the favorite parameter set to TRUE. This function is guaranteed to give the opposite result on both ends, such that it is possible to break the tie without retransmitting a new message.
BOOL ResolveConflict(BOOL favorite, UINT32 sendVal, UINT32 recvVal)
BOOL winner;
int sendDiff;
int recvDiff;
UINT32 xorVal;
xorVal = sendVal ^ recvVal;
sendDiff = (xorVal < sendVal) ? sendVal - xorVal : xorVal - sendVal;
recvDiff = (xorVal < recvVal) ? recvVal - xorVal : xorVal - recvVal;
if (sendDiff != recvDiff)
winner = (sendDiff < recvDiff) ? TRUE : FALSE; /* closest value to xorVal wins */
winner = favorite; /* break tie, make favorite win */
return winner;
Let's say that both ends enter the ACTION_1_SENT state after sending the ACTION_1 message. Both will receive the ACTION_1 message in the ACTION_1_SENT state, but only one will win. The loser accepts the ACTION_1 message and enters the ACTION_1_RCVD state, while the winner discards the incoming ACTION_1 message. The rest of the sequence continues as if the loser had never sent ACTION_1 in a race condition with the winner.
Let me know what you think, and how this could be further improved.
To me, this whole idea that this ACTION_1 - ACTION_2 - ACTION_3 handshake must occur in sequence with no other message intervening is very onerous, and not at all in line with the reality of networks (or distributed systems in general). The complexity of some of your proposed solutions give reason to step back and rethink.
There are all kinds of complicating factors when dealing with systems distributed over a network: packets which don't arrive, arrive late, arrive out of order, arrive duplicated, clocks which are out of sync, clocks which go backwards sometimes, nodes which crash/reboot, etc. etc. You would like your protocol to be robust under any of these adverse conditions, and you would like to know with certainty that it is robust. That means making it simple enough that you can think through all the possible cases that may occur.
It also means abandoning the idea that there will always be "one true state" shared by all nodes, and the idea that you can make things happen in a very controlled, precise, "clockwork" sequence. You want to design for the case where the nodes do not agree on their shared state, and make the system self-healing under that condition. You also must assume that any possible message may occur in any order at all.
In this case, the problem is claiming "ownership" of a shared clipboard. Here's a basic question you need to think through first:
If all the nodes involved cannot communicate at some point in time, should a node which is trying to claim ownership just go ahead and behave as if it is the owner? (This means the system doesn't freeze when the network is down, but it means you will have multiple "owners" at times, and there will be divergent changes to the clipboard which have to be merged or otherwise "fixed up" later.)
Or, should no node ever assume it is the owner unless it receives confirmation from all other nodes? (This means the system will freeze sometimes, or just respond very slowly, but you will never have weird situations with divergent changes.)
If your answer is #1: don't focus so much on the protocol for claiming ownership. Come up with something simple which reduces the chances that two nodes will both become "owner" at the same time, but be very explicit that there can be more than one owner. Put more effort into the procedure for resolving divergence when it does happen. Think that part through extra carefully and make sure that the multiple owners will always converge. There should be no case where they can get stuck in an infinite loop trying to converge but failing.
If your answer is #2: here be dragons! You are trying to do something which buts up against some fundamental limitations.
Be very explicit that there is a state where a node is "seeking ownership", but has not obtained it yet.
When a node is seeking ownership, I would say that it should send a request to all other nodes, at intervals (in case another one misses the first request). Put a unique identifier on each such request, which is repeated in the reply (so delayed replies are not misinterpreted as applying to a request sent later).
To become owner, a node should receive a positive reply from all other nodes within a certain period of time. During that wait period, it should refuse to grant ownership to any other node. On the other hand, if a node has agreed to grant ownership to another node, it should not request ownership for another period of time (which must be somewhat longer).
If a node thinks it is owner, it should notify the others, and repeat the notification periodically.
You need to deal with the situation where two nodes both try to seek ownership at the same time, and both NAK (refuse ownership to) each other. You have to avoid a situation where they keep timing out, retrying, and then NAKing each other again (meaning that nobody would ever get ownership).
You could use exponential backoff, or you could make a simple tie-breaking rule (it doesn't have to be fair, since this should be a rare occurrence). Give each node a priority (you will have to figure out how to derive the priorities), and say that if a node which is seeking ownership receives a request for ownership from a higher-priority node, it will immediately stop seeking ownership and grant it to the high-priority node instead.
This will not result in more than one node becoming owner, because if the high-priority node had previously ACKed the request sent by the low-priority node, it would not send a request of its own until enough time had passed that it was sure its previous ACK was no longer valid.
You also have to consider what happens if a node becomes owner, and then "goes dark" -- stops responding. At what point are other nodes allowed to assume that ownership is "up for grabs" again? This is a very sticky issue, and I suspect you will not find any solution which eliminates the possibility of having multiple owners at the same time.
Probably, all the nodes will need to "ping" each other from time to time. (Not referring to an ICMP echo, but something built in to your own protocol.) If the clipboard owner can't reach the others for some period of time, it must assume that it is no longer owner. And if the others can't reach the owner for a longer period of time, they can assume that ownership is available and can be requested.
Here is a simplified answer for the protocol of interest here.
In this case, there is only a client and a server, communicating over TCP. The goal of the protocol is to two system clipboards. The regular state when outside of a particular sequence is simply "CLIPBOARD_ESTABLISHED".
Whenever one of the two systems pastes something onto its clipboard, it sends a ClipboardFormatListReq message, and transitions to the CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_LIST_REQ_SENT state. This message contains a sequence number that is incremented when sending the ClipboardFormatListReq message. Under normal circumstances, no race condition occurs and a ClipboardFormatListRsp message is sent back to acknowledge the new sequence number and owner. The list contained in the request is used to expose clipboard data formats offered by the owner, and any of these formats can be requested by an application on the remote system.
When an application requests one of the data formats from the clipboard owner, a ClipboardFormatDataReq message is sent with the sequence number, and format id from the list, the state is changed to CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_DATA_REQ_SENT. Under normal circumstances, there is no change of clipboard ownership during that time, and the data is returned in the ClipboardFormatDataRsp message. A timer should be used to timeout if no response is sent fast enough from the other system, and abort the sequence if it takes too long.
Now, for the special cases:
If we receive ClipboardFormatListReq in the CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_LIST_REQ_SENT state, it means both systems are trying to gain ownership at the same time. Only one owner should be selected, in this case, we can keep it simple an elect the client as the default winner. With the client as the default owner, the server should respond to the client with ClipboardFormatListRsp consider the client as the new owner.
If we receive ClipboardFormatDataReq in the CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_LIST_REQ_SENT state, it means we have just received a request for data from the previous list of data formats, since we have just sent a request to become the new owner with a new list of data formats. We can respond with a failure right away, and sequence numbers will not match.
Etc, etc. The main issue I was trying to solve here is fast recovery from such states, with going into a loop of retrying until it works. The main issue with immediate retrial is that it is going to happen with timing likely to cause new race conditions. We can solve the issue by expecting such inconsistent states as long as we can move back to proper protocol states when detecting them. The other part of the problem is with electing a "winner" that will have its request accepted without resending new messages. A default winner can be elected by default, such as the client or the server, or some sort of random voting system can be implemented with a default favorite to break ties.

Chicken or egg in functions/actors processing WorldState

I have read the series "Purely Functional Retrogames"
It discusses some interesting techniques to build a (semi-)pure game world update loop.
However, I have the following side remark, that I cannot seem to get my head around:
Suppose you have a system, where every enemy, and every player are separate actors, or separate pure functions.
Suppose they all get a "WorldState" as input, and output a New WorldState (or, if you're thinking in actor terms, send the new WorldState to the next actor, ending with for instance a "Game Render" actor).
Then, there's two ways to go with this:
Either you start with one actor, (f.i. the player), and feed him the "current world".
Then, you feed the new world, to the next enemy, and so on, until all actors have converted the worlds. Then, the last world is the new world you can feed to the render loop. (or, if you followed the above article, you end up with a list of events that have occurred in the world, which can be processed).
A second way, is to just give all actors the current WorldState at the same time. They generate any changes, which may conflict (for instance, two enemies and the player can take a coin in the same animation frame) -> it is up to the game system to solve these conflicts by processing the events. By processing all events, the Game actor creates the new world, to be used in the next update frame.
I have a feeling I'm just confronted with the exact same "race condition" problem I wished to avoid by using pure functions with immutable data.
Any advice here?
I didn't read the article, but with the coin example you are creating a kind of global variable: you give a copy of the world state to all actors and you suppose that each actor will evaluate the game, take decision and expect that their action will succeed, regardless of the last phase which is the conflict solving. I would not call this a race condition but rather a "blind condition", and yes, this will not work.
I imagine that you came to this solution in order to allow parallelism, not available in solution 1. In my opinion, the problem is about responsibility.
The coin must belong to an actor (a server acting as resource manager) as anything in the application. This actor is the only responsible to decide what will happen to the coin.
All requests (is there something to grab, grab it, drop something...) should be sent to this actor (one actor per cell, or per map, level or any split that make sense for the game).
The way you will manage it is then up to you: serve all requests in the receive order, buffer them until a synchro message comes and make a random decision or priority decision... In any case the server will be able to reply to all actors with success or failure without any risk of race condition since the server process is run (at least in erlang) on a single core and proceed one message at a time.
In addition to Pascal answer, you can solve parallelization by splitting (i assume huge map) to smaller chunks which depend on last state (or part of it, like an edge) of its neighbours. This allows you to distribute this game among many nodes.

Discrete Event Simulation without global Queue?

I am thinking about modelling a material flow network. There are processes which operate at a certain speed, buffers which can overflow or underflow and connections between these.
I don't see any problems modelling this in a classic Discrete Event Simulation (DES) fashion using a global event queue. I tried modelling the system without a queue but failed in early stages. Still I do not understand the underlying reason why a queue is needed, at least not for events which originate "inside" the network.
The idea of a queue-less DES is to treat the whole network as a function which takes a stream of events from the outside world and returns a stream of state changes. Every node in the network should only be affected by nodes which are directly connected to it. I have set some hopes on Haskell's arrows and Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) in general, but I am still learning.
An event queue looks too "global" to me. If my network falls apart into two subnets with no connections between them and I only ask questions about the state changes of one subnet, the other subnet should not do any computations at all. I could use two event queues in that case. However, as soon as I connect the two subnets I would have to put all events into a single queue. I don't like the idea, that I need to know the topology of the network in order to set up my queue(s).
is anybody aware of DES algorithms which do not need a global queue?
is there a reason why this is difficult or even impossible?
is FRP useful in the context of DES?
To answer the first point, no I'm not aware of any discrete-event simulation (DES) algorithms that do not need a global event queue. It is possible to have a hierarchy of event queues, in which each event queue is represented in its parent event queue as an event (corresponding to the time of its next event). If a new event is added to an event queue such that it becomes the queue's next event, then the event queue needs to be rescheduled in its parent to preserve the order of event execution. However, you will ultimately still boil down to a single, global event queue that is the parent of all of the others in hierarchy, and which dispatches each event.
Alternatively, you could dispense with DES and perform something more akin to a programmable logic controller (PLC) which reevaluates the state of the entire network every small increment of time. However, typically, that would be a lot slower (it may not even run as fast as real-time), because most of the time it would have nothing to do. If you pick too big a time increment, the simulation may lose accuracy.
The simplest answer to the second point is that, ultimately, to the best of my knowledge, it is impossible to do without a global event queue. Each simulation event needs to execute at the correct time, and - since time cannot run backwards - the order in which events are dispatched matters. The current simulation time is defined by the time that the current event executes. If you have separate event queues, you also have separate clocks, which would make things very confusing, to say the least.
In your case, if your subnetworks are completely independent, you could simulate each subnetwork individually. However, if the state of one subnetwork affects the state of the total network, and the state of the total network affects the state of each subnetwork, then - since an event is influenced by the events that preceded it, can only influence the events that follow, but cannot influence what preceded it - you have to simulate the whole network with a global event queue.
If it's any consolation, a true DES simulation does not perform any processing in between events (other that determining what the next event is), so there should be no wasted processing in one subnetwork if all the action is taking place in another.
Finally, functional reactive programming (FRP) is absolutely useful in the context of a DES. Indeed, I now write of lot of my DES simulations in Scala using this approach.
I hope this helps!
UPDATE: Since writing the above, I've used Sodium (an excellent FRP library, which was referenced by the OP in the comments below), and can add some further explanation: Sodium provides a means for subscribing to events, and for performing actions when those events occur. However, here I'm using the term event in a general sense, such as a button being clicked by a user in a GUI, or a network package arriving, etc. In other words, the events are not necessarily simulation events.
You can still use Sodium—or any other FRP library—as part of a simulation, to subscribe to simulation events and perform actions when they occur; however, these tools typically have no built-in support for simulation, and so you must incorporate a simulation engine as the source of simulation events, in the same way that a GUI is incorporated as the source of user interaction events. It is within this engine that the global event queue must reside.
Incidentally, if you are trying to perform parallel or distributed simulation model execution, things get considerably more complicated. You have multiple event queues in these situations, but they must be synchronized (giving the appearance of a single queue). The two basic approaches are conservative synchronization and optimistic synchronization.

How the chances of getting "read-your-writes" consistency are increased in Dynamo?

In Section 5 of Dynamo paper, there is the following content:
In particular, since each write usually follows a read operation, the
coordinator for a write is chosen to be the node that replied fastest to the
previous read operation which is stored in the context information of the
request. This optimization enables us to pick the node that has the data that
was read by the preceding read operation thereby increasing the chances of
getting "read-your-writes" consistency.
How the chances of getting "read-your-writes" consistency are increased?
"read-your-writes" means that a read following a write gets the value set by the
write. The read and the write are performed by two different clients for this
context. The reason is that the choice of the write coordinator does not impact
on the chances of getting "read-your-writes" by the same client.
But the above text is talking about a write following a read. Here is my guess.
The read coordinator will try to do syntactic reconciliation if it is possible.
If syntactic reconciliation is impossible because of divergent versions, the
client need to do semantic reconciliation before doing a write. Either way, the
versions on all the nodes involved in the read operation is an ancestor of the
reconciled version. So the following write can be sent to any of them to get
applied. The earliest time for a write to be seen by a read is after the
following steps are finished:
Client contact the write coordinator.
The write coordinator generates the version clock for the new version.
The write coordinator writes the new version locally.
The shorter the time to perform the above steps, the more likely another
following read sees the new version. Since it is very possible that the node
which replied fastest to the previous read can perform the following steps in a
shorter time. Such a node is chosen as the write coordinator.
Section 2.3 talks about performing the reconciliation at read time rather than write time.
Data versioning - "One can determine whether two versions of an
object are on parallel branches or have a causal ordering, by
examine their vector clocks."
This paragraph from section 4. [emphasis mine]
In Dynamo, when a client wishes to update an object, it must specify
which version it is updating. This is done by passing the context it
obtained from an earlier read operation, which contains the vector
clock information. Upon processing a read request, if Dynamo has
access to multiple branches that cannot be syntactically reconciled,
it will return all the objects at the leaves, with the corresponding
version information in the context. An update using this context is
considered to have reconciled the divergent versions and the
branches are collapsed into a single new version
So by performing the read first, you're effectively reconciling all divergent versions prior to writing. By writing to that same node, the version you've updated is marked with the context and vector clock of the most up to date version and all divergent branches can be collapsed. This is sent to the top N nodes (as you've stated) as fast as possible. But by removing the divergent branches - you reduce the chance that multiple values could be returned. You only need one of the N nodes read in the next read to get the reconciled write. ie - the node as part of the quorum of R reads says - "I am the reconciled version, and all others must bow to me". (and if that has already been distributed to another of the "R" nodes, then there's even greater chance of getting the reconciled version in the quorum)
But, if you wrote to a different node, one that you hadn't read from - the vector clock that is being updated may not necessarily be a reconciled version of the object. Therefore, you could still have divergent branches. The following read will try and reconcile it, but it's more more probable that you could have multiple divergent data and no reconciliation.
If you've made it this far, I think the most interesting part is that per Section 6, client applications can dictate the values of N, R and W - ie - number of nodes that constitute the pool to draw from, and the number of nodes that must agree on a read or write for it to be successful.
Geez - my head hurts now.
I re-read the Dynamo paper. I have a new understanding of "read-your-write" consistency. "read-your-writes" involves only one client. Image the following requests performed by one client on the same key:
"read-your-writes" means that read-2 sees write-1. The write coordinator has the best chance to have write-1. To ensure "read-your-writes", it is desired that the write coordinator replies fastest to read-2. It is highly possible that the node replies fastest to read-1 also reply fastest to read-2. So choose the node replies fastest to read-1 as the write coordinator.
And what is the node that replied fastest to the previous read operation? Such a node only makes sense if client-driven coordination is used. For server-side coordination, the coordinator nodes replies to the client and the other involved nodes reply to the coordinator node. replied fastest is meaningless in this case.

Biztalk Ordered Delivery failure

We have a BizTalk application where the order of messages being inputted is very important and has to be kept, meaning they have to be outputted in the same order. Normally ordered delivery would do the trick here.
However I read that ordered delivery is only guaranteed when you connect a receive location directly to a send port. The moment you use orchestrations the order delivery isn't guaranteed anymore. Is there a way to work around or fix this? Because this kind of ruins our whole application and we've been working on this for months.
I read a work around from Microsoft where they use an extra field which has a counter and where they use an end orchestration which checks the counters. But this is way too much work for us to do now. So this work around is a no go. Plus not all messages are translated which creates holes in our flow and not all messages are coming from the same source either which makes this work around useless anyway.
Any other ideas?
Check out this page.
It explains that if you have an orchestration that follows the singleton pattern to ensure only one instance of the orchestration exists, and you make sure you set the orchestration's receive port to ordered delivery, than you should get a valid end-to-end ordered delivery scenario
To provide end-to-end ordered delivery the following conditions must be met:
Messages must be received with an adapter that preserves the order of the messages when submitting them to BizTalk Server. In BizTalk Server 2006, examples of such adapters are MSMQ, MQSeries, and MSMQT. In addition, HTTP or SOAP adapters can be used to submit messages in order, but in that case the HTTP or SOAP client needs to enforce the order by submitting messages one at a time.
You must subscribe to these messages with a send port that has the Ordered Delivery option set to True.
If an orchestration is used to process the messages, only a single instance of the orchestration should be used, the orchestration should be configured to use a sequential convoy, and the Ordered Delivery property of the orchestration's receive port should be set to True.
Resequencing strategies for ordered delivery in BizTalk:
I recently responded to a LinkedIn user's question regarding ordered delivery options in BizTalk.
I thought it would be useful for people to understand some of the strategies for re-sequencing messages using BizTalk.
Often as an BizTalk Developer, you are required to integrate to line-of-business systems which are unchangeable. This can be for one or more of many different reasons. As an example, the cost of changing a system can be too high or the vendor license states that support may be withdrawn if the system is changed.
This would not normally represent a problem where the vendor has provided a thoughtfully designed API as a point-of-integration endpoint. However, as many Integration Developers quickly learn, this is very rarely the case.
What do I mean by a thoughtfully designed API? Well, aside from all the SODA principals (service composition, fault contracts etc.), the most important feature of an API is to support the consumption of data which arrives in the wrong order.
This is a fairly simple thing to do. For example, if you are a vendor and you provide a HTTP operation as your integration point then one of the fields you could expose on your operation is a time-stamp or, even better, a sequence number. This means that if a call is made with an out-of-date payload, the relevant compensating mechanism can kick-in - which can be as simple as discarding the data.
This article discusses what to do when the vendor has not built this feature into an API, and as an integrator you therefore are forced to implement end-to-end ordered delivery as part of your integration solution.
As stated in my response to the user's post on LinkedIn (see link above), in BizTalk ordered delivery in any but the simplest of scenarios is complicated at best and at worst can represent a huge cost in increased complexity, both in terms of development and support. The basic reason is that BizTalk is designed to be massively concurrent to enable high throughput, and there is a direct and unavoidable conflict between concurrency and ordering. Shoe-horning E2E ordered delivery into a BizTalk solution relies on artefacts such as singleton orchestrations which introduce complexity and increase both failure rate and cost-per-failure numbers.
A far better solution is to maintain concurrent processing to as near as possible to the line-of-business system endpoints, and then implement what is called a re-sequencer wrapper around each of the endpoints which require data to be delivered in the correct order.
How to implement such a wrapper in BizTalk depends on some factors, which are outlined in the following table:
|Sequencing |Messages|Database |Wrapper |
|field |are |integration?|strategy |
| |deltas? | | |
|n of a total m| N | Y |Stored procedure |
|n of a total m| N | N |Singleton orchestration |
|n of a total m| Y | Y |Batched singleton orchestration |
|n of a total m| Y | N |Batched singleton orchestration |
|Timestamp | N | Y |Stored procedure |
|Timestamp | N | N |Singleton orchestration |
|Timestamp | Y | Y |Buffer table with staggered reader|
|Timestamp | Y | N |Buffer table with staggered reader|
The first factor Sequencing field relates to the idea that in order to implement any kind of re-sequencer wrapper, as a minimum you will require that your message data contains some sequencing information. This can take the form of a source time-stamp; however a better, though rarer, kind of sequencing information consists of a sequence number combined with the total number of messages, for example, message 1 of 10, 2 of 10, etc..
The second factor Messages are deltas? relates to whether or not the payload of your message contains a single state change to the data or the sum of all past changes to the data. Put another way, is it possible to reconstruct the full current state of the data from this message? If the message payload contains just a single change then it may not be possible to reconstruct the state of the data from the single message, and in this instance your message is a delta.
The third factor Database integration? relates to whether or not the integration-entry-point to a system is a database. The reason this matters is that integrating at the database layer is a fairly common integration scenario, and if available can greatly simplify handling re-sequencing.
The strategies from the above table are described in detail below:
Stored procedure wrapper
This is the simplest of the resequencing strategies. A new stored procedure is created which queries the target data before making a decision about whether to update the target data. The decision can be as simple as Is the data I have newer than the data in the target system?
Of course, in order to implement this strategy, the target data also has to include the sequencing field of the source data, although an approximation can be made if necessary by relying on existing time-stamps which may already exist in the target data. The stored procedure wrapper can be contained either in the target database or ideally in a separate database.
Singleton orchestration wrapper
The idea behind this strategy is the singleton orchestration. This is a pattern you can implement to ensure that only a single instance of the orchestration will exist at any one time. There are many articles on the web demonstrating how to implement this pattern in BizTalk.
The core of the idea is that the singleton simply keeps a track of the most recent successfully processed message sequence (or time-stamp). If the singleton receives a message which is older than the most recent sequence it is simply discarded. This works because the messages are non-deltas, so the target system can commit only the most recent of a number of messages and the data will be in the most recent state. Only when data is committed successfully is the most recent sequence held by the singleton updated.
Batched singleton orchestration wrapper
This strategy is based on the Singleton orchestration wrapper above, except it is more complex. Rather than only keep the most recent sequence information in memory the singleton is required to create and hold a working set of messages in memory which it will re-order and then process once all expected messages from the batch have arrived. This is because the messages are deltas so the target system MUST receive each message in the order they were intended. Once the batch has been sent successfully the singleton can terminate.
To do this it is a requisite of the source data that it contain a correlation identifier of some description which allows the batch of messages to be defined. For example, processing a defined set of orders from a customer, the inbound messages must contain an identifier for the customer. This can then be used to route the messages to the singleton orchestration instance correlated with this customer. Furthermore the message sequence field available must be of the n of a total m form.
Once the singleton is initialised it assembles a working set of messages in memory and proceeds to populate it as new messages arrive. One way I have seen this done is using a System.Collections.Generic.List as the container for the working set. Once the list has been fully populated (list length = m) then it is assumed all messages in the batch have been received and the orchestration then loops over the working set in sequence and processes the messages into the target system.
One of the benefits of the batched singleton orchestration wrapper is it allows concurrent processing by correlation identifier. In the example above this means that messages from two customers would be processed concurrently.
Buffer table with staggered reader wrapper
Arguably the most complex of the strategies presented, this solution is to be used when you have delta messaging with a time-stamp-based sequencing field. It can be implemented with a database of some description which acts as a re-sequencing buffer.
It is worth noting here that this re-sequencing wrapper does not guarantee ordered delivery, but used well it makes ordered delivery highly likely.
As messages arrive, they are written into the buffer and in the same operation the buffer is reordered, so that the order of messages held in the buffer are always correct.
To create the buffer reader, have a receive location which reads the messages in the buffer before passing the messages to a send port with ordered delivery enabled, which then will process the messages into the target system. You can also use a singleton orchestration as an intermediary if your target system's API semantics are too complex for a send port.
However, using this wrapper as I have described it above will not enable ordered delivery, as the messages will almost certainly be committed to the buffer in the wrong order, which will result in the messages being processed into the target system in the same (wrong) order. This is where the staggered query comes in. This is a fancy way of saying your buffer query needs to only select data at intervals of time T, AND only select those rows where the row-number is lower than buffer total row count minus C.
This has the effect of allowing sequencing to occur over an appropriate timespan. T will be familiar to most BizTalk developers as the polling interval of some adapters (such as the WCF-SQL adapter). C is slightly more difficult to set, but by increasing this number you are reducing the chances that when you poll, you will miss a message older than the most recent one in your retrieved data set.
What T and C are depends on many things, although these values should be based on your latency SLA and your message volume (or throughput). As a guideline, if you have a SLA to deliver data into your target system within 30 seconds and you process 10 messages per second then T should be around 10 seconds and C should be around 100 rows.
Of course this only works if your messages for a given correlation id are sent by the source system during a short space of time (ideally back-to-back). The longer the interval between sends, the greater the required value of C, and the less effective the wrapper becomes.
One of the benefits of this strategy is you can also perform de-duplication of messages in the buffer if your data source is prone to sending duplicate messages and your target system endpoint is not idempotent. You can also use the buffer to implement FILO and other non-standard queueing semantics.
The strategies I have discussed here are ways of bending BizTalk to a task which is wasn't designed to do. As a result each has caveats around cost and complexity to support, and also may not work in certain scenarios. I would like to hear from anyone who has implemented other patterns for ordered delivery in BizTalk.
