On emitting signal, control comes back to the same class in qt - qt

In my application I am deleting a label and in method I emit a signal after deleting label and in other class I used a slot to connect to that signal. After that in that slot I don't want to return to previous class. how can I do that?

As i know, the default connection of Qt's signal is autoconnection, which actually is directconnection in single Thread.
I guess you are in single Thread app.
When a signal is emitting, it is actually calling slot method, just like general function call.
For a example:
void test()
return 0;
void main()
So it will return to your calling method.
There are some standard way to use Qt. You don't need to play tricks.


QObject connect fails in Qt

I am having a problem using QObject::connect with some custom classes I've created. First of all, I have created 2 classes that inherit from QObject, they are called: Valve and PushButton. They are instantiated inside controllers called PanelController and SynopticController, which are also QObjects. And these controllers are instantiated inside another class called MasterController, also a QObject. I find this information useful since I think it is a problem of referencing the classes or the way I might be instantiating my classes inside these controllers. I strongly think this, because in my main method, when I do the following snippet of code, the connection works:
avionics::synoptic::Valve valveTest(nullptr, avionics::synoptic::ValveName::ABV);
avionics::panel::PushButton pushButtonTest(nullptr, avionics::panel::PanelNames::RECIRC);
QObject::connect(&pushButtonTest, &avionics::panel::PushButton::onStateColorChanged, &valveTest, &avionics::synoptic::Valve::updateState);
Basically, the controller classes are:
// MasterController
class MasterController : public QObject {
panel::PanelController* panelController{nullptr};
synoptic::SynopticController* synopticController{nullptr};
// Panel Controller
class PanelController : public QObject {
explicit PanelController(QObject *parent = nulptr){
this->pushButtons.append(new avionics::panel::PushButton(_panelController, avionics::panel::PanelNames::RECIRC));
QList<avionics::panel::PushButton*> pushButtons{};
// SynopticController
class SynopticController : public QObject {
QList<avionics::synoptic::Valve*> iceValves{};
explicit SynopticController(QObject *parent = nullptr) {
antiIcePneumaticLines.append(new avionics::synoptic::PneumaticLine(_synopticController, avionics::synoptic::PneumaticLineName::APU_2_ABV));
My problem is that when I do the same call for the QObject::connect either from my MasterController constructor or my main method, the signal doesn't call the slot function. I want to connect pushButtons to valves, and to do this I am using getters from my controllers. The call to QObject::connect that doesn't work is:
QObject::connect(panelController->getpushButtons().at(1), &avionics::panel::PushButton::onStateColorChanged, synopticController->getValves().at(1), &avionics::synoptic::Valve::updateState);
// Example of getter
QList<avionics::panel::PushButton*> PanelController::getPushButtons(){
return pushButtons;
I've put some prints inside the method that emits the signal and tried debugging it, but the signal is emitted and the slot isn't called. The classes return from the getters are not undefined or null, I've checked it. Let me know if something wasn't clear. Thanks in advance!

Signals emitted from a QThread worker class do not arrive

I have this simplified code:
class MyCustomObject {
class DeviceConnection : public QObject {
explicit DeviceConnection(QObject* const parent = nullptr);
void readFinished(MyCustomObject result);
public slots:
void readFromDevice();
DeviceConnection::readFromDevice() {
/* ... */
emit readFinished(MyCustomObject());
void MainWindow::on_actionRead_triggered() {
QThread* const thread = new QThread(this);
DeviceConnection* const connection = new DeviceConnection();
connect(connection, &DeviceConnection::readFinished, this, [=](MyCustomObject data) {
/* This never runs. */
QTimer::singleShot(0, connection, &DeviceConnection::readFromDevice);
This starts reading just fine. I can see in the debugger that I am getting to the emit line, and I am getting there in the thread. But I can also see in the debugger, and in the behavior of the code, that the readFinished lambda is never called. This is also true with slots that aren't lambdas. What's the problem?
Edit: This code runs fine when I don't use an extra thread, but of course it blocks the main thread while readFromDevice() runs.
I figured it out. Unfortunately I simplified the important bit away when I first asked the question, but I just edited it back in.
The problem is that MyCustomObject cannot be enqueued in the Qt message queue. To do that, you need to run this:
// ideally just after the definition for MyCustomObject
// any time before you want to enqueue one of these objects
your defined signal should take an argument of QString type.

QML Connections handle event from service results in segfault

I am having a hard time getting to understand the non-standard C++ world that is qt. I have a class that can emit a 'login' signal, that I want to listen to from QML, this simply segfaults.
class Service : public QObject
// get the context, snipped for brevity
rootContext->setContextProperty("service", this);
public signals:
void login(bool succcess);
public slots:
void method();
I can successfully call 'service.method' from the QML, but if I add a Connections section to listen for the login event, I get a segfault whenever that component is displayed.
Page {
Component {
Column {
Connections {
target: service
onLogin: {
I have tried moving the 'Connections' section out of the columns, but this results in a runtime-error and a white page, because it fails to parse the QML. What am I missing here?
I am using QT Creator 4.2.1 if that is in any way relevant.
Found the problem. Apparantly you cannot have a slot and a signal by the same name - even if they have wildly different function signatures. It doesn't give a compile error, it simply crashes.
After changing the name of the signal it magically started working.

synchronizing slots in QThread -?

I have 2 slot handlers in QThread- derived class: one is timer handler and another is just asynchronous callback handler. Both have to modify the same data.
struct somedata {
int max;
int min;
double avg;
class MyThread: QThread {
somedata m_data;
private Q_SLOTS:
void asyncCallback(int a, int b) {
m_data.max += a;
m_data.min += b;
void timer() {
m_data.avg =(m_data.a + m_data.b)/2;
Should the access to m_data be serialized in some fashion, although both method are in the same thread?
As long as you can guarantee that your data is only ever being accessed or modified by a single thread at any time, then you don't need to work about synchronizing access to that data via thread-safety constructs.
One way to verify this is to check the return value of QThread's static currentThread() function when your functions are called.
If both functions are called by same thread then you dont need to worry about the data getting changes when the other call is in the second slot.If you are not sure then the best option is to use a mutex in both the slots so that only one process or changes the value of m_data.

Blocking a Qt application during downloading a short file

I'm writing an application using Qt4.
I need to download a very short text file from a given http address.
The file is short and is needed for my app to be able to continue, so I would like to make sure the download is blocking (or will timeout after a few seconds if the file in not found/not available).
I wanted to use QHttp::get(), but this is a non-blocking method.
I thought I could use a thread : my app would start it, and wait for it to finish. The thread would handle the download and quit when the file is downloaded or after a timeout.
But I cannot make it work :
class JSHttpGetterThread : public QThread
JSHttpGetterThread(QObject* pParent = NULL);
virtual void run()
m_pHttp = new QHttp(this);
connect(m_pHttp, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(onRequestFinished(int, bool)));
m_pHttp->get("Foo.txt", &m_GetBuffer);
const QString& getDownloadedFileContent() const
return m_DownloadedFileContent;
QHttp* m_pHttp;
QBuffer m_GetBuffer;
QString m_DownloadedFileContent;
private slots:
void onRequestFinished(int Id, bool Error)
m_DownloadedFileContent = "";
In the method creating the thread to initiate the download, here is what I'm doing :
JSHttpGetterThread* pGetter = new JSHttpGetterThread(this);
But that doesn't work and my app keeps waiting. It looks lit the slot 'onRequestFinished' is never called.
Any idea ?
Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do ?
Instead of using a thread you can just go into a loop which calls processEvents:
while (notFinished) {
qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMore | QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput);
Where notFinished is a flag which can be set from the onRequestFinished slot.
The ExcludeUserInput will ensure that GUI related events are ignored while waiting.
A little late but:
Do not use these wait loops, the correct way is to use the done() signal from QHttp.
The requestFinished signal from what I have seen is just for when your application has finished the request, the data may still be on its way down.
You do not need a new thread, just setup the qhttp:
httpGetFile= new QHttp();
connect(httpGetFile, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(processHttpGetFile(bool)));
Also do not forget to flush the file in processHttpGetFile as it might not all be on the disk.
you have to call QThread::quit() or exit() if you are done - otherwise your thread will run forever...
I chose to implement David's solution, which seemed to be the easiest.
However, I had handle a few more things :
I had to adapt the QEventLoop enum values for Qt4.3.3 (the version I'm using);
I had to track the request Id, to make sure to exit the while loop when the download request is finished, and not when another request is finished;
I added a timeout, to make sure to exit the while loop if there is any problem.
Here is the result as (more or less) pseudo-code :
class BlockingDownloader : public QObject
m_pHttp = new QHttp(this);
connect(m_pHttp, SIGNAL(requestFinished(int, bool)), this, SLOT(onRequestFinished(int, bool)));
delete m_pHttp;
QString getFileContent()
m_DownloadId = m_pHttp->get("/myfile.txt", &m_GetBuffer);
QTimer::singleShot(m_TimeOutTime, this, SLOT(onTimeOut()));
while (!m_FileIsDownloaded)
qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents | QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);
return m_DownloadedFileContent;
private slots:
void BlockingDownloader::onRequestFinished(int Id, bool Error)
if (Id == m_DownloadId)
m_DownloadedFileContent = "";
m_FileIsDownloaded = true;
void BlockingDownloader::onTimeOut()
m_FileIsDownloaded = true;
QHttp* m_pHttp;
bool m_FileIsDownloaded;
QBuffer m_GetBuffer;
QString m_DownloadedFileContent;
int m_DownloadId;
I used QNetworkAccsessManager for same necessity. Because this class managing connections RFC base (6 proccess same time) and non-blocking.
How about giving the GUI some amount of time to wait on the thread and then give up.
Something like:
JSHttpGetterThread* pGetter = new JSHttpGetterThread(this);
pGetter->wait(10000); //give the thread 10 seconds to download
Why does the GUI thread have to wait for the "downloader thread" at all? When the app fires up create the downloader thread, connect the finished() signal to some other object, start the downloader thread, and return. When the thread has finished, it will signal the other object which can resume your process.
